Volunteers needed

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Barb (Poirot) broke her tooth and won't be able to do the summaries for several days.

Anyone who can pitch in to help would be greatly appreciated. Even a quickie summary works and others can fill in the details.
Oh OUCH!! Sorry to hear that Barb. Tooth pain is the worst and hope it gets fixed and feeling better fast. I'm sorry I'm unable to help as I watch Days a day behind in the evening or before work.
Just a reminder, the show probably won't in Eastern and Central time on Wed
because Senator hearings.

Maybe someone in Canada or in Western part of US can do it that day.
I can maybe help today, I'm working from home so it would be very brief but I can have it on in the background and jot some notes as to what I hear going on.
Hi folks, well, I just talked to my dentist's office, and ...........they cannot get me in til WED a.m. So, I will be able to do Mon & Tues. Wed. is pre-empt. Jason does Thurs. There is no saving or repairing, I know, so will try and get an update on Wed. Next week is the kicker, for sure.
I have a bridge, the tooth is the one it hooked on to, so it is a lot more complicated than one would think.
Thanks for the update Poirot.
Oh Poirot, so sorry about your tooth, I hope it doesn't hurt too much.

I wish I had checked back sooner, I've been trying to take notes for the past 40 minutes while working. both are suffering. I guess I'll quit taking notes about the show now. :rolleyes: