wednesday, February 20th


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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Episode #10,766 Taped 2/1/08 Director – Mike Denney

It is morning in Greenland, and the stranded passengers slowly awake. Chloe & Philip talk of their kiss, and how it went no further than that. She is a married woman, he already made a mistake with an engaged one, and did not want to repeat it. She knows that, and appreciates it. They chat a bit, then decide to get dressed. He has to turn his back, while she gets dressed, then will leave the tent to give him some privacy. They tease a bit about what being “cold” can do to their naked bodies, both are greatful they were able to share body heat during the night. However, both promise that what happens in Greenland stays in Greenland. LOL
John & Marlena wake up, and talk of the fabulous kiss they shared the night before, too. However, John seems all wired to continue, Marlena rather hesitant, but he talks her into helping him “remember” her. LOL. Afterwards, he is not too sure and is ready to try this again, but Marlena puts the kibosh on that idea. She wants him to remember HER. The very special love they shared. And now she has patients to see.
Steve wakes to find Kayla quietly crying. For her dad, for everybody. She does not know how her mom will handle this, and then Kimberly, Roman, Max and Frankie (thank you Days for remembering him). He wants to hold her, it is difficult, so she turns over and holds him. They hold hands under the blanket.
Shawn & Belle wake up, still in the afterglow. They repeat their vows of love, of forgiveness, apologies, and pledge to start anew as the family they were always meant to be.
Hope is holding an unconsicious Bo, constantly talking to him, telling him how strong he is, how he cannot leave her, to hold on, don’t dare go away. She is shivering, her voice breaking, as Marlena arrives, along with Belle & Shawn, who bring extra blankets. Marlena says no, and assures Hope, that the cold is slowing his circulation, also the bad cells, and tells Shawn that it is better to keep Bo’s metabolism at a slower rate.

Back in Salem, Abe & Roman are both on the phone to the authorities in charge. Caroline anxiously awaits word, but there is none. Since is is now morning in Greenland, impatient Victor is ready to get his own planes and search teams on the job. Roman & Abe implore Victor to let the authorities do their job. They have search teams, infra red cameras, all the high tech equipment one could want. Victor is anxious to get moving, Max & Stephanie want to go along. Roman assures them that the equipment and number of search planes out are all much better than another “pair of eyes”. Caroline has remarked that Chelsea is back at the church, and Kate stayed with her. Roman suggests Max & Stephanie go back to the church, and they leave.
Out in the hall, Victor & Caroline get into a discussion about Bo, all his great qualities, how brave he is, great leader in times of stress. Victor talks of how proud he is of him, just wishes he knew Bo was his son before he reached the age of 20. Caroline is sorry, but could never have hurt Shawn. Victor agrees, saying what a wonderful job Shawn did in raising Bo, and he is greatful and will tell him so when he returns. Caroline says he would be so happy to hear that. They go on and on…….with Lexie in the background, listening to every word, knowing Bo’s condition, but she says nothing.
At the church, Chelsea is talking of how those around her always are dying, Zack, Ford. Kate assures her they were at opposite ends of the spectrum, one she loved, the other she hated. They are still dead. Nick arrives, Chelsea has tears as she says she doesn’t know what she would do without her dad. Max & Stephanie arrive, she is not going to have to know that. Everyone will be o.k. She gets a call from the station – no word yet. Everyone is trying to sound positive, but all are scared.

At the crash site, nearly everyone has gathered together, even Steve & Kayla. Marlena scolds him for getting up, Kayla talks of him not listening to his doctor wife, so maybe he will listen to another doctor. Marlena pulls her aside, asking how she is doing. She says she has had some cramping, and a bit of spotting, but won’t tell Steve. Marlena orders her off her feet, and wants to tend to a cut she has. John arrives, asking if anyone wants breakfast. He has a box filled with some packages of something. WHERE did you find that, he is asked. Oh, scattered around the back 40, he replies. LOL. Chloe says no thank you, she doesn’t think she could eat frozen food. Suddenly, off in the distance, is heard the sound of a motor. Helicopter motor. John & Shawn rush to find the flares, with John saying it is coming from the west, they only have about 10 seconds. They toss debris aside, Shawn finds the kit, John fires off the flare.

Abe gets a phone call, smiles, hangs up. Victor, Caroline, Kate & Roman look at him expectantly. They found the wreckage, and someone fired off a flare. At the church, Chelsea gets a call from Kate. The plane wreckage was spotted, and someone fired off a flare. She closes her cell phone and tells Max, Stephanie & Nick the news, everyone is alive! (Now she does not know that, that is not what she was told!)

At the crash site, the sounds of engines gets louder, and the huddled group all begin yelling and waving, grinning. Hope is telling Bo they are rescued, and will be going home. Claire has a big smile. Pan back to group, all looking upwards, as they wave and yell.

I tell ya...that Chelsea. Sometimes (most times) she would be better off just keeping her mouth shut!!! Sounds like another wonderful epi. Thanks for writing it up.
Thanks for the write up, Barb. I am also glad that they didn't draw out their rescue. The writers are doing a good job of getting the ball rolling. I am very pleased.:clap::clap:

Oh crap I just forgot that shawn died. Nice going CHelsea!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Episode #10,766 Taped 2/1/08 Director – Mike Denney

It is morning in Greenland, and the stranded passengers slowly awake.

At the church, Chelsea is talking of how those around her always are dying, Zack, Ford. Kate assures her they were at opposite ends of the spectrum, one she loved, the other she hated. They are still dead.


doesn't chelsea mean to she is always killing those around her, like zack and ford, and THAT is why they are still dead?
thanks Barb for the write-up

Question ... The love scene between Marlena and John was supposed to be a "hot" one as per SOD or SOW, John and Marlena fans are claiming that they barely got a love scene at all and it certainly wasn't like what the article promised ... could you shed some light on that!!!! Thanks!

What about the Shawn and Belle scene was there much to that? Chloe and Philip was there much to that? Fans who have seen it are somewhat disappointed ... a lot of talk and no show!
Thank you for the write up. I am looking forward everyday to the show and enjoy how things are moving at a faster pace instead of being played out for six months or a year. Just loving NuJohn but hope he gets back to his old self soon but still have the wit that he has now.
@CJ.....Since John kept his cap on, and we do not even see Marlena without her blouse, not as much to the scene as expected. However, the dialogue is about what was indicated.
I think Shawn & Belle made love again in the a.m. Actually, I think the way the previous show ended, led folks to expect more than what was depicted in this show. The previews for tomorrow show them all back in yes, the pace is definitely good.
@CJ.....Since John kept his cap on, and we do not even see Marlena without her blouse, not as much to the scene as expected. However, the dialogue is about what was indicated.
I think Shawn & Belle made love again in the a.m. Actually, I think the way the previous show ended, led folks to expect more than what was depicted in this show. The previews for tomorrow show them all back in yes, the pace is definitely good.

Thanks Barb ... There are alot of unhappy Jarlena fans out there. They expected so much more ... can't say that I blame them!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"They go on and on…….with Lexie in the background, listening to every word, knowing Bo’s condition, but she says nothing. ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Lexie says nothing. Is that possible????????????
@CJ.....Since John kept his cap on, and we do not even see Marlena without her blouse, not as much to the scene as expected. However, the dialogue is about what was indicated.
I think Shawn & Belle made love again in the a.m. Actually, I think the way the previous show ended, led folks to expect more than what was depicted in this show. The previews for tomorrow show them all back in yes, the pace is definitely good.

The scenes will probably fit in with the's freezing there, and Marlena is injured....not very private, and not exactly a honeymoon suite! LOL It will happen, in a short time, I'm sure!!

I personally am loving the show and, I'm sure, are their other fans!!! They just rock right now!! And...the anticipation, is sweeter!!!
Wonder why Lexie didn't mention Bo's condition to Caroline and Victor?.............She blabs about everybody else's "confidential" medical issues?????????
Ya know........Caroline is going to be dealt one blow after the other. "Caroline, I am sorry to tell you, but your husband did not make it. Your son did, but he is dying. Your daughter also made it, and is pregnant, but she is cramping, spotting, & your son-in-law has a few broken ribs and a punctured lung.

I was happy, very happy, to see Lexie keeping her mouth shut for a change.
New poster

:smile: I've been reading awhile, just never registered or posted before.

This is all to watch. I have to say it is kinda ironic, they finally put Shawn in an emergency that he doesn't act like a doofus, and now they are writing him off. Go figure. But, still....I wish him and "Dink" all the best until they return. (Didn't you just love the look on her face when John called her that?):evillaugh:

Well the thread brought tears to my eyes. Looking forward to tomorrow show.
My Tivo didn't tape Friday show and I hear the best one. I was so disappointed, but what can you do. Least I read about it thanks to Barb. Ok gang later.
"Out in the hall, Victor & Caroline get into a discussion about Bo, all his great qualities, how brave he is, great leader in times of stress. Victor talks of how proud he is of him, just wishes he knew Bo was his son before he reached the age of 20. Caroline is sorry, but could never have hurt Shawn. Victor agrees, saying what a wonderful job Shawn did in raising Bo, and he is grateful and will tell him so when he returns. Caroline says he would be so happy to hear that. They go on and on…….with Lexie in the background, listening to every word, knowing Bo’s condition, but she says nothing."

Lexie actually keeps her trap shut? WOW.

I am so loving the NuJohn and i like the drama he is bringing. I think Marlena will haul off and punch him, eventually LOL. Maybe if they did get it on, she was hoping to relieve some of her stress she has from dealing with him!!LOLOLOL

Scenes at the plane made me cry. one thing bugs me tho. how far apart are these people? like chloe helping philip with the leg thing... why not go ask for help? john is just sitting there drinking his juice LOL. they make it seem like they are miles apart.

Kayla and the pregnancy pains...i do not like this story line. i don't like her pregnant... she seems so much older than marlena, kate, and hope.

too cute when claire says pop pop. please let this help john.

Chloe kissing philip while her husband is missing?! Methinks something is not right about that. something fishy is going on, chloe knows more than she is telling.
The crash site didn't affect me, but the people in church sure did. It was very real emotion for me.
I completely agree about this new John. I love him and I have never been a John fan but wow, I am now. I am also loving more Philip time and less Sami fighting with EJ!