Days of Our Lives - Friday, July 5, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our lives
Friday, July 5, 2013

Tis the 4th of July in Salem, and most of the young people are out by the lake, though we only get to see mostly shrubbery & trees. Family picnic time. Adrienne comes to see Jen, to borrow a cooler, talks her into bringing Abby & JJ to the picnic, despite the fact JJ is grounded. Jen isn't sure, JJ comes downstairs, she tells him about the picnic. Says he has 2 choices. Stay home, where she will call every 20 minutes on the landline, or come along. He says fine, and goes up to change clothes.
Will & Sonny are packing a picnic basket at the coffee shop, Will wondering if Sonny might not want to come along, perhaps go somewhere to have fun. Sonny assures him he would not want to be anywhere else. Throughout the show, Will's insecurity is showing thru, as he remembers overhearing Brent talking to Sonny. Abby is with Gabi, admiring the baby, talking of her inability to choose between Chad & Cameron. Gabi tells her of the decision she & Nick have made about getting an annulment. Will & Sonny arrive, everyone all ready to go have some fun. (First time I ever saw so many females going to a picnic by the lake in dresses!) Adrienne & Jusin are already there when Jen & JJ arrive, along come Will, Sonny, Gabi & the baby. Lots of talk, interaction, holding the baby.

Over in the greenery, the shirtless young guys are talking of having some sort of tournament (in the water I, volleyball, something like that). Cameron, Chad, Tad, Theo. Abby arrives, they talk about her being on one of the teams. Theo asks who she chooses, Chad or Cameron's team. Abby wisely chooses to be with Theo and off they go. Jen gets a call, problem at the hospital, lots of rumors about the hospital covering up something or other cause Sami got off. She has to leave, will be back, tells Adrienne to keep an eye on JJ. Adrienne tells him a story of him learning to walk, trying to climb up his changing table, falling, crying, and how his dad picked him up, calmed him down. She goes on how much Jack loved him and how they all miss him.

At various times, all the guys, plus Abby, too, are supposedly in from the lake, soaking wet, drying off with big towels. JJ comes to where Adrienne & Justin are, asks about his mom, learns she had to go to work for a bit. He says he is going to change to dry clothes, and we see him calling Rory, and next is in Horton Square, chatting with Rory & his girl. They talk about JJ taking the rap for everyone in re: the shoplifting. JJ says he sent Adrienne a text saying he felt sick, so now he has to go home and pretend to be just that. Rory & the girl leave, and as JJ strolls away, there is Theresa. More "come on" chatter between them, flirting on both sides, he invites her to his place as she brings up his stash again, but she mentions his curfew, grins, bye, bye, see you at the candy store.

Jen is at the hospital, where Anne is calling her out for stepping into her job area. Jen denies it. They go back and forth a bit. then Anne asks about her son. She never says anything nasty or wrong, but the insinuations are there. She cannot wait to meet the young man, she must be so proud of him, blah, blah. Anne takes off.

Brent has joined the group, is still pestering Sonny about going to that event, Sonny says no, he is happy and right where he wants to be, Will is sitting on the blanket, hearing it all. Sonny goes to see Arianna, Will chats with Brent, who comments that he & Sonny are just friends, always hung in a group, did things in a group, so odd to see him changed so much, so "settled down". Will just smiles. Brent assures him he knows they both love each other very much.
Chad comes up, soaking wet, Theo talking of him hitting his head, trying to do a log roll. Cam is looking at his eyes, mentioning perhaps a concussion. Chad is not going to the hospital, Cameron says you have to be careful with head injuries.Abby wants him checked over, she insists. Nope, he is fine. Let's get back to the game.
Will tries to talk Sonny into maybe going somewhere so he can have some fun. But Sonny is not going to budge.
Adrienne is fooling with her phone, trying to bring up a video of Will & the baby to show Justin. Is so cute, etc. etc. Sonny calls for them to come over and look, he swears Arianna is trying to roll over. "Already"??
She throws the phone down on the blanket, takes off with Justin. The camera closes in, on the phone, and we see the video of Will holding Arianna, smiling at her, and bingo, there is Sami, on Bernadi's back, giving him a hard time.
Other than some wacked out drug head, what kind of person just follows a stranger home to get high. JJ should be asking himself why this girl is so interested in his stash. Something just ain't right about it. I liked Adrienne telling JJ he reminded her of his dad, but the moment was spoiled by mentioning the great and powerful Dr. Jonas.

Baby Arianna makes everyone seem a little more human doesn't she. JJ of all people was adorable holding her and so was T, who I can't get enough of with his outrageos wit. When Sonny told Gabi that Brent played for the other team and T quickly stated that never stopped her before - holding my sides laughing so hard.
I seriously would love to see more T. He brings such life to the younger crowd. When he was talking about Sonny being good at everything and then said "but he's not gonna win that hot-dog eating contest, that's mine baby". I had tears when Will said it's not a contest if you're eating by yourself.
It was funny that they referenced Joey Chestnut, the guy who won the Nathan's hot dog eating contest and said something about him eating 68 hot dogs.

This was taped 4 months ago and Chesnut won that again this year, eating 69 hot dogs yesterday.
Yes, it cracked me up when it got mentioned. I had heard it on the news about him winning again this year.
What was odd today, was it was like 2 different groups were there, tho I know they were supposed to be all together.
Thank you, Poirot. My tv reception kept going in and out.

Why the heck is Will being so darn insecure all of a sudden? Sonny has proven his commitment to their relationship and the baby over and over. stupid, stupid, stupid

Love T! He's not on enough for my taste.

I'm so sick of Cameron vs Chad. Hey guys, the girl isn't worth it.

I had to laugh when Adrienne borrowed the 12 pack cooler from Jennifer. It made me wonder which stage hand brought that from home.

We all guessed that the Sami / Bernardi video was on Adrienne's phone. Knew it was coming today as soon as she mentioned the baby video.
Of course, borrowing things must be a way to get characters to interact, but maybe there is a better way?? Abby borrowed baking pans from Maggie, Hope borrowed sleeping bags from Jen. Jen must be the only one with picnic/camping stuff, lol!! Maggie with cooking items. Go buy what you need, people of Salem with the money tree, lol.
Wait, what was with Jennifer having a Parker/Daniel flashback when she picked up Parker's jacket. So I'm supposed to believe that Jen had not one flashback or montage moment when the love of her life tragically died after saving their daughter, but after being away from Dr. Dan for 1 day she's already having flashes. I don't buy it for one hot second.
Other than some wacked out drug head, what kind of person just follows a stranger home to get high. JJ should be asking himself why this girl is so interested in his stash. Something just ain't right about it. I liked Adrienne telling JJ he reminded her of his dad, but the moment was spoiled by mentioning the great and powerful Dr. Jonas.

Baby Arianna makes everyone seem a little more human doesn't she. JJ of all people was adorable holding her and so was T, who I can't get enough of with his outrageos wit. When Sonny told Gabi that Brent played for the other team and T quickly stated that never stopped her before - holding my sides laughing so hard.
I thought, from the start, this unnamed woman is a narc, waiting to take JJ down. I think that there is a decent young man underneath and hope that we get to see that JJ. All that being said, I think he is so desperate, he might even partner with Ann to make things worse for Jen. This came into my head when I heard Ann mentioning JJ today. I could be totally off the mark here, just a random thought.
I have to say again great job by the writers though with that scene of JJ and Adrienne. When she was telling him the story about him falling as a baby and not letting anyone but Jack touch him, you could see in JJ's reaction how much he misses and needs his dad right now. I'm finally able to watch on tv at home and the scene really got to me. If there's a shred of goodness in TPTB they'll find a way to resurrect Jack Deveraux.