Windows 11


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Has anyone downloaded the new Windows?

I got notified today I can change from Windows 10 to Windows 11.

I was wondering if there were a lot of changes and if easier to use.

Kat - You are lucky that your computer can be upgraded to Windows 11; I will need to purchase a new laptop. I use my personal laptop for work, too, and I trust they will migrate over close to the date:

Windows 10 Home and Pro follows the Modern Lifecycle Policy. Windows 10 will reach end of support on October 14, 2025. The current version, 22H2, will be the final version of Windows 10, and all editions will remain in support with monthly security update releases through that date.

I would suggest you look at youtube tutorials on Windows 11 to familiarize yourself with it or even visit a store that sells them and play around with one. I did this at my local Staples to get an idea of what it is like. Didn't seem that different, but I didn't delve into it too deeply.

Annoyed that new versions keep coming out, and that means purchasing new devices in order to maintain the Microsoft Support, but we can't risk not having that in place. Not all computers can be upgraded.

I hope this helped a little, sorry that my knowledge is so limited.
True, I have laptop with Windows 7.....and tho it works, there is no more support or upgrade for it. Don't have computer store here, so......??? Desktop is several years old, but does have Windows 10 agree about these upgrades causing the need for new stuff in order to keep up.
I got a notification too that I could upgrade to Windows 11.
I hate having to set up a new windows.
Does it keep you old saved sopts and favorites bar?
I really doubt it and hate to do all that work again. I will wait until the very end to download it unless some of you really like it!
True, I have laptop with Windows 7.....and tho it works, there is no more support or upgrade for it. Don't have computer store here, so......??? Desktop is several years old, but does have Windows 10 agree about these upgrades causing the need for new stuff in order to keep up.
I had Windows XP originally, my first laptop. Lasted almost 10 years. Then had to deal with Windows 7, then 10. I always ordered from Dell, very reliable. Had it delivered and transferred files over with USB. The Windows Support, plus whatever anti virus program you use, is important, but a real hassle to keep up to date with technology. You can get good deals on Dell, or another brand, through company website or Amazon, don't have to go to a store. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but be careful clicking on everything!
I got a notification too that I could upgrade to Windows 11.
I hate having to set up a new windows.
Does it keep you old saved sopts and favorites bar?
I really doubt it and hate to do all that work again. I will wait until the very end to download it unless some of you really like it!
This might help, soapkitty:

soapkitty, I got the same notification. That's why I asked. We have until 2025 to do something.
I recommend upgrading/buying new laptop by around June 2025 to make sure you are good to go. You don't want to risk losing Windows Support. No need to rush into just yet.
I have a PC and a laptop.

My laptop was bought when you could play CDs and DVDs. I don't think they
are made anymore.
I need a new laptop and I'm bummed they don't do DVDs anymore, at least for the most part. I have some workout DVDs and I like to put them on my laptop but also leave my TV on for the distraction because my attention span is that bad! I guess I'll have to keep this old laptop around just for that purpose. I'm currently stalking a laptop hoping the price will go down.
I'm not happy about Windows 11 laptops no longer including a cd/dvd tray. I don't understand how that is an improvement. Who cares about a device being more sleek/slim?

I would not even recommend using older devices for just playing dvds, since you still have to log in and could compromise any data remaining on the older device.

I am going to get a portable dvd player that can be used in cars or anywhere. For cd's, don't laugh, but I do have a new Walkman which works well. I also stream music a lot but also want to play my own cd's sometimes.

Here is a link to the variety of portable dvd players offered by Amazon, from lower end to higher end:

I would prefer this to an external cd/dvd drive which is much cheaper, but I think the portable dvd player would work better, be easier to set up, in my humble opinion:

I miss my dvd/vhs combo player, but can no longer use one. When I lost that option, all the vhs were donated, and I tossed the homemade ones. Remember when we had to tape shows, before On Demand and other options?
I have a huge box full of CDs and a whole big collection of LP records & albums. I do not have anything at all to play them I did not live in a rather secluded area, I'd have a huge garage sale. (Being this was a once a small 9 hole golf course, it it rather off the beaten track. Only 18 homes in the area, big grassy area in back..........and across the street in front was a huge grassy area, then trees, some bushes and a long fence to separate the area from WalMart & Slumberland. Lol.

But, now they are building some homes across the street, so I will see homes, & they will have WalMart & Slumberland in their back yards. Anyway, not enough folks to make a garage sale work. When the people next door to me had one when they moved down south......very few came. 4 lane hwy. at the entrance here.......enough of that.

I know I have tons of oldies, that some would just love.......but......young folks couldn't care less. And, as noted here, one doesn't easily have CD or tape players, or phonographs any more. Ha.
You can get an external DVD drive that plugs into the computer. There are inexpensive ones on Amazon.

With most people streaming and downloading media and software and exchanging media on smaller, easier to use thumb drives or media cards (vs burning CDs or DVDs), DVD drives fell out of favor for most people. They take up a ton of space inside the unit, which limits the other components you can have while keeping devices portable, and they add weight and moving parts that can break. You can build in a $30 item not used often that could damage components on a $1000 computer or you can sell it as a separate device only to those who need one.

If it’s a laptop, lots of people who travel or carry devices in backpacks to school want slimmer, lighter devices. I much prefer having an external drive that I can plug into any computer I want and leave behind when I don’t need it.
When I go to my family cabin I don't have the ability to "stream" because we are in the mountains. So missing out on the CD/DVD player is really annoying to me. I was able to get a bunch of cheap DVD players and they are stored at the cabin for movie viewing.

They didn't ask ME when they removed them.
I asked my tech hubby (he’s in software development) and he said that in his opinion he would wait a little while before moving to 11 to let them work out any kinks in it
When people buy digital media instead of physical, they download a dozen movies before they go and have it with them on their phones without carrying a bunch of DVDs. I’ve traveled with a cord to connect my phone or iPad to a TV and use it as the player. You can also connect a phone wirelessly (without WiFi) to some streaming devices like an Apple TV or Chromecast, so you “stream” to the TV directly from what’s loaded on your phone—even without internet.
Thanks, Kris for your husband's suggestion

At first, Microsoft said I couldn't update to Windows 11. Maybe a lot of people aren't
getting it so Microsoft is letting people update for free now.
I totally agree with Kris' husband...Beware of Windows 11!

As with other releases, there are several different versions. If you get Windows 11 Home in S Mode (secure for home use opposed to Pro for professional or business use), you can only use Microsoft products. That means you can only download programs that are in the Microsoft Store so no Google Chrome, Fire Fox, Adobe Acrobat, etc.

I've been looking for a new laptop, and I keep running into that. You can reverse out of S Mode, but it is a huge hassle. You don't even want to attempt it if you aren't a techie person and willing to lose programs and data you use.
I have been using Windows 11 since I bought my laptop back in September 2022. My treat for retirement. I am so used to it now, but there were changes I had to get used to in the beginning. I did find a Youtube that helped make using it a bunch easier. It turned off a bunch of unnecessary stuff.
Oh, my, been also looking for new laptop, glad of the warning. I had thought they would only have Windows 10 on them.......did not even think it might be Windows 11. One sure does have to be careful.