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Nov 23, 2006
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This comes from various tweets on Twitter, but soap mag interviews say.........Deimos manages to get out of the river alive, and calls Chloe for help. Seems he knew her in Chicago, when he was using another name. He tells her all, but Chloe doesn't want to get involved, she has to protect her son.

Marlena hears there was a fire at the place where Abby is, Abby was injured. She & Chad go there, and when Chad sees Abby swathed in bandages, he is only concerned for her welfare. (I am guessing he was thinking perhaps she started the fire) .
Wonder if he calls her in Chicago, or she is already in Salem, (and then how would he know that?)

So...Days is going to actually do the Philip face transplant (or plastic surgery) thing again? And yes, it did not say her face/head was all bandaged, it could be other parts. and now perhaps she thinks Ben got there and set the fire????
Well, this certainly opens up the possibility of Deimos being the father of Chloe's baby. I can't believe the show allowed the spoiler about the actress's real life pregnancy being written into story to come out before she even starting airing. I would have never just assumed it would be written in but now I feel like they are telegraphing things. I mean, yeah, sure they could go the predictable route and have Philip be the father (and he still may be) but now I think there's a strong possibility Chloe and Deimos had some sort of tryst. I guess we'll see what happens.

That is my guess too about Abigail being burned and having to go to another facility for awhile to continue her psychological treatment as well as treatment for her burns and then in the fall is when the new actress shows up with a new face. Makes sense. However, it's such a typical soap thing to do when dealing with recasts. It's really not necessary to come up with these ridiculous plots to change the character's face just because a new actor is in the role.
Have read that evidently there were a lot of changes in what was to be Chloe's storyline (Nadia Bjorlin interview).

Have seen a pic of Abby after the fire, with Chad at her bedside, and her face is bandaged, though it really looks like a full facial mask.

Evidently, (according to soap mag) Deimos went to Chicago, used a fake name, to try and get info on the Kiriakis family from her. He apologizes for the chicanery.

In the past, we do know Deimos knew all about when Philip was in Chicago... & the girl in the hotel, etc.
I like Chloe, well, let's say I liked Chloe when she first came on the teen scene. Over the years, I have continued to like her (and the actress who plays her regardless of the material she has been given). I liked her with Brady and wish they had stayed together. Don't want to see her with shaggy Phil or with Deimos. If they need writers who can give her a real storyline, I'm available. Last time Chloe and Nicole parted, they were friends again. I hope that continues for both their of them - they each need a female friend in Salem.
So...Days is going to actually do the Philip face transplant (or plastic surgery) thing again? And yes, it did not say her face/head was all bandaged, it could be other parts. and now perhaps she thinks Ben got there and set the fire????
Soap writers never seem to worry about redoing plots. Imagine Abigail being distraught over her changed appearance and somebody saying, "Yes, this is difficult. You should talk to Philip Kiriakis who's now on his third face and doing fine." As for the Chloe-Deimos Chicago connection, this after-the-fact nonsense would be worth it if it somehow exposes Kate's lies about Nicole killing Victor's vicious little brother. It might be entertaining to witness Kate suffering the legal consequences of her criminal actions or her going broke and having to go back to trolling for sailors on the piers, but just having her latest evil scheme blow up in her face would be sufficient.
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Or maybe get lost on a fishing ship again--at least I think it was her. That was hilarious! She probably made them promise they would never SHOW those scenes again!
Since it was a different actress who was on the fishing boat, they wouldn't show those scenes now.
They did show Lauren Koslow (Kate) all messed up and soaking wet after she left the boat when on her very first scene arriving back in Salem sometime in 96.