Well, I now understand Theresa better

She is basically Sami 2.0. The difference is Sami had a conscience and vulnerability about her all those years ago due to her low self-esteem. Jeannie Theresa's actions are just forced and completely contrived. She has no conscience or redeeming qualities whatsoever. This character has shown NO growth whatsoever since she first came onscreen. When that happens to characters who are not related to major families (i.e. Jordan), they end up leaving the show.
She is basically Sami 2.0. The difference is Sami had a conscience and vulnerability about her all those years ago due to her low self-esteem. Jeannie Theresa's actions are just forced and completely contrived. She has no conscience or redeeming qualities whatsoever. This character has shown NO growth whatsoever since she first came onscreen. When that happens to characters who are not related to major families (i.e. Jordan), they end up leaving the show.
The reason Sami had vulnerability was because we did get to see how situations and the people in her life shaped her into what she became. That is why for me, up until the hate boink, I rooted for her. Had we seen the things hinted at between Kimberly and Theresa, I think there would be more sympathy.
Theresa resents her parents for whatever occurred in CA before she ever came to Salem, and has nothing to do with the baby, or Kim arriving to see the baby. She has made no bones about her dislike of her family ever. And Theresa continues to manipulate everyone. She knows she has done wrong by a lot of people in Salem, and hopefully, intends to change. But up to now, and I do mean today, May 27, she is still up to her old tricks.

I don't think what Theresa resents has anything to do with the baby at all. Obviously there are dynamics between Kim and Theresa we are not privy to. What we did see in their interaction at the hospital does give us insight into how that dynamic might have worked as Kim struggled to parent Theresa with Shane being gone (that we know from other conversations they've all three previously had) and I'm unsure of the timeline for Kim's relationship with that Philip guy in California in terms of Theresa's age/childhood.

We saw Kim come in to the hospital room, tell Theresa what her and Shane had already decided and set in motion as though it was a done deal before even talking to Theresa. Theresa's input on the matter was irrelevant apparently. It's not hard to imagine that Kim struggling to make parenting decisions without Shane's input and going about it in the same heavy-handed manner because she might be feeling the need to overcompensate for Shane being gone.

Kim perhaps might have overlooked Theresa's input in decisions as well, just as she did here. I just think that it gives a bit more credence to Theresa's claim of her mother being overbearing and making her feel like a child. That doesn't mean it makes Theresa's behavior and personality any more tolerable or appropriate.
And let me add to the thought on Sami. While I rooted for her because I understood where she was coming from I didn't condone the rotten things she did. That is the same thing I'm saying about Theresa. I understand where she's coming from better. But I think some of you may have taken that as I condone the bad she's done or am justifying it. So let me make this clear. Understanding doesn't equal condoning or justifying. It just means I can see why she is the way she is.

That being said, that is why I get that she is going to use Kim's option to try and get Melanie out of the picture. She has had feelings for Brady for a long time. Now they have a child. So she is going to try and give that child a fighting chance of having an intact family especially since her dad was absent during critical points of her growing up.

We know that she has zero intention to leave Salem since her gut reaction to Kim telling her they were moving back to CA was to bark back that she wasn't going to take Brady's son away. She wants all the right things (a real family with Brady) but now is going about trying to get that in all the wrong ways.
We saw Kim come in to the hospital room, tell Theresa what her and Shane had already decided and set in motion as though it was a done deal before even talking to Theresa.
I agree with your whole post, but just wanted to comment on this. Kim said that Shane was working with their lawyers. Well wait a second. Wouldn't the lawyer have to consult with Theresa first and get her consent, since she is an adult, before doing anything? Sounds like Theresa needs to get her own lawyer. And if her probation is up in just a couple of weeks why bother going through all the hassle?
She wants all the right things (a real family with Brady) but now is going about trying to get that in all the wrong ways.
Theresa wants a rich husband and if using Tate as the means to get one, she's going to play up the whole "Tate needs his mommy and daddy together to be a real family" angle to get what she wants.
Kim told Theresa she WANTED to take her back to CA, not that it was going to happen. Shane was working on something to enable it. She even said to Theresa that she knows that THERESA has not yet decided if it is what she wants to do.

Think about it though from Theresa's perspective. To be an adult, to have a paying job with good benefits, and having established some sort of life in this exile to Salem, and to have your parent come in and have already put in motion all kinds of plans to pave the way for a move back to California without even being included in the discussion to begin with....that does feel like you're being treated like a juvenile, a child who doesn't have a say-so in your situation.

Also Kim does say exact words, "You and Tate are going to back to California with me as soon as possible" at the end of Friday's episode. That's Kim's very first words about it, how she introduces the subject to Theresa. That is telling Theresa what will happen, as though it was already a done deal. "Your dad and I are going to take care of you....your dad and I are going to help you raise that precious little boy....It's all being taken care of, even as we speak". That's telling her, not suggesting it and not saying that's what they as her parents WANT.

Not to mention that if Theresa's probation is up within a few weeks as been said, why must her dad work to get that lifted instead of Kim asking if Theresa would want her to stay for those few weeks to help out and then decide what to do once that probation period expires on its own? It just feels a bit like overstepping some bounds there, because if Theresa wants her probation lifted, shouldn't she as an adult be actively doing that instead of her daddy? She could contact a lawyer herself to get that ball rolling and that would definitely look like she's a responsible adult in the eyes of judge deciding her case.
Theresa wants a rich husband and if using Tate as the means to get one, she's going to play up the whole "Tate needs his mommy and daddy to be a real family" angle to get what she wants.

Did Theresa want to land that rich guy? You bet she did, then she realized she had real feelings for him and that was all before knowing there was a baby involved. She seemed to have accepted the fact that Brady was out of her life and hid her feelings by being angry and bitter towards Brady. But then they find out there is a baby so Brady is no longer out of her life. Yes she wants the rich man but she does have feelings for him and they share a baby.

I wish the writers would go the smart direction and have both Brady and Theresa take responsibility for their lives and see if they can be a family together. I think Brady and Theresa owe it to themselves, each other and the baby to at least explore the possibility now since they didn't have the 9 months of pregnancy to do so.
Well, we all have our own perspective, and no matter what Kim said on Friday, she was not saying the same thing this week. So, she got all caught up in the moment, assuring her daughter that she would not have to worry, her parents would be supporting her, and helping her. By Tues. & Wed. this week, she obviously is talking about it being Jeannie T's decision, etc.

Right now, Brady & Melanie are in love.....and there are tons of women out there who have gotten pregnant, but the man is involved with someone else. And that goes vice versa as well.
As far as being a family together....I do not think it is to the benefit of the child for parents to be living together as a family, when clearly being interested in others, not loving each other, etc. etc.
I guess they'd lie and say that Clint kidnapped her.

Slight spoiler, but you were right JS, they just said Theresa was kidnapped on today's show. :eek: She willingly got on that plane and left the state...now what happened to her afterwards was a direct result of her breaking her probation to begin with.
LOL, Perspective, huh? Since Clint was pretending to be taking her on some fabulous vacation trip, pretending he had come into all that money, guess, in a way, she COULD claim to be kidnapped. However she got to Italy, once she was there, she was definitely taken prisoner, knocked out, given drugs, etc.
I'm thinking the court would see it as a complete waste of time and resources to bring a parole violation against her. I could see them saying that her probation was so close to being over and although she left of her own free will it was because she was lured and victimized in a medical murder plot thus not holding leaving of her own free will against her.
Well, we all have our own perspective, and no matter what Kim said on Friday, she was not saying the same thing this week. So, she got all caught up in the moment, assuring her daughter that she would not have to worry, her parents would be supporting her, and helping her. By Tues. & Wed. this week, she obviously is talking about it being Jeannie T's decision, etc.

Right now, Brady & Melanie are in love.....and there are tons of women out there who have gotten pregnant, but the man is involved with someone else. And that goes vice versa as well.
As far as being a family together....I do not think it is to the benefit of the child for parents to be living together as a family, when clearly being interested in others, not loving each other, etc. etc.

Yes, she backtracked some on Monday when it was clear Theresa wasn't gung-ho on the idea. She probably did get caught up in the comfort mode and didn't think about what she was actually saying. That could also be part of their relationship problems, Kim not understanding or respecting Theresa as an adult and going into an overbearing mama mode.

Again, just from their short interactions, it's obvious neither one can talk without the other getting upset or having to explain every single word they say. Theresa is super-defensive and Kim seems oblivious on how to talk to her daughter as a grown adult. But Kim made it clear that she might have motivation beyond doing what was best for Theresa or her motherly/grandmotherly instinct to "take care" of Theresa and Tate. She wants the baby away from Victor. I don't blame her, given the history there, but it does give her reasons beyond doing what's best for Tate and Theresa.

Also, she went and spoke to Brady without talking to Theresa about it first. She's the one who broached the subject of moving to California to Brady. IF Theresa was truly thinking about that option, it should have been her place, not her mother's, to talk to Brady. I'm not saying Kim doesn't mean well because she probably does. She just comes into a situation in which she is not familiar with or been around and starts trying to steer things into the way she wants them to go instead of letting Brady and Theresa at least ATTEMPT to work it out on their own first.

And yes, Theresa and Brady should at least be able to try to co-parent without being a couple BEFORE they resort to the court system and definitely before the other adult relatives get involved. Good lord, I don't want Brady back with her again because I don't want drug-addled Brady and poor-decision Brady back again.
So my dream here: Brady finds out, after Melanie leaves, that Theresa played her and guilted her into leaving. Brady sues her for custody, wins, and kicks Theresa out on her rearm and somehow, eventually, Melanie comes back (can't help it, I kinda like her a little). Theresa is a combo of Eve and Sami - she's using her own child as leverage to get what she wants and will manipulate any situation given the chance.