Days of Our Lives - Monday, Sept. 16, 2013

Just Samantha

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May 18, 2010
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Days of Our Lives, Mon. 9/16/2013

Replay of Marge telling the court about the $100,000 in Timmy's account. She gets upset, asks for water, while Justin asks how Joe got his hands on $100,000. Marge keeps going on about Joe being a hero, calls Stefano a crook and knows the DiMeras are no good. The judge tells her to calm down and answer Justin or he'll have her taken into custody. Marge says she has no idea where the money came from or how it got there. She says someone put the money in the account, suggests the DiMeras did it. DA Trask gives EJ the stink eye.

DA Trask has no further questions for Marge. Marge is dragged off the stand as she's screeching about her wonderful Joe. Trask calls Adrienne to the stand as her next witness. Adrienne takes the stand, Trask asks her if she provided the video, as well as the tip about Timmy's bank account. She asks how that was possible. Adrienne explains about bumping into them, Timmy dropping his bank book, returning it and accidentally seeing the receipt. Trask thinks it was awfully convenient that the wife of the defense attorney just happened to stumble upon this info. Justin objects, the judge agrees, Trask has no further questions for Adrienne.

EJ now cross-examines Adrienne. Nothing exciting there; the judge dismisses Adrienne. Then Trask calls Edward Craig, an FBI agent. Justin and EJ are blind-sided; Justin says he thinks they've just been set up. EJ looks horrified.

Edward Craig is a forensic computer expert. Trask questions him. Craig said the initial test came back clean, but the dug around further and found that the bank system was hacked; Timmy's account only had $23.00. Trask says their records show regular transactions over a period of time. Craig says the deposits never happened; says the $100,000 was a lump sum deposit, made after Bernardi was killed. Trask says the deposit was made after Sami was arrested; Craig says the money came from an offshore account in the Cayman Islands. Usually these things are done by people who have unlimited means. Once again, Trask gives EJ the stink eye. Justin objects; judge grants it. Justin has no questions for Mr. Craig. They take a recess.

Justin is steaming; he says he needs a minute to think about things and leaves. Sami asks EJ if it's over for her; she knows she's going to prison. EJ looks like he's going to pass out. He says he promises it'll be OK, but Sami says no more promises. She understands why he did what he did. They kiss and she's taken back to her cell. EJ is alone in the courtroom when Justin returns. Justin says they are royally screwed. The jury hates him, they hate EJ and worse yet, they hate Sami. Justin says they have no proof, nothing to save Sami; she needs a miracle; and Justin leaves.

Chad's in the pub, picking up an order, runs into Kayla, who asks how he's doing. He realizes Cameron told her about his condition, calls Cameron an SOB, says he'll sue Cameron for breaching the doctor/patient confidentiality. Kayla tells him he's crazy, she's chief of staff and she and Cameron consult with each other on cases regularly. He tells Kayla he has a new doctor, tells her she has no need to be concerned. He doesn't want anyone to know, especially Abby.

Kayla and Chad talk about keeping secrets, especially with those you're in a relationship with. He says he's going to be fine, but he doesn't want her to be upset and to trust him about this; makes her swear to keeping her mouth shut.

Abby and Jennifer talk about JJ; Jen says JJ has left, maybe for good. Abby goes on and on about how JJ is going to keep screwing up his life. Jen says she's going to give him a dose of tough love. Abby asks what happens if that doesn't work and something happens to JJ.

JJ is in the park, thanking Rory for holding on to his money for him. Hope runs into JJ and they talk; she asks him where he's planning on staying. He asks Hope if he can crash with her and Ciara. Hope is surprised. He butters her up, saying he wants to stay there and help her around the house since Bo is gone and spend time with Ciara. Hope says no and not to call the rest of the Hortons and Johnsons to lay down that line, because they're going to turn him down, too. She says they're family, but he has to go home. She says she's a cop and she's going to be watching him, as well as the entire police force.

Abby calls JJ, he tells her he's not coming home; tells her he'll talk to her, but not with Jennifer. Abby and her ugly outfit join JJ in the park; asks Rory & Bev to leave so they can talk alone. She asks JJ to come home; talks about how amazing Jennifer is and how much she loves JJ. JJ isn't having any of what Abby is saying. Abby tells JJ about what she did to Austin (no details; just that she did something bad) and that Jen and Jack forgave her. Says he needs to own up to his mistakes, that mom will forgive him and it's breaking their hearts. Please come home, so they can be a family.

Abby & JJ go round and round with pointless conversation; then she says she's done with him. She talks about Jack and how he made excuses for abandoning their family and says JJ is doing the same thing, making excuses and he's just like Jack now. Abby storms off.

Rory & Bev come back with hot chocolate, says it's getting chilly; the temperature dropped while they were walking over to get something to drink. JJ says "just great" (since I guess he was going to sleep on a park bench).

Hope and Jennifer are talking (at Jen's); Hope says Shawn Douglas turned out just fine; she thinks JJ will eventually be OK. Jen says she's not calling JJ; she needs him to know he has to learn and follow rules. She says it's times like this she misses Jack the most. Hope says she knows how hard it is to be making decisions as a single parent. The door opens and JJ comes in, hesitant. Hope leaves, tells JJ it's good to see him as she goes out the door. Jen says she's glad he came back. Asks if they can sit and talk; JJ says he's not there to talk; he's there to get his jacket. Jenn gives him jacket, but first goes through his pockets. JJ yells and says there are no drugs in his pockets.

He asks for the jacket so he doesn't freeze to death on the street. Jen says she owes him an apology; says she should have brought him home to Salem when Jack died, it was a bad decision. She should have paid more attention to him; she's owning up to her mistakes; asks him to own up to his. JJ is a snot and says she's being impossible. She helps him put on his jacket and asks what happened to her sweet little boy. Was it their time apart that changed him? He was her miracle baby who would beat the odds to survive; she knew he'd grow up to be someone special and she was right. She didn't give up then and she's not giving up now. She's his mother and she loves him unconditionally. She just wants to help him; begs him not to leave.

JJ doesn't want Jenn's help; tells her to leave him the hell alone and leaves.

Abby goes to Chad's apartment; he's shirtless. She's whining about JJ; they hug. He wishes he could do something to help. She says he's helping by just being there for her. He says he'll never leave her; they kiss. It starts to get a little steamy; Abby takes Chad's hand and leads him to the bed. They sit down and start kissing.

Kayla comes to see Sami; brings her a good luck charm from Caroline (her rosary). They talk, Sami says she can't pretend anymore; she knows she's going to prison for the rest of her life.

Trask is talking to her assistant, says it's a slam dunk, no way out for Sami Brady. EJ walks in, asks for a word in private with Trask. EJ offers a deal to Trask, to give her the opportunity to put him and his father behind bars.
I am SO sick of this stupid trial... The entire story has been a bust/boring and tiresome... With miss PinkStreak Sami and wannabe crime Lords Ej!

Ej decided to give himself and Stefano to the D.A....Apparently Sami's habit of acting without thinking is rubbing off on EJ!

The writers are desperately trying to show viewers that Ej's love for Sami is so tangible that he would give his freedom for her...Too damn bad they can't erase their dismal history!

Abby is upset, but she thinks that being half-naked in bed with Chad is the way to remedy the situation!
There was a breaking news story so I watched a little of DAYS…There is absolutely NO HOPE for Sami! She is lost forever!!!!! The changed man has stuck his foot in his mouth again, telling Samantha that she and he have nothing to be guilty about, Bernardi was a dirty cop. Well, if Sami doesn’t see the light after today and what was discovered about the money she never will. She will deserve every rotten thing that junior has and will do to her. Sami was so pathetic telling junior she understands what he did and why! It’s beyond sickening!!!!!
Good grief! Could this "trial" be any stupider? Or the writers any lazier? Gee, the DA found a surprise witness (sorry, that doesn't happen) to testify that the bank account was hacked and the money deposited after Bernardi's death. So Justin and EJ just throw up their hands in despair and EJ offers to sacrifice himself and Stefano to Trask. Sure. Not even a challenge to the witness's credentials or story, not even a suggestion that the "powerful" person who made the deposit might have been Stefano paying off Bernardi's attempt to do his dirty work. NOT that I wanted to see this idiotic farce drag on any longer but this is worse than amateur hour from Salem's two crack (more like cracked) trial lawyers. Not remotely believable or entertaining.
If I was a juror, I might have noticed the looks between Sami and EJ, which looked very conspiratorial. Her eyes seemingly conveyed to him that his plan backfired, and she was not happy with him.

Now I see that her dress did NOT have a cut-out, as I thought in the trailer for this week. At least she was dressed in a more subdued outfit for a change (but we still must suffer through Jennifer's cut-out).

That FBI agent was the last thing this case needed. Could this all be Stefano's plan to gain back control of everything EJ took away? Just because he's FBI doesn't mean he can't be compromised.

Sami's resolve is quite a departure for her. She almost seems at peace with her probable fate.

It looks like Chad and Abby are getting very close, and I think it would be very wrong of him to sleep with her (especially since it would be her first time) without first telling her about his illness. He is so dead set against telling anyone, however, that I think he will continue to be secretive. I don't doubt his feelings for Abby but question his flawed logic dealing with his condition.

He told Cameron he was dying, but he tells Kayla he will be fine. No doctor, no matter how good, can reverse a death sentence, so I would question what he told Cameron that day.

JJ infuriates me. Jennifer went to the mat for him and even apologized, put herself out there, and he still refused to meet her halfway. I even thought she was going to tell him to stay, that he could keep his phone, she will let him live his life as long as he didn't move out.

I'm glad Hope gave him a good dose of reality and saw through his bologna of "getting to spend time with Ciara." He doesn't deserve to be welcomed with open arms into anyone's home. As I stated before, he has to hit rock bottom, possibly facing grave danger, before there is the chance he will turn his life around.

I don't think JJ wanted to go back home because of Abby's ugly outfit! Honestly, that outfit was capable of making a very pretty young woman look like a candidate for "What Not To Wear." Outfit notwithstanding, I think Abby made a lot of good points, not that JJ was paying attention.

How generous of EJ to "sacrifice" himself and "fatha" at the nth hour. Chivalry isn't dead (except in Salem). Cry me a river, EJ. :rolleyes:

P.S. I wish there would be a BREAKING NEWS STORY during Days: "The powers that be have located the elusive Salem brain that has been missing for an unknown period of time. This discovery will result in the closure of every existing storyline and the onset of new, fresh stories that will evoke the Days of time gone by, including a better wardrobe and flattering hairstyles for all, plus daily shaves for all male actors."
Good grief! Could this "trial" be any stupider? Or the writers any lazier?
Agreed. The writers' portrayal of a the trial could not have been worse. The surprise witness, something that anywhere but Salem is simply not allowed, was just the last straw. If the writers wanted to do a trial, perhaps they should have first watched the film My Cousin Vinny, whose trial scenes are highly entertaining and are held in high regard by members of the legal community for the realistic handling of the rules of evidence and trial procedure. As for Chad threatening to sue Cameron for telling Kayla about his condition, Days viewers can be grateful that EJ's little brother was just blowing smoke. If the writers can't do a decent portrayal of the criminal trial, what they'd do with a civil lawsuit is too awful to contemplate.
Thanks for the summary, JS. Not having watched yet, maybe I'm not getting the full flavor of Abby's comments to JJ, but it seemed appalling to me that she was telling him how awful Jack was and that now JJ is just like him. Not that I think anything anyone says is going to make a difference with JJ at this point, but if Abigail had any thoughts of reaching him, this would not be the way to do it.

Oh sure, JJ, just what Hope wants.....a drug dealer hanging out with her young daughter!
I highly enjoyed today's episode simply for the "oh shucks" look on EJ's face throughout the FBI agents testimony. Neither he nor Sami could look up the entire time with those oh so guilty looks on their faces lol. And the way Melinda Trask stared EJ down across the table as she asked who could pull of something like this, it was as if she was daring him to make a move.
Today's show was all around uncomfortable for me to watch. Had to FF to get through some scenes. I can't bear Marge Bernardi's histrionics. DA Trask makes my skin crawl. I had to endure a little bit of her just to see EJ's expression but I couldn't take the whole thing. Abigail's outfit looked like old-fashioned pajamas. Chad is consistently getting on my nerves. I think it's terrible that he is going to be intimate with Abby without telling her his condition. I skipped the bedroom scene of them together. And it makes me cringe every time he says he has the best doctor the Dimera money could buy. Jennifer's dress looked even worse than I had remembered, if that was possible. Hope and Adrienne were about the only ones in the entire episode who were tolerable for me to watch. Sorry to be a complete downer. I just did not like this episode.