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Nov 23, 2006
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Don't know the when of this......and this is NOT CONFIRMED so far......But I read this whole synopsis yesterday, don't even know where, which seemed copied from a mag.....so will pass this on, take with grain of salt. If I see a confirmation from SOD, or Jason47, will note it. (if you do, let us know)

I am shortening up what I read. Evidently Eric & Brady discover the warehouse, so does Nicole. Even Sami. Brady trapped in locked room, Xander ties up Eric. Dr. Rolf has a lab in there, it catches on fire. Bedlam. Explosion. Sami manages to untie Eric, they get Brady out of the locked room. Nicole trapped behind debris, Brady gets Holly out thru some little opening in debris, Another explosion, Nicole is caught in it, evidently is dead. Brady saves Eric, who won't leave Nicole, would rather die, so Brady knocks him out, drags him to safety.

Mimi tells Belle that Rex is baby daddy......after their breakup, she & Rex hooked up one night in Chicago. He doesn't know. And Rex comes to town....guess what? He is engaged to Sarah Horton!!!!!
So far, she only wants to "visit" if the show wants her. Being she will be presumed dead, don't know what kind of story a short visit would entail. The actress wants to be with her daughter, and Days schedule evidently did not allow her much time for that, so she has said.
So another presumed dead Days fan favorite but no body found? That sounds familiar. Maybe Jack can find her when we gets out of wherever he has been hidden for all these years.

Seriously, what a sad sad end for Nicole. After all this character has survived until now.
Not happy that Nicole will die. I thought I read somewhere some people wonder Eric is the really the daddy to Holly. So Eric will raise her. If it wasn't for Rafe and Hope I would quit watching this soap in a heartbeat.
I thought I read somewhere some people wonder Eric is the really the daddy to Holly. So Eric will raise her.
That is purely viewer speculation on how they could change Holly's paternity. Right now, Eric has no legal rights to raise Holly.

For all we know, Chloe could try to get custody of Holly since she carried and gave birth to her.
True, and she wanted Eric to take Holly & raise her, so it is possible she doesn't reveal being alive so that he will do so, keep Holly safe. Right now, Eric has no rights, unless Nicole left a "will", naming guardianship
well this is Salem where a living will can be executed 20 minutes after a person is shot.....
where the dead rise and walk freely around town
where if you were thought dead or are simply running from the law, which in Salem is really easy to do. a simple baseball cap will do as a disguise...

so it is totally believable that Nicole simply saying Eric, please raise my baby girl is enough to grant him custody....

just curious as to how much this "explosion" cost the production company?? Horton Town Square could use some new plants.... after the harsh summers and winters it's had to endure.... :rotfl:
after their breakup, [Mimi] & Rex hooked up one night in Chicago.
Wow. They broke up about twenty years ago, but this makes it sound like it was last week.

Brady gets Holly out thru some little opening in debris,
Why would Nicole take Holly on a fact-finding mission?!?!?!? DA PLOT!!!
Nicole supposedly escapes from Xander, planning to run off with Eric I am guessing. But at least Nicole takes her child, with her when she leaves a place, unlike other parents of little ones in Salem.