Wednesday, October 24th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Episode #10,683 Taped 10/2 Director – Kathryn Foster

Replay of Philip opening the bedroom door to leave and telling Belle he can walk out and she will never see him again. She closes the door, saying she could not bear it if she never saw him again. Kiss. Kiss some more, off comes her blouse, and then his shirt. They fall on the bed and are hot & heavy. Downstairs, Shawn has come in to find his mom going over some jack o lanterns. She shows one to Shawn, saying she thought Claire would love it. He agrees, and she can see he is upset. He tells her about the delay at the police academy because he defied a court order, but doesn’t want to talk about it. He is going to go upstairs, but Hope stops him, wanting to know what happened. He explains that someone tipped off the Commander, and he thinks it was Philip. We know go back and forth between upstairs rolling around in the bed, and downstairs as Shawn talks of how Philip has been after Belle for some time. And with his failure at the academy, Philip and his millions look more and more attractive. The editing here is very good. Hope tries to reason with Shawn, but he gives examples. Upstairs a bare foot knocks over a vase and it falls to the floor and breaks. Belle seems to come out of her romantic trance, realizing what she has done. She tells Philip to leave, gets up, saying this was wrong, no one must know, it can never happen again. Philip asks why not, he loves her, she says she is engaged. He doesn’t think she really loves Shawn, she says they have a child together. She has put on a robe and he gets dressed. She again tells him to leave, and he finally does. Downstairs, Shawn asks if Hope has seen Belle. No, did not see her car in the lot. But she did think she saw Philip’s. Shawn returns from checking the lot, and yes, it was Philip’s car. He is going upstairs to see what is going on. Aha, here comes Philip. Shawn asks what he is doing there, Phil explains about Belle’s car breaking down, and giving her a ride. Why was he upstairs. Philip flippantly says he walked the lady to her door. Shawn isn’t buying it. Philip tells him that Belle is miserable and if Shawn would take the time to pay enough attention, he would know that. Meanwhile, Hope has gone upstairs with Ciara (adorable!) to bring the jack o lantern for Claire. An upset Belle has pulled all the bedding off the bed onto the floor. She is cleaning up the broken vase when Hope enters, looking around. Belle explains about the vase. Hope notes she has been crying, but Belle says she misses her father. Hope replies that they all miss him. And now point blank asks her what was going on here.

Sami and the twins are now in the hospital and with Lucas, is admiring their babies. They obviously are very happy, and think it is about time to give a name to their little girl. Sami thinks they should stick with the “J” theme, to go with John, and they mention a few. Lucas suggests Julia, Sami laughs and says “Julia Roberts”? Oh, yeah, says Lucas, she is famous and so that name is taken. ( Nice nod to the actress Julia Roberts, who is a huge Days fan!) The name Jane is mentioned, but discarded. They laugh over Jezebel, Sami says they can call her Jez. But Lucas asks if she doesn’t remember her cactechism – that Jezebel was beautiful, wicked and a temptress. Sami laughs and says like her mother.

We see Marlena talking to a lab tech, something about a discrepancy in the DNA tests, and though very rare, it is possible for twins to have two different fathers. Marlena leaves, and we see the eavesdropping EJ around the corner. Next, EJ is talking to Kate in the hall, and she cannot believe he is still thinking he is father of one of the babies. He is positive he is, and Kate thinks he is a fool if he thinks that is going to bond him to Sami forever. Elvis, though, feels Lucas will become a distant memory, as he enjoys a challenge. He will be the one married to Sami, and raising the children. He KNOWS he is the father of one or both of those babies and …….Marlena comes striding up, saying how dare he. You rape my daughter and then gloat about it? You have caused so much pain to Sami and to my entire family. EJ tries to say something, but the Mother Bear will have none of it. She hauls off and slaps him across the face, and wishes she did more than just slap him. She warns him to stay away from her daughter and her family, to leave them alone or she will kill him. She goes into Sami’s room. EJ thanks Kate for her support throughout Marlena’s tirade, but understands Marlena just lost her husband, and reiterates that he had nothing to do with. Kate tells him, in no uncertain terms, that if she ever finds out that he had anything to do with John’s death, she will personally kill him herself.

Inside the room, Lucas & Sami have been discussing EJ’s remark earlier in the day, and he thinks they should get another DNA test. Sami is against it, but Marlena walks in, saying she agrees with Lucas. Sami is surprised, but adamant. These are OUR babies, Lucas’s & mine, we love them, and no one can change how we feel. . Today is their birth day and we are going to enjoy them. Lucas agrees and feels Sami is right. These babies belong to the two of them, and no one else. Marlena asks to speak to Sami alone. Lucas goes out, sees his mother. She wants to go in to see her grandchildren. He asks if EJ has left, but he only went to get tea or something. He wants to know if the crack EJ made about the babies was her idea. No says Kate. Lucas knows, tho, she wants to break him & Sami up. He wonders how Kate knew where they were, and then talks of how he left EJ handcuffed to a booth at the Pub, and then Kate walks in with him. What did she do, help him to get free? Kate denies it, then gives him something she bought a few months ago, silver spoons or something, saying he can get them engraved when they choose names. Lucas throws the bag on the side, hoping she saved her receipts. They do not want her gifts. Don’t buys them toys, or clothes or anything. Just stay away. Now along comes EJ, all ready and waiting to rub Lucas’ nose in the fact he is going to marry Sami. Lucas, tho, gives it right back, telling him that you rape my wife and think you can just come in and take her and my children. You stay away from her, and the babies. You stay away or I will kill you with my bare hands. The lab tech and a nurse are standing in the background hearing it all. EJ warns him about making threats. Lucas repeats…..with my bare hands.
Inside the room, Marlena is trying to talk Sami into allowing another DNA test. Sami resists, then learns the lab tech talked of a discrepancy (Egad, I cannot believe they are doing this AGAIN! Enough already!). Marlena tells her they can do the test in secret, so EJ won’t know (Oh, yeah, and he is right out in the hall, lol), plus they can put the issue to rest. Sami finally agrees, a nurse comes in, takes the swabs. Marlena wants the results as soon as possible, it will be about 24 hours. Marlena will walk her down to the lab, and security will be there so the samples will never be out of sight. Sami sighs.

Wow, three different people threaten to kill EJ in this episode! I know many on this board don't care for EJ, but it seems he has become the town punching bag. These people are such hypocrits to go around hitting and threatening EJ. Like they all haven't done some terrible things in the past (Kate, Sami, Lucas, Marlena). It's like people have such selective memories when it comes to their favorite characters. I for one wish people wouldn't act so high and mighty, it's really the pot calling the kettle black IMO. Yes, EJ has done some dispicable things but he has the excuse that he was his father's soldier. What excuse do the others have for their actions?? Kate and Lucas tried to have Sami lethally injected for their crime, not to mention they made her think her son drove off a cliff. Marlena had an affair which Sami witnessed, how tramatic is that? And Sami has done so many things I can't begin to list them. My question is: How can the fans that constantly degrade EJ so conveniently overlook the other characters past sins? My hope is that we can all acknowledge everyone's past deeds and not just pick on EJ constantly.
I think that the characters are reacting to the fact that every time they turn around, EJ is right there...he is always there, even when it is totally inappropriate for him to be. Perhaps the frustration of having him around when he really shouldn't be is starting to get on people's nerves! Not buying the excuse that he "was his father's soldier". That implies that he cannot think or reason for himself and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of "mis-reasoning" all on his own.
Yes, you are right that some of his actions are his own, especially the freezer truck, but the big mistake, 12/29 was due to Stefano.
EJ is always around I agree, but if he is one of the baby's father, perhaps he has some right to want to know about his child. And he might have even been the person to switch the DNA results and knows one is his child which makes it even more reasonable that he wants to be there for his child. Just a thought.
I just bet that Stefano already knew that EJ was the father of atleast one baby and somehow got those stem cells.
Back in their time, there was lots of discussion and "anti" talk against the various characters for their misdeeds. Every single one. So EJ is not being picked on, he is just the one currently being evil and obnoxious. His turn. LOL
I have a feeling that with so many people threatning EJ, he just might be the next one turning up dead and then we have a big "WHO DONE IT" especially if he proves to be the father of one of the babies, this wold put Lucas under the lamp for questioning and maybe give Lucas a real story line.
Oh please don't name that baby girl Jezebel, er about Colleen...that seems more fitting to me.

And with everyone threatening to kill EJ, lets get on with it...I'm ready for a good whodunnit!
Poirot, Fair enough! I suppose if the others were grilled like EJ then what comes around goes around. I guess it's just hard b/c I'm actually an EJ fan so I feel like I'm in the trenches every day. But I have the writers to blame for that and no one else!! I would suspect they know James Scott isn't going to be a long time soap actor and so they can use EJ as a scapegoat on their current s/l's. I know lots of people though that would really enjoy a ejami pairing regardless. I know many think I'm crazy, but I'm sure there are fans of lumi that still wanted Sami and Lucas together after he almost got her killed on death row and then yelled at her after the Stan s/l. Just goes to show we can be devoted fans!!
Okay so two threats on EJ's life by two different people and with witnesses around. I wonder if this is a hint that EJ will be killed off and Marlena and Lucas will be blamed. Just a thought.
ack ack ack!!! do not name that baby colleen, that's like a curse in itself, isn't it? there are lots of nice 'j' names for girls, lessee.... jenna, jeanie, janelle, and the list goes on till ya get to the 'k's'.

ummmm, as far as ej being around all the has not been "certified" that ej is a biological match, so, he really doesn't have a reason to be hanging around the babies, imo. he's a dweeb, that's all there is to it. an obnoxious, controlling dweeb, and i think he should go back to being kate's lover, they deserve each other.

so there ya go!
Sounds like another great show! With all these threats floating around to EJ it makes me wonder if TPTB just want to get those of us that are fans of James in an uproar. Wasn't it as recently as a few weeks ago at a fan event that he assured his fans that he wasn't going anywhere? or am I mistaken? I would love the idea of at least one of these babies being his, if not both and it bringing he and Sami even closer. I believe Sami thinks they are his as well. Why else would she be hesitant about the DNA test? There is no danger to the babies like there could have possibly be with the amnio. And I would hope that the writers know what a HUGE mistake it would be if they got rid of James Scott. Love EJ or hate EJ he is an amazing actor that is a fact that I don't think any of us can deny.

Just my two cents.
ya know, thinking about ej a little more, i really don't think they should kill him. i loved him on "all my children" and was sad when they offed him there. i like to look at him, no doubt, and i really do think he could wreak a lot of havic with the infamous ms kate roberts. i liked them together when they were both plotting against sami. they have chemistry and a sordid past, so....TPTB....please don't kill EJ, my eyes could not take it, try going for the ashton/demi thing, please.
Please don't tell me that Belle is having sex with Philip in Hope's home. What a low life, I am done with Belle. :duh: :duh:
Good golly miss molly, it sounds like they are going to kill off EJ. I really think he is handsome and loved him when he was Santo's, BUT, he is now being a pain always around no matter where we look and no one ever sees him behind whatever he is standing behind. Oh geez it is a just wait and see.
I am missing John so much. Ugh.
@ Mrs.Dee61 ......Belle & Philip are upstairs at the Pub, where Belle & Shawn are currently living. Hope was there because Caroline got a box of Halloween stuff down from the attic, and she was going thru it.
well, thats the third threat about EJ being killed by someone. Do I here a Who killed EJ anyone?
leahmo34 :thinking:
I really hope they don't kill off E.J.

I adore James Scott. I loved him on All My Children, and was sad when his character died there.

There has got to be some way to redeem this character.