SPOILER !! Week Oct 22

We are all only guessing as to what happens to Nicole...The actress is only here for a short time, while Greg Vaughan (Eric) is on contract so will be staying.......thus the assumption that Nicole will be assumed to be dead, and with all the pleading by her for Eric to raise Holly.......that is something most viewers hope will happen. Meanwhile......Kristen was assumed dead after her fall down the mountain......yet she is here, all fine and dandy. Will was thought to have been murdered, but....he did not die, was only made to look that way. Even Rolf, who has been thought dead 2 or 3 times apparently is able to cheat death very easily. :)
yep, easily..........although the way some spoilers are worded, that doesn't seem to fit......however, spoiler wording is purposely deceiving.....
But then, we have...Nicole supposedly killing Deimos while under influence of drug HE administered to everyone at the party..........and Abby killing Andre while temporarily mentally unbalanced. Hmmmm.
Why tell us Abby has an unlikely ally and mention Stefan in another spoiler?
This idea that Abby might turn to Stefan as an ally would be sooooo awful I don't know if I could ever watch - there is one spoiler site that says Chad delivers Abby's baby - so maybe he will find out that Gabi changed the DNA tests and that the baby is really his (Chad's). I hate the idea that Abby would EVER rely on Stefan - I hate that she even treats him with any respect - he deserves NOTHING = NO interactiion with her at all - just my opinion!

The writers can try to whitewash or try to redeem Stefan all they want , but he will always be a vile, disgusting human being in my book.
The sooner they write him off, the better.
Good riddance!
I couldn't agree more!

Personally I am not fond of evil Gabi...
I wish Gabi would go away - I'm not at all sure she can be redeemed EVER!
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Even Rolf, who has been thought dead 2 or 3 times apparently is able to cheat death very easily. :)

I'll never forget howling with laughter when Rolf very dryly said "It didn't take"

But then, we have...Nicole supposedly killing Deimos while under influence of drug HE administered to everyone at the party..........and Abby killing Andre while temporarily mentally unbalanced. Hmmmm.

But Abigail is a Horton and Nicole is a down-trodden character for whom nothing ever ends up well. So no way to expect the same outcome.
This show is so mixed up right now. :fan: Is there anyone left that is just normal anymore? :confused: My head is spinning. There should be a sign, when entering Salem....All Welcome, Dead and Alive. :rotfl: ShaSha
With the return of Sarah Horton I would love to see a Lisa Trusel (Melissa Horton) return as well even if it is a short visit. When Nathan was on canvas, Lisa said in an interview that she hoped that he would need his mom once in awhile. I'm sure she would love to come on board. Plus hope could use a friend.
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Just for fun - let's try to name all the characters that have died, been buried, but are currently on the show.....(OK - I know it's not a spoiler, so feel free to move this). I'll start with:
John, Marlena, Roman, Hope, Will, Kristen. If we count Melaswen then we add: Maggie & Abe. (Andre/Tony have died and come back, but they're not on the show. Ditto for Stefano and Jack (not back yet) ) Anyone else wanna play?????