Update on Baby Carson

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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Carson had blood tests and X-Rays today His blood sugar and iron levels are ok and according to the x-rays his heart and liver are normal size. Blood sample is being sent to south carolina to a special lab for further tests.
So far so good again thanks for all the prayers :love:
I'm so glad to hear that he is OK so far! I hope the blood samples show that baby Carson will be OK.
Great news. Thanks for letting us know.

Keep us informed and we'll keep him in our prayers
March 5th Update
Carson had an EKG and an Echocardigram yesterday Both came back normal so his heart is not enlarged. thank you Lord
Still waiting for the lab tests thaat were sent to South Carolina. His enzyne levels are really high, so something is going on. If it is Pompe then it could be he is a carrier and will not develop into a full onset.
So keep the little guy in your prayers ( I know you do) thanks all my great cyber familly
Glad to hear that his heart is a normal, healthy size. I hope everything turns out well and pray for him.
Only when we put our troubles, whether they be financial, physical, job seeking, shortness of anything, to feed our families, or the way to purchase the food, or what ever the malady might be, the problems never last when they are treated with trust in the Lord, and His ability to handle the problems, and allow Him. There is nothing He cannot, and will not do for us, his children. As the love and devotion we gladly give unto Him, and come from him according to His Riches in Heaven. For as we love our children, so He loves us accordingly. May God Bless.