The stupid quadrangle


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So...When Gabi's "best" friend is declared dead, she parks herself over at DiMansion constantly, to "help" the grieving widower. The grateful "widower" offers her the fake "image consultant" job, and there she is shopping like crazy, because Chad had absolutely nothing decent in his closet!

But then Abby wasn't dead after all, snuck into town to see her son, ran into Dario, who kept her secret, while she, for some unknown reason, went to her mother's home, for what purpose - Who knows? She holes up in the attic after Mama sees her, supposedly frantic no one knows she is alive, tho Gramma Laura got her back to her old self. However, Chad & Gabi had found themselves attracted to each other, and nearly did the horizontal tango, but Chad ended that.

Eventually, Chad sees her, and Abby is back home. and tho Chad seemingly is happy, things are not quite right. And after some time, admits that he has these "feelings" for Gabi, but loves his wife. Just what Abby wanted to hear.

And meanwhile, somehow, without them interacting at all, Dario supposedly is head over heels for Abby. No idea how, when, where, but there it is. In comes Deimos with his dastardly plots to wreck havoc with Chad, Abby & Gabi, he succeeds in that. Abby cannot go on playing second fiddle, had enough, and filed for divorce. Dario hatches a "poor me" plot to snare Abby for himself, Abby falls for it, especially after seeing Chad & Gabi upon their return from Gilligan's Island. is obvious that Chad still has feelings for his ex-wife, especially after the Halo drugging activities at the Martin house, while JJ & Gabi...same for them. Yet when it all wears off, everyone is pretending to be back to "the way we were", and that includes Lani & Eli.

O.K. So, who is at fault with the Chad/Abby/Gabi mess?? Gabi, who went after her "best friend's widower" before you can blink an eye? Abby, who allowed all to think she was dead, supposedly being noble so no one would have to deal with her, then purposely hid her return to Salem? Or Chad, who was inconsolable when he thought Abby dead, but when he finally decided he had to "move on" for Thomas's sake, he did, but within a very short time, that dead wife was back. So his month of becoming interested in someone else evidently did not allow him to put that aside, for the years of loving and fighting for the woman he loved, who became his wife, and mother of his child.

He lost the wife, got the new gal, but is now seemingly pining after the wife. And Dario pushed the wife to hurry and make this huge error in judgment......

How does this all get resolved? Who needs to own up to their mistakes, and should anyone forgive or be forgiven? What say you?
Let me start by saying that yes, Chad and Gabi's backstory with the baseball was crap. It's also unfortunate that the writers kept having them daydreaming about each other after Chad seemingly already decided to be with Abigail, and that Gabi kept running into him (or vice versa). I'm also an enormous fan of Chad & Abby when Kate Mansi played the character (that's now changed, because this new Abigail has no chemistry with Chad, in my opinion).

I blame mostly Abby for what's happened. It's no secret that Gabi has long had the hots for Chad. She dated him in high school (which should have been sufficient backstory for them to the writers, but I digress), loved him in 2012, and has been friends with him for a long time (minus the Melanie blip). Abigail had a beautiful relationship with Chad, but threw it all away because she felt for some reason that she complicates everything.

It's stupidly written, given that it completely changes the character's personality and history. She not only faked her death and ran away, but would have continued to do so (even after having a baby with Chad) had she not been caught redhanded. STUPID! And while I can understand her being insecure about her best friend falling for her husband, and Chad having feelings for Gabi, he did tell Abigail he wanted to give their marriage another shot. Yet she still runs away and, before moving on from her ex, gets married to Dario.

All in all, it's an extremely stupid storyline, and I don't know why the writers did it. Nonetheless, I like Chad and Gabi together, and think they have chemistry. I'm also tired of the "musical beds" type stories on the soap with couples, and would like Gabi and Chad to be together for at least 6 months before splitting up.
Dena Higley (soon-to-be-ex-airing-head-writer).

Seriously though - I place the blame at Chad's feet. He's strung Gabi along (and I'm not pinning any roses on my former favourite character Gabs either). Now he wants Abby because Dario married her.

Dario is less likable by the day. It would have been better if he pined for Abby and Gabi pined for Chad; the lovelorn Hernandez while the couple worked things out.
I blame Gabi 70% and Abby 30%. Gabi because she started after Chad very quickly after Abby was assumed dead. Abby because she chose to stay hidden then kept pushing Chad to Gabi.

I'm to the point that I want all 4 characters to be off screen for an extended period of time. Chad/Gabi and Dario/Abby as couples are too forced and ridiculous. I don't like people losing their jobs, but who ever came up with the back story of Gabi and Chad in high school needs to be long gone if they aren't already.

Dario is horrible, and needs to be found out as the conniver that he is. Then run out of Salem.

Unlike some others here, I see absolutely no chemistry between Chad and Gabi and very little between Chad and New Abby. Billy Flynn (Chad) has more chemistry with Benchie.
Once people knew Abby was alive, she started pressuring Chad to basically forget everything he went through when he thought she was dead. He asked for time, but she continued to push. And she pushed him to be around Gabi, not once, but several times. Who does that?

"Chad dear, I know you have feelings for Gabi, let's renew our vows, but in the meantime, I am going to make you see Gabi and then I am going to blame you for having feelings for her and then I am going to leave you and tell everyone that you hurt me. Oh and here is an invitation to my wedding."
Mostly, I blame Abigail. She ran away, she didn't deal with anything. I can understand PTSD, but when she decided to come back, it was because of JJ, not because of Chad. She insisted she had to stay hidden. Even when she saw what was happening between Gabi and Chad. So Abigail all the way, who willingly chose to throw away everything she had with Chad, after he had proven over and over again how much he loved her. He protected her, saved her, but... still not enough for princess Abigail, was it?:angry:

And even before that, when she had feelings for Chad while with Ben, Abigail decided to stay with Ben after she slept with Chad. Apparently, on Days, no woman can be on her own. If she can't have the man she loves, she'll settle for another. :rolleyes: (Remember perfect Jennifer accepting a proposal from Emilio because she couldn't be with Jack?) So even if Chad pushed Abby away, he too to protect her (I can't even remember why), Abigail chose to stay with a man she didn't love, instead of being on her own to figure things out.

So who's to blame? Abigail. Little Miss Perfect is far from it!

Is Chad toying with both women now? Yes, he is. But I see that as a way to fix things. Unfortunately, it may be too little too late. Gabi and JJ, yes, I believe they still have something, so it might work. As far as Abigail and Chad are concerned, in my book, that ship has sailed because by marrying Dario, Abigail has put the last nail in her couple's coffin. The stupid woman now deserves everything that comes her way.
This was a stupid storyline that has been dragged on long past the point of the viewers' ability to tolerate it. How many times can the viewers tolerate the idiotic Abigail explaining in detail why she has to leave Chad or watch a member of the "rectangle" turning green around the gills when they see two of the other members in each other's company? As for the participants themselves, they have either acted out of character or behaved in a manner that is nonsensical beyond belief. Finally, as others have said, one member of the group, Dario, has been portrayed as such a sleaze that some might think he compares unfavorably to the unspeakable Deimos.
I agree with Jason and Noel that Dena Higley's writing is the reason why this story is so terrible and why I am anticipating the stories when she is officially gone.

I think the blame for this quadrangle lies with all of them, but Chad and Abby share the largest portion of the blame equally. I do feel that part of the problem is that the show did not properly address Abby's mental issues which is the main reason she ran away, pretended to be dead, and then was too insecure about Chad's feelings for her.

I also feel that Chad is also to blame because it seems obvious that he was hurt and angry with Abby for pretending to be dead and did not come forward and tell him she was alive, but he is also to blame for them not going over those feelings with Abby when she first returned. He may have also been sweet and caring to her on the surface, but he was also daydreaming about Gabi and relayed those feelings unconsciously to Abby causing her to be insecure.

Gabi is no innocent in all of this either. Even before Abby came back from the dead, she was laying into JJ about cheating on her in Miami, when he was too drunk at the time to know what he was doing. At the same time, she was already thinking about Chad before she actually broke up with JJ. Even after Abby came back and Gabi said she was going to move on, she kept thinking about Chad. Granted, Deimos kept putting them in situations where their feelings were going to come out, but that did not change the fact that Gabi still wanted Chad even after her best friend returned from the dead.

Dario is just a sleaze who needs to be off my screen. His lying to Abby about the immigration issue is just stupid. I want Hope to get the goods on him so he will be gone (and I also want this to cause problems between Rafe and Hope, maybe leading to a breakup).
All good points.......and then, let's not forget Andre. HE is the one who took advantage of that plane crash to have Abby on the passenger list and declared dead. He knew she was alive, conspired with Laura to hide Abby, treat her. Yes, that worked, and it would have been enough, but he had her DECLARED DEAD. Abby may not have been aware at first, perhaps, but went along with it, as did Laura. I cannot understand the "why". Abby had disappeared, Andre' wanted Chad with her,so why not let her just be "disappeared". And could she let her own daughter, Jen, think Abby was dead, let her mourn and grieve for her daughter?

Poor, poor, poor writing all the way though.
Abby is to blame for all this stupidity. If she had just come forward when she came back to town, we would not be having this migraine headache of strange bedfellows we are watching now.

PS: Abby and Chad could have chemistry if they were written right.
I think the real reason for this mess is that, when Kate Mansi (Abigail) left to pursue other options, DOOL didn't want her replacement to step immediately into the role. Therefore, some writer came up with this mish-mash of a storyline that presented as if it were written a day at a time. I would not mind at all if one actress left and the replacement stepped into the role within the same show! I don't really care who plays a part as long as the story is interesting. This one has too many components to be interesting.
You definitely have a point, KL. In the past, at times, an actor or actress has fallen ill, had an accident, was going to be out for a short time....and the show had someone step in, take over for a few episodes, or a couple weeks, and then the original actor was back in the role. To me, it would have been no different. Abby ran away from the hospital, out a window, and then immediately shows up at DiMansion to see her son (is now a different actress). Chad spots her, keeps her there, but calls Jen, who calls Laura. Laura comes to tend to her......and ...hey, we can then have seen family dealing with a loved one who has a mental breakdown, but Gabi is not a factor. Instead the story is concentrated on family dealing within the family with a loved one's illness.
The "government" doesn't handle immigration this way, at all. In fact, simply being married to Abby doesn't actually change his immigration status. This story is on my nerves in more than one way. I mean, I get it, soaps have drama, but can the drama at least make sense? Please? Where do these writers live? Under a rock? They know NOTHING about anything in real life.

Actually, now that I think about it, it's so bizarre. Do you think Dario is paying off the government attorney guy to pretend they even have any of this on him? Is Dario playing Abigail all the way around?
These are the writers who had Jennifer, after having her heart removed, later reinserted, bopping around the hospital in full hair and makeup, within a week, and pushing Parker around in his carriage (while Daniel and Chloe talked).

When my friend had quadruple bypass about 10 years ago, after a week, he was allowed to sit up and dangle his legs over the edge of his bed. Took him months before he was "bopping around" like Jennifer was after only a week.

Reality has never been their strong point.