Wednesday, February 27th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Episode #10,771 Taped 2/5 Director – Albert Alarr

Today is the day of Pop Shawn’s funeral, and whether you are female or male, make sure the tissues are handy, as you are going to need them. I do not think I can really do justice to this most heartfelt & moving episode.

The show opens in St. Lukes, where Roman has just lit a candle. We see the coffin, and a big picture of Shawn. He sits down, Marlena comes in, & he just says he got there early, wanting to have a few minutes alone with Pop. She offers to leave, no, this is fine. She remarks on the lovely picture. Mom picked it out, it took her quite a while to find the perfect one. He had such a great smile. They both go up to the casket, he talks of how he will be missing his Pop, Marlena lays her head on his shoulder. John walks in, she turns and sees him, is surprised. He thought he would come to pay his respects, but doesn’t want to interrupt their cuddle time. Both Roman & Marlena smile & protest, saying they are friends. John is surprised, divorced people are usually bitter. Not so, replies Roman, we had some problems but were good friends. Yes, says Marlena, we all 3 were really good friends. John says, in that case, I owe you a hug, and grabs hold of a surprised Roman.

At the Pub, Kayla, Stephanie, Steve, Max are waiting for Caroline, who comes rushing in, apologizing for being late. No she hasn’t eaten, Stephanie goes to make some oatmeal. Caroline tells of Frankie calling, sorry he cannot make it, but will try and be home soon. Max has also talked to Frankie, Caroline does not know how she is going to make it thru the day, Kayla assures her that she will be surrounded by family, and in walks Kimberly, echoing the same sentiments. Hugs all around, and time to leave for church. Kim offers to take Mom, and in comes Victor, hoping to do that himself. Caroline tells everyone to go, Kimberly lights into Victor for having the nerve to come, Victor tells her that she has been gone a long time, that he has regretted the things he has done to her family in the past, and Caroline assures her they have all put it behind them. Caroline tells Kim to go, but Kim warns Victor about her mother being vulnerable now, and not to hurt her. Victor never would. With Kim gone, Caroline says she cannot go with him to her husband’s funeral, it would not be appropriate, and the church is not far. She wants to walk. He worries of her being alone, but she will not be alone, Shawn will be with her, and this will be their last walk together.

Shawn, Belle & Hope arrive at the hospital to bring Bo to the funeral. Lexie assures Hope it is o.k. but he should come back to the hospital right afterwards. They have taken more tests, and when they get results they will know more. Sami & EJ are at the church, people are milling around. Bo, Hope, Belle & Shawn come in. Hope says something about Doug & Julie minding all the kids. Philip & Chloe come in, with Phil giving Sami a hard time about his brother. Sami tells Roman that she spoke to Lucas, who sends his condolences and wishes he could be here, and that she also talked to Will, Carrie & Austin, who all are sorry they cannot make it. Maggie talks to Marlena, asks about John, wondering if they will ever get “their” John Black back. Outside, Steve has been waiting for Caroline, spots Ava lurking behind some trees, tries to chase her, but she disappears. He goes inside, the church is filling up. Kim goes to stand up at the casket, Roman joins her, and holds her hand. Kayla comes up, and then Bo, all the children holding hands. Steve has his arm around Hope and right behind them. EJ stands in the back of the church, tells Sami that even from back here, he can tell how close her family is. Sami replies that they may fight among themselves, but are very close. EJ remarks how different from how his father raised his children, Shawn did a good job. He hopes he can do a good job, too. Sami goes to call Julie and check on the twins. Victor arrives, Philip asks about Caroline, Vic says there was a change in plans. Finally, Caroline comes in, EJ takes her to her seat, returns to the back of the church.

Roman speaks first, thanking everyone for coming, that Pop always loved a big party, and how they would all be going to the Pub, raise a couple of pints in his honor. Then he is talking of the three things his pop taught them all, hard work was #1. He talks of the fish market, and all the hours he put in, and how finally, he was able to realize his dream of owning an Irish Pub. And that was all due to John Black, who put up the money, he thanks John, who sits, stoic. He then talks of honesty, and finally of love. Kim is next, wishing she would have been able to come home more often thru the years, and sobbing as she says she never got a chance to say good-bye. Kayla talks of how her dad took her fishing when she was little, how she loved those times because she had him all to herself, all his attention, and they would talk, he would give advice. She got older, the fishing outings were no longer frequent, but the advice still came. And now a flashback to an adult Kayla, fishing with her dad off the pier, just before she was marrying Steve. Pop did not much care for Steve at first, but this is where he tells Kayla he is o.k. with it.
Now Bo, who says Pop may not have been his biological father, but was his father in every sense of the word. They did not get along, mostly cuz Bo was a pain in the butt, however they loved each other. He was always a hero to Bo, and he died a hero. And now another flashback of Shawn toasting his rebel son.

Now we have Chloe singing a beautiful song, as the mourners file up to the casket and lay things on it. Hope lays a rose, Steve lays his harmonica, some lay a book, a rosary, various items. And the song ends, Caroline walks up to the casket. (Sorry, I am tearing up remembering this, it is hard to write). She talks to her husband, her great love, she sobs, and we have a flashback of Shawn bringing her a big bouquet of flowers…and a gorgeous ring (I think it was an anniversary) as he mentions asking her to spend the rest of her life with him). Caroline says Good-bye to Shawn, saying “May the earth rest easy over your body in the ground, may the earth rest so easy, as your spirit flies up, on it’s way to God. I will love you always. “ Caroline lays her head on the casket, stroking the cloth runner that covers it.

Sounds good, except for the life of me I can't figure out why they had to put EJ in the episode. He has no business being there. No worries though, I'll just ff'd through him and concentrate on how good it is to see Kimberly back.
Great write up!

I lost my father just over a year ago, so watching these episodes are very hard for me. As I sit here reading them I am crying at my desk. I can't wait to see the show I am sure I will be crying nonstop.
Okay...I am sitting in my office crying. The people I work with are going to think I am a nutcase!!! I can't wait to watch this episode. (I will just have to do it when the bf isn't home, lol). He loves to make fun of me, my show, & my crying!!!
Thanks Barb - thanks for your write-up sounds like another great show ...

Looks like Caroline and EJ are really bonding ... I think it's so cute she is so small next to his tall frame .... EJ even gets to take Caroline to her seat ... wow!
This will be a very sad day indeed. Thanks for the Days Ahead. I'll be sure to have my hanky. :cry:
Once again, Sami proves herself a better mother than Hope. Evidently the writers have forgotten about poor little Ciara. Hopefully she's with Doug and Julie, too, and not locked in her room at the Brady house! Poor kid!
EJ has more right to be there than many others...

Just the facts:

He's married to Shawn's granddaughter.
He's the father of Shawn's great-grandchild.

And most of all.... Caroline personally invited him.

Sounds good, except for the life of me I can't figure out why they had to put EJ in the episode. He has no business being there. No worries though, I'll just ff'd through him and concentrate on how good it is to see Kimberly back.
Barb, this is when your writing style reminds me of how much I appreciate you. I have a big lump in my throat and I know I will cry my eyes out tomorrow. I am so glad they are giving Shawn such a caring farwell. He's been part of our family for such a long time. I had thought they would bring Will home for the funeral.
Thank you Barb!
omg i am crying just reading this hopefully it will snow so i wont have to go to work so i can watch this
thank you for the write up
I have to say that to me, EJ did not belong there either. However, Caroline did tell him to come, he accepted, and did the right thing, by standing in the very back of the church. His presence was not intrusive on any of the family members or other mourners.
Hmmmm. Max didn't speak at the funeral. I think the writers are trying to distance him from the familial relationship because of his involvement with Stephanie. I wish they would just mention it.
Once again, Sami proves herself a better mother than Hope. Evidently the writers have forgotten about poor little Ciara. Hopefully she's with Doug and Julie, too, and not locked in her room at the Brady house! Poor kid!

According to the write up Hope is the one to say that Doug and Julie are minding all the kids. So I think Ciara is ok.
Barb, you write so beautifully!! Thank you!! I cried just reading it. You have such a talent for this and we all appreciate it so much!