Tuesday, April 24th


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Oh, my gosh,now it is Kate who is doing imitations of Jack Nicholson....only this time it is from "The Shining." She is pounding on Lucas's hotel room door, & getting no answer, takes the fire axe from the wall (gee, and did not even have to break the glass!) and begins hacking at the door. Heerree's Katie! Egads. The porter sees her, calls a halt & they go to see his supervisor, as she wants IN that room. She gets her way, and he opens the door, she rushes to the sleeping, but stirring Lucas, moaning about what Sami has done to him.

Out at the cabin, Celeste & Sami are about to leave, the cabin goes up in flames. EJ is heard calling out to Sami to help him. She tries to go back in, the flames stop her, & Celeste pulls her away again. She cannot let him die, but Celeste convinces her she will be harming her baby (the smoke). They leave, as Sami sobs that she hopes he did not suffer.

Back at the hotel, Kate is ranting to the now awake Lucas about EJ & Sami eloping, puzzled Lucas thinks she has had too many martinis. She goes on & on about Brandy Mathas, alias Samantha Brady, while Lucas is trying to get her to leave, telling her she is smothering him, just like she does to Billie & Philip. (Lucky Austin is out of her clutches, lol) Out comes Sami in a robe, shocking Kate. At least she shuts up for 30 seconds. Everybody is talking, yelling, as Lucas tries to get his mom to leave. He grabs her, escorting her out (& not happy about the door), but she puts her hands on either side of the door way, so he cannot shut the door. (I would have pushed her at this point, for sure!)Lucas finally lets her back in at Sami's request. Kate is convinced Sami drugged him, but Sami says Lucas was so exhausted so she disconnected the house phone, and turned off his cell, so he could get some rest.Kate has called 911, and Lucas comes in from the hall, having refused treatment (we do not see it). Kate tells him he is her child and she will always love him and protect him, as he reminds her he is not a child, but a MAN, and to get the heck out of his room. She finally leaves, and Lucas turns his attention to making out with Sami. As they hug, she remembers the fire. (Well, the shower may have gotten the smoke odor from her person and hair, but that jacket has to reek of it!)

Bo joins Kayla & Stephanie at the restaurant, & they all go to get Steve's statement at the hospital. Alas, over there, we see creepy Dr. Granger sitting beside Steve, who is all strapped in,including something over his mouth, & getting electric shock treatment. The doctor informs Steve they still need him,& he is still one of "us". Later, when the trio arrives, Steve is sitting on the bed, staring, acting like a zombie. Bo has a recorder, and begins asking a couple of questions. Stephanie urges him to tell all he knows. As Kayla asks him to tell what he knows about EJ Wells, starting with what he said to him about John, & the kidney....Steve is completely unresponsive. He finally mumbles that he has no idea what they are talking about. Kayla spots burn marks on his temples, realizes he has had unauthorized shock treatment. She & Bo leave the room, and see Dr. Granger coming. Stephanie stays with her dad, talking to him, asking him if he still loves her, stroking his hair, talking about how from little on, she thought of him every day, he was always her hero. Kayla confronts him, very angry. Bo mentions Steve being beat up, & Granger says that Steve had issues with some staff, and that is why Dr. Kraft was taken off the case.(The doctor's demeanor reminds me of Vincent Price in old movies, where he played the mad scientist, or mad doctor. lol) The doctor claims that they do not do electric shock therapy, Kayla argues a bit, then says she will have Steve moved somewhere else. Nope, she can't. He has gotten a court order from Judge Stern giving him full medical guardianship over Steve. Bo looks it over, and yep. Kayla will get an attorney and fight this. AND she will move into that hospital lock, stock & barrel to oversee treatment. No, she won't, because the doctor is ordering no visitors. Just then, Stephanie comes running out of the room, crying, and down the hall, saying she cannot bear it any more. Kayla goes after her. Bo tells the Dr.to tell his boss, EJ Wells that he is on to him, and he leaves, promising to be back. Granger goes into Steve's room, telling him his wife & daughter are lovely, so devoted, (this guy is really creepy) but he won't be seeing them for some time now. But not to worry "you still have us". And from the way Steve handled the situation just now, "we still have you". :evil: Freeze frame on Steve's face.

I am sorry now that I am feeling better and came back to work today - the last show was great (except for the island) and I would love be home watching to see the look on Kate's face when Sami walks out of the shower!
Thanks Poirot!! :sun: I can't wait till this brainwashing s/l is over!!Do we even know why Steve was brainwashed? what was he supposed to be doing for the DiMeras?
I'd say that Kate's concern for Lukas is beginning to get Oedipal, but dang it, she's right this time. :rotfl:
Kate might have been right about her suspicions that EJ was planning on marrying Sami, but she was wrong about Lucas being in any danger. AND she went about everything all wrong, too. You don't chop down a door in a hotel.....you go see the manager and state your case first.

As to Steve......cannot imagine why he is being brainwashed. I figure the only reason he got electric shocked again to get him back in line and not shoot off his mouth to the cops. Was really dumb for him to tell the doc his intention to begin with. And even dumber for Kayla to have left him alone. She could have sent Stephanie to call Bo.......
yeah, I think the tarot card was to calm his butt down and to shut his mouth. poor Steve. Now that the doc is a DiMera goon, wonder how they are gonna save him now. this storyline has to end.
The Oedipus complex is a phychological theory where a child of either sex regards the father figure as an adversary, and competitor, for the exclusive love of the mother.

Although common usage refers to 'suffering from an Oedipus complex', psychoanalysis does not consider the complex a pathology, but instead a perfectly normal stage that all children go through. Oedipal desires are thought to remain heavily repressed and unconsciously in the minds of all functioning adults.

Oedipus must of been a piece of work! :wave:
WEll, Oedipus was in love with or wanted to make out with his mother.....With Kate, it almost seems vice versa. Sometimes, I swear, it is like she is sooooo jealous of Sami, just wants Lucas all to herself.
Steve is being brainwashed because he's basically the Dimera's new pawn, like John was. EJ told John that Steve is supposed to kill someone. He didn't say who, but thats why when John was first in the hospital, he looked at Steve and muttered the word "Killer".
WOW!!! All of that and more. WOULD YOU SAY that Kate is overbearing and a Control Freak? You say she got the Axe out without breaking the glass, Did the Fireman come?

Hope everyone had a good week-end
Kate what can I say :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: but I've got to see this and all news makers better not interupt .......oh I forgot bad weather coming in ....oh please not till I see this. :evil:

Steve ....well :rant: maybe he will eventually get out LOL
sounds like a good show. :sun:
For sometime now, I've been willing to pay good money to have Sami turn to Kate and say, "Why don't you just sleep with him and let us all off the hook...!!!" And poor dumb Lucas thinks he just fell asleep and doesn't remember it...??? tsk, tsk, tsk....

Steve, well, well, ah, ah....oh yeah..the other day in a post I wised off about Cuckoo's Nest guy getting shock therapy but not Steve....SO, never mind....
And did we see why Stephanie ran from the room and down the hall...???? Did Steve do something to her...?? Say something to her...?? And if all that happened was seeing her dad sit there in a zombie like state, I would hate to have to depend on her in a crisis....
Soaphead; the weather did hit here in Texas and for the weather warning, I missed part of the show.I hope you got to watch the whole show.

But at least I got to see Sami coming out of the bathroom and the 'LOOK ON KATES FACE' "PRICELESS'
Yep I got to see it ,the weather is just now looking like its going to storm.