The week of December 23, 2002

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Nov 23, 2006
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MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2002 ***
Episode: 9460
Directed by: Randy Robbins
Tape Date: 11/21/01
Summary: Lexie gets the results of her tests…Colin gives Nicole an early Christmas present…Billie has her polygraph test…Philip makes a life-changing decision…and Nancy clings to life.
At the Cop Shop…
Kate and Billie arrive for Billie's polygraph test. They are met by Roman and Abe as Billie says that it is time for everyone to see if she is telling the truth. Hope and Bo walk in behind her as Hope says "and we know the answer to that". Abe explains to Bo and Hope (as well as Kate) that they must wait outside for the pressure would affect the test. An ISA agent is set up in Abe's office as he and Roman accompany Billie. The test starts as Hope watches anxiously from the outer office. She starts in there, but Bo grabs her and stops her. She begins to have flashbacks of Larry grabbing her and snaps at Bo to let go of her. She comes back as Bo holds her and she says she just wants Billie to pay for what she did to her (as Kate insists that Billie is innocent). Inside, the questioning begins as she is asked direct questions about Larry and the kidnapping of Hope and Zack. Later, Billie, Roman and Abe emerge from the office as she says she passed and proves she was telling the truth. But Hope is furious that Billie is cleared and off the hook, for she SAW her will Larry and is convinced she WAS involved. Roman and Abe both warn Billie to stay away from Hope, for harassment is against the law. Kate gets a call from Victor, summoning her to the mansion, saying it has to do with Philip and rushes off as Hope glares at Billie. Later, Roman and Abe tell Hope that after talking to Shane, they discovered a leak in the ISA and suspect that Larry had inside information and that is how he duped Billie. They explain that Billie probably won't be charged but Hope says it is not over, she says that she may have failed, but she fears that Billie will keep trying to get rid of her.
At dotCom…
Mimi and Belle hook up as Mimi begins her interrogation about Belle & Shawn's romantic evening. Belle finally confides that they did NOT go all the way, as Mimi realizes it was because of the sprinklers going off. Belle says that she is so lucky to have someone like Shawn in her life and doesn't know what she would do if she ever lost him. Later, Philip arrives as the girls notice he is down. He tells them that he is going to move on as Belle tries to convince him to stay in school. But he doesn't want to go to New York either. Belle and Mimi tell him that whatever he decides to do, they will love and support him. Outside, he sees something and says "That's it!"
At the Kiriakis Mansion…
Nicole is mumbling to herself that she has everything that she has ever wanted, but still feels so empty. Audrey, the wedding planner, arrives and comes on in going on and on about the house. LOL as Nicole asks 'who the hell are you?' As Audrey begins to show her stuff, Nicole rails her out, saying she wants the BEST for her wedding. Victor overhears and comes in, saying money is no object. Audrey rushes off, promising to return with more samples. After she leaves, Nicole gets a call from Colin, demanding that she meet him at the hospital NOW, or there will be no wedding. She covers, telling Victor it's wedding stuff and rushes off.
Later, Kate arrives asking what is going on. Victor is clueless as well, until Philip arrives. He tells them that Victor has been right all along and that he needs discipline in his life. He tells them that he has enlisted in the Marines. Kate and Victor stare on in shock.
At the Hospital…
Lexie is there for her test results and tries to avoid Brandon (who sees her and goes charging over to her). He says that there is no way Abe is going to raise his kid. Colin sees them arguing and taunts Sami about her fancy footwork in the lab. He reminds her that she owes him for not telling and that he needs her help. As Lexie and Brandon argue, Dr. Bader shows up and gives Lexie her test results. Colin warns Sami not to cross him. Lexie takes the results into a private room to study them and is relieved that the baby is okay. She looks further and discovers that Abe IS the father and is even more relieved. Brandon finds her and she shows him the results and he is stunned. She explains that she and Abe forgave each other and suggests that he get over his anger. She says that she and Abe are going to start a family and that there is nothing he can do about it.
Nicole arrives as Colin tells her he has a present for her and to meet him in the doctor's lounge in 5 minutes. When she arrives, he has everything set up for her and tells her that he has a video for her to see and it's called "Dr. Murphy's Sexiest Home Videos" and she is the star. He hits the PLAY button and she is shocked. He tells her that it's not personal…strictly business and blackmails her for 5 million dollars. As he takes the tape and leaves he wishes her a "Merry Christmas and a HO, HO, HO" as she stares on in shock.
Later, Brandon and Sami talk about how he is worried about Lexie going back to Abe (he still doesn't say anything to her about suspecting to be the father) She asks him to forget about Lexie and concentrate on the holidays and her. After he leaves, Colin walks up, saying that they are a lot alike and would do anything to hold on to the one they love. He reminds her that she owes him and as long as she remembers that, her secret is safe. She thinks to herself that it might be time that she dig into his secrets. Later, (after talking to Lexie), Brandon apologizes to Sami and she asks him to spend part of Christmas day with her and her family, which he accepts. To herself, she refers to Colin as the "Grinch".
All We Need is a Miracle…
At the loft, Brady finds a box and opens it (as his mother watches). It's full of Christmas ornaments she says that John packed away after she died. She tells him to have faith in miracles and after an "I Love You" she fades away. In the box, he also finds an angle and says that he WILL celebrate Christmas for his mother…and Chloe.
Over at the hospital, Chloe and Craig are by Nancy's bedside. Craig is talking to her about Christmas as he breaks down begging her to come back to them. Later, Brady arrives as it is only Chloe with Nancy now. He asks how she is doing and Chloe says that there is no change and they have done all they can medically do. She tells him that Craig is praying in the chapel and Brady suggests that they do the same. On the way, the meet Craig on his way back to Nancy. As they go in, Chloe admits that she hasn't prayed in a long time and doesn't really know what to say. She asks him to go first. He prays to God for help and says that they need a miracle for Nancy and her family. Chloe thanks him and with tears streaming down her face, also prays for Nancy. She says that her mother is willing to give up her life for her and her baby sister and that she needs God's love now. She begs God to spare Nancy's life and not let her die for her. She begins sobbing uncontrollably as Brady holds her. In Nancy's room, Craig is keeping vigil by her bedside (he will break your heart here) as he cries and tells her that he is sure that they can beat the odds. He begs her to come back to them as he notices something on the monitor. He turns to her with a surprised look on his face as it fades to black…
Episode No. 9461
Directed by: Phil Sogard
Tape Date: 11/21/02

Craig notices something on Nancy’s monitor and Dr. Bader joins him, as do Chloe and Brady. Craig tells her it’s good news as Nancy’s blood pressure has returned to almost normal. Dr. Bader says with proper rest, it should stay that way. Craig tells his daughter (though she doesn’t know it yet) that Nancy would do anything for her daughters. Chloe isn’t thinking about her bone marrow transplant, she just wants her mother and sister to be okay. Nancy wakes up seeing Craig’s face. He tells her both she and the baby are okay. Nancy turns her head and Chloe says “Merry Christmas Mom”. Dr. Bader hopes to send Nancy home for Christmas if her blood pressure continues as it is. Craig suggests Brady and Chloe go celebrate and he’ll stay with Nancy. Chloe doesn’t want to leave, but Brady clues her in that Craig wants to be alone with Nancy. Now alone, Craig and Nancy tell each other how much they love each other. Later Craig arrives in his Santa hat and Nancy hopes Santa can tell her that she can go home for Christmas. He gives her a wrapped file folder and she opens it, asking what it is. He tells her it’s a paternity test report. She asks him how he thinks this is good news as she looks at it.
A happy Horton clan gather at Alice’s home. The Brady’s arrive with armloads of presents and are greeted by Doug and Julie, Mickey and Maggie, the Devereau trio, Will and Lucas. Hope comments on how hot it is in there (guessing 90) and Julie said it’s been that way for days and how long baking’s been in progress. Abby squeals that Will’s ate so many cookies they had to make more, haha. Jen tells Will she’s happy Will and Lucas could be there as does Julie tell Jack. Lucas and Jack are happy to be there too. Bo teases Doug about Santa going overboard (as Doug takes his grandson) and Will mouths off about knowing WHO went overboard and about there’s no Santa. Lucas assures Abby there is and asks her what she wants for Christmas. She tells him there’s only one thing, to spend Christmas with her mom and dad. Bo tells Doug that Glen and Barb called earlier and thanked him for all the gifts they sent to JT. Hope can’t wait for Shawn to see their gift for him and Bo mentions the hole in his wallet as a result (his own car perhaps?) Hope’s missing Shawn and hope that he and Belle arrive soon.
Meanwhile, on their way to Gran’s, Shawn and Belle stop at DiMansion…
Shawn and Belle bring Christmas presents for Cassie and Rex, explaining they like to share their blessings. Cassie and Rex are dressed in formal long sparkly red gown and he in suit and tie in true DiMera fashion. Cassie tells them about all the presents Count DiMera has for them as well and asks if Belle and Shawn were sharing blessings when they locked the dorm room door that night. Rex cues Cassie about manners, but she continues berating the gift bearing duo about if they set off enough heat to set off the sprinklers. Belle found it strange the sprinklers only went off on the 3rd floor, but Cassie shrugs a shoulder in response. Cassie reveals her knowledge about sprinklers and that they don’t all go off at the same time, they’re heat sensitive. Cassie nastily hopes their evening wasn’t ruined as Shawn bids them a Merry Christmas and steers Belle towards the door and to Alice’s house.
Shawn and Belle arrive. Belle comments on the beautiful ornaments and is told how Shawn almost sat on the box a couple of years ago. The traditional Horton ornament hanging begins as each family member takes their turn at hanging their own personalized one. Doug and Julie go first, then Mickey and Maggie. Jack and Jen join hands and with Abby, hang their ornaments in a tight group. Shawn holds Zack as Shawn hangs his ornament next to John Thomas’ (JT’s) on the tree. Bo and Hope do the same with their own. Hope kisses Gran as she takes Zack’s new ornament and hangs it on the tree next to hers and Bo’s. Mickey carefully unwraps Alice’s ornament and hands it to Alice standing next to the tree as she hangs it. He then gives her Tom’s and she hangs it next to her own. Mickey helps her straighten them on the tree as Alice looks up, telling Tom they’re all still there and so blessed as Hope hugs her and Doug and Julie lovingly watch from behind. (Sigh, I love this tradition on the show and look forward to it each year)
In the penthouse, John and Marlena sit alone and bid each other Merry Christmas. She wishes him she could give him the one present he’d like, not to be a DiMera. The doorbell rings as she suggests they go to Shawn and Caroline’s. It’s Tony bearing gifts. He has Bart bring in a red draped gift (the portrait) and Marlena opens the bow and drops the cloth covering it. Marlena stares at it as Tony and rationalizes Marlena should have the painting of herself. John asks for Tony’s motive for the gift. Tony claims to prove he’s not Stefano and thought Marlena might want the portrait. John tells him no, they don’t want it and asks Marlena what she thinks. Startled, Marlena tells him they accept it. Tony’s hopes that this is a sign their family’s will get along in the future and bids Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight and leaves. John admires the painting saying it’s prettier in person than her picture of it. John figures it’s time to do a little celebrating.
Nicole panics about Colin’s tape as she wanders outside. We return to Victor and Kate’s unhappy reaction upon hearing that Philip has joined the Marines. Victor credits the bad decision to Chloe’s influence as Philip feels he still has to prove something to her by risking his life. Philip clues them in that he’s growing up and moving on with his life. He leaves upset that his parents still aren’t proud of him. Alone with Victor, Kate worries their son may be going off to war. Nicole arrives, asking where Philip’s going. Kate tells her if anyone should drop dead, it’s her (Nicole) and leaves as Victor bluntly asks Nicole where the hell she’s been. She tells him she was shopping and he tells her about Philip joining the Marines and shipping right out. Surprised, but not upset, she hugs him and tries to lighten the mood by suggesting they open some presents. Victor pushes her back and tells her to stop it! Nicole damns Colin (to herself) for ruining their Christmas.
Chloe and Brady arrive at the Wesley home as he carries a tree on his shoulder. They felt lucky to get one on Christmas eve. Knowing how many ornaments Nancy has, Chloe kids they better get started decorating it as they’ll be there all night as they run upstairs to get the ornaments. Later, Chloe hangs “Baby Sister’s pink stocking on the mantle next to Craig’s and the other 3 (must be one for Brady there too, but can’t see the names on the other 3). Brady brought the angel from his apartment for the top of the tree and Chloe places it on the top.
The tree is decorated as well as the living room (fast workers) as Brady gives Chloe a surprise. It’s an envelope with an IOU to take her to Los Angeles for the trip there they missed. He figures they can go after the baby’s born or after her transplant and she’s cured. She gives him a present from her 10 minute shopping spree. It’s a snow globe with a cabin with a man and a woman outside of it. She couldn’t believe how she ever thought she wasn’t lucky as she found that so quickly. Telling each other how they love each other, they kiss.
Shawn closes the pub for the Brady Christmas Eve party. Belle and Shawn are there already (what, hang your ornament and leave Alice’s?). Philip arrives, asking to spend a little time with them. Hugging, they agree. We return to Bo and Hope there now also. Mom and Pop do a private toast to Bo and Hope, saying they couldn’t wish them any more love then they already have, so they wish them peace (more appropriate for this couple for sure). Kate arrives and taking Philip aside, asks if he told his friends. He tells her no, he wanted to enjoy the night without questions and worries. Touching his face, she understands. Roman and Sami were leaning against the bar when she walked in and Roman joins her, glad she accepted his offer to come. She tells him she didn’t have anyplace else to go (ouch). John and Marlena arrive and tell Bo and Hope they need to talk with them about Tony DiMera (couldn’t it wait until after Christmas?). Remembering it’s Bo and Hope’s wedding anniversary as well, Marlena changes the subject. She comments how much she’s looking forward to spending the evening with her friends, family and turning to John, saying you big guy, the man I love. She kisses him as Hope tells her she took the words right out of her mouth as she turns to kiss and hug Bo. Bo and John look at each other with concerned looks, thinking about the DiMera’s and what’s planned for them.
Tony opens a gift from Cassie and Rex as they thank him for giving them a home. He finds a framed picture of themselves. Bart comes downstairs, commenting on all the gifts, saying there’s more to come from upstairs. Tony hands Bart an envelope, telling him it’s his Christmas bonus. Bart is almost speechless, saying Stefano never gave him one. Tony tells Bart he’s not his father and compliments Bart that the bonus is for what he lacks in intelligence, he makes up in loyalty and obedience. Bart whispers that Rolf needs to see him in the secret room as Tony disappears. Bart goes to show Rex how to play with his new Game Boy. Tony joins Rolf, who said he just wanted to give him an update on the Legacy Project. Tony walks over and uncovers the original Marlena portrait, saying Marlena has no idea hers is just a copy.
As we hear a Christmas carol softly playing, our Salemites are enjoying their Christmas eve with loved ones. At Alice’s, Doug and Julie share a kiss under the mistletoe as Mickey and Maggie laughingly kiss, saying they don’t need mistletoe. Alice wishes Tom a Merry Christmas while looking up. At DiMansion, Rolf peeks in the drawing room as Cassie listens to her walkman while Rex and Bart play with Rex’s gameboy(?). At Victor’s, he and Nicole toast with champagne as he watches her as she’s deep in thought. At the pub, Sami and Brandon hug as Kate kisses Roman on the cheek and Belle and Shawn kiss (by the window as Philip watches from outside). At the Wesley’s Chloe and Brady have a fire crackling as they kiss and fall to the floor together. At the hospital, Nancy is surprised speechless as she takes in the news that Craig is Chloe’s father. He monitors her blood pressure which stays stable as he closes the folder and they look at each other. At the pub Bo and Hope hold Zack and kiss in a booth as Marlena tells John she loves him and they kiss after he tells her the same. Tony gazes at Marlena’s portrait and toasts it with a glass of wine saying to the future as the credits roll.....
Episode #9462
Taped 11/23/02
Director - Roger Inman****1/2
A warm & fuzzy episode, as our Salemites celebrate Christmas……opening gifts in their robes, visiting family, and of course, the reading of the Christmas story to the sick children at the hospital, while Philip bids adieu to Salem
AT THE WESLEY'S, Brady & Chloe awaken on the living room floor (that had to be rather a hard day's night…lol) to Christmas morning. As they both say I love you to each other, Brady asks if she wants to see the gift Santa left her, and Chloe says she already got the best gift of all. Later, they are dressed, having a cup of gourmet coffee, with Chloe eager to get to the hospital, before Nancy gets discharged.
AT THE BRADY'S, The whole family is in the midst of gift opening, with Shawn catching everything on his new video camera. Paper & ribbon are strewn everywhere, as the doorbell rings, and Belle arrives, arms overflowing with more gifts. Shawn pulls her into the kitchen, giving her her "gift", an envelope. Turns out to be a reservation at the Salem Inn, for New Year's Eve. They kiss, kiss, then rejoin the family. Hope is gathering up torn paper and ribbons, and suddenly has a flasback of being tied up, getting her bonds off her hands, and Larry Welch. Bo wonders what is wrong, but she says, nothing. Mimi arrives, looking worried, telling them she got a phone call from Philip, and they are to go to his father's house. Shawn, Belle & Mimi leave.
AT THE CARVER'S, Abe & Lexie are in robes, fire crackling in the fireplace, coffee in hand, as they enjoy the morning, not quite believing all their happiness. Abe brings a gift for Lexie to open. Meanwhile, at the DEVERAUX home, Jack, Jen & Abby are opening gifts. They all are teasing each other, & Jack asks Abby why she is not opening more presents. Abby says she already got the gift whe wanted the most… have both her parents there on Christmas morning, so they could all be together. Cue loving looks between Jack & Jen.
AT THE HOSPITAL , Nancy awakens to find a very tired Craig, still at her bedside. She tells him about this wonderful dream she had, and he says it was no dream. They are BOTH the parents of Chloe, now and forever, as he takes her hand. (Gad, I just LOVE Craig in all these scenes lately, he is fabulous!) Later, Nancy is dressed & in a wheelchair, asking Craig if he is sure there is no mistake. Just then, Chloe & Brady arrive, & Nancy covers by saying she just meant about going home. Suddenly the baby kicks, and they all happily take turns feeling the "soccer player" kick away. LOL
Out in the hall Colin greets Shawn & Caroline, who have arrived for the children's Christmas party. Roman arrives with some gifts, the elevator door opens to discharge Mickey & Maggie, dressed as Santa and Mrs. Claus. Mickey has laryngitis, Roman moans that Mickey was to read the Christmas Story. Colin tries to talk to Jen, but she says she is there with her family. He lets her know he is returning to Africa. Cue Jen to look surprised, but Colin asks if they are still going to have time together, and she promises, but another day.
Craig is wheeling Nancy out in the hallway, and they come upon the group gathered there. Maggie tells Alice she should read the Christmas story to the children (I think so, too), but Alice chooses Chloe, since she is so familiar with miracles. Brady tells Chloe that since she was also so sick in the hospital, she knows how these kids feel. Chloe agrees, everyone gathers round, & Chloe reads the story of the birth of the baby Jesus to the assembled kids. (The camera pans on nearly everyone for a while, & I think those are Matt's (Jack) & Missy's (Jen) real daughters standing in front of Jack, Jen & Abby.) The story ends, the camera pulls back, and we see that Chloe was seated next to Alice, with Mickey & Maggie behind them. (I hate to put a rant in on such a wonderful episode, but truly, I think a Horton or Brady should have read the story…sorry, just call me an old traditionalist)
AT THE KIRIAKIS MANSION, Kate is at the door, as Henderson answers it, telling her the master cannot be disturbed. Kate flings her hair, as she brushes past him, telling him to drop the Masterpiece Theatre inimitation (ROTFL) and barges into the library, where Vic is reading. She wonders where his hooker friend….oops, fiancee'….is, and he smugly says she's having breakfast in bed, that Henderson prepared her some omelet faux gras (please…no letters if I misspelled this, lol) & wonders if she is jealous. The trade barbs (great dialogue here) until Kate finally asks if he has talked Philip out of joining the Marines. Philip walks in, saying it is a done deal, and he is leaving today. Victor tells him how he has thought about this all night, and is very proud of him, as they hug. Kate says she is so scared, as tears form in her eyes. Philip explains how he has to grow up, and that he's been so selfish all his life, he wants to do something for other people for a change. Billie & Lucas arrive (Kate had called them) and Philip lets them in on his plans. They both congratulate him.
Shawn, Belle & Mimi arrive, and hear the news. Mimi is upset, but eventually comes round, and asks Phil to keep an eye out for a good guy for her. LOL, love that Meems. They all hug each other and the threesome leaves.
Later, Philip is about to leave, and asks his father to look after his mother. Vic doesn't look to happy, but Philip says …no, not getting back together, I am past that. Just keep an eye on her, please. Victor agrees. Just then Chloe & Brady arrive. Belle called Chloe to tell her, and Chloe cannot believe Philip would leave w/o saying goodbye. She asks Victor for a few minutes alone with Phil, so Victor & Brady go outside. Chloe asks Phil if he joined the Marines because of what happened between them, and tho, he replies, yes, a little bit, he explains it was way more. Chloe tells him that perhaps they had to go thru all the stuff they did, to reach this place where they are friends, good friends. She gives him the tree pendant…and he does not want to take it. But she insists, telling him that he give it back to her when he comes home from his hitch. Philip smiles and agrees. (He sure has the cutest dimples). She asks when does his plane leave….he tells her he is taking the bus. He picks up his satchel, opens the door, smiles and nods his head, and closes the door behind him.
AT THE BRADY PUB, the Bradys have gathered together, Shawn has closed the pub, and now it is family only. Abe comes in with a gift for Zack from him, and another from Lexie who is outside, knowing she would not be welcome. He asks Hope if she would accept the gift, but Hope replies No. She looks at Bo…..then goes outside. She faces Lexie, telling her she heard she has a gift for Zack. She then smiles, puts her arm around Lexie, saying then why not come inside, and give it to him yourself. They come in, with Hope announcing, Look folks, who's here. Bo puts Zack into Abe's arms as Lexie gives him a big kiss on the cheek. Lexie asks for everyone's attention, and talks of the miracles that have come her way…she & Abe have reunited, Hope has forgiven her and she can see Zack, and best of all, she & Abe are expecting a baby….a boy. Smiles and excited voices all around, as Shawn offers a toast. The camera is outside, as we see Colin peering in the window, turning, pulling a big gun from his pocket, and saying, "Soon, Cousin Bo, soon".
Kate arrives at her empty room, still upset. A knock at the door, and there is Roman. She tells him about Philip, and woefully relates how her children are all leaving. Austin has gone to NY, now Philip to the Marines. No one seems to need her. Roman, up close and personal, says, "I need you, Kate", as he kisses her.
Shawn & Belle arrive at the empty Brady home, and talk of how they cannot wait til New Year's Eve. They take off jackets, and go into a heavy necking session. (These two just cannot seem to keep their hormones under control, lol)
Jack, Jen & Abby are back home, with Jack worried about Jen mixing it up with Colin. Jen promises she will wear a wire, and that they are going to "get" Colin.
And the previews
Marlena says to John.."Not so bad having just a quiet little Christmas", and John replies, "not so bad"
Bo says "Happy Anniversary, Fancy Face"
And Larry, sitting at a table in the Horton cabin on Smith Island, raises his glass, saying "Cheers!"

And the credits roll
Episode: 9463
Directed by: Herb Stein
Tape date: 11/23/02

A short version today being it’s Christmas. A WONDERFUL, romantic, sentimental show tomorrow as it’s Christmas night in Salem as Bo & Hope, Jack & Jen, and John & Marlena share special moments together while the bad boys plan their revenge. You’ll definitely want to watch/tape this show to enjoy all the love shared from these three couples as footage of their past is shown.
Larry enjoys a Christmas dinner a la canned foods from the Horton cabin as he plans his revenge.
Colin is anxious to get rid of Bo and to have Jennifer for himself, Jack as well.
Alone, Jack and Jen exchange presents. She gives him a Santa and she gives him a Mrs. Claus. A wonderful show for Jack and Jen fans as the two finally bond. Memories of Christmas past with him as Santa are shown. She discusses the risks of getting involved with Colin and what’s in jeopardy if she messes up. Before they finally kiss she suggests they put Abby to bed first, which they do. As he carries her towards the stairs, Abby walks in asking for a glass of water (this little girl isn’t as smart as I thought) asking what they’re doing. They take Abby back to bed and she asks them to stay until she falls asleep. Jen snuggles up on the bed with her, admitting being tired too. Jack tells them he loves them and they each respond they love him too as they both fall asleep. Jack smiles, wishing them a Merry Christmas and softly retreats.
Marlena and John are alone in the penthouse understanding Belle and Brady’s absence’s, but missing them. John wished Sami and Will had stopped by (what’s up with all these kids ignoring their parents..shame on them!!) As John anxiously awaits news from Shane about the DNA results, the lovebirds remember Christmas’ from the past in Aremid. Marlena prepares their dessert chocolate pudding with whipped topping. The two have a whipped cream fight and enjoy licking the spoils off the other’s faces. Shane calls and tells John the results..he’s NOT Stefano’s son, but he and Tony share the same mother, Daphne. Apparently Daphne cheated on Stefano and he’s the result and why Stefano’s been after him all this time. He wonders who his father is. Later Marlena surprises John by wearing a mini Mrs’ Claus (Penthouse version) outfit, which he enjoys VERY much.
Bo and Hope are alone as Shawn took Belle for a long drive and Zack’s in bed. We’re treated with special flashbacks of previous Christmas’ together as he gives her the music box, the bear skin rug, etc. Hope sees someone’s (Larry Welch’s) image outside the door, but when Bo returns to report nothing’s there, she shines it off as seeing a neighbor walk by (apparently she hasn’t seen the front of their house on the web ;-) At the end of the show we’re treated to a hot scene of the two in bed enjoying each other as the credits roll with a new Christmas song playing in the background…
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2002***
Episode: 9464
Directed by: Phil Sogard
Tape date: 12/04/02
Summary: Craig and Nancy reveal Chloe's true parentage…Jennifer overhears a dastardly plot against Jack and acts quickly (and foolishly) to save him…Sami goes to Tony for help…as Kate confides to Roman about Victor's plot against her and Sami. Touching, thumbs-up performances to Kevin Spirtas, Nadia Bjorlin and Patrika Darbo (Craig, Chloe and Nancy).
At the Wesley House…
Nancy and Craig are downstairs (he is fixing her breakfast) as she is needing more details as to how he discovered the truth about his being the father. Chloe is coming down the stairs and overhears Craig explaining about finding Sykes. She comes in, asking what they are talking about. Craig kills two birds with one stone (so to speak) as he explains to them all the details. He tells them that Sykes DNA didn't match Chloe's. Through her tears, Nancy explains that she was positive that Sykes was the father because when she was pregnant, they did a test on her and determined that she was 6 weeks pregnant and that was the time that Sykes had raped her. She explains that she never reported it and for the longest time blamed herself. She said that her father forced her to give her up. Chloe asks if Sykes is not her father, who is? Nancy goes on to explain that she had only ever been with one other man…the love of her life and how her father broke them up. Chloe can't believe what she is hearing as Craig tenderly takes her face in his hands and tells her that HE is her father. Nancy tearfully apologizes for giving her up and losing all that time. Chloe tells them that we have NOW. Chloe and Craig hug as all are crying by now. Chloe tells them that she loves them and thanks them for giving her a real life as she is now hugging Nancy as the tears are now flowing freely by all. Later, we see Chloe setting up a camera with a timer as they take a family portrait so she can remember this day.
At Jennifer's House…
It is now the next morning, as Jack shows up, both of them still enjoying the high from the night before. As the kiss, Colin is outside and sees them. Jack and Jenn both tell each other how much they love each other as Colin's blood boils. Jack tells her that he can't wait until they can focus on each other, but Jenn is determined to bring down Colin first. Colin returns to his car and has a fit and pulls out his gun, vowing to get rid of Jack for once and for all. Inside, Jack is worried about Jennifer going after Colin, but she argues her case. Jack reminds her of an interview appointment at dotCom and she rushes off as he promises to get Abby up and take care of her. With "I Love You's" she is out the door. She spots Colin in his car as he gets a call from Tony, demanding to see him immediately. (Tony had just had an encounter with Sami…see below). After he gets off the phone, Colin says as soon as he gets Jack alone, he is a dead man….as Jennifer panics.
At DiMansion…
A furious Sami barges in (as usual), telling Tony that she needs Colin silenced. Tony asks if she wants him killed and she backs down, saying that she just wants him quieted down because he has something on her. Tony asks what she has done now (as we see flashbacks) but she is tight-lipped. So Tony refuses to help her but she pleads with him, promising to help HIM again whenever he needs her (be careful Sami!) He tells her that he can't promise her anything as she leaves.
Sami, arrives at dotCom and is ordering coffee from a waitress (who, BTW, looks a LOT like Alison Sweeney). She runs in to Jack there (he was to meet Jennifer there for that interview). Jack buys her a coffee and offers a muffin. Sami is suspicious as to why he is so happy as he explains that he is a man in love. Sami tells him that she is sure that Jennifer still has the hots for Colin as she reveals that she (Sami) also despises Colin and wants him to get his. They talk about not letting others get in their way as Sami has an inspiration and takes off. Later, the man shows up for the interview, but Jennifer is no where to be seen. Jack begins to worry about her. He calls her several times, but only gets her voice mail.
At the Salem Inn…
Nicole is in the lobby looking at ther $5 million cashiers check (made out to Colin) as Victor walks up. She hides it quickly as Victor questions her as to why she is there. She slithers her way out of it, telling him that she is there (where she was shot) to face her fears. As they hug, she spots Roman and Kate in the lobby as well. Roman had stopped Kate as she was rushing out, wanting to question her about Raymond Grant's murder. Kate sarcastically tells him that SHE did it. Roman knows she didn't but feels that she is in danger as well and only wants to help (as she spots Nicole and Victor). She tells him that she IS in danger…from those two. She tell shim that as a wedding gift, Victor is going to destroy her and Sami. Ding, ding, ding…the bells go off as Roman now understands why Kate and Sami have been so chummy lately. He wants details, as Sami walks up, furious that Kate told her dad. Sami doesn't want him involved and she and Kate argue. She tells them that she doesn't have time for this and rushes off, without telling them where she is headed. After Sami leaves, Kate gets a call from Tony, asking her to come to the mansion (he threatens to expose her dealings with Stefano if she doesn't come.) After she is gone, Roman says that Kate and Sami are going to get his help….whether they want it or not.
Kate goes over to the mansion as Tony grills her about her involvement with Stefano. She won't tell him anything but asks what he wants from her. He needs to know why Stefano took such good care of her in his will. She will tell him nothing and storms out. Tony vows to find out what she is hiding.
After she sees Kate and Roman, Nicole comes onto Victor and asks him to get a room (she wants to start the honeymoon early). They arrive at their room and she asks him to draw her a bath. As he does so, she hides the check in one of her gloves. Later, as she bathes, he snoops around and finds the check.
Earlier, Colin had returned to his room to find Tony waiting on him. Tony is angry that Colin is still chasing after Jennifer and is now mixed up with Sami. He wants him to focus on their mission. Jennifer is in the hallway eaves dropping and hears Colin say that he is going to kill Jack. They also talk about who may have killed Grant, but Colin claims not to know and they also mention Larry Welch's name. Tony threatens Colin, telling him to get his act together or he will regret it. As he leaves, Jenn hides, mumbling that she must save Jack and go to the police. Colin says "sorry Tony, I have to eliminate Deveraux." Colin gets his gun, and as he comes out the door, Jennifer heads him off, saying that she needs to talk to him. She comes on to him strong, saying that she wants him. He calls her a liar, saying he knows she still loves Jack. She denies it, saying that she wants to be with him as she kisses him. Sami walks up around the corner, hearing Jennifer tell Colin that she wants to make love to him…as the show ends.
…And the credits roll.
- Laney
I hope you all enjoy these, and please note the tape dates. Just a month or so before the viewing dates. Back then there sure was time to change story quickly.!!!
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