Thursday Sept 23


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I did get to see this show, but no time to write it up. Kayla surprises Stephanie when she shows up at the door with pizza, interrupting a makeout session between Nathan & Stephanie on the sofa.

Nicole runs into Brady at Cheatin' Heart, sort of wants another chance, he say no and stalks out, she drowns her sorrows in booze, then goes to the shower and makes a fool of herself. She comments negatively on nearly everyone, and finally Carly shows her out the door.
Melanie had earlier had everyone playing games, etc. Chloe constantly holds her tummy. LOL

Brady visits Vivian again, and Melanie comes to see him there. Nothing too exciting.
Stefano & Kate have their drink, he reveals that Will's fingerprints were not on that table at all, but EJ, Kate, Stefano and Sami's were. They talk a bit about the "what if" Will's were on there.

And Arianna goes to visit EJ, massaging his arms (?) and telling him all about her suspicions or something.

Won't be able to do any in Illinois now, gad is it warm! lol
Wow, Barb, that is more than expected and greatly appreciated. Thank you for the synopsis. I can't wait to see Kayla. Enjoy!
Hi Barb--thanks for the recap--but more than that--thanks for checking in andletting us know where you are and what you are up to! Enjoy your trip--you are missed!!!
Holy hot air balloon Batman!! Chloe seems to have blown up overnight!

She had a modest-sized pregnancy the past couple weeks (since she exploded from flatsy-patsy to bun-in-the-oven size after her nap that day) but now she looks full term (and what's with the her holding her belly all the time now?).
the stomach holding thing could be because the actress has never been pregnant and is basing her actions on what she has seen....she saw some pregnant woman touch her stomach, so there ya go.....!!! Thanks goodness that woman wasn't getting her panties out of her crack......
Today I think we saw true feelings between Stefano and Kate when they were talking about being partners. And how the evidence he has on her for poisoning Chloe was further and further from both their mind. Well let's see if he's serious will he throw the evidence away to confirm his love and loyalty to her?

Yep Ian has to go, he has more than friendship feelings for Stephanie.

Nicole, Nicole when will she ever learn to keep secrets, secret? She sure knows how to get under everyone's skin. Then look at Carly coming to Melanie's rescue, motherhood is springing out all over.
Thanks so much for posting, even when you are on a break! You are too good to us Barb.
I just really enjoyed the Kayla and Stephanie scenes. Arianna was doing the passive range of motion movements on EJ's hands and elbows or so that it what it looked like to me. She even was telling him what she was moving as she did it.
Thank you Barb, for your summary. Enjoy your break! :)

I enjoyed seeing Kayla. I hope she sticks around for a while.

I am also enjoying Kate and Stefano. She was right when she told Stefano that they are exactly alike.
Arianna was doing the passive range of motion movements on EJ's hands and elbows or so that it what it looked like to me. She even was telling him what she was moving as she did it.

Noticed that, too. They used it a lot on my uncle ... Wonder where the character was supposed to have learned that .... especially with her 'history'?? No therapy background that we know about?? :duh:
I knew it and I have no therapy background or medical training...I guess I picked it up from tv or the movies or something.....who knows.....