Sami & the mummy


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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At times this gets brought up in threads about other subjects, so, figured we might rant or praise here, instead.
I do have quite the problem with the story, besides Sami being fixated for a few years on EJ is alive!!
And here is something...Last week, here in our small town, a fire explosion occurred in an auto repair shop. Gasoline vapors ignited, exploded, and an employee was severely burned over 80% of his body. This is so similar to explosion & fire in the lab, with the man in a wheelchair being burned over 80% of his body.
Here, this man was taken to hospital, airlifted to Minneapolis/St. Paul hospital, where he is facing "many, many surgeries". (both a Caring Bridge & Go Fund Me site on Facebook have been started for him).

I do not know what Days is planning, if anything, for the character of Mummy man. Will he really be EJ, or be someone else? He certainly will be very scarred........but then that Salem water is miraculous, isn't it? :sarcasm:
I truly wish Days would have just dropped this facet of a story for Sami. Her last visit had all that drama of the shooting at the wedding, and aftermath, but they still had to throw in the possibility her "soul mate" still lives.
Why is she so fixated? If he WAS alive, he certainly made sure to stay far away from her, didn't he? Probably married someone else!

Days is a soap, not a sci fi series. Who would mourn someone dying.....they will be back, won't they? Am surprised Hope doesn't have Bo & Zack walk thru the door! yes, I am being :sarcasm: still. Enough already. More than enough. How about getting Sami back to looking after her family, finding a new love. And if the writers are unable to have her back in Salem and don't know what kind of story to have her in, then DON'T bring her back to town! (I love Lucas cares enough about Allie to want to be there for her, but it sure says something about Sami, doesn't it?)
I agree..... and had Sami stayed in Salem.... she'd have married someone else by now...... if not two someone elses...

This is so silly this undying love for her rapist and yes fans of this pairings I know they forgave each other for past bad deeds... but I can't condone the powers that be that choose to romanticize rape.....

I hope Mummy Man turns out to be a victim of the terrible DNA analyzing that the hospital provides.....
Thanks for starting this thread. It seems every other subject turns into a Sami bashing page. As I have stated many times, I don't dislike nor like Sami and I love to read the threads about things other than Sami and/or EJ. Thanks again!!
Thanks for the new thread, Poirot. I guess we all got a bit carried away with the Sami-EJ mess. I think it may be a way for the writers to bring EJ back as a re-cast. There will be extensive plastic surgery and maybe even a new face like Philip got. Of course there won't be even the smallest scar or any other sign of his burns. I hope they give a blood transfusion or two because he did bleed out.
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Or even Susan had fraternal stolen, Susan not told...raised like Rex & Cassie, Dr. Rolf all involved.....(a variation on the Lujack/Nick Henry story on GL years ago...played by Vincent Irizzary there....he was Deimos on Days)
Days is a soap turned Sci Fi for many years. They have dabbled in the supernatural as well. This is by far one of the craziest soaps ever. What every happened to the good old Days?
I don't mind Sami coming back to Salem for short visits. That's actually what most people do when they move away from their family and friends. It's the EJ obsession that is drives me crazy. Everytime Sami has come back she's had a story that had nothing to do with EJ yet somehow it winds up being about EJ. Enough already. I understand that EJ and Sami have their following but if James Scott (EJ) isn't coming back there really isn't a point of EJ being alive.
I remember being so into this storyline. Kristen striking back against Sami and plotting her revenge against John and Marlena. All the pieces were there for a great storyline, and then it was gone in the blink of an eye. I’m not that upset at the whole mummy and fire situation. That is typical Days. I remember Stefano being behind a curtain for like a year without viewers seeing his face. The difference between then and now is the show kind of put the Dimeras on the back burner for a minute, while Sami has been in our face with this EJ obsession for 4 years I think.

I don’t really understand what was wrong with Kristen battling it out with Sami because she stole the DiMera fortune and Sami battling in out with Kristen because she drugged & kidnapped her and tried to kill her mom. Why make this storyline about a character who hasn’t made an appearance in 4 years? I guess women on Days can only fight over a man or a baby these days:rolleyes:

I used to be one of those people who tried to avoid spoilers really hard, but this is the storyline that made me a spoiler addict. I can never be blindsided like that again lol. Some may disagree with me, but I don’t feel like there was any resolution to Sami’s unbelievable journey. We just have more questions that won’t be answered unless the writers are forced to.
I am unbelievably annoyed that TPTB are forcing Sami/EJ...they are not, or should not be end-game. Sami/Rafe & Sami/Lucas made so much more sense! Neither man tried to change her; Lucas was friend & lover; Rafe was a better fit for mature Sami; EJ might be a more physical attraction, but that should've been killed by the rape.

I would love to see Sami back on the screen, raising her kids and getting settled on her own before any man is introduced. However, as it has been stated here before, I'm not sure these writers know how to write a strong, independent woman
I don't understand the EJ fixation either but I do think Alison Sweeney(Sami) has something to do with it based on interviews she has done with SOD. I'm under the impression that at least 2 of her returns were driven by the show giving her an EJ-related story.

Anyway, I'd also like to see her focused on her 4 children and potentially reconciling with Rafe. I truly think he's the best fit for where she is at this point in her life.
Everytime Sami has come back she's had a story that had nothing to do with EJ yet somehow it winds up being about EJ.
Hear hear, like when Will died, and an old letter from Eeej had her skipping town minutes after her firstborn was buried. (OK so that's been retroactively erased from continuity, but she didn't know that at the time!!)
While we're on the topic..I'm wondering how this is a win for anybody. I feel like it's cheating fans of the couple because Eeej barely knows who he is, can't communicate, etc., and the couple is off screen. Is this a win? (I know I'd feel cheated if Carrie and Austin had reunited in this manner, or Carly and/or Billie came back to town with a tip that Bo was alive and this is how they left town with him.)

Meanwhile those against the couple (spoiler alert: I'm in this group) are also feeling cheated of enjoying Sami's returns (as GrkPebbles mentioned above) as she gasses on about her "changed" love (whom she's mourned/searched for longer than they were married, aggregate). Worse any future Sami return will invariably involve her discussing him, rather than moving on and focusing on whatever may have brought her to town.

...ok, stepping off the soap box now. LOL
I am unbelievably annoyed that TPTB are forcing Sami/EJ...they are not, or should not be end-game. Sami/Rafe & Sami/Lucas made so much more sense! Neither man tried to change her; Lucas was friend & lover; Rafe was a better fit for mature Sami; EJ might be a more physical attraction, but that should've been killed by the rape.

I would love to see Sami back on the screen, raising her kids and getting settled on her own before any man is introduced. However, as it has been stated here before, I'm not sure these writers know how to write a strong, independent woman
I agree with everything you said. I have never understood the statement that EJ loved her more because he didn’t try to change her. The only guy she was serious with who tried to change her was Austin. The rest stated numerous times they loved her spontaneity and passion for life. None of them liked being lied to about huge things especially not EJ. He’s the only love interest that tried to blackmail her with her secrets. Some love lol.

I don't understand the EJ fixation either but I do think Alison Sweeney (Sami) has something to do with it based on interviews she has done with SOD. I'm under the impression that at least 2 of her returns were driven by the show giving her an EJ-related story.

Anyway, I'd also like to see her focused on her 4 children and potentially reconciling with Rafe. I truly think he's the best fit for where she is at this point in her life.
I’m pretty sure I understand her thought process, but I think it is unfortunate. She has stated numerous times that she loves playing the villain & has inferred playing a “good girl” isn’t the same for her. She probably believes she will only get to be a villain or show that side of Sami as Mrs. DiMera, which may be true (we don’t know what goes on between her & the writers). If that is true, it is sad since Sami and Kate, in my opinion, were much stronger characters before they were Dimeras. It all goes back to the lack of strong independent women characters. Sami shouldn’t live or die by EJ and Kate shouldn’t live or die by Stefano or Tony.

Sami needs to be alone for a while. Just being a mother. Hopefully a better mother than Kate. Heck, four kids is enough to carry stories forever.

After everything that happened between Rafe and Sami, I don’t think they could ever go back. Maybe if they had the bond and history Sami and Lucas had. Also Rafe is better with small kids to me, and if there was a return, he’d probably be dealing with teens or young adults.
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