Days of Our Lives - Wed., Oct. 23, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A lot of angry people in Salem today, arguing and fighting. Kristen is upset because Brady has told her that Nicole said Kristen had an affair and lied to Brady. But he assures her he believes her, Nicole has always been a liar, that since he told Kristen about sleeping with someone else, and she forgave him, and he asked her point blank, and she said no, knowing he would forgive her, of course he believes Kristen.

Stefano is visiting Daniel in his office, thanking him for saving Chad, says he owes him, and offers to take care of a problem he is having with a woman. Daniel refuses, thank you but no thank you. Stefano takes his leave, but warn Daniel that if he is going to solve it himself, then do it soon, as with a woman, it will only get worse.

Abby argues with her mother about calling the police on JJ, gets really mad and walks out. Jennifer calls Hope over, tells her what is going on. Hope tells her she will go looking for JJ, and is talking to her as family, not police. Jen thinks JJ is with Theresa, so Hope heads there.

JJ is with Theresa, she is kissing him on the sofa, but he breaks away, a bit unsure. He hears noises, gets concerned someone is keeping tabs on them or watching or something. She wants to resume making out, he goes to the bathroom. Theresa continues to drink, calls Daniel, gets voice mail, gives a big come on to "Danny Boy", which JJ overhears. Hope knocks on the door, Theresa opens, won't let her in, tells her they can talk in the hall, she has two minutes. Hope asks about JJ, Theresa hasn't seen that lil high schooler. She claims to be entertaining, a guy named Manny, and finally brushes Hope off and goes back inside. JJ has been listening and is not too happy. Theresa tells how she said he wasn't there, he mentions her phone call, she starts yapping about calling someone to come and party with her since JJ is so jumpy, hearing noises and not wanting to get it on. He knows she called the guy Danny Boy, she admits it, talks of him being a real man who knows how to give a woman what she wants, blah blah. JJ grabs her, kissing her, down on the sofa they go. He takes off his shirt, when she jumps up, will be right back. She goes to the kitchen cabinet, takes out a small bottle with what looks like an eye dropper cap. He asks what that is. She says Nirvana, and they are going to have ride of their lives.

Abby has gone to Maggie's, all upset, complaining about her mom wanting to have JJ arrested, but Maggie defends Jen, tries to point out to Abby that JJ is making the mistakes, not Jen who is trying to help him, make him take responsibility, and make the decision on what is going to do with his life. Abby gets upset at Aunt Maggie and leaves.
Maggie runs over to Daniel's, runs into Brady who is also there, but Daniel is not. Maggie is upset about JJ, talks of needing a meeting. Brady says he does, too, suggests going to Pub for coffee and finding out time for the next one. They go off together.

Daniel is in his office, pondering Stefano's offer, shaking his head, takes his phone, listens to Theresa's message. He notes his phone is nearly dead. Cannot find his charger. He decides to leave, grabs his things, the camera focusing on the blue flash drive. He shuts the lights and goes out.

Kristen is at home ranting about the lying, evil Nicole, throwing things around, as she yells at how much she hates her. Stefano is calm, telling her that she had her plan, had sex with the good priest, made the video, all part of her revenge plan. It went well. And now the flash drive is at the bottom of the river, so what is the problem? Kristen is yelling, how did Nicole know about it. How did she find out?

And over at the church,. Nicole is in shock over Father ERic's accusations, she cannot believe he would accuse her. Now they yell back and forth, repeating themselves several times, but Nicole says yes, she loves him, always has. Wanted to be near him, work with him. She admits her tryst with Vargas, but Eric is relentless is calling her a liar, that she never wanted to talk about it. She yells that the reason was Father Matt, ask him. He told me not to talk about it with you. That's why. And she finally felt that it would be better not to be around Eric, which is why she quit.
But Eric doesn't believe a word. He tells her all about the woman who checked in when he did, wore the black wig, and the accent, and used the name Fay Taylor. That sets Nicole back a little, but she says co-incidence. Nope, Eric keeps going on and on how she followed him to the hotel, wanted the room right next door, drugged him, raped him, left and then pretended to return. She reminds him of the notes she brought that he forgot, but Eric is not believing a word. He just keeps calling her a liar. She pleads with him, she would never do anything to hurt him, ever. She swears to God she did not do that. He berates her for lying in the house of God.
Nicole has had it. Fine. She strides up to the altar, grabs the bowl of flowers she had just put there a few minutes earlier, smashing it to the floor, then says "to hell with God", as she leaves.

Hope returns to Jen's, didn't find JJ. They talk of waiting until tomorrow before involving the police. Abby returns home, gets upset at seeing Hope, but is told about waiting until tomorrow. She thanks Hope, who leaves. Jen says she is glad Abby came home. Abby talks of needing her family. Jen is glad, just hopes JJ doesn't do something he will regret.
Poor Father Eric is certainly hopeless when it comes to crime solving. He's certainly not in the class of Father Brown, the early 20th-century fictional English priest, who used his insights into human evil to solve crimes, or Father Dowling, the TV priest detective played by Tom Bosley. In fact, Eric seems to have learned his crime-solving "skills" from the bumbling Mason Ventura or the Salem P.D. Another amateur sleuth who appears to be out of his league is the Love Doctor. It's hard to imagine James Bond letting his phone nearly go dead or getting so distracted that he forgets all about a mysterious flash drive. Finally, Stefano appears to be broadening his horizons by offering the miracle surgeon advice on handling problems with women. Now that the Phoenix is "reformed," perhaps he could host a show like Dr. Phil's on Titan TV so all of Salem could benefit from his wise advice on personal relationships.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. I FF again and... a lot. So I predicted it : Eric does not believe a word Nicole is saying. Surprise, surprise. :sarcasm: I guess the good father only gives the benefit of the doubt to the oh so good person, who, contrary to Nicole, has truly changed and is not a liar : Kristen. :sarcasm: again !

I will add though, that I found the whole scene between Nicole and Eric a little under done, left me very, very unsatisfied, as I wanted a much more firm Nicole. Sure, she yelled a couple of times, cried, but really, it kind of fell flat for me. Usually, the actress who plays Nicole is wonderful, unfortunately, in this case, this whole scenario is so bad even she cannot save it.
Now that the Phoenix is "reformed," perhaps he could host a show like Dr. Phil's on Titan TV so all of Salem could benefit from his wise advice on personal relationships.

Oh my, that comment deserves some posts in the Facebook thread or the Faux Spoiler thread.
Why is Stefano talking to Dr. Dan and who is he offering to take care of: Jen, Theresa, or Anne? Is JJ going to have drugged up sex with Theresa to prove to her he's not just some kid or is it because Theresa would rather be having sex with Dr. Dan?

Brady and Eric hammer home the fact that Nicole is and always has been a liar. I HATE THEM! And Eric knows it was Nicole because he investigated. His only "evidence" is the name Fay Taylor on the hotel registry. I'm glad Nicole didn't bend or break. I'm glad she stood up for herself and enlightened deaf and dumb Eric that he never really knew her if he thinks she'd do what he's accusing. And just as I thought, weepy Nicole disappeared and spunky Nicole got her hackles up and set Father Eric straight.

Eric Brady = Sami Brady = Brady Black - where did Roman, Marlena, and John go wrong with this idiotic trio.
:hug:<----That's for Nicole. She looked like she could really use a hug. :cry: The path this storyline has taken is really sad. Nicole has been guilty of a lot during her time in Salem but this time she's telling the truth and Eric just refuses to see the possibility that he has jumped to the wrong conclusion. He's got tunnel vision right now with his supposed "evidence" that Nicole is the guilty party. He barely listened to Nicole try to plead her case. I felt so bad for her. How confusing it must have been for her to be accused of this. I loved her line to him, I love you and if you think I'm capable of doing something like that to someone I love then you don't know me at all. Amen, Nicole. Eric is going to have some serious groveling in his future. I'm just worried about other people finding out about Eric's accusation. It's one thing if it's just Eric harping on Nicole but OMG, if Brady, Kristen, Marlena, Daniel, Sami, etc get wind of this....I don't think I'm going to be able to handle that much Nicole bashing.

So Theresa gives JJ the impression that she and the dirty doc have been together and he then decides to jump her bones? Gross. And Hope is an idiot. You'd think she would have been able to smell the pot and booze on Theresa or wafting from the apartment or perhaps notice Theresa was not exactly sober. I guess it's not a crime to have a random guy in your apartment and getting drunk but Hope just took everything Theresa said at face value.

Kristen is a total whack job. Apparently no one else was home at DiMansion as she and Stefano were talking rather loudly about what she did to Eric. Good grief.
:hug:<----That's for Nicole. She looked like she could really use a hug. :cry:.
Poor Nicole is living proof that no good deed goes unpunished. She makes a special trip to the state capital so that Eric will have the documents he needs to make his presentation about St. Luke's School, and now that trip is part of the so-called proof that she drugged and "raped" the clueless cleric. She does her best to keep dim-witted Brady from marrying the personification of evil, and all she gets back is abuse. The truth is that neither one of these dunces deserves a friend like Nicole.
Not only that, but she made the guy on the board of directors give Eric the OK for the new school, by pretending to be a reporter and saying they were going to run a story that would blow up in his face. She saved the day for the school.
Can we please have a time line. I know she said she broke all those speed limits to bring him that file. But he left ahead of her, and there are probably folks who could vouch for her being there. And in fact that she tried faxing those notes and the hotel just was not cooperating.

I was having a fit. ERic KNEW that Nicole had done it. He investigated, talked to the hotel clerk (who really did not positively identify Nicole as the woman in the wig at all) Ugh. I truly hate this, and I think Days is getting tons of negative feedback about it.
Can we please have a time line. I know she said she broke all those speed limits to bring him that file. But he left ahead of her, and there are probably folks who could vouch for her being there. And in fact that she tried faxing those notes and the hotel just was not cooperating.
Plus, she was with Daniel before going at breakneck speed to get to the hotel with his notes.
Nicole as punching bag...despicable. I didn't think she defended herself well at all. There MUST be a way to prove she is innocent with the timeline, that she was in Salem at the time of the assault and only arrived at the hotel after it was over, no matter how much time has elapsed since the incident. In addition, Eric STILL has not seen the face of the woman but is assuming it is Nicole due to the body shape and hair color he sees in his flashbacks, the name of "Fay Taylor," the disguise, etc. While this is incriminating, it is NOT 100% proven, and if Daniel EVER watches that video (which he has forgotten about), Nicole will be cleared. Since the flash drive continues to lie on Daniel's desk, out of sight, out of mind.

Daniel now has a voice message of a very aggressive Theresa, should he wish to handle her being fired. At the same time, someone who hears the message might construe it as their having a relationship, and Anne will certainly not do anything to make anyone think otherwise. Stefano's idea of getting rid of problems is too severe for Daniel to even contemplate, he is far too humane to allow anything bad to happen to anyone.

The drug Theresa wants to share with JJ (I'm sure "Nirvana" is supposed to be "Ecstasy") is going to cause many problems and be their downfall, which would be a good thing. As I have stated before, JJ needs to hit absolute rockbottom before he even tries to turn his life around. Prison is NOT the answer, that will only make things much worse for JJ. Rehab will only deal with the drug issue, not JJ's overall attitude and reckless behavior. He's too old for military school. I am out of ideas as to how to help this young man.