SPOILER !! Week July 20

It would be an interesting twist if Ben has an alter-personality “Jordan.” Kind of like in the Bates Motel where Norman Bates had a “mother” persona that would come out sometimes and murder women. Ben could have been the one doing all of the things Claire has been blamed for. Destroying the dress, the ring missing. And he is not aware of the “Jordan” personality inside him.

At first I thought it would be Gwen because she sure did gaslight Claire in her first few scenes. But she didn't have opportunity while being caught up with Gabi being held by the goons and she's had her nose way too far up Jake's butt. Then with the way Ben has been overly eager to quickly place blame on Claire for everything and his demands to Ciara about not wanting Claire involved in any part of the wedding has made me think he protests to much. But boy that dream that shook him up sealed the deal for me and the subsequent hallucination with Jordan saying I'm in your head. Yup, Ben's got something going on in that noggin of his.

As far as the bomb at the wedding goes, it will be all too easy for Ben to blame Claire since she has been accused of drugging Ciara and tossed from all things wedding related.

StinkerBelle realizing Claire lied to her is probably Claire not wanting to tell her that Ciara threw her out of the wedding.

If what I'm thinking is true Ciara is going to have some kissing up to do with Claire. But I think this is going to get drawn out for a while with everyone going off on Claire and her possibly breaking down over not being believed. I'm wondering if it will go so far as Claire getting tossed back into the looney bin before Ben's issues are revealed.
Pretty sure the person doing everything to sabotage Ciara and Ben's wedding is Eve, out for revenge for Ben killing Paige.

Ciara and Claire do make up and work together to find Ben (who is kidnapped from the wedding).
Don't know what Claire supposedly lied about to her parents, as the only thing she told them was not wanting to go back to Hong Kong with them, as she wanted to make amends with those she hurt.

The thing is.........the way Days filmed the shows, they were expecting to be shut down for 2 weeks for the Olympics. so had arranged this "cliffhanger", which I believe is today, (maybe tomorrow) and we were all supposed to be eagerly awaiting it being resolved 2 weeks later. Well, instead, Olympics are cancelled, so whatever is supposed to leave us hanging, we fortunately will learn about the next day.
I can't see Eve putting a bomb in a church that could kill several innocent people. I can see her wanting to cause harm to Ben to get revenge against him for her daughter's murder. But it doesn't make sense for her to put a bomb in a church. As for Clyde, why would he want to harm his son or Ciara?
From the previews, looks like the bomb(s) just fill the church with confetti, causing confusion so that Ben can be kidnapped. But we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.
This was not the Friday Olympic cliffhanger. That was yesterday. Today was the one that would have aired after the 2 week Olympic break.