Social Media May 2024

That reminds me of reading Shirley Jones' autobiography (she eventually played Pop Shawn Brady's sister, Colleen Brady) 10 years ago. It is surprisingly kind of racy. She details a "situation" she and her first husband (Jack Cassidy) encountered with another couple, who were both famous. The actress in that couple threatened a lawsuit, so future printings of the book and digital downloads omitted her name and just refer to her as the wife of the actor in that encounter. But what's funny is you can google it to find out who she is.

If you like Shirley Jones, it's a great book, but be prepared to learn way more about her than you probably ever wanted to. I can't imagine her kids and grandkids reading certain parts of that book. Same with her stepson David Cassidy's autobiography. I believe it was due to that book Susan Dey (his TV sister, Laurie Partridge) never spoke to him again.