Wednesday, September 12th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Episode #10,653 Taped 8/15 Director – Albert Alarr

In Tulsa, Belle comes in to find a table set with dinner, special wine, etc. Philip has ordered her favorite, Chicken Picatta. She is surprised, and seems a bit uncomfortable, but sits down to eat. We learn there is a taxidermist convention (LOLOL) in town, and Philip got the only room left in the hotel, the Bridal Suite. Only 1 bed. He tells Belle noe problem, he will sleep on the sofa. Outside in the hall, Shawn arrives with Claire to surprise Mommy, but decides to go get some flowers for her. Inside, in the middle of dinner, Belle decides to to make up the couch for Phil, and goes to get the extra sheets in the closet. She will finish eating afterwards. (???, this is soooo contrived!). She returns with an armful, Phil tries to help, they both fall onto the sofa laughing. Knock, knock. Phil opens the door (& kudos to Jay, as he remembers to limp a bit) and there stands Shawn saying “Surprise”, and we wonder who is more so. Claire is babbling, Belle delighted to see her, they explain the hotel being full, etc. Shawn asks Phil to take Claire down to see the aquarium, and after they leave, has a talk with Belle. It comes out that he signed up for the Academy, she is angry he did not discuss it with her first. She explains about finding Lauren and no baby, and how Philip ranted. Shawn wants to know why she has to stay with Phil, she makes excuses. Phil returns, Shawn says he is returning home. Belle does not want him to take Claire, it is too late. He leaves her, tells Belle to remember he loves her, and leaves.

In the cave, Stephanie wakes up, again claiming to have seen a bear. She heard something and saw a shadow. Max gets up to go bear hunting, Steph is scared. He comes up behind her, bunny rabbit in hand. She cannot believe it could have cast such a big shadow. They ooh and ahhh over the bunny, with Max talking of it being dinner tomorrow. He lets it go, and they both lay down again. They talk, about themselves, Jeremy (who is no longer in the picture, according to Steph) and discuss all the whys and wherefores. They kiss. Later they seem to be without clothes, but wrapped in the parachute silks, and are starting to get a bit hot and heavy, when two flashlights are seen…..and Voila…..there is Bo & Kayla. Amazing how they found them in all that mountainous country. And guess what, they have a helicopter waiting, and no one even heard it. LOLOL. Kayla tells them to get dressed, she & Bo will wait outside. Max gives Stephanie a piece of quartz he found while “bear hunting” as a remembrance of this little adventure. They are all dressed, Kayla comes in, and after looking at Steph’s ankle says she cannot make it down on that. Bo & Max go for a stretcher. Kayla tells Stephanie about her father being in jail, and why, and swears her to secrecy, she can tell absolutely NO ONE. She also tells her that Jeremy is back in Salem, called her as he wanted to talk to Steve, but of course, he is in jail. Steph says her parents were right about Jeremy and they are over. The guys return with the stretcher.

Lucas comes into Sami’s hospital room with two drinks, complete with straws. He wants to toast to the end of Stefano, tells her it is just milk, drink it, good for the babies. She is in no mood, but thanks him. He tells her he has a surprise for her, and won’t tells her what. He leaves, saying he will be right back. Sami sits, and remembers EJ kissing her as she lay partially unconscious. Knock Knock at her door. “Send in the clowns, where are the clowns, they’re already here”. And there stands a most resplendent clown, full makeup, curly green wig, big red nose, gaudy silky clown outfit, carrying a bunch of balloons. Sami is taken aback, as the clown whirls into the room, and just continually babbles. Are you Lucas’s surprise? She really doesn’t like clowns, she shrinks away when he comes near her. He is gesturing, and not speaking, and she says he must be a mime. She doesn’t like them either. She thanks him, tells him to go entertain the kids in pediatrics, tries to tip him, but he shakes his head. She says she will tell Lucas he was wonderful, but the clown won’t leave. She grabs the call button, but he grabs her hand. She wants to know what he thinks he is doing, and now he speaks. He wants to know if she saw Stefano herself, is he really dead. OMG, Sami realizes this is Andre. She is shaking as she says no she did not see him, but Lucas did. And he was dead. Andre asks if her father was there, as he sits down on the bed next to her, drawing out a barber’s razor. He hold it by her throat, stroking it as he questions her. She says the police were there to protect Stefano, and she does not know what happened with her Uncle Steve. He must have just snapped. She tells Andre that it is no wonder after all the years he played with Steve’s mind. (Hey, Sami, that was EJ, we saw it!). Andre continues to interrogate a very frightened Sami, but just then Lucas comes in, with double chocolate chip ice cream. He stops short at seeing the clown, who waltzes around the room in silence, picks up the balloons, and before going out the door, hands them to Lucas.
As soon as the door closes, Sami exclaims that was Andre. Lucas goes out after him, while Sami calls Roman. Lucas returns, unable to find him, but informed security, and they have locked down the hospital. She says her father is sending a police guard, and within a minute one arrives. He was just down the hall, when Roman radioed him, and he will be right outside. Sami tells Lucas that only she can end this vendetta. Roman comes in, saying they have checked the video cameras and Andre has not left yet, so is still somewhere in the building. Sami wants to know if Stefano is really dead, Lucas says of course, and Roman claims he has been to the morgue. Sami rants that Andre said if they are laying a trap, the next bodies in the morgue will be Bradys. Roman finally decides to tell them it was all a ruse, and that when Andre comes to the funeral or burial, they will be able to nab him. He leaves, and outside tells the guard that Andre is still in the building, keep his eyes peeled for anyone looking the slightest suspicious. A nurse with blond hair, and a pink sweater has her back to them, as Roman leaves. The camera swings to face her……and there is ol Andre….with another disguise. (Does this guy have a trunk he carries around with him?? And how in heaven’s name did he get all that make up off so fast?) Roman leaves, the guard stands in front of the door, Andre smiles, turns around and leaves, too.
The only thing more creepy than clowns would have to be Andre in a clown costume...or maybe Andre as a nun...or Andre as a blonde in a pink Sounds like one to watch. What was Kayla's reaction to finding Stephanie undressed in the parachute with Max?
Thanks so very much for your recaps Barb. Your writing makes it come alive, along with your reactions (good, bad or indifferent)!
:sun: :kiss:
@daysfan.........Actually, Kayla did not have much of a reaction at all, except to tell them to put their clothes on, the copter was waiting. Max offered Steph to explain, but Steph says no she will. And when she asks her mother what she is thinking, Kayla only says she is thinking she is happy and greatful to find Stephanie alive and o.k.
After so many of her relatives and friends have been lost and stuck in caves, I'm Kayla knows the old "we have to get naked to conserve heat" line.....
By the way, there are several references to them "almost" going all the way......Max & Steph, I mean. So....they have not yet done the horizontal mambo.
Good. I was wondering if this was going to be another one of those "off screen" moments.
Fudd wrote:
After so many of her relatives and friends have been lost and stuck in caves, I'm Kayla knows the old "we have to get naked to conserve heat" line.....
:rotfl: very true. It seems that everyone that gets stuck in a cave or the wilderness gets nekid (or gives birth) :laughing:
Thanks Poirot! I'm kind of suprised that Kayla wasn't more suprised at finding her daughter un the buff with her "brother". Well I guess she did know that they were together before. Can you imagine if they had kids??? "This is your daddy, Uncle Max!" :clap: Yes, I know they aren't blood related, but it still seems kind of weird to me.
I think the whole thing with Stephanie and Max is quite nasty. I don't care if they aren't blood they are still family. And Kayla sees that as her brother and her daughter! So days should drop this storyline imo.
Bo and Kayla found Stef and Max immediately. But the 100's of searchers still cannot find Steve Fossett! I love Kayla telling Stephanie a secret not to be told to anyone. That's like printing it in the Salem Spectator!

Max and Stephanie did not grow up together as family. Stephanie didn't even know the guy till they were in their 20's. Right? And he didn't come to Salem as family until what a teenager? They have never been together as family. They are not blood related. So go for it Max. Gotta get all involved with Stef before Abby comes back so we can have another triangle!!!!! I knew you guys would love another triangle!
cvsoftball2007 wrote:
I think the whole thing with Stephanie and Max is quite nasty. I don't care if they aren't blood they are still family. And Kayla sees that as her brother and her daughter! So days should drop this storyline imo.

I agree. So if they ever get married not only will Stephanie be Kayla's daughter but she will be her sister in law, lol. Stephanie's kids will not only be Kayla and Steve's grandchildren but also their nieces and nephews! Who cares if they aren't blood related, its still family. I don't think any one of us would have pursued something like that if we were in this situation. Enough with the incestual mingling, lol.
I don't know about any of you, but something that is really bugging me is Belle getting angry with Shawn for 'not discussing' his choice to enter the Academy. I don't exactly remember her 'discussing' the Tulsa trip with Shawn before she told Philip she would already go. Their relationship is going down fast...
Good point you have there student nurse! And if I was Shawn, I would have flipped about Belle sharing the room with her ex. Oh my... I can just imagine what my man would have to say about that. It just doesn't seem right. When she got mad at Shawn he should have told her, "well, I would have discussed it with you, but you were off traveling the country with your rich exhusband so shove it up your a**!"
LOL, as he nearly says that. He did tell her that she made the decision to enter nursing school without him. She replied that "that is different".
Don't laugh!! We have that very situation in our family.

My nephew married my daughter-in-law"s daughter. So my nieces and nephews are also my step-great-grandchildren and my sons step-grandchildren and cousins. So it can happen!!!!
I'm with all of you regarding Belle and Shawn. Belle's repeated anger at Shawn, acting as if she has done no wrong, is just irritating. I fast forward through all scenes involving Belle/Shawn/Phil (unless Claire is there - then I just watch her).

On another note, the rest of tomorrow sounds interesting, although the Andre clown thing sounds incredibly creepy. Let's hope that none of us have nightmares after watching the show.
:clap: I think Kayla is feels better that it is Max instead of Jeremy with Step all around. Step is grown and Max is a good guy, but yuck the fact that her brother is dating her daughter should throw her for a loop. Look at Sami remembering Ej and her kissing...My, my, my, people we have some progress. Lucas is so adorable with getting the ice cream and all. For some reason I never keep up with what's going on with Phil, Belle, and Shawn. They all need to find something more appealing to do. :OT: I would really like for them to cast a new Mimi already so she can let these three have it. I image her telling Belle that she's an idiot who can't decide who she really is in love with and to say I told you so I knew you wanted both men to your self. Her to tell Phil now you want to be a father to your child, when you had a choice whether he lived or died you chosen to end your own child life. So what things were going wrong with you and Belle Tyler was your child for real and you choose your self over your child. Serves you right not to find him now. Shawn why do you want a woman who can't clearly choose you. Now what does that say about you. :back: Dare I say it well here goes I kind of enjoy watching Max and Stephanie. We know that once Step sees Jerkemy she is going to be conflicted, but it would be nice for a change to see Max fight for a woman affections for once. Max just got it to easy for me, he needs to be in the position where his heart can be broken, and realizes that he can have real feelings for a woman that is not his mom or sister, and become the passionate man that loves who he loves and don't give up on it. You know like all the Brady men(except for Shawn, but their may even be hope for him too. I'm just not going to watch) :laughing: