Where are they?


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I definitely have not been watching Days as long as some have, but truly have been doing so a lot of years. Characters come and go, sometimes by actors choice, sometimes just written out, end of story. While we would love to see some back, original actors are either no longer with us, or just unable to return. And who would ever even dare to recast Tom or Alice Horton? Stefano DiMera? Victor Kiriakis? Shawn & Caroline Brady?

Once upon a time, Days had the Horton family, then the Bradys came along, & the Kiriakis. Smaller ones appeared, the Johnsons, Carvers, Deveraux, and their stories intertwined, were intriguing, drawing in more and more viewers. Time marches on. storylines end, actors/character vanish.

We all miss Bo & Hope, but the actors chose to leave. I have no idea what they are doing now.

Then there are others. I miss Nancy........she was a hoot. And her husband.

I know they are around somewhere, but I do miss Steve & Kayla......he is how I started watching Days way back when.

Jack was such a complicated character, played by a terrific actor, and yet, the writers seem unable to write anything for him, same for Jennifer.

I do realize original actors are older now, cannot do the things they used to be able to do. But all the characters have children, why can't they emulate, in some way, their parents, be as heroic, loving, adventursome?

Why are the kids brats, untrustworthy, unlovable. Seems Tom & Alice Horton, Shawn & Caroline Brady, and yes, Victor as well, have to all be shaking their heads.
I agree with what you said. I really was invested in Days of Our Lives and characters for many years until things started going wacko, like all the science fiction stuff, the devil stores, etc. The early stories were more realistic and about family even though lives were complicated and complex but I looked forward each day to see what would happen to all of the characters. Now I really don’t care what happens to any of the characters.