Wednesday, March 12th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

Episode #10,781 Taped 2/25 Director – Herb Stein

Marlena sits with Dr. Berman at Chez Rouge, going over fund raising plans, when she spots John arriving with someone. She is obviously distracted, Dr. Berman turns around, & comments that “it really is true, he is alive”. The next scene has Marlena & Dr. Berman standing, with John facing them and telling the doctor “so you are the one who signed my death certificate”. Yes, but I checked and doublechecked, I was very thorough. He excuses himself as he has another appointment, and John asks Marlena to join him and his guest, Paul Hollingsworth, who is in charge of customs apparently. They all sit down, John proceeds to question the man on how some shipments get delayed, some go through rather quickly, etc. Paul Hollingsworth leaves, Marlena says she knows what John is up to, he is trying to have Victor’s delayed, while his go through. John never said that, they go back & forth a bit. She reminds him Victor was his father-in-law. Yeah, so John has been told, Isabella, right? Yes, you loved her very much. She died. We named our daughter Belle after her. But John does not remember that, he is not that man. Marlena is unable to dissuade him, and leaves, but calls Philip, telling him they have to talk, she has knowledge of some problems at the docks. Later, Marlena sees John walking, (apparently near the docks) calls out that she knows he is going to see that customs official again. And that it is against the law to bribe him, and that if he takes that step, there is no going back. So, just what to I have to go back to, asks John. Me, all of me, breathes Marlena, as she gets up close and personal with a passionate kiss. John turns, starts to walk towards his original objective, she says his name, he stops. He turns and walks completely away. Marlena breathes a sigh of relief, saying “thank God”.

At the hospital, Stephanie arrives with coffee for her greatful dad. Seems she ditched her guard, saw Mom in the cafeteria and she has gone to Bo’s room. (Can you say Uncle Bo, Steph?). Steve’s cell rings, tis her guard, & Steve tells him she is with him, and that he is fired. He & Steph exchange some small talk, she can take care of herself, o.k. no guard, he promises to take care of her mom, she is going to see Max, they hug, she leaves. Steve calls the agency & gets another guard for his daughter. Now he finds Kayla, and pesters her about taking a well-deserved break. Dr. Jonas agrees, he promises to have the reluctant Kayla back in a couple hours. They go home, to find the table all set with a meal, he ordered it from room service. Later, she is stuffed, realizes she really needed that, has to get back to the hospital. Steve has other plans, as he nuzzles her, kissing her neck, etc.

Down on the docks, Nick approaches Max, and they a heart to heart about being friends, and that all is o.k. after the business with his grant proposal. Max just claims he needed a piece of paper to write on. Nick finally asks Max if he is jealous of him. Max says what is there to be jealous of. Now they get into Nick’s career, while Max has none, is helping his mom out at the Pub, and wants to, no doubt about it. Nick reminds him he was a big time racecar driver…ah, the operative word for Max is WAS. He was a racecar driver, used to have his own garage. They mention the failed airline investment, Nick comments the Hortons are upstanding folks, but Jeremy was evidently their bad apple. But one good thing, it brought Stephanie to Max. He smiles, and cue Stephanie to arrive with Pub chowder for Max. Chelsea is with her, and Nick goes to talk to her. Now Max & Steph have some small talk, during which he talks about her being in college, a sorority, an internship, and on her way to a high power job, while he has no prospects. She wonders if he is trying to break up with her. We hear Nick tell Chelsea something about an error in her calculations. Steph assures Max he is an amazing person, and don’t sell himself short. Chelsea wonders if anyone wants coffee, Steph volunteers to go for it. She leaves, and Max uses the opportunity to take a pan of paper out of what I think is Nick’s backpack, and do some erasing and writing on it. Chelsea is talking with Nick about her Dad, telling him how she knows the surgery would be very risky, but if she can, she wants to be the donor. Nick promises to be there for her, they hug. Stephanie returns just as Max returns the pad of paper to the purse, asking him what is up.

At the hospital, Lexie is tired, drops a sheaf of papers, Dr. McStudly offers to help her pick them up, she snaps at him, upset that time is running out for Bo, and if he mentioned the transplant option sooner, they might have more time. Yes, she knows it is risky for both. Though she & Bo have not always got along, they put it all behind them, and she doesn’t know what she & Abe would do without Bo in their lives. Cue Abe to arrive, trying to get her to take a break. Nope, not until all the testing is done and they find a donor. He promises to bring Theo by after school.

In Bo’s room Hope is sleeping in the chair next to Bo, as Kayla tiptoes in, opening the window blinds. She stirs, Bo awakes, Kayla takes vitals. Chelsea arrives for a short visit, promising to return later. Bo is glad he got to spend time with her yesterday, time with everyone, he wanted to say his good-byes. Hope shushes him, and tells him he has to stick around, especially to teach Ciara how to drive, as she is no good at that. He mentions background checks on boyfriends, Hope says, see……..I would never think of that. She tells him she doesn’t know what she would do without him, and he remarks that if it was her laying in the bed instead of him, she would be telling him all was going to be o.k. He tells her he knows he is getting worse, his body is failing, he can feel it. She lays down next to him, arms around him, her head on his shoulder, asking if this is better. Indeed, yes, replies Bo.

Looks like another great episode. What is max up to?????:D
No EJ or SAMI!!!!!! :(

I need my EJAMI fix......I guess I'll watch old shows:cry:.

I hope they are on tomorrow.....I only watch when they are on.
I guess this is the time when ALI had the flu and they are givng us the BO /HOPE fix now.
OK, what's up with Max? Is he trying to sabotage Nick? Or, is he some kind of genius and is helping Nick? Sometimes, I can figure these out, but so far, this one has me stumped.

What would be his motive for sabotage? He doesn't want Chelsea, Nick is not some rich, macho, adonis kind of guy. Sure, Max has a few problems right now, but why take it out on Nick? Have they ever really been rivals?
Thanks for the write up sounds like another good show. Can't wait to see John with the Dr Berman. I was wondering when he would get around to talking with that Dr. I remember when he went after the person that preped the bodies to send to newsalem.
No EJ or SAMI!!!!!! :(

I need my EJAMI fix......I guess I'll watch old shows:cry:.

I hope they are on tomorrow.....I only watch when they are on.
I am glad there are so many others whofeel differently, and watch the show itself. In other words, are fans and viewers of Days of Our Lives.

The acting on the show has been absolutely terrific by everyone. This Bo story is moving along, John is facinating to watch, as we all try to figure out what he is up to. I love the smirks/smiles he makes at times that the other characters cannot see, and we do. He does that in this episode after Marlena kisses him. LOL
@mygoodness..........not sure what Max is up to. Whether he is trying to secretly help.....or hinder is rather up in the air.
I think Max is helping Nick and doesn't want him to know. I love seeing our other actors besides Ejami, lets keep them on the front line, the show is so good these days, I want Bo to get well fast.
Personally, I'm enjoying the break from E.J. and Sami right now.

Loving the whole John/Marlena thing going on.

Max - not really sure what he is up to.

Bo - story is just breaking my heart, but I am loving the acting.

All in all, it seems like the writers are in the process of planting a lot of seeds for new storylines. This is just what the show needs right now. I've said it in the past and will say again, that they had pretty much written the show into a corner.

So, if it means a few shows without E.J. and Sami in order to get fresh stories out there, I am all for it.
Just saw the show today. Loved the Dr. Breman and John meeting. John did not seem to buy "I did everything by the book" line. So touching of Chelsea to want to help Bo. I keep going back and forth on if Max is trying to help or hinder Nick. The acting is so good I sure hope they get Emmys this year. I have not seen acting like this on Days in a long time.
doesn't necessarily mean disrespect

I don't think it means disrespect if she doesn't call him "Uncle" Bo...I prefer not to be called by that title....My name is Debra, not Aunt Debra, and my nephew knows I prefer not to be called that. Yes, I am his aunt, but thats not my name.........

Just my 2 cents worth....:))
Thanks Poirot!

Barb, I really appreciate all the time you take to do the things you do for us Days fans, here on the site. Sometimes I barely have time to read it, and it really brings it home how much time you take out of your day to write the days ahead, and all the other things you do as moderator.

Bo is Kayla's brother!!!!!! So she should respect him, and call him Uncle Bo

I don't think it has anything to do with respect. I was referring to all the times Stephanie gave Max her condolences on the loss of his Dad, without acknowledging that his Dad was also her grandfather.
Thanks for the post! I really do NOT like the new John!!! Not at all!!
Like others posting..not sure whats going on with Max & Nick. I hope its an issue of Max knowing Nick had the wrong answers & Max knew the answers & was trying to help. Kinda like the movie Good Will Hunting, the last guy you think would know figures out the equation. :)
As far as calling Bo, Uncle Bo. Dont think it matters either way. I called my uncle, Uncle David till I was 15. Then & now he is David. I am an aunt & even though my name is Leigh Ann, my neice & Nephews call me Annie, not even aunt Annie. I dont think its a disrespectful thing.
The Show Must Go On

I am glad there are so many others whofeel differently, and watch the show itself. In other words, are fans and viewers of Days of Our Lives.

The acting on the show has been absolutely terrific by everyone. This Bo story is moving along, John is facinating to watch, as we all try to figure out what he is up to. I love the smirks/smiles he makes at times that the other characters cannot see, and we do. He does that in this episode after Marlena kisses him. LOL

It's no secret that I am an EJami fan (and proud of it) but I've been watching DAYS for 21 years now and I'm not going to cease and desist from watching DAYS just because they are not there. The writing has improved in my opinion 100% and there are alot of great storylines brewing (and Nicole isn't even back yet). I wait to see everything play out.

Now do I miss EJami? Of course, I do! I wish they were on at least four to five times a week but you need to have a balance. Unfortunately, not everyone is an EJami fan and so the show must go on.
Thanks for the post! I really do NOT like the new John!!! Not at all!!
Like others posting..not sure whats going on with Max & Nick. I hope its an issue of Max knowing Nick had the wrong answers & Max knew the answers & was trying to help. Kinda like the movie Good Will Hunting, the last guy you think would know figures out the equation. :)
As far as calling Bo, Uncle Bo. Dont think it matters either way. I called my uncle, Uncle David till I was 15. Then & now he is David. I am an aunt & even though my name is Leigh Ann, my neice & Nephews call me Annie, not even aunt Annie. I dont think its a disrespectful thing.

I think it all has to do with how you were raised (and I don't mean good/bad). On my mom's side I call all my aunts & uncles by their first name. This is how all of us kids are on this side. However, on my dad's side I call them all aunt/uncle then their first name. This is how all of us do it on that side of the family. I don't think it is any more respectful/dis-respectful either way.