Update on the DAy Ahead


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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The news is not good.....and tho I could be very serious and cite all the problems........I think better yet, I will let my friend, Prevuze, tell the story......

So, here's the latest: My cautious optimism of last week has pretty much gone the same route as the cautious optimism many US politicians had at the time... you know, the ones that after the election are now without jobs.

I guess I have to conclude it's going to be difficult to find someone who has the time, technical skill and equipment to create and upload videos for us. We haven't gotten any new volunteers this week, but I have received several emails, FaceBook posts, tweets and comments on the order of:

"Prevuze (Spectator) is a bright spot in my day. Thank you for everything you do and please don't go away because of your satellite problems."

Awww, shucks... I appreciate all the nice comments and don't want to take away the bright spot in your day (even if you were exaggerating just a bit). So, we now have to go to Plan B. Or was that last scheme Plan B? Let's call this one Plan Q. NO! WAIT! IT'S A SATTELITE! LET'S CALL IT...


So, to get Plan 9 From Outer Space off the ground – My transitions are nothing short of genius, don't you think? – I need to receive the following email from YOU...

* * * * *

Dear Prevuze/Spectator:


1. [live in Canada]

2. [live in Detroit, Buffalo or some other city that gets Canadian TV]

3. [Have a relative who lives in Canada]

4. [Am doing time in a Canadian prison]

5. [Have an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend who lives in Canada and am willing to contact him/her and let bygones be bygones and let the past stay in the past]

6. [unlike most US citizens can actually find Canada on a map]

7. [drink Canada Dry (or have tried but got really drunk and hungover)]

...and want to help. I have broadband Internet and I get the day-ahead DOOL Canadian broadcast. I would love to share it with you and help get the Prevuze blog back on its feet (and the Salem Spectator day-ahead along with it), so that throngs of readers can continue to enjoy suppressing laughter so other people in their offices don't think they're nuts, or so they don't spew coffee through their noses onto their keyboards.

Yes, I want to do all that... BUT...

1. I'm busy. I don't want to do any work.

2. I don't want this to take any of my time.

3. I don't want to record the show. (There's enough crud on my DVR already.)

4. I don't want to upload video.

5. I don't have very good computer equipment and don't want to have to replace it, although I have seriously been thinking of upgrading to an ENIAC. (Take my word for it, the geeks out there are ROFL right now).

6. I don't want to put a satellite dish in my back yard that is bigger than my house.

7. And for God's sake don't ask me for any money or I'll have to lower my living standard and move to a place like the Hernandez hovel.

That's my final offer, Prevuze/Spectator. Take it or leave it. But I really do want to help. Let me know what I can do.


That is about it folks. Neither of us no longer can get the feed in the middle of the night for a "day ahead", and we don't seem to have been able to get any assistance from those who do get to see it a day ahead. Yep, it is a commitment, extra work, and I cannot fault anyone at all.

With me being sick, and coughing all night long, I have had the chance to check other channels, etc. at weird and different hours, to no avail. The feed to Canada has disappeared, must be somewhere, tho..but cannot find it.

No clue, I have tried even checking the "free to air" schedules for the big dishes.....could not find a thing. Sorry everyone......


P.S. What we need is day ahead video.....and I know hearts are in the right place, but we do NOT need urls to other sites with next day summaries. That is what WE do. Summaries. And if we can't. We can't.
...and if we don't...we don't...

yer right Barb.... but this board will do just fine. We love what you have been able to provide for us...a sneak preview to our beloved show...but you have also provided us with something perhaps more important....a community... we have a wonderful group of ...no let's call it what it is...a family of Days Fans here....I think that we will manage just fine with or without the prevuze....
on the bright side...you don't have to get up so dang early in the mornings anymore. :)
Thanks for the update Barb, and while it is indeed disappointing, I couldn't have said it better than rew. This site is very important to me and the other members. We love talking about our favorite pastime and there is no better or more fun place to do it than here. So preview or no preview, I still love it. Thank you for providing a platform and haven for us. And somewhere down the road, I have a feeling that the feed will reappear. I just do.
Sorry I can't help ....I can't even find a new blank vhs tape :( .
You scared me with the Canada dry. lol I have some Ginger ale and well......thought omg how can I get drunk on it (thought I had bought something I had not intended ) :D
I guess if I were a good member, I could move back to Northern Maine where we got the Canadian channels, therefore Days a day ahead, but heck, I'm mediocre at best, so think I will stay right where I am now.....
Personally, I think Paul Shaffer has something to do with the lost Canadian satellite feed....or the duct tape came loose.....one of the two.....
It's actually a Canadian conspiracy.....we've been planning this for years...its our way of invading American culture at its epic center and holding your lifestyle for ransome. I've been living down here for 15 years now as an undercover agent.

We haven't figured out yet what we want in return for freeing the airwaves again. We basically have everything we need.....maybe you can blow a lot of hot air our way....and quit blaming us for the nasty "Canadian" weather,.....and stop trying to speak like us...its not aboot it and we DO have a sense of humour....and.....and.....we like our own cheddar cheese and yes...the Canucks won the Olympic Hockey game fair and square....

So...what do you say ...EH??
:rotfl: rew, now I know that you've gone over the edge.

It still doesn't solve the problem for Barb to get the Canadian video feed.

OK, this is probably super dumb............... Since Days is taped so far in advance, could they be sending the show on DVD, high speed internet file transfer, etc., to save paying the satellite fee?
Not only is she wearing her patriotic garb, but also nonpartisan, with equal time given to red and blue.
that's a fact jack!

I am now a Can-Am. :)

Didn't mean to high jack the thread....just trying to let you know Barb that THIS is what its all about....the frivolity and camaraderie and kinship...that's what keeps us coming back.
Oh, I know that, only too well. Actually, I was wondering if the change to HD would have an effect? Gad, I know nothing about electronics. But come to think of it, Red has a point. The show could possibly be sending the show via some other method. But egads......if so, you'd think they would know how important it is here, and let me in on it. LOLOLOL
Barb, thank you for being so dedicated over the years.

But I'm curious... how does the DaysCafe get their info? They normally have a posting each evening.
The admin/owner of Days Cafe lives in Canada, so gets to see the show herself, writes it up.

We did get an offer of help, but it remains to be seen if the logistics can be worked out.