Salemites running for President

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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With the sad state of affairs regarding our upcoming election, I thought it would be fun to imagine our favorite Salemites, past and present, alive or dead, running for President.

Who would you like to see run for, or win, the Oval Office?

Take Stefano. He'd immediately install a chess board in the Oval Office and take an afternoon break each day to listen to opera and drink brandy. And wouldn't EJ and Sami have been thrilled to be having all of their romps throughout on the priceless pieces of historical furniture??

Kate could've been the First Lady and putting notches on the bed in the Lincoln bedroom.

Rolf could've set up a lab in the underground bunker.

If John ran, Sami would pay for a barrage of anti-John Black ads to run non-stop. She'd be on every talk show yapping about how he ruined her life. Telling people to keep him away from conference room tables and their wives.

His opponent would keep pointing out that John suffered numerous comas and memory loss. And imagine Donald Trump demanding John make his birth certificate public!! John would be like "brother, if I could, I would, and that's a fact." :rotfl:
Campaign slogans/promises and past misadventures might elicit some tough questions from the press.

Vote for crime-fighting Aiden Jennings for president. He'll make America safe again!
Reporter: Mr. Jennings, why were you once considering strangling your new bride?

Vote for Abraham Carver for president -- he's a popular and proven leader with experience as a chief executive and resolute crime-fighter.
Reporter: Mr. Carver, how you claim to be so popular when you once lost an election to EJ DiMera, a career criminal? And isn't your city, Salem, a haven for career criminals, muggers, purse-snatchers, looters, con-artists, retired assassins, and escaped convicts?

Vote Brady Black for president. American needs a young, vigorous, cool-headed leader with business experience.
Reporter: Mr. Black, didn't you disastrously interfere in efforts to catch the Orpheus Gang and didn't your own grandfather fire you as CEO of the family company?

Vote Honest Belle Black for president. She's a brilliant lawyer and a proven leader. She'll root out corruption and waste!
Reporter: Ms. Black, how can you talk about honesty when you once accepted stolen millions and formerly worked for the infamous DiMera Enterprises? And is it true that you're running only to promote your daughter's singing career?

Vote for Philip Kiriakis for president. He's a true patriot, a decorated veteran, and a brilliant businessman.
Reporter: Mr. Kiriakis, can you promise the voters that you won't change your face again while you're in office?
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Kate running for president would be a field day for reporters. Saturday Night Live would have sooo much fun with the blue chunk of hair, the parade of men occupying the other half of her bed. Reporters would ask if she would be charming visitors, coming to agreements with other countries' diplomats, using her bedroom as the place to "seal the deal", being she is so experienced in that area.

Probably invitations to lunch or dinner would be turned down, wary diplomats being made aware of how some foods may not agree with them, such as deviled eggs or brownies...even an apple. LOL

And any debates or speeches would be hampered by the mikes picking up the sounds of all the clanking jewelry. :)
Can you see it now?

Reporters: Ms. Roberts, how to you feel about the neglected children of the country?

Kate: Let me tell you, children are my everything, they are my heart, my soul. I will do everything in my power to make sure every child in the USA is loved and cared for.

Reporters: Ms. Roberts, when is the last time you talked to Cassie and Rex Brady?

Kate: I'm sorry, who??? (as she pulls away from the microphone and whispers to her campaign aide to Google Cassie and Rex Brady and see if she knows them)
Tom Horton for President. Alice would have made a gracious First Lady. Running against Vivian and Ivan. Let's see, who could Tom's VP be? John Black LOL

Ok, the Tom/John ticket vs Vivian/Ivan ticket

Dr. Tom Horton can cure the nation.

Vivian - She's the herbal remedy for the nation's woes.
I'm voting for Thomas because already I think he has proven that he is smarter than the average Salemite!! :)

Or how about Rory.....can you imagine....Rory would be asking his fellow countrymen and women to just relax, join him in a session....... and by session I don't mean in Congress then afterwards, take the meeting to the Oval Office where brownies will be served.
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And how sad is it that most of the fictional Salemites would actually be better choices for President? :cry:

My Salem Presidential Ticket would be Nicole/Shawn: a nice combination of smart, savvy, gritty, and compassionate; a real no-nonsense/get things done/don't take crap from anyone kind of team.
Anti Vivian ad from Tom/John. John voiceover "She will try bury any competition. No, really, that's a fact" "I'm Tom Horton and I approve this message" :rotfl: