Wednesday, February 13th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Episode #10,761 Taped 1/22 Director – Kathryn Foster

Max & Stephanie return to the apartment, having had a fun day. They exchange some light chitchat, nearly kiss again, but Max puts a hold on that, telling Stephanie he doesn’t want to get all hot and heavy with her, nor push her into anything. Later they are tossing popcorn at each other, trying to catch in their mouths, again horsing around, and again drawing back. Stephanie asks when they can start kissing again, Max tells her in time. She talks of missing her folks and being happy they are on their way home, and he talks of missing his pop, happy he is also on the way home.

Sami returns to the house in a depressed state of mind. EJ babbles on about the babies, Tony & Anna coming over, but Sami is very quiet and in a very pensive mood. He asks what happened, she doesn’t want to talk about it, but finally just says, she saw Lucas at the station in the visitor’s room, they talked, said good-byes, and now she will never be able to see him again except behind glass. EJ asks if she still loves Lucas, YES, she replies. He reminds her that Lucas did this to himself, it is his own fault. She knows that. Now she wonders when they can get out of there, but EJ has enjoyed their time in the safe house. Cue Abe to arrive, with news that Sami can go home. Oh, Stefano will probably always be a threat, even if in a coma and locked away in a psychiatric ward, but she can go home. Sami thanks him for taking such good care of her and the twins, Abe leaves, and Sami wants to start packing up. EJ is helping, but talks of how he will miss the place, and experiencing what it is like to be part of a family. Sami assures him that he will have his own family some day. He talks of not missing getting up at 3 a.m. and being able to sleep thru the night, she tells him he can see Johnny any time, as long as he calls first. Now he asks if when he takes Johnny to the park or zoo, or whatever, if he can also spend some time with Allie. Sami reminds him Allie is not his daughter, that Lucas is her father, and he points out that Lucas will not be there, Allie will need a male figure in her life. (And what is wrong with Uncle Bo, Cousin Shawn, Grampa Roman, Uncle Steve, etc. ?) He talks of reading stories at bedtime, tucking a child in, but Sami sternly replies that those are for parents to do, and he is not Allie’s parent. She finally does drop her protests, tho, and seemingly agrees he can see Allie at times. She drops the DVD on the floor, picks it up, telling EJ that Lucas made it for Allie. And later, she has Allie on her lap, and they are watching the DVD Lucas made for his daughter. (Hmmm, Lucas has grown this horrible (in my opinion) black mustache the last we saw him, but it is not on him in the DVD). Lucas is telling Allie how much he loves her, loves her mother, made a mistake and has to be away for a while, but wishes he could be there. EJ comes out of a back room, sees part of this, then seems to retreat back again, leaving Sami & Allie to watch by themselves. Lucas talks of how he will miss Allie’s first steps, her first words, and how he thinks of her every day, how much he loves her. EJ returns, talking of how it is no secret of his distaste for Lucas, nor Lucas’s for him. He knows Sami will be fine, and tells her that during their time in the house, how his feelings for her have grown. She replies she is sorry about his feelings, but thanks him for having been a gentleman. He replies he will always be a gentleman for her. Later, we see boxes being carried out, and everything is packed up, as Sami leaves to return home.

Aboard the plane, a repeat of John ordering the pilot to dump the fuel, Steve saying not to do it, the pilot trying to no avail. Steve goes out into the cabin, tells everyone there is no radio, no electronics, no controls, and they are losing cabin pressure. Steve says they will remain in the air, and should be able to bring the plane down on land. Finally, John comes out, with more or less the same information. He figures they have about 2 ½ hours flying time left. Chloe asks if they are going to crash…..Not on my watch, says John. Marlena asks if he has figured out what to do……not yet. He warns it will get colder, to bundle up, they cannot descend and have to stay in the air until they run out of fuel. Philip gets more blankets. Everyone is huddled together, John goes back in the cockpit, finds the pilots asleep. Not a good time for a siesta, guys, he says. Now he goes back to the cabin, gets “Blondie”, and she rules out various reasons for the pilots being unconscious, finally figuring they have been drugged. Did they drink anything. Just water. She checks the water bottle, sees residue at the bottom. John is now responsible for flying the plane, and getting them down safely. She administers some antidote to the pilots, but no idea when they will come to. She returns to the cabin, informs everyone what happened. People are scared. She says the same people who sabotaged the plane have drugged the pilots, and John is now flying the plane. She tells them that with limited oxygen, they are going to have to eventually rely on the oxygen masks, and presses the release button, causing them all to drop down. Philip says he had some flying experience is the service, Marlena says John will let them know if he needs any help. Everyone is huddled very close together, with the oxygen masks dangling above their heads. John returns, is asked if he has figured out what to do. No. We will fly til we run out of fuel. Then what, he is asked. Then we will join Colleen and Santo in the hereafter, replies John.

Thanks Barb

Yeah, EJ was such a gentleman when he raped Sami.

Here's hoping that we don't have to see rapemi for the next couple of weeks - at least then I'll be able to watch the rest of the show.
thanks Barb ...

I must say EJ has been a really good friend to Sami ... encouraging her, listening to her, helping her. Making her smile at times No pressure - gentleman to the 10th degree. I heard that they briefly touch for a moment by accident while packing and sparks fly is that true?

great write up Barb. Can't wait to see it. Thanks.:smile:
Thanks Barb

Yeah, EJ was such a gentleman when he raped Sami.

Here's hoping that we don't have to see rapemi for the next couple of weeks - at least then I'll be able to watch the rest of the show.

ah, in my oppion sami wanted it, just had mixed feelings about it. She didn't say no. And has also had many heated scenes with EJ, I understand that no means no. But did she say no? She gave her self to him to save lucas. Come on.
We are NOT going to turn this thread into a rehash of Dec. 29th. Be forewarned.

As to them touching hands while packing suitcases.....yes, they do. I would not say sparks flew, but I know everyone will have their own interpretation. It seemed Sami does not want any physical contact with EJ.

Fudd, you got that right...exactly how John said those words.
EJ makes me absolutely sick. he is so trying to take advantage of Sami's vulnerable state over Lucas, but what else is new? first of all, what a hypocrite!! how disgusting to hear him say Lucas brought this on. hey pot, meet kettle. do the writers seriously think we forgot how he tried to kill Lucas & John? also what is his need to take Lucas' place in Allie's life? who is he to decide she needs him as a father figure? it's like Barb said, she has plenty of wonderful men in her life .alright, i removed all references to the rape in my post.
Thanks for the write up! My dvr is broken...cable guy won't be here until tomorrow! :cry: Thanks for keeping me up to date.
We are NOT going to turn this thread into a rehash of Dec. 29th. Be forewarned.

As to them touching hands while packing suitcases.....yes, they do. I would not say sparks flew, but I know everyone will have their own interpretation. It seemed Sami does not want any physical contact with EJ.

Fudd, you got that right...exactly how John said those words.

lol Poirot. I was just we go again! I don't want to re-live that thread either. As I said then...let's just agree to disagree and move on!
Did a certain fanbase decide to gang up on here today?...and from what I read, Mikala, you didn't bring it I wouldn't apologize if I were you. I really can't believe that some people are still harping on it, especially with the silly high school nicknames! Let. It. Go. Move. On.

Thanks for the write up, Poirot.
I can't tell you how much I have been loving NuJohn lately! Something about him is just facinating to watch.
I look forward to the EJ stuff too...and hopefully that is the last Lucas goodbye scene that we will have for awhile. Not sure I could sit through another one. :rolls eyes:
Did a certain fanbase decide to gang up on here today?...and from what I read, Mikala, you didn't bring it I wouldn't apologize if I were you. I really can't believe that some people are still harping on it, especially with the silly high school nicknames! Let. It. Go. Move. On.
Thank you Alligato, and you are right. And again thank you. I felt bad for commenting.
Thanks Barb

Yeah, EJ was such a gentleman when he raped Sami.

Here's hoping that we don't have to see rapemi for the next couple of weeks - at least then I'll be able to watch the rest of the show.

I agree norma

btw, he mentions to sami how did lucas did this to himself well comon ej you gave him no choice in the matter. what about you ej are you going to prison for locking lucas in the freezer and almost killing him?

thank you barb.
Did a certain fanbase decide to gang up on here today?...and from what I read, Mikala, you didn't bring it I wouldn't apologize if I were you. I really can't believe that some people are still harping on it, especially with the silly high school nicknames! Let. It. Go. Move. On.

Thanks for the write up, Poirot.
I can't tell you how much I have been loving NuJohn lately! Something about him is just facinating to watch.
I look forward to the EJ stuff too...and hopefully that is the last Lucas goodbye scene that we will have for awhile. Not sure I could sit through another one. :rolls eyes:

you're right, alligato, i could have sworn that sami and lucas already had a goodbye meeting at the jail. talk about deja vu! :dejavu:
Did a certain fanbase decide to gang up on here today?...and from what I read, Mikala, you didn't bring it I wouldn't apologize if I were you. I really can't believe that some people are still harping on it, especially with the silly high school nicknames! Let. It. Go. Move. On.

Thanks for the write up, Poirot.
I can't tell you how much I have been loving NuJohn lately! Something about him is just facinating to watch.
I look forward to the EJ stuff too...and hopefully that is the last Lucas goodbye scene that we will have for awhile. Not sure I could sit through another one. :rolls eyes:
let's not bash that certain fan base either cause she has the right to her opinion.

"She talks of missing her folks and being happy they are on their way home, and he talks of missing his pop, happy he is also on the way home."

>> I know that this topic has been worked through (over and over,lol), but I just find it TOO funny that Max and Stephanie are missing their relatives that are coming back home from what was basically a family reunion. ROTFL Sorry, can't help it!

If I do not get to watch anything else this week, I will make it a point to see John say that they are all gonna join Santeen in the afterlife with no emotion whatsover. WOW.

Haven't seen Nick or Chelsea in a while.

I'm not a pilot, but I don't see the point of staying high in the air when you are losing cabin pressure. Wouldn't the pressure be less as you get closer to the ground? I don't know, silly question maybe. I've never flown before

Another thing, if "Blondie" (lol) can walk in and see stuff sitting at the bottom of the pilots' drinks, why couldn't they see it? lol

I guess we are watching the Redeeming of EJ in the works?

Are these still the scab writers or the ones from the strike? Does anyone know? just curious

Wow I think this is my longest post ever! lol
I truly believe that ej is faking his redemption. when he doesn't get his way with sami he show is true colors.
None of the controls or electronics on the plane are working, so they cannot descend. If they could, they would. Even in landing, I know they always say something about flaps open.....and that will not happen either. There is a hole in the fuselage and all the oxygen is leaking out! (Do any of you remember that personal jet, flying in the air, with all the windows iced up, and everyone inside was dead? Happened a few years ago, and the Air Force sent up escort planes or something to try and make sure when it ran out of fuel and crashed, it hopefully would be in a field, not a city, or houses in a neighborhood)

Just a P.S. At one point EJ calls Sami.......Samantha Brady Roberts Horton DiMera. Sure would hate to wait while she signed a check or charge card slip. LOL
None of the controls or electronics on the plane are working, so they cannot descend. If they could, they would. Even in landing, I know they always say something about flaps open.....and that will not happen either. There is a hole in the fuselage and all the oxygen is leaking out! (Do any of you remember that personal jet, flying in the air, with all the windows iced up, and everyone inside was dead? Happened a few years ago, and the Air Force sent up escort planes or something to try and make sure when it ran out of fuel and crashed, it hopefully would be in a field, not a city, or houses in a neighborhood)

Just a P.S. At one point EJ calls Sami.......Samantha Brady Roberts Horton DiMera. Sure would hate to wait while she signed a check or charge card slip. LOL

I remember that. It was in 2000. It was Professional golfer, Payne Stewart and his caddy and some business associates. He was flying on his private jet to a fund raising tournement in Idaho if I remember correctly. I use to be a huge golf fan, so I remember it well.