Titan TV Interviews

How do you feel when your sister, Sami Brady, calls you the “stoopid bad twin.”
Reply from Sami: Hey, I only speak the truth! If he wasn't such a pathetic loser, I wouldn't call him that. Besides, it has to be hard being the twin of such an amazing, wonderful and truly radiant individual, such as myself. Now that you mention it, all of my siblings are stoopid losers who can go kick rocks.
Titan TV has caught up with Leo, hoping for answers to hot questions.

Q: Rumors are floating around that you helped Xander during the Mr. Clown kidnapping? Any comment?
A: Aren’t ugly rumors awful? Do I look like a kidnapper?

Q: What did you think of Dr. Sarah Horton divorcing Xander because of his misdeeds?
A: Poor Xandy, I would have been so much better for him than that cold-hearted, unforgiving doctor. God help her unfortunate patients.

Q: What’s your take on Jack Deveraux disowning your friend, Gwen Rizczech?
A: There’s been something wrong with Jack since he fell into that cake. Hopefully, he’ll come to his senses about Gwen.

Q: There are reports that you and Sonny Kiriakis are friends again. Any comment?
A: Yes, we are now the best of pals. Who’d have guessed it? Isn’t life wonderful?

Q: Yes, but it’s been reported that Sonny’s husband, Will Horton, is strongly opposed to Sonny reconciling with you.
A: I don’t want to be unkind, but Queen Wilhelmina is just one of those mean-spirited people. Hey, he’s the son of that awful Sami Brady,

Q: There are rumors that you may soon become a gossip columnist for the Spectator. Any truth to this?
A: Let's just say it’s now within the realm of possibility, and if it happens, Salemites will be treated to the tastiest inside dirt ever.

Q: Finally, how are your love prospects?
A: Let’s just say that things are up in the air, but one thing his certain — I’ll be having a hot affair long before that self-styled Romeo, Alex Kiriakis gets any girlie action.
Titan TV has dropped by the Pub to check in with Roman.

Q: There’s been a lot of upset in Salem lately. How’s business holding up?
A: It’s great. The world could be ending, but people would want their burgers and chowder.

Q: There’s a rumor going around that you conspired with Steve Johnson and John Black to murder Orpheus. Any comment?
A: Don’t believe everything you hear.

Q: How’s Kate’s son, Lucas, doing in prison?
A: He’s getting along. In fact, he was going to help us get rid of … oops. Forget I said that.

Q: People are commenting about your son, Eric, always drinking in the Pub. What’s going on?
A: If you’ve got any solutions, I’d like to hear them.

Q: Your granddaughter, Allie, reportedly has quit the bakery and left town. What’s up?
A: Like her mother, she’s taking a break from Salem. It will make life for all of us here less complicated.

Q: Has EJ ever objected to the name of your popular menu item, “EJ Chow.”
A: Why should he? That guy should be grateful for any positive publicity he gets.

Q: Finally, some people have questioned keeping the ashes of your late wife, Kate, at the Pub. Any comment?
A: What am I supposed to do with then, keep them at home on top of the refrigerator?
Titan TV has caught up with EJ.

Q: How does it feel to be back on top of the company?
Q: Great! It’s the job I was destined for. Brother dear and I will lead the company to new heights.

Q: What about those rumors that you’ve been trying to drug each other?
A: Pure nonsense. Who told you that?

Q: There are also rumors that you disapprove of Stefan’s infatuation with Gabi?
A: More nonsense. If Stefan wants to get involved with that scheming tramp — oops — young lady, that’s his business.

Q: How does it feel to be back with Nicole Walker?
A; Great! She and I were always a great team. Just ask Abe Carver about the time we kicked his sorry butt in a mayoral election.

Q; Some people say that you’re not to be trusted. Any comment?
A: Who, that weepy sad sack and second-rate photographer Eric Brady who’s having an affair with the shadiest lawyer in Salem history.

Q: Finally, do you ever hear from Sami Brady?
A: Who?
Titan TV pays a visit to Bayview to interview Harris:

Q: How are you getting along at Bayview?
A: This place is not bad at all. For example, the chowder is better than the Pub’s. It actually has lots of tasty clams.

Q: Are you making friends?
A; Yes, in fact most people here are saner than lots of Salemites.

Q: How did you ever get involved with Megan?
A; Let’s just say that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Q: What was your impression of the reincarnated Bo Brady?
A; I’m sorry to say that Bo Brady is still a criminal.

Q: Would you ever go back to the ISA?
A: No way. I know that Steve and John think that it’s great, but when compared to thr CIA and FBI, it’s a joke.

Q: Would you ever consider joining the Salem P.D.?
A; Surely you jest.

Q: Any advice for Salem’s young people?
A: Eat your Wheaties, study hard, marry well, and get an honest job. I.e., don’t be like EJ, gloomy Eric, or Shaggy Phil.
Titan TV has managed to get an interview with Everett.

Q: How do you like Salem?
A: The people seem nice enough. One lady, Julie Williams, really seems to like me. I wonder why?

Q: How are things at the newspaper?
A: Great. Xander is a lot smarter than people say, and Lady Whistleblower is a hoot.

Q: What was your reaction when the “Lady” was arrested?
A: That the local cops are as dumb as people say.

Q: What was your reaction to Paulina Price being elected mayor?
A: The voters must be daft. A park bench or even a pothead would have been a far better choice.

Q: What will be a focus of the paper’s reporting.
A: The epidemic in babynapping. It’s as common as littering. I even heard that one kid was kidnapped before he was born.

Q: Finally, do you expect to find true love in Salem.
A: Sure thing. In fact, I have a certain young lady in mind. Stay tuned for the details.
Titan TV has managed to get an interview with DA EJ.

Q: What makes you so sure that Tate Black gave Holly Jonas pills?
A: Grrr, I just know.

Q; Do you have any proof that the pills Holly took came from Tate?
A; No, but he must have. Both his parents are former druggies. I know.

Q: What about reports that Holly has gotten drunk and taken pills in the past?
A: Nothing but ugly Salem rumors. My wife’s daughter never would have done such a thing. I KNOW!

Q: Isn’t it true that you want to railroad Tate because Holly is your wife’s daughter.
A: Railroad? No way. I’m a crusader for justice and truth.

Q: Some people would find that statement laughable. Any comment?
A: Have you been talking to people like Eric Brady, John Black, or Rafe Hernandez? If so, ignore them.

Q: You seem to know an awful lot. What about the rumor you were once involved with Clyde Weston’s drug empire?
A: No comment. Gotta go.
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Titan TV has scored another interview with DA EJ.

Q: How are things going at the DA’s office?
A: Great. I’m really whipping things into shape There was a lot to do because the office was run by a string of incompetents, including Aiden Jennings whose best friend was a dead bird. Can you believe it??

Q: Any comment on the Tater Tot case?
A: It was simple really. A hapless teen from a family of real losers was undone by my wife’s problem daughter.

Q: What about the arrest of your brother, Stefan?
A: It’s not surprising at all. He as raised by the deranged Vivian Alamain. He didn’t get Father’s wise guidance. Maybe prison will help straighten him out.

Q: Care to comment on the Clyde Weston case?
A: He will be caught and I’ll throw the book at him. Ozark Ike is going to find out the Salem justice system really means business now.

Q: Any comment on Kristen?
A: Utterly delusional. She belongs in Bayview. No doubt about it.

Q: Will your son, Johnny, ever get a real job?
A: Don’t get me started.

Q; Finally, have you heard from Sami Brady lately?
A; Absolutely no comment!
Titan TV has managed an interview with Xander.

Q: How does it feel to be exonerated?
A: Great, but I knew all along that things would work out. The frame-up was so dumb and simple-minded, it had to be a Clyde plot.

Q: Will you be going back to the Spectator?
A: I’d better. Leo needs to be managed so we don’t get sued for libel and that Everett has to be calmed down. What a drama queen. He thinks he’s the only amnesia victim in Salem history. He also should rethink that beard.

Q: Did you really once lock Eric and Nicole in a cage?
A: Sure did, but that was my pre-Sarah self. That said, there are a few people in town who belong in a cage.

Q: Who, for example?
A: Easy, Konstantin. What a slimy con man. He’d better watch his step. If he seriously messes with Mags, he’s going to look like a haggis after some hungry Scotsmen had a go at it.

Q: Do you see a future for yourself with Titan?
A: Not with childish lover-boy Alex in charge, but things could turn on a dime. In Salem you just never know. One day you’re up, next day you're down — kind of like human yo-yo, Brady Black.

Q: Finally, with all your responsibilities, will you be looking for a personal aide?
A: That’s an interesting idea. Do you know if my old mate, Charlie Dale, had an identical twin or cousin?
Titan TV has managed to get an interview with CEO Alex.

Q: How does it feel to be running Titan?
A: Great, but it’s what I deserve and what the company needs.

Q: Are you qualified?
A: Sure. What does it take to be a CEO in Salem? Wasn’t Sami Brady once in charge of DiMera? Does anyone in this town have an MBA?

Q: The word is you’ve bought a Ferrari.
A: Why not? It’s what I rate. Did Victor or Stefano tool around town in a Volkswagen bug?

Q: What are your plans for Titan?
A: Take it right to the top, which ought to be easy since Maggie, Brady, Philly, or even Xander can’t mess things up anymore.

Q: What’s your relationship with Jeannie Donovan?
A: Strictly a charity case. Anyone who has a delinquent kid with Brady Black is going to need a helping hand. And, after all, I’m a kind, caring person. Just ask all the dogs that I pet every day.

Q: Finally, you have quite the rep as a ladies man. How are things going?
A; Things will be heating up fast. With my CEO title and spiffy Ferrari, the hotties will literally be chasing me down the street.
Titan TV is on a roll, now getting an interview with a reluctant DA EJ.

Q: Why won’t you reopen the Li murder investigation despite new evidence being discovered?
A: What new evidence? Some sketchy stories uncovered by the likes of Ava the mob princess. Oh please. It’s all fairy tales.

Q: Some suggest you won’t reopen the case because you want Gabi Hernandez to stay in prison. Any comment?
A: More fairy tales. What do I have to fear from that airhead and my clueless brother, Stefan? All his brains are in his mustache.

Q: What’s going on with the Baby Jude paternity question?
A: What question? That poor child is doomed to have Sloan and fallen Father Eric as his parents. Good luck to him. He’ll need it.

Q: Some people seem to think Leo Stark has some hot information on this.
A: Surely you jest. Leo has devolved into a sad sack who drinks wine out of paper bags. What could he possibly know?

Q: Any news on the Clyde Weston case?
A: Don’t ask me, ask Rafael Hernandez. Maybe if he’d stop lusting after Jada and do some police work, Clyde would be behind bars.

Q: Have you heard from Sami Brady lately?
A: Ouch. Thankfully not. Check with my son, Johnny, maybe he knows something.
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Titan TV has managed an interview with big shot CEO Alex.

Q: How are things going at Titan?
A: Great. I get to boss people around, have them kiss my butt, all while enjoying the many perks of the job.

Q: The word is that Maggie isn’t all that pleased with your job performance.
A: Who cares what she thinks? Vic put me in charge and that’s it. She should stick to making lemon bars for that slimy grifter, Konstantin.

Q: Do you see Xander as a rival?
A: That hunk? He should stick to power lifting. His only shot at challenging me would be the discovery of another Victor will, and that’s just not happening.

Q: Are you really having an affair with Kristen?
A: Sure, why not. Granny sex is big in this town. Ask Rafe Hernandez about his fling with Granny Kate Roberts.

Q: What about all the young hotties in town?
A: Them? Talk about being choosy and standoffish. Anyway, it’s their loss. They have no idea what they’re missing.

Q: Finally, what are your goals at Titan?
A: Take the company to the top, crush DiMera, and get better at zinging pests with clever one-liners than Victor ever was.
Q: Are you really having an affair with Kristen?
A: Sure, why not. Granny sex is big in this town. Ask Rafe Hernandez about his fling with Granny Kate Roberts.
Reply from Sami Brady: Don't forget he was also doing decrepit old Granny Hope. Ewwww. Why would Rafe hook up with these dusty old grannies, when he could have me, Salem's most desirable hottie??