Days of Our Lives - Wed. Jan. 4, 2012


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2012

Well, well, looks like SOMEONE has been reading the message boards for the past couple years, as Bo & Hope have a session with Marlena, that opens and perhaps closes old wounds. But first, the silly stuff. Austin is helping Carrie & Rafe move into their new digs (o.k. office) with both men carrying boxes, plant, while Carrie stands around doing nothing. She sends Rafe out for more, so she & Austin can smooch, he can tease her about the line of clients outside, she can get ticked, but soon they are back to smooching, as Rafe ushers in their first client. Ruta Lee guests as Tillie, who goes on and on about wanting them to find the love of her life, Charlie Aaron. Austin leaves, Carrie & Rafe take notes as the lady talks of him having a roving eye, loving the ladies, not coming home for two days now. They are warning her that if he left of his own accord, there are legalities as to forcibly making him go back. She goes on and on, finally pulling out a $5 bill from her bra as their “retainer”. Seems after all, Charlie Aaron is her cat! (told ya this was silly…definitely a time filler). She leaves, but not before giving them a long list of the places the cat likes to hang out. Next they are outside, Rafe spots the cat under a dock or something, (this is soooo stupid), tho Carrie is smaller, she refuses to go, so Rafe does, and thank heavens we don’t see, but just hear the cat hissing, yowling, and Rafe yelling.
Back in the office Rafe is tending to the scratches on his hand, while Carrie is sympathetic, the phone rings, and there is Tillie, thanking them for leaving Charlie on her porch.

At Horton Square, Chad comes along, as does Melanie who is meeting him. They begin to talk of New Year’s as Abby appears, angry at the sight of Chad caressing Mel’s face. She goes off on them both. Chad tries to reason with her, they broke up, remember, but Abby figures they have been carrying on since Halloween, behind her back, and her best friend who was soooo sympathetic has been a traitor. She flounces off, entering the Pub in near tears, where sits Austin, of course. He gets her to tell him her troubles, and soon gets her yakking away. He wonders how she’d feel if Chad had moved on with someone else..she admits it probably would not have bothered her, because she…..oops. Austin knows exactly what she was going to say. That she was already having feelings for someone else. Yep, this person makes her feel important, that what she says matters, yada, yada. Austin suggests that the person sounds special, and she should go after him. Abby interrupts, just says never mind, she knows what she has to do.

Will arrives at the Kmansion, to see Sonny, and return a couple of flash drives. Sonny knows something is bothering Will, tries to get him to open up. But first says he is thinking of perhaps taking over the Cheatin Heart from his parents, turning it into a hip, edgy coffee shop, welcoming everyone, gay, straight, whatever. Those tired of the corporate coffee shops. He figures to have music, WiFi, games…is very enthusiastic. Will thinks that is great, count him in. They talk of financing, Sonny doesn’t want to go to Victor again, maybe Chad can ask his family. No,. Sonny doesn’t want to involve the DiMeras. Will teases he maybe can ask his Gramma Kate, since she technically is not a DiMera. Grins from both guys. Now for some serious talk. Will wonders if Sonny ever felt like leaving town, leaving everyone he knows. Yep, he has, but it doesn’t work, cuz when you wake up in the morning, you are still the same person, with the same problems. Will asks who Sonny was afraid to tell about being gay, Sonny admits his Uncle Vic. And if he had not reacted the way he did, that would have been too bad, and his problem. Not Sonny’s. They talk back and forth, and finally Will says he really feels he wants to leave Salem. Sonny realizes it has to be something big if Will wants to leave school, too, and says he gave him wrong advice. If he feels like this, then he should go, he should leave town, leave everyone, and go off by himself.

Chad & Melanie chat a bit about the situation with Abby. Mel tried to go after her, Chad stopped her, knowing Abby just needs some time. Mel insists they cannot be together, that Abby was right, and perhaps she, Mel, has not changed as much as she thought she had. Chad is HUH?, she refuses to explain. However, they decide to begin anew, she introduces herself as Melanie Jonas, puts out her hand, he shakes it, he is Chad DiMera. She talks of them being just friends, he hopes it will be more than that, but she insists tht for now…just friends.

O.K. forgot to tell you to have tissues handy, as you may need them. Bo & Hope arrive at Marlena’s apt. for their session. Apparently this is her “office” now. She has a clip board, but honestly, she says very little, it is Hope & Bo who talk, and break your heart at the same time. They talk of how they have not really dealt with the death of Zack, that once again the holidays have been hard, especially New Year’s Eve, and this year, when they put Zack’s ornament on the tree…well it made them realize they have to get past it all. They love each other, but they just have not dealt with this or can talk about it. Hope talks of Johnny missing, and then New Year’s Eve. That Johnny had a happy ending, but …Marlena asks them both how they felt about none for Zack. Hope is breaking down, as she recites how Bo gave Chelsea the keys, that Chelsea should not have been driving, and how she only thought she hit a bump…and how Bo did not tell Hope he had given Chelsea the keys….and how Zack was left in the street. Bo’s face is crumbling, as he admits giving Chelsea the keys, never should have done that, that he blames himself every single day. He is crying, his head buried in his hands. Hope holds him, as he cries on her shoulder.
Now Hope talks of wanting to pay the ransom for Ciara, Bo not wanting to, and her being upset with another of his decisions. He retorts that his decisions brought Ciara back safely. Hope talks of Ciara being unable to sleep, being so scared, of taking her away to the mountains for a change in scenery, but not being able to resolve things in her own mind, so when she returned, she thought maybe she & Bo just needed a break for a spell. And then Maggie lets her know there is another woman in the house, Hope rushes over to find Carly in her bed. Bo tries to protest, but yes, Hope knows he was protecting her from the bad guys, but…IN MY BED??? Why not the guest room, the sofa, anywhere else? Bo is sorry, Hope talks of how easily and quickly Bo seemed to replace her. He denies that was the way it was, but is totally sorry for all that happened. She is, too. These two are embracing, talking of how much they love each other, and don’t want to every lose what they have.
Marlena thinks they have made enormous progress for their first session, she feels their lines of communication are open, and just keep them that way. Bo & Hope agree this is what they want, and promise to do so.
Thanks for the summary... and I agree that the stuff with Carrie & Rafe is ridiculous... who would go to an attorney and a P.I. for a missing cat o_O
I too got tears reading the Bo/Hope scenes.
But I find it silly that Carrie was lead attorney for a national, even international trial, got the evidence to prove her client innocent, and she is now chasing cats. I hope this career doesn't last long. I'm not liking the Rafe/Carrie relationship at all. :(
The show was good today, but those scenes with Carrie and lame...I like them both but they have zero chemistry. Ruta Lee is a hoot but they don't know how to write comedy for sure!!!!
Carrie is supposed to be running a law office, and Rafe is her "lead" investigator. Now I have been in a few law offices in my day, and none have an "investigator" right there. If one is needed, he is hired from an investigation or P.I. agency.
And any woman who goes to an attorney to find her missing cat is a dingbat...well, to be fair, that is how Tillie was being portrayed. Just think.......a whole $5.00 as a retainer!

And then, let's see. Neither Rafe nor Carrie were paid for defending John, and Rafe has been out of work for ages. So where the heck did the $$$$$ come from for this new office?? Madison cannot even get her office opened yet, but Carrie & Rafe have one in the blink of an eye. LOL
The show was good today, but those scenes with Carrie and lamb...I like them both but they have zero chemistry. Ruta Lee is a hoot but they don't kwow how to right comedy for sure!!!!

I always liked Ruta Lee (a gazillion years go)....HOWEVER, today I feel sorry for her!! For that, she took a shot at ''Tillie" ?? Wonder if she'll get a curtain call performance after that award-winner!
Ruta Lee is still gorgeous and I was glad to see her again after all these years.

I'm wonder why Rafe's desk (and his butt) are right in front of the door.
I teared up with the Bo/Hope scenes. It felt real, reliving Zack's death...very touching and I am glad they are showing this therapy finally!!
This episode sounds beautiful! Thanks so very much Barb! So nice to know what happened on the show while on break at work!
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Just watched a scene on YouTube..........Abby is really is romanticism if she thinks Austin implied she could chase him, a married man. She's headed for major heartbreak here.
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hahahaha... After Rafe's wound is bandaged they are congratulating each other and Carrie gives Rafe a high-five sign but decides to go for the fist pound, but instead of Rafe using his good hand he sticks out and uses his bandaged hand! What????