The Time Capsule


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2011
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Annapolis, MD
Perhaps, it’s time to speculate on the contents of Julie’s time capsule. Here are a few suggestions:

— an Elvis and a Beatles record;
— Tom’s old “I Like Ike” button from 1956;
— the keys to Alice’s 1954 DeSoto automobile;
— Alice’s Legion of Decency movie ratings clipped from the Diocese of Salem newspaper;
— an ad for the weekly specials at the Brady fish market;
— a menu from the old Salem Howard Johnson’s;
— a photo of Alice wearing her late ‘50s sack dress.
Actually, I think we'll find a baby picture of Melinda Trask in the box. It will turn out that she's Tom's illegitimate daughter and Alice knew and kept the truth from him, even sending the baby to a friend in China to raise.

For some reason this means she gets to move into the Horton house, and she and Julie will clash frequently while Chad will start having squishy feelings for her until his semi-annual "I love Abby" session restarts.
I like it, but that wouldn't work since Haley Chen (Melinda's daughter) and JJ were involved. I'm pretty sure they slept together.
Oh don't worry, the box has more secrets re-Ron's non-union acolytes can't wait to reveal!

Alice's diary reveals that Bill was switched at birth with an unknown orphan! This allows the "real" Bill to come home!! And he will claim his birthright, which is the DiMera mansion somehow!!!

(Note: I was going to posit an Alice affair which produced Bill with a patriarch of another Salem family -seems like something Ron's/ex-Exec Producer's temp team might do- but there is not one extant Salem family that doesn't have a marriage with Bill's Line of the Horton clan.)