Trick or treat in Salem

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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If you to go trick or treating in Salem, watch out for certain persons "treats". For instance:

Kate's Killer kandy korn

Maggie's Meltdown Munchies

Brady's Bigshot Bonbons

JJ's Jawbreakers

Ok, you see how to do this. Using a name, make up a "treat".
Theresa's Tootsies (Tootsie Rolls)
Rafe's Reeses (could be mix of Reeses Pieces and Reeses Peanut Butter Cup)

Hope's HOPE. She would be participating in the Teal Pumpkin project. She would have a painted teal pumpkin on her doorstep, and her bowl would be full of toys for boys and her handmade jewelry for girls instead of candy. (Speaking of which, this is what we have at my house. Because my nephew Bradley is allergic to food. We are a TEAL PUMPKIN safe house. I also have a bowl of candy for any trick or treater that says they can have it. But our teal pumpkin lets families know we have a bowl of non-food treats!)

Back to the game LOL

Sonny's SweetTarts
Chloe's Caramels
Roman's Rocks (bags of Poprocks LOL)
Belle's Butterscotch
Maggie's Mints
Belle's Babyruths
Theresa's Twix
In addition to creating Salem-themed sweets, it might be interesting to ponder what kind of reception trick-or-treaters might receive at various Salem venues.

Xander at the hideout: "Sorry kids, we're fresh out of candy, but how about some cold oatmeal?

Deimos at the Kiriakis Mansion: "Oh gosh, we're out of candy -- Tater Tot ate it all -- but would you like to listen to me play the piano?

Harold at the DiMansion: "Go around to the back door, children, and don't worry about all those men with guns."

Kate at Martin House: "Wait, just a minute. I'll check to see if Doug and Julie left behind some stale cookies."
Anne's Almond Joys
Hope's Healthy Heath Bars
Gabi's Godiva chocolates
Paul's Peanut brittle
Kayla's Kisses