Tuesday December 13:
Steve and Kayla share some romance as he presents her with an early Christmas gift. [This is very thoughtful, Steve, but the gift that Kayla would probably most like is the news that Jade is not pregnant with Joey's child.]
Wednesday December 14:
Kate supports Adrienne through her ordeal. [Nice to finally see you doing a good deed, Kate. You and Andre have become a pair of real humanitarians.]
Thursday December 15:
Abigail is finally ready to let Chad know she’s alive. [When, Abigail? Next week, next month, next year, ten years from now? The way things are going now a headline in the Spectator for Dec. 3, 2076 will read Octogenarian Woman Emerges from Attic for the First Time Since 2016.]
Friday December 16:
Gabi puts JJ to the test. [What are you going to do, Gabi, send an attractive hooker to the Deveraux house and see if JJ asks her in?]