Thurs. 6/19


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, half way thru the show, it is bumped off for the President.

So, all I can tell you is.....opening scenes are all the closing scenes from yesterday. But things continue. Sami tells Harold to take the snacks out to the garden, then walks over to Stefano's painting, saying....You always said revenge is best served cold. I'm on it. And off she goes with her blathering to Ej &Abby about the wedding, choosing music, all kind of romance titles. She is really rubbing it in.

victor has call Kate over, to gleefully fire her. He says she is giving Stefano secrets about his company, so she is out of there. Vic gets off some delicious dialogue, loved it.

Kate figures Sami had something to do with this, races over to DiMera's, out to the garden where Sami & Abby are tasting wedding cakes. Kate is ranting away, throws a drink at Sami, it lands on Abby, and bingo, an Animal House food fight ensues, cake being thrown all over, helpless Harold trying to stop it to no avail.

And then there is Nicole and marlena, arguing away, telling each other off, accusing each other of ruining Eric's life, Nicole shoves Marlena out to the hall, wants her to leave. Eric comes along, what is going on. marlena tells of Nicole saying she won't testify positively for Eric to the Bishop, and then she leaves. Nicole tries to talk to Eric.

Jen sits with JJ, and doesn't want to talk of Daniel, so asks JJ to take a box upstairs. The bottom falls out, her year book....and a pic of her and Frankie. They talk of how they were back then.

And then there is Eve in Daniel's office, openly flirting with him. She asks him to call her by her first name, and calls him Daniel, claiming she wants things comfortable between them. He begins talking of how expensive the surgery is, but she figures by the time the tests are done, she will be well able to pay for everything.

Sorry.......that is all I got.
What was interesting......they showed a picture of Jennifer and FRANKIE BRADY. Now that was unusual. Then she went looking in the book for this other girl who had been interested in him. but she could not find a pic. LOL

Paige sees Bev talking to Corey, and then asks her if she knows the guy, he is the one who tried to take her bag. Bev shrugs, knows him from highschool, he wanted to get some drugs, she told him to go elsewhere, which is why he appeared angry.

Hey, if anyone gets to see the whole show, please fill us in on what happened 2nd half.
End of the food fight: Kate storms off; Sami tastes the food on her dress and says she loves it! (LOL)

Jen sends JJ & Paige off, she has a FEAST planned for them, so they shouldn't eat too much. After looking lustily at a picture of Dr Tan, she finds a picture of Eve in her high school yearbook.

Eve walks around the square, remarking that it's new...but some things never change.

At the pub, Roman is ending a call. He sees Marlena enter and pretends to be talking to Giselle. He stops joking with her when he notices she's upset. She talks about feeling the need to confront Nicole, but she felt the same with Kristen, and ended up hurting whom she was trying to protect.

Eric and Nicole are talking in her apartment. She is his friend and wants to help him; he tells her off and reminds her how nasty he can be. He doesn't want to talk to her, and asks her again to take off the ring.

Back at DiManse, in the garden, Sami sends "poor thing" Abby off with Harold. EJ wants to know what Sami did to Kate; Sami admits she "accidentally" let someone from Victor's organisation overhear her insinuate that she stole intel from MadWorld with Stefano's help. EJ fumes; this will make Stefano suspicious, about whom Sami is not worried. "We make a perfect team," Sami says, in EJ's words. She then apologises for going behind his back...she wouldn't do anything that would break the trust between them!! (Great work by Alison Sweeney here, she is playing this to the hilt.) When EJ goes to take check on something (he got a text while they were talking) and Sami mutters under her breath, "You just do that hotshot. You just do that!"
Part III: Jen has a flashback to Eve revealing her marriage to Jack. It's one of those sepia-toned cheesecloth numbers, with Kassie DePaiva playing Eve. (You can hardly see the actresses though.) Jen scolds herself for not thinking about Daniel for 10 minutes, and is surprised by Victor. He's delivering the latest figures for Jack's book, sales spiked and they're talking about a movie deal. The money goes to veterans. He invites her to the party Maggie's throwing for Parker's return, but Jennifer flubs through half an excuse. She doesn't need to, though, because Victor notices Eve's picture in the yearbook on the coffee table, and remarks, "Eve!? I thought that miserable tramp was long forgotten!!"

Eric visits Daniel, he purports to be holding up well. He tells Daniel he'll need his help with the Church's investigation.

Nicole is in her hotel room, looking at her ring, which she slips off her finger. She gets a call which is apparently from the church/bishop.

Roman and Marlena are talking at the Pub. Roman wonders why Eric needs Nicole's help, they have WonderDoc, they have the evidence. Marlena's not sure, she's just sure she messed things up again. Roman is sure that Nicole won't hurt Eric; he also assures Doc that they'll get Eric through this together. Roman even throws in a gentle stroking of Marlena's hands as he calms her. (I don't know if it had the desired effect for Marlena, but it made me lose my appetite!!)

At DiManse, Sami is wearing a really odd and very tight pink black & white number as she walks in on Abby & EJ lamenting at how they were almost caught once again. Sami takes Abby off (headed for home), leaving EJ to stew in his own juices and clean up Sami's messes. As they leave, she asks Abby which cake she liked.
Part 4: At Jennifer's, Victor admits to wondering what ever happened to Eve--Guantanamo? Even Jen thinks that is over the line! Jen tells about her trip down memory with the lane with JJ, talking about Frankie & Eve. She didn't tell JJ about Eve's connection to Jeannie Theresa or Jack. Why complicate JJ's feelings about his dad? (Who is this woman!!? LOL)

In the Square, JJ is doing cleanup duty when he texts Paige, who is just arriving at her apartment. She hears a noise in the next room and announces she's home. Eve comes out, Paige shouts, "Mom!!" and they hug.

At Daniel's office, Eric is grateful for Daniel's future help. Eric feels that Nicole will have the biggest impact.

Nicole is in her hotel room, doing a Bob Newhart routine, Eric needs her help with the Ecclesiastical Board. She tells the caller she has NO intentions of helping the good father, tomorrow, or ever.

EJ is on the phone, talking to Mr Shin. Neither EJ nor Stefano has a majority alone, but with enough sympathetic board members, EJ could win, he feels. In the hallway, Harold is talking to Mr DiMera on the phone (Stefano, I presume?). He repeats what Kate said, "I love Stefano, and support him," to Sami & EJ; she was sincere & protective, Harold reports.

In the Square’s bushy clearing, Kate and Sami have an initially tense confrontation. After a few seconds of angry staring, they embrace, relieved. They both think it went "perfectly." *cue chills* Sami leaves, promising to be in touch!!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the summary today. You guys rock!!!!

I'm going to be home late, but looks like I'll try to stay awake to watch this one on line.
Eve's surgery will be costly? Really? Dr. McScruffy must be so distracted by his spat with Jen Jen and his battles with Nicole that he has forgotten the basic rule of Salem medical care -- nobody ever pays for anything. As for that image of Kate and Sami embracing, if Lucas could see it, he would, as the old saying goes, drop his teeth. Finally, Eve is proving again that there are often second, third, fourth, etc., acts in Salem. After disappearing down the Salem memory hole for years, suddenly her name is the talk of the town. Go figure.
Eve was also not on much in the half I watched. Lots of quick, short scenes. Great costuming (save Jennifer and Eric, of course) today though.

Really didn't care for the Roman/Marlena moment. Otherwise a great show. I'm hoping to catch the first half online when it's up, mainly for Vic's scenes.