urgent prayers please


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
My sweet friend Noelle is in the hospital again (she has had many medical issues since we graduated high school).
This week she is fighting sepsis, a very serious infection that stemmed from a surgery she had last April (according to her mom).
Noelle and I grew up together, and though I didn't name my youngest child after her- she jokes that I did (which, I did get the spelling from her, so she's right about that)...haha- that's the cute blondie in my profile pick that is "named after" Noelle haha. (they have the same first and middle names - I really didn't think about it when I chose the name lol)

anyways. Today, her mother informed me that she is in septic shock and renal failure. if they can stabilize her, they will move her to the bigger hospital downtown. so far, they have not been able to move her. honestly, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this and what it means.

Her mom says it's serious and I'm really scared for my friend. my heart is breaking- please pray!
Noelle is still hanging on, but barely. she is still not stable enough to move. she is still in renal failure, other organs are perhaps shutting down too.
the only ray of hope is how young she is. nurses say that since she is only 30 years old, she could bounce back to us at any moment, and though it will take days, weeks, maybe months to recover- the possibility is there.

Come on, Noelle. you got this girl! Fight, baby, Fight!
God, Noelle sure needs you right now- please stay by her side. Heal her body. Amen.
A very warm heart felt prayer heading her way, and with all the others, I say fight sweetie. This is the one time in your life that you really need to keep the miracles from our Heavenly Father, coming. He knows what she needs, and will direct the doctors and care givers. I am sure it warms the depths of His heart to see the loving response of all of us, as we ask for His assistance. What an excellent time for us to humble ourselves before our Lord, now that it is His birth day, and still His heart is large enough to handle all situations..... Come on Noelle,,,, fight. Come on back to your family, and to your friends... Thank You Dear Lord In Heaven Above.
update: Noelle came HOME last night! She still has a long way to go- therapy, doctors visits. But Saturday, she was well enough to be moved from ICU to a regular room, and Sunday evening was sent home.
The sepsis did attack her organs- so for this week, she is resting at home, doctor visits resume next week to evaluate and make a plan where to go from here. (So long as she gets to stay at home until then, and continues to improve.)
thank you for your prayers! She sure scared me last week- so glad God gave her back to us!
Sweetheart, this is the kind of Christmas wish that is worth all the gold in the hills of California.... I am so happy that she is at least on her way to recovery, and the Will of the Lord is so evident, and alive... Thanks for the information, and may the glorious warmth of the season bless the very depths of our hearts. thanks again for the sharing of the love.
angel prayers.jpg
Thank you everyone!

Man, talk about a roller coaster Christmas.

I was so happy that my friend Noelle is healing and doing better, even getting to come home last week.

Only to turn around and be in tears- my family has 3 times tried to make my 88 year old Grandma's wish come true this year. She just wants all of us down there together to visit one last time, she and Grandpa are getting older and she is worried it would be the last get together before one of them passes away.... it still hasn't happened. 2 tries earlier this year, just a few months apart, my husband lost both of his Grandfather's back to back, so both times we traveled the opposite direction and missed my family gathering- good reason, I needed to be there for my hubby.

Planned all of us to try again this Christmas... you guessed it, I missed it. My daughter had the flu last week- fever didn't break until Friday night (we were supposed to leave Friday morning)... I couldn't risk her getting the Grandparents, or my 1 year old niece sick...so we stayed home and played video games. and cried. a lot. :(

I guess we just aren't meant to all be together at the same time. we did face time with Grandma via my dad's tablet... she cried too. *sigh*. and with this being the first Christmas for both my husband's grandmother's without their husbands, and also first birthday without them (one of hubby's Grandpa's birthday was Christmas Day- he would have been 89)... both of them were also crying when we talked to them on the phone.

lots of crying sure makes it hard to remember this is the season to be joyful for Christ's birth, and the healing of my friend Noelle. :( so much to be happy and thankful for... and also so much sadness... mix that all in a bowl and you have a recipe for crazy people.

now I'm back at work. kids are both healthy- and Christmas with family that missed us will happen when it happens. we'll just celebrate all year. may just leave the tree up. at this point, I'm just thankful we're all healthy and thankful we were able to afford the meds to get us there and keep us sane. lol.

despite the downs- it was a good Christmas, as I was with my hubby and my children- who were happy and blessed, Santa came and didn't care my kid had the flu, he still made her Christmas wish come true. Hope all of you had wonderful Christmas' spent with those you love!
DaysLady, I'm sorry you missed your Christmas with all your family.
I hope you can try again.

I'm glad Noelle is still doing well.