Days of Our Lives, Thurs. 8/07/14


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Dec 30, 2012
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Poirot is unable to do the summary today, so she asked me to do it. So here goes!

Ben is whaling on Rafe, telling him off for hurting Jordan. At the Club, Paige is telling Eve about having run into one of the waiters from the cafe in Miami (referring to Ben). Apparently, JJ told her that Ben is the same guy from Miami, she wonders why he would lie. Eve says men lie, tells Paige not to forget it.

Aiden is leaving the Horton House, telling Jennifer (who looks nice, for once) to meet him later. JJ asks if he was here for the lawsuit, she confirms that, JJ thinks soon the mess will be over with.

At the DiMera manse, EJ listens in as Sami is thinking about how she pushed EJ away, he tried to make it right but she was being stubborn, blaming herself for him running to Abigail. She wonders if she made a mistake, perhaps she will make an ever bigger one by letting him go.

Nicole is outside, wonders what is taking so long. Back inside, Eric is telling the Cardinal that he is grateful, it means a lot. The Cardinal asks again: does Eric want to be a priest again?

Jordan asks if Rafe is OK after Abigail pulls Ben away. Ben says no man will treat his sister that way, asks why Jordan is making sure he is alright. Jordan says Ben has done enough damage, Ben can't believe she said that after what Rafe did. Rafe admits Ben was right, Jordan can't believe he didn't defend himself.

Sami repeats that EJ sacrificed everything for her when she was in prison, Kate can't believe Sami is defending EJ for doing one nice thing. Sami says it wasn't one nice thing: he's a great father, to the stepchildren as well. They turned to him after dumping Nick in the river. Kate says that if EJ walked through the door, she thinks Sami would forgive him. Sami admits that she might.

Eric tells the Cardinal he does want to be a priest again, more than anything, hopes he believes Eric. The Bishop does, but hears something else in his voice. Eric remembers in seminary, remembering being a priest is not a job, but a calling. He reminisces about his own calling. But the Cardinal guesses the feelings have changed, he no longer believes God is calling him to be a priest.

Paige doesn't want Eve coming down on JJ. Eve claims she isn't, but talks of her bad past relationship, she lost millions. Eve says they deserve the money from the book, even though Jack somehow tricked her. Paige maintains JJ would never do that, no matter what Jack had done before. Eve tells Paige she doesn't want to see her get her heart broken.

At the Horton House, Jennifer had suddenly changed into an ugly dress and really, REALLY bad bun hairdo. Anyways, she tells JJ they have a 50/50 chance, according to Aiden. And she wants to put everything behind them, especially after EJ's affair with Abby.

Ben tells Rafe to leave Jordan alone and leave, but Rafe says he understands why Ben beat him up; however, he still loves Jordan. He never stopped loving her and hopes she can forgive him one day. But Ben tries to continue beating up Rafe. Abby stops him, Jordan wants to clean up Rafe's wounds, but Ben doesn't think that is a good idea. Abby stops him and Jordan tells her brother she can handle it. Jordan asks Abby to calm him down as she leaves with Rafe.

In the mansion, EJ is about to enter the living room, but gets a call and steps outside the house quietly. Kate tells Sami to stop looking at the picture. Sami admits to keep thinking about the good times, and Kate says it is easier to think of that than how EJ lied to her and cheated on her. Sami doubts she is doing the right thing. Kate tells Sami to take another look of at the photos Nick sent, stand in front of the shower and imagine them romping in there. Sami thinks she pushed EJ into having the affair. Kate tells Sami that people who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat their mistakes. She tells Sami (who is really pathetic and teary-eyed) that EJ made a fool of her, and now Sami blames herself. Kate tells her that if she is that pathetic, she really deserves EJ :):clap::)

Paige tells Eve she's been in a bad mood lately, Eve tries to cover it up, discusses that she learned Jennifer's going to rule today, says Jennifer is doomed to fail in her "desperate ploy". Paige is worried for her nervous mother.

Outside, EJ asks on the phone is a shipment has arrived yet, mumbles something that is hard to understand about business and the Kiriakis...Inside, Sami is saying Kate only cares about herself and is focused on her revenge. Kate says it is true, she hates Sami and always will, but has a respect for Sami because she reminds her of herself. She tells Sami she is a strong, independent businesswoman who would never let a man walk all over her. Sami thinks she walked all over EJ, so he took up with another woman. Kate asks if she will crawl on her hands and knees and beg EJ to take her back. Sami denies this, insists they were happy. Kate asks how Sami could be happy with a man that kidnapped her baby and made her think she was dead. Then, Kate asks if Sami drove EJ to do that as well. Kate tells her to go ahead and give him another chance; she wants to see what other way he uses to break her heart.

Eric talks of when he was in Africa, he witnessed a lot of pain and suffering. He questioned his faith, then a brave and selfless act by a priest inspired him to go to Mass, took comfort in God and wanted to become a priest. But, he gets nervous, it is hard to talk about..the Cardinal encourages him to discuss his feelings. Eric admits it is about Nicole, the Cardinal asks what about her. Eric says he hates her, he knows he should forgive but can't find a way to, but at the same time, he wants her, his want for Nicole consumes him. Outside, Nicole talks to a statue of Mary about being an idiot trying to compete with you (God), that she thought she would make Eric happier than him being a priest, she shouldn't have kept him from his vocation, as he was meant to be a priest. Inside, Eric says he should be happy that he can be a priest again. But the Cardinal knows he isn't. Eric says he can't fulfill a vocation because he has this hatred and lust for Nicole. He prayed and asked for a sign to be released from the feelings. The Cardinal tells Eric that he has been given a sign: he belongs with Nicole.
Paige invites JJ into her apartment, he asks if she heard about the hearing. Paige says she wanted to go but Eve wanted to be alone. JJ says he feels really bad this is happening, knows Eve wants the money for Paige to go to Stanford. JJ will miss her, but all he cares about is her happiness in going to Stanford. Paige thanks him but makes JJ promise one thing if he cares about her happiness: she makes him promise never to lie to her.

In court, Aiden is telling the judge that Jack's words to Eve were vague, if not contradictory. Jack's signature was also different from his original, or something like that, which he believes will nullify the agreement. Eve's lawyer tries to intervene, but Aiden asks the court to dismiss the suit with prejudice to the plaintiff. The judge, however, doesn't need to hear anymore, she has already decided.

At the Pub, Jordan is cleaning Rafe's wounds with napkins (ridiculous; going to a public restaurant and using CLOTH NAPKINS to clean BLOOD!? WHO is writing this bullocks!?). Anyways, Rafe asks Jordan to hear him out, she asks why she should. Rafe wants to explain. Jordan sits down and listens. He tells Jordan he was out of his mind when Gabi went to prison, he feels like he failed her, just as he failed Arianna. Jordan asks if Rafe is making excuses, he claims he just wants Jordan to understand. She says he slept with a woman who hates her, Rafe doesn't think that is the case, but Jordan maintains it is so. Rafe tells Jordan he doesn't feel he could have done anything to help his sisters, since he didn't know what was happening in their lives, just like Jordan with her past. She think he is blaming her, but he denies this. He says he was disgusted with himself, got drunk, and then felt Jordan deserved better than Rafe.

Ben tells Abby Jordan gave up a life for him after running away, didn't let herself get close to anyone. Abby thinks that was horrible for Jordan to be lonely. Ben says Rafe knew all of this, then betrayed her. He can't believe Kate would get in bed with Rafe knowing he was involved with Jordan, asks what kind of person would do this. "Me", says Abby, says that is exactly what she did to Sami.

EJ walks into the living room, says hi to Sami and Kate. Kate thinks he is being really cheerful, he says things are working out, asks Kate to give him alone time with Sami. Kate leaves after Sami agrees it is fine. EJ sits down and grabs Sami's hand, she tells him not to touch her and he is shocked.

The Cardinal tells Eric he will be praying for him, that Eric made a very important decision today, he thinks it is the right one. Eric walks out

JJ tells Paige he will never lie to her, thinks it is all about the stuff with Theresa, but she assures him it isn't about that. JJ asks if she is referring to their love confessions, he meant it, and so did she. She just wants them to always be honest with each other. JJ gets a phone call, remember he had to register for her classes. Paige asks if he wants to use her computer, but he left his login info at his house, will do it later. Paige tells him not to put it off, or his required classes will get filled up. He kisses her goodbye and leaves.

The judge decides she will let the case go to trial, but warns the plaintiff that she feels the argument is weak, and agrees with Aiden's arguments but isn't sure the document will hold up in court. She tells Eve that she and the lawyer have their work cut out for them. Court is dismissed, Aiden apologizes, but Jennifer thanks him. Aiden goes to talk with Eve's lawyer. Eve comes over and starts arguing with Jennifer, is thinking about the kids, Jennifer isn't interested in giving her a settlement, doesn't trust she won't do something underhanded again, knows Eve isn't thinking about the kids. Eve warns her, she tried to be fair. Eve tells her JJ will hate 'Little Miss Perfect' if this drags on.

Ben tells Abby he didn't mean to offend her. She knows, it's all good, but she realizes he is right, Kate did something hateful, and so did she. Ben talks about how uppity Kate was to them yesterday in the club, Abby tells him she is now teamed up with Sami. Ben reassures her that Abby is nothing like her. He tries to hold her hand but she lets it go, want to be honest with Ben. She is scared of Ben's anger from when he attacked Rafe.

Jordan can't believe he slept with Kate because he thought he wasn't good enough for her. She thinks he proved himself right, Rafe knows it doesn't make sense. But he knows for sure that falling in love with her is the best thing that has happened to him in a while. Jordan has a hard time trusting men, he is the first one she has truly loved, she starts crying. Rafe tells Jordan he loves her, what they had was so important to him but he was an idiot to risk it. Jordan corrects Rafe: he destroyed what they had. He gets teary-eyed.

Sami tells EJ to stay away from her, throws a book at him and he dodges. He doesn't understand, she doesn't want him to touch her, but has written up a restraining order against EJ and will file it if he comes near her again. She didn't file it yet because she didn't want it to be in the news and make the board suspicious against her. EJ tells her they already are, he realizes Sami told a few people about his affair. She says she is glad the board are dispersed all over the globe, they are happy with the money Kate and Sami are making for the board.She leaves and Kate comes back in, smiling. EJ angrily asks what she said to Sami.

Eve comes home and Paige asks how it went in court. Eve looks upset and says the judge shot down Jennifer's little stunt, Paige assures her not to worry, she thinks she has a way out. She knows how worried Eve is about the money. Jennifer also gets home, tells JJ what happened in court, they probably will win in trial. She knows the situation put him in an awkward position, apologizes, but he doesn't blame her. She thinks it will be easier when Paige goes away to college. JJ doesn't know what he means, but Jennifer says distance will do them both some good.

Ben takes Abby's hand, but she couldn't believe the anger she was in Ben, he apologizes and says he grew up around men treating women badly. She realizes that is why he is upset about his dad, he explains about how his mom was always worried about things setting Clyde off. Ben tried to step in, but was just a kid, and Jordan tried to step in, but Clyde was abusive. She can't believe Clyde is capable at that, but Ben says he is driven nuts by how good Clyde hides his temper. He swore he would never be like Clyde, but guesses he is just like him.

Rafe tells Jordan not to "do this", but Jordan says she should have seen this coming, she always knew Kate wanted Rafe back. Jordan thinks Sami was just doing Kate's dirty work, Rafe doesn't believe that. Jordan tells Rafe he is naive if he thinks Kate never planned this out. Jordan says it makes sense, Sami always glares daggers at her, Kate turned her against Jordan, and succeeded in destroying them.

Kate plays innocent, but EJ admits he heard Sami was going to forgive him. Kate tells him she is the one who now lives with Sami now and knows she will never take EJ back. He brings up that he heard her say "if he walks through that door" but Kate interrupts and says he never came through the door, and his timing sucks. She tells him he has lost Sami and his job. She kicks at some broken glass and says that is all he has of Sami now, and tells him to be a man for once and just leave. EJ says he will make Kate very, very sorry. Kate mocks him, and EJ mumbles something I couldn't make out before leaving.

Eric is outside and Nicole comes over to him asking what happened, she went inside and he was gone. She realizes he is going home, and he tells her he is not going back to the priesthood.

Eve tells Paige she thinks Paige talked JJ into getting Jennifer to back down, Jennifer will give them the money. Eve never thought to involve her like this, but this is great...Paige has a weird look on her face. At the Horton House, Jennifer starts saying there are so many girls out there, he is only 18, but JJ says he loves Paige, there is no girl for him besides her.

Abby tells Ben he is nothing like Clyde but Ben worries he lost his cool too much with Rafe. Abby tells him he was trying to defend Rafe, protect her from being hurt, even if he went too far. She tells him Clyde enjoys hurting people but Ben is the opposite. He thanks her and they kiss. Ben decides to go back to work, talks of all the craziness in their lives. Abby talks of how she wants non-crazy time if he will try not to act like that again, he assures her he won't.

Rafe tells Jordan Kate has always been honest with him, blames himself for what happened with Kate. Jordan can't believe Rafe is defending her, maybe she was right: Rafe belongs with Kate. Rafe tries to assure Jordan that he belongs with HER. Jordan thinks she should've left Salem when she had the chance and never looked back. He tries to keep her from leaving but she goes anyways, and both start to cry.

Sami asks if EJ left, and Kate says yes, she hopes it was something she said. Sami tells Kate she hates to break it to her, but thinks it was probably something SHE said. Sami says she broke it to him that she will never ever forgive him. Kate says they must stay strong to get what they want. Sami asks what comes next after their revenge, Kate says they will be happy and rich, and Kate promises Sami will like that.

EJ is talking to some goon outside the club, Victor speaks highly of him, something about raising the price. EJ assures the guy they are the only game in town...very mysterious talk.

Nicole is outraged the Cardinal wouldn't reinstate him. Eric tells him the Cardinal believes he is innocent, Nicole asks why, then, Eric isn't going to be a priest anymore, and Eric tells her it is over and done, he doesn't want to go back. He is crying.
Sorry about me calling the Cardinal "bishop" at first...I have little knowledge of the rankings of Catholic officials.

As for the show, I thought the Sami-Kate scenes were really the only good parts. And Jordan-Rafe. The rest seemed kind of like a snooze to me, especially the parts with JJ, Paige, Eve and Jennifer. And my goodness, Jennifer is so stupid! Playing right into Eve's words!

On the plus side: YAY for another Dan-Kristen free day! And no Brady or Theresa either.
So I caught the episode and I can't say I enjoyed it. As expected, the Kate and Sami scenes were typical Samanther Gene blaming herself.:beat:

Kate, she IS a pathetic woman, where have you been? I already know where this is going and BORING! Elvis also pathetic!

Eve/Jen-Jen: I don't care! But I wish Eve said to Jen: "Little Miss Prissy- pPiss":rotfl:

Paige/ JJ: How many more ways can they have the SAME conversation over and over again? Already see where this is going:drunk:

Eric :rolleyes: Nicole :love:

Jordan/ Rafe - I hope they make it, both deserve to be happy.
Thanks, daydg. good job. I have changed all the "Bishop"s to "Cardinal".

Hard to believe that Sami was actually going to blame herself. Glad Kate was there. And now, if we can only find out what went on in the Clyde/Jordan/Ben home. We HAVE learned that the man was cruel, bad tempter, and beat his wife and children. Has to be more than that.
And of course, Jordan is still not telling Rafe. So....o.k., Jordan, then leave town as you mentioned.
I liked Jen's hair, too. The scenes with her and JJ were better than I thought they'd be. However the courtroom scene was ridiculous. Their lawyers 3 feet away didn't think to intervene on behalf of their clients, and Jen didn't think to just tell Eve to let their attorneys handle it?

I liked Kate and Samis scenes. Lately Kate seems to be dying to give motherly advice to SOMEONE, first Abby now Sami! Lol
Let me count the ways I hate Eric Brady. Oh God I so wish he was the one in coma instead of John so I didn't have to see his pitiful face and his greasy hair.

Kate is in the driver seat in this crappy revenge plot and she is just manipulating Sami's every move. And I love it.

So EJ has no home, no money. no self-respect, no Sami, no dignity. But he does still have his PINK shirt.

Instead of EJ trying to be the biggest Drug Kingpin in town, why not hire Justin and try to
find a loophole on Sami/Kate Hostile Take-Over and get Dimera Enterprises back??

I feel as though EJ will be in drug war with Clyde/Jeremiah.
Eric/Nicole: Snore.

Most interesting thing in the whole episode: Ben aka Ollie was once called Kevin. Sami hating on EJ is sickening, even moreso than her softening, since this is usually foreplay for them.

Ben wailing on Rafe: What an unhinged psycho. Abby is off my favourites list for sticking around to talk to that loose cannon.

As sage as Kate's advice to Samanther was, I can't help but contrast it with her futile Rafe-session.

I would really, really like the lawsuit settled. I don't even care how anymore, there's nobody to root for in this story. Can't we see somebody hit Daniel with a trash can again? :(