Thursday, October 25th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Episode #10,684 Taped 10/3 Director – Albert Alarr

At the Pub, Shawn & Philip are arguing about Belle. Philip says she is miserable and if Shawn paid attention he would realize it. They go back and forth verbabally, each more or less beating their chests and proclaiming to be the one who Belle loves. Shawn warns Phil to stay away from Belle, and get out of their lives. One thing leads to another, & Phil makes a crack about Belle in his bed, Shawn swings, and the brawl is on. Tables are overturned, a bottle broken on Shawn’s head, a can of something sprayed in Phil’s face, punches thrown, and Phil has Shawn in some kind of arm lock, pounding his head on the bar, when out comes Caroline, with a cane. She smacks Philip on the back, saying to let Shawn go, pushes him away, smacks Shawn, scolds both, and tells Philip to leave and never come back. Shawn’s face is bleeding, Philip thrown money on a table for the damage and walks out. Caroline is having a fit over the mess, and what was Shawn thinking, fighting in the Pub. He promises to clean it up, and she calls Bo, telling him to get over there, his son needs him.
Bo arrives as Shawn is cleaning up, and learns what happened. Shawn tells him how Philip told him he was after Belle, was going to take her away. And Shawn is convinced it was Philip who interfered with his application to the Police Dept., especially after Philip mentioned his being a cop. Bo says the Commander did tell him someone wrote a letter, tipping him off. They both figure it was Philip. They go up to his room.
Upstairs, Hope is insisting Belle tell her what was going on, she knows Philip was in the room. Belle claims nothing, he just drove her home. Hope knows better, the bed is a mess, she is in a robe, a vase is broken and she is crying. And no, do not try to use the death of her father as an excuse. Belle finally breaks down, and admits having sex with Philip, just this once. They go back and forth, Hope wants to tells Shawn. No, no, it will never happen again. Hope lets her know Shawn is downstairs, and what the blazes was she thinking, as Belle tries to use the “I was vulnerable, confused, etc.” excuse. Hope won’t buy it, reminding Belle how she was always running off with Phil at every opportunity, how she even moved into the mansion, despite Shawn’s feelings. And when she went to Tulsa. Belle claims the breakup of her marriage was so abrupt, Phil went back to war and she felt so much guilt. But Shawn is the one she has loved forever. She promises Philip will no longer be in their lives at all, for any reason. Belle has been cleaning up the room, remaking the bed, and finally Hope agrees she will not tell Shawn, for now. But if she hears one word, just one, about Belle & Philip, she will tell Shawn everything.
Bo & Shawn arrive, both women are shocked at Shawn’s face., and are told of the fight with Philip. Bo takes Ciara, and tells Hope they must leave. Belle will tend to Shawn’s face. Alone, she is fixing up his bleeding, and he asks if she got new sheets. Nope, they are his mother’s. Hmmm, says Shawn, didn’t you just change the sheets yesterday? Yes, she says, but she didn’t like them, wanted something different. LOL. She tells Shawn that Philip is no longer in their lives, he is always them problems, and needs to get his own life.

Bo & Abe arrive outside an apartment door, ready to take on the scumbag they feel is responsible for John’s death. The door opens, and Roman is already there. Harry Jenks sits in a chair, no idea what they are talking about, doesn’t know any DiMeras or EJ Wells. Abe orders someone to bring Wells to the apt. Jenks has a clean record, and when EJ arrives under police escort, it is apparent they do not know each other. EJ leaves, Abe gets off the phone, having learned that while Jenks record may be clean, the name is an alias. He is Jake Gennaro, and was recently released from a stint in state prison, where his cell mate was Andre DiMera. He is taken away. Bo comments where the DiMeras are concerned, there are no co-incidences. Roman does not want a word of this to get to Sami,

Sami is sound asleep in her hospital bed, as Lucas comes in, kisses her on the forehead, and goes over to the babies in their cribs. He kneels down and begins talking to them, saying how they can get to know each other, how he loves them, will always take care of them, how they have little bits of everyone he & their mother love in them, a little Marlena, Caroline, some Roman, Shawn, and a lot of their mother. (Have to say this scene had be tearing up a bit), and not too much of him. He will always take care and protect them, and is so very proud of them. Later, he is dozing off in the chair when he hears one of the babies begin to fuss and cry. He picks her up, talking in a soothing voice, and then begins to imagine the future. He is sitting in the Pub with his 6 year old daughter, admiring her school paper with a green star. She is unhappy because it is not a gold one. In walks EJ, Sami & Johnny, who has just won a dressage award for his horseback riding. The little girl wants a horse, too, but Lucas says they do not have a horse, she chose to get violin lessons. EJ brags how Johnny gets lessons from some master violinist with the Cleveland symphony, and is told her lessons are from the school instructor. They all leave, and the girl is so disappointed, saying how she hates her daddy.
Later, Lucas is hoping his girl does not ever follow in his footsteps, as he imagines a teenage & slightly plump girl, sitting at the Pub bar, when in walks Johnny & his boarding school buddies (all in same jackets), making fun of her, and throwing a few insulting remarks at her. Johnny tells the guys they should leave, this place is just for losers. And the girl looks longingly at the shots being poured in glasses on a tray. And now Lucas is asking himself what will happen to her when he is no longer around. And we see a grown up girl, at night, kneeling at a gravesite, and crying. Johnny comes, and makes a crack about her having cirrhosis of the liver. She says her father died of a broken heart….and then her mother also died of a broken heart. He laughs and starts to leave. She asks him for some money. For booze? He laughs, tosses some bills on the ground. She scrambles to pick them up.
Later, Sami stirs and wakes up, alarmed the babies are gone. Just getting a bath, Lucas tells her. They talk a bit of her marrying EJ. Lucas was o.k. with it, but that was before the babies were born. He is not happy about this. Roman comes in with 2 big teddy bears, talking of how beautiful the babies are. They mention getting DNA tests again, and Roman seems upset about it. Sami asks if any leads on their investigation, but Roman evades, and has to leave.
We see EJ outside the nursery window, smiling at the babies, and saying to himself, if one of you belongs to me, I promise to be the best father. You will grow up to be in the DiMera image, even bigger than Stefano himself.
Bo & Hope are now visiting, and also learn of the new DNA testing being done, just to shut EJ up. Sami asks about the investigation into John’s death, and Bo spills the beans about Andre’s cellmate being taken into custody. That clinches it says Sami, the DiMeras are responsible, the vendetta has to end. Lucas abruptly leaves to check on the babies, Bo follows to check on him for Sami, who knows he is upset. Hope tells Sami she does not have to marry EJ, but Sami does not want to have to attend another funeral for anyone. Out in the hall, Bo talks to Lucas, who says there is only one way to end this. And if EJ turns up dead, Bo knows who to go looking for.

Another "if EJ turns up dead"...hmmm. :evillaugh: Now if they accuse the hairbrush, we know that seals EJ's doom.
Something is going to happen to EJ - Lucas might be planning some payback!
Man. A hammer really is smarter than Lucas. Isn't it like COMMON SENSE to NOT walk around spouting death threats to and in front of anyone who will listen.
*Especially* not in front of a cop, uncle-in-law or not.
I am sorry but Lucas could not find his butt with a map. It is hard for me to believe he could shoot EJ. But if he manages too that is fine just as long as they DON'T KILL HIM OFF!!!! I think if Lucas shot EJ that would push Sami rigth to him.
I only hope if something does happen to EJ that is turns out that Kate is the one who gets the real blame. With Lucas and Marlena & Kate all saying they could kill EJ. That means we can get rid of Kate and EJ two bad people at once. Sorry EJ fans, I am fed up with the DiMeras and this whole vendetta. I like EJ when he really shows concern and is friendly. I would love for Sami and Lucas just for once to have some family stories instead of all this mess that is going on.
The mere fact that Lucas is dreaming about going off the wagon and that he dreams his daughter is going to be a "drinker" tells me that he's "thinking" about "drinking"!
Lucas is not dreaming about going off the wagon, and I am sorry if I left that impression. He is hoping his daughter does not follow the same path and make the mistakes he did.

I try very hard to just report what is shown, without prejudice, as they I apologize if folks get the wrong idea.
Thanks Barb!

It sure does look like EJ is going to get shot. I just hope he doesn't die.
I doubt it very much. EJ will be around for quite some time. You know how Days LOVES to throw how red herrings. LOLOL
So Lucas is talking about off-ing EJ hmmmmmmmm :evil: :evil: with lots of peeps out to get him it would make a good sweep of the week grabber......... Remember ( Who Shot JR ) blowed UP!!! lol. ""Headlines Read"" ( Now on Days: Who Shot EL ) would be great. Patric would be the one that realy shot him when its all said and done.........

What you think..............???
I think Marlena will be the one who does the deed. Mama Bear is not happy and I doubt she wants Sami to relive her past.

I am still sad for Lucas, even though his whining gets on my nerves from time to time (I just fast forward throught those!) Real love is selfless (think John Black) and EJ can never be on that level, not with Sami or the babies...but I think they Lucas despite his wishywashy past, can be rewritten and become the type of man John was.. JMHO.
woo hoo first time poster here and usually I read and keep my opinions to myself. I have watched DOOL for over 20 years and it is getting better and better each passing season. So what has made me finally break my silence. Because we all seemed consumed over this vendetta stuff (and yes I have opinions there)and that is ok
But after reading this recap, I have to wonder if Belle is going to be pregnant with Philips baby while married to Shawn??? After all she was pregnant with Shawn's baby wile married to Philip?? Any ideas on this one???

And far as my guess on EJ and the threats, I believe he will be presumed dead (as no one dies on this show for very long) Many people will be suspects and as they are looking for the perp, one or both of Sami's babies will get kidnapped. (We will know EJ is alive and whisked baby/ies to England.) But cops will be trying to solve a murder and a kidnapping.

Lastly, I would really like to see Shawn take over the pub. It could be a cop hang out and bartender/owner Shawn could help the police as he overhears such cases discussed. As Shawn Sr and Caroline become older that little pub will be overlooked and it is a core restaurant. Meaning I've seen others come and go. The bar alone came from Ireland from John--I remember that episode
I am so sick & tired of this whole s/l sick of Sami acting like she can walk on water and end the (V) by giving into EJ.

I'm sick of EJ period, I loved him for so long but now he's just a pain. Please somebody shoot him.

I truly feel sorry for Lucas whether he whines or not, he is Sami's husband and she wants to pretend to be Joan of Arc, get over yourself Sami, EJ just gonna use you til he uses you up, than just leave you lonely in that big ol mansion to cry all the time. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE Samantha.

And I truly believe Hope, is a hippocrite, tell Belle not to use her Father's death as and excuse for her actions, Please Hope you did the samething when Zack died.
I know it's a soap opera, and there is supposed to be major drama, but I hate, really really hate and get really really PO'ed that there is no happiness for anyone for any lenght of time. Someone is always trying to steal someone's spouse, or baby swapping or who's the daddy, blah blah blah. I was excited that Sami and Lucas finally got married, that Lucas finally told off Kate and Sami punched the crap out of EJ, but they couldn't let them be happy, not even for a whole week without stirring things up. I wish just once, one couple could be happy for a really long time and just let it be at that. I didn't like Sami, too much crap she pulled, but now she's growing up and being responsible and dangit, she and Lucas deserve some happiness without all the DiMera bull. But like I said, I know it's a soap and you can't have a soap without the drama, but I just want Sami and Lucas to have their family without EJ...EJ has sucked from day one and he needs to be killed off, not John. Ok, gonna step off my box now.

Oh, and on a personal (sorta) note, watched BL last night and I must say, Alison Sweeney is so pretty, and very classy on the show...good job! :woohoo:
hello! Could someone tell me, did Sami and lucas actually decide on a name for their daughter? thanks! Charity
Teal 1974

I am so with you on having ONE happy family and I too would like for it to be Sami & Lucas and their children.

Now that John is "DEAD?" there is really no stable family in Salem, why can't it be Sami & Lucas? :duh:

And Belle needs to go back to the trailer park she came from :rant:
She has become really trashy sleeping with both Philip and Shawn when either one wants her.
She probably will end up pregnant and will have to go to the Maury to find out "Who's The Daddy"
Bo and Hope are supposed to be the stable couple now that John and Marlena are gone. They are the happy couple that all is going right for.

However, TamiBelle's comment:
And I truly believe Hope, is a hippocrite, tell Belle not to use her Father's death as and excuse for her actions, Please Hope you did the same thing when Zack died. truly right on the mark. I was thinking that when I read it. She was grieving, left Bo, slept with Patrick and treated Bo like crap. Belle is really following in her footsteps...but please don't let Belle get pregnant.
Pregnancy is never happy on this show.