Monday, March 17th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Monday, March 17, 2008

Episode 10,784 Taped 2/27 Director – Kathryn Foster

Chelsea is being brought in on a gurney, Dr. Jonas ordering blood alcohol level tests, and a gastric lavage (stomach pumping). They get her onto a bed, he shakes her awake, she is rather out of it, & she learns she is match for her father, she is supposed to be the donor. Later she is hooked up to an IV & Dr. Jonas comes in, reading her a riot act about how stupid this was, she was tested, she should have been standing by, not getting drunk, he really is yelling, she is apologizing, saying how she called the hospital every ½ hr, being told no news, he tells her that is too late, asking her if she is mad, and getting her yelling back. Shawn comes in, trying to shut the doctor up, and they go out in the hall. Now Shawn defends his sister, citing the litany of “lost her adoptive parents in car accident, accidently killed brother Zack, involved in death of man who attacked her, and then the death of Grampa Shawn” (Sorry, Shawn, but other family members have gone thru most of that, too!). But Dr. Jonas explains how he cannot give her a shot of adrenalin so wanted her heart really pumping to get the IV fluids thru her system faster. Kate comes along, having heard part of his tirade to Chelsea, and is ready to slap him, but he stops her. Shawn explains his intentions, which mollify Kate somewhat.

John is meeting with Paul Hollingsworth down on the docks. Paul is talking of being recently divorced, used to living on lobster, and that even though his ex-wife is from old money down in Atlanta, she still is hitting him every month for an alimony check. He talks of his demeaning job, but John does not think it demeaning. He has power, he can delay cargo being delivered, get it thru quickly, or even stop it. True, sez Paul. Now John talks of the Kiriakis shipping line, how most of the shipping is thru them, how his brother neglected the DiMera shipping end, spent more money than he made. John has crunched numbers, thinks the shipping end can be made very profitable…..for both of them. He makes Paul understand that he can soon be swinging a polo mallet again if he cooperates with him.
Elsewhere on the docks, Marlena is meeting with Philip, warning him what John is up to, and notes John would not be happy with her if he knew she was there. He was always a good business man, and has plenty of money, but seems to want more. He is no longer the John he once was, and she knows Victor is sort of semi-retired, that Philip is handling most of the Kiriakis business. Along comes John, saying that Marlena is supposed to be his wife, but seems to be giving trade secrets away to the competition. Philip reminds him they were not competitors, had an agreement. John retorts the agreement was between Stefano and Kiriakis, and Stefano is no longer in the game. He & Philip have a minor verbal skirmish, both threatening each other, Marlena tries to tell John what a compassionate & caring man he really is, but John is enjoying himself. Marlena’s cell rings, as does Philip’s……both are told that Bo’s surgery is imminent and leave for the hospital. They leave. John stares out at the river, saying aloud….it is only a matter of mind over matter, Beauregard. You hang in there.

Victor, Caroline & Hope are in with Bo, who is very, very weak, he can barely speak now. He learns Chelsea is in the hospital, downstairs, and insists there will be no surgery, even tho he is told she is definitely willing. They all try to convince him otherwise, but he is adamant. Lexie & Kayla come in, Bo will not be swayed. He is grimacing, Lexie gives him something for the pain, but it knocks him out. Hope realizes what is unsaid, thanks Lexie and signs the forms. Victor & Caroline anxiously wait outside. She is nearly falling apart,Victor consoles her, as she comments that Shawn would want her to be strong for the family. Belle comes and tells Hope, Victor & Caroline about Chelsea being drunk, they are appalled. Now they learn of the delay, while the hospital tries to get the alcohol out of Chelsea’s system. Hope is furious, and leaves to go down and see Chelsea.

Downstairs, Kate has gone into the cubicle to sit with Chelsea. She holds her, as Chelsea talks of her dad, how she would give her life for him, would gladly trade places with him, all she put him through with Zack, and how much she loves him. Hope has heard all of this, having stopped outside the curtain. She turns away, going back upstairs. Dr. Jonas comes in, and a nurse brings Chelsea’s latest blood results. Still not where he wants them.
In Bo’s room, his monitor goes off, Kayla & Lexie say they have to bag him, and give him oxygen. Bo has lapsed into unconsciousness. Out in the hall, Marlena & Philip have arrived, joining Victor, Caroline, Shawn. We see John appear, standing out of sight behind a wall, but listening in. Belle has joined everyone, spots John and goes over to him, telling him she is glad he is there. He tells her to not tell anyone, and she agrees. Everyone is told that Bo has lapsed into unconsciouness, & the realization is there that the time clock is ticking down for Bo. Dr. Jonas arrives along with Hope, go into Bo’s room. Dr. Jonas tells Hope if they have to wait much longer to operate, she might want to say her good-byes.

Thanks Poirot, can't wait to see the show today. Will have to tape it and watch this weekend as I have to go out while the show is on.
OMG! I am so glad I have DVR now and can tape the shows. I can't wait to see the small hints of John perhaps returning to normal or showing that he might very well be faking all of it!!

Poirot, what's your thoughts on this? Does it look like he is hiding it all & faking the Dimera greed or does it just look like he's remembering a little?

To me, it is like these little bits of old John are just coming out.....without any effort on his part. And no, I do not think he is faking, and I do think his showing up at the hospital is a sign.
He told Philip & Marlena that Stefano programmed him to be a killer, and he hasn't killed anyone. Indicated that the "killer" mode can be applied to business dealings. The smile he uses, tho, is rather chilling at times.
I am still kind of hoping that he's doing all this to 'show' that he's a Dimera so that he can infiltrate the family. Like maybe between the time Marlena found him in the lab and now, he somehow got his memory back and is deciding to use this all to his advantage so that they are done once & for all with Stefano & his gang. I just think that would be so much better than simply slowing regaining his memory - like he's really sticking it to the Dimeras by uncovering all their nasty little secrets & exposing them.
Don't know if I'm ready for him to go back to his old self... This Jeckyl/Hyde John storyline is really engrossing!!!
I seem to remember a spoiler talking about Stefano on the run in Europe. This combined with John saying it Mind over matter and for Boregard to hang in there makes me believe that this is an Undercover act by John. I don't think Marlena is aware of this but it is possible Bo, Roman and Abe might be! Go get em John!

P.S. Happy St Patricks day to everyone (on Monday)! For those in NY area I believe you will have to see Days on the 4.4 network because of the Parade!
There are no spoilers out at all about Stefano being on the run in Europe. He is in a catatonic state in a nursing home. I did read the actor's contract was up and in might be in negotiations, but that may or may not be true.

The show definitely is keeping us guessing in more than one storyline. LOL
thanks poirot, i've been really sick and keep falling asleep during the episodes. if it wasn't for this site, i wouldn't know "what da ****" is going on!

i sure hope that bo is gonna be okay. too bad chelsea is so selfish. she should take a house by the sea together with chloe, they could have pity parties all day long!
I'm still a little confused as to how John could still be alive, when he was lying in bed dying didn't the doctor say he had broken his back & almost every bone in his body? If John is faking it, he's doing a real good job, but then why is he going after Victor's company?

Also, what happened to Hope's backache she was having in Ireland?