Steve's patch


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Wherever I am
I used to love Steve's patch and hated it when they got rid of it for a while. Now, in the day and age of all the things that can be done medically and cosmetically it just looks silly. I really think the writers should consider just letting the patch go by the wayside. I still love Steve, just not the patch.:)
Trouble is, when Marcus fixed him up with a glass eye years ago, that worked, but then he got into a fight, the glass eye was shattered, tore up the eye socket so it would not longer support a glass eye, so he had to go back to the patch.

I do agree, advances are made all the time in the medical/surgical field. But, that patch is his trademark. Heck, I get a kick out of all those actors who wear glasses in their private lives, but never on screen.
I do know that Steven Nichols had a problem with the vision in that eye BECAUSE of wearing the patch, so the minute he is done filming a scene, it goes off the eye. Only on, while filming.
I agree, at this point the patch is not at all necessary. In fact, it's kind of dumb. With all the medical advances in real life they could do something and since it's Salem I'm sure that the next superdoc could fix him up. You'd think the ISA would have done it because his cover would be easily blown by having the patch.
Well now it looks like there's gonna be a lil' Patch. :rotfl:
Oh yeah that's right lol. The sight of that baby being Ava and Steve's threw me.
Well, he still has to answer for stealing a motorcycle, and assaulting/falsely-imprisoning a State Police officer. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I like the patch; I think it makes him unique. Plus the fact that it's a physical condition that wasn't magically healed (like Philip's leg, Jennifer's gnarly open-heart surgery scar, Johnny's eye, etc.).
Very true. It makes one wonder why Steve has never consulted with Philly K. about his leg regrowth. Steve: Hey, man. How did you regrow that leg? Is it something in the water at your mansion? Did Victor hire some super-specialist? Philip: Nah, it's simply that my missing leg wasn't essential to my persona. Hey, even my face was fungible. I'm now on my third one in case you haven't noticed.
I think that if Dr Dan were alive we would learn that he performed a little "snip" type of operation on Patch YEARS ago and he's not having any little Patches any more!!!! Drat!!! So now we'll never know!!
I like the eye patch myself but I understand what others are saying as it's 2016 not 1986 anymore. lol But then again, retro can be cool.

Speaking of Steve's other baby with Ava, given the time frame, I suppose Steve would be looking for a teenage boy. hmmmmm.
Well, we have a new Medical Wonder working at Salem U. I hope he can fix it for him. The patch really needs to go now.
Well, I suppose he could wear dark sunglasses, perhaps that would make those he is offending happier.

Sorry, folks, but there are adults, kids, who have to go thru life wearing leg braces, be in wheel chairs, on crutches, bed ridden, use canes, have seeing eye dogs, service dogs, caregivers, and so much more. Steve lost his eye, it has been damaged beyond repair, according to the story thus far. The is his trademark. Just like Stefano's ever present chess set.
Unless another miracle surgeon like Daniel comes along, Steve will be wearing that patch.