upload from personal computer?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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How can I upload an icon or image from my own computer? I.E. the insert image here seems to need an url from another source(website).The ability is there for avatars, but I cannot seem to find it elsewhere.
@Red, it's on the to do list once the author releases the module non-beta. Sorry.

Guess my vision is not what it used to be as I could not see/read anything in the screen cast. However, yes, I knew about the "upload a file" feature. Already had used it in a thread. I guess I meant something else, so will have to e-mail you.
P.S. I understand that because Christmas fell on a Sunday, a great many folks got Monday off. Sorry you were'nt lucky enough for that perk. :)
Are you talking about for smileys and such? If so -- as we discussed -- uploads of that type have to be uploaded manually.

--- OR ---

You could "Start a Conversation" with yourself, then add the image the same way you do in a thread. Once you have the thread with the image you want, you can cut and paste the image URL into the box for the smiley add screen.
LOL, that does SOUND funny (start a conversation with yourself)...do ya think they would cart me away if anyone was watching/listening? Just kidding. I know what you mean, and yes, that is what I was referring to. Last night I was trying to find just a couple of things that could be added (or replacing) and I have them on my computer, and no idea where they came from.
Will try what you suggested, sounds plausible. But...am taking the computer in again today, so will be without for a spell.
Dang Russian hackers! (saw a report on CNN this a.m. about exactly what happened to me)
Stay away from the Russians, Barb!

When a Russian approaches you and says in an alluring voice, "you want make sexy?" That's not a good thing.. I'm just sayin' :)
Ok, color me dense AGAIN, lol, but I was just trying to put a picture I have on my computer into a post. I have copied and pasted pics from online a few times, but never one of mine. I just changed my avatar is all. So I have to start a conversation with myself and find the link? And I thought I was fairly computer savvy, lol!
If you want to insert into a post......then ...from ANOTHER SOURCE, copy the url, then click on the tree icon in the line above the post, insert the url, and then click on the "insert".
If you want to insert into a post from YOUR OWN COMPUTER, then click on the "upload a file" button . And by the way, after that appears, you either have it as a tiny pic, or "full image", which you click on afterwards, and before you post your reply.

OK, wanted to try this, using Poirot's instructions and it worked!!

This is an old Love's Baby Soft ad from the 80's. That cute guy is Galen Gering (Rafe)! Kind of funny that the heading on the ad says "Why I love lending Nicole my jacket".
Well, I finally got a pic in here. Thanks for the help! Now I have to figure out how to reduce the image size, because most of my pics are taken with the best resolution I have. I'm an artist and I like the detail. At least I got this far!! Thanks!
I'm glad we can post pictures here without using photobucket.

Some people post pictures as attachments and you can make them bigger.

How do you it that way?
I think you have to reduce the image size within your own computer, using the instructions within your computer. (go to your help area, click on the photos/videos area. It will tell you how to make your photo larger or smaller. etc. (every computer is different, everyone has different software, and different operating systems. So I cannot be real specific)
My camera takes big size (MB's) photos. I found this free program on line. I think I got it from Kim Komando's website.
Here is the photo editor and it is easy to make a a 2MB pic down to 50KB's or less & still keep the pic.
Can make a pic bigger too.
It has a lot of features to change color size quality etc! FREE! I love it and am still learning how to use it.
I can help with somethings if you decide to use it. Hope this helps.
I used to have two sites which did a great job, as pics have to be made a certain size to use for avatars. But lost the urls when my computr crashed last winter.