Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 4, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Good show today! Too much bouncing around, but that is the trouble with the editing, not the show. Serena is on the phone with someone, has confirmed that Eric still has it (the elephant) & since she has an identical one (they purchased them in the same market row, with identical carvings) she can easily make the switch. No, Eric doesn't suspect a thing. A knock at the door has her hanging up, putting away the carving and folders, and opening it to Eric. He has decided to move forward in their relationship, kisses her a couple of times, tells her to be at his place in a couple of hours, they will move on now.

Some very heartfelt and heartbreaking scenes as Paul talks to his mother, telling her he is gay. Her silence gets him worried, but it seems she has known for some time now. However, she is worried at how grandfather will take it. She gets upset when Paul tells her about the article, that he is telling the world, and only wishes there was someone, some ball player that would have been out of the closet when he began. He feels he can help young fellow a lot. Will is listening to every word. Paul is near tears, is in tears, as he demands to talk to his grandfather. When the grandfather is on the phone, Paul reverts to talking in Japanese, (there ARE subtitles in English) and when he tells him, his grandfather is so very proud of him. Paul is taken aback, will call them tomorrow. He is wiping his eyes when Will comes around, hand on Paul's shoulder, offering support. (Really good scenes, all of them). He wants Paul to finish reading the article, is he sure he still wants to do this, as he has to get the article in tonight. Actually, Paul is grateful, as he might not have had the courage to tell his family, and yes, he still wants to do this. As Paul reads, Will attempts to contact Sonny, to say he will be a bit later than he thought.

Adrienne is babysitting, Lucas arrives. They kibbitz a bit, then play some cribbage, she whomps him again, they laugh, joke around. She mentions something about Justin, is lighthearted, but Lucas catches on, asks if she heard from Justin. Nope, he is busy with a case, and the attorney he works with is beautiful, smart, & Justin seems to be working night and day with her, can barely send his wife an e-mail once a week. Never has even asked her to come visit, she thinks he probably will never come home. Lucas makes a few excuses, but Adrienne notes that years ago, Justin was not exactly monogamous.

Sonny is making Derrick's tea, hears Derrick remark (to the Sonix mag picture) that he bets he is having a good time tonight. Sonny begins asking questions, and Derrick spills all about "this guy" (pointing to Will's picture) having come to see Paul a lot, arrived tonight right after Sonny was there, mentions New Year's Eve, Sonny is remembering Will leaving him suddenly that night. He appears to be getting pretty worked up, grabs his jacket, and abruptly leaves, he has to go do something, and now.

Jennifer comes upon Daniel in his office, can see he is upset. She thanks him for helping her with JJ, though Daniel isn't sure he was of much help. They decide they can & will be good friends forever. In the square, Nicole sees Melanie sitting at a table, goes up to talk to her. Melanie is short with Nicole, knows she has screwed up again. Eric happens by, give Nicole the cold shoulder and continues on. Melanie picks up on it all, knows her dad was upset last night. Nicole does tell her what happened, but Melanie has no sympathy whatsoever, figures Nicole got what she deserved, trying to blame the innocent Serena for something she did not do. She hurries off, but then Jennifer comes and sits with Nicole. Jen is actually pretty sympathetic, is only there if Nicole wants to talk. But she urges Nicole to really mean it if she is over Eric. Nicole protests that yes, she is, she was only trying to protect him.
Nicole goes to see Daniel, but he makes it very clear he doesn't want to see her, have anything to do with her, and doesn't believe anything she says. Nicole pleads, but Daniel says no, after what she did to both him and Eric, he wants nothing to do with her. She is tearful as she tells him she does know what is really in her heart, and it is him. She leaves, and sobs out in the hall.

Melanie goes to see Serena, tells her she heard what happened, is sorry, and that Nicole is who told her. But Serena is happy, she has Eric back because of all this. Melanie continues on, slamming Nicole, doesn't understand how you can hurt someone you supposedly care about. Serena says sometimes it happens, you don't mean to, or want to, it just happens. But Nicole actually did her a favor, Eric made up his mind, is back with her, they are going to be together tonight. Melanie thinks Serena is just such a wonderful and good person.

Damon has comes to see Victor, telling him he has checked the hospitals, nothing. But Clyde's men are getting antsy, not knowing what their next move is to be. Victor gets a call, hangs up, has to go see Sonny immediately. He tells Damon to check and see if Clyde's men are backing off a bit with the drug trade. He leaves.

Serena arrives at Eric's apartment, he is finished getting dressed, tells her he made reservations for them at Green Mountain Lodge. Oops, she doesn't like that idea. He says it has been a long time since they have been together, and he has been taking it slow since she came to town, he wanted this to be romantic, snuggling under a blanket in front of the fire......but Serena takes off her coat, is happy right there,.doesn't want to leave. They can be together, have a wonderful night without leaving the apartment.

Victor runs into Sonny in the square. Sonny asks why the cane, Vic claims his back has been bothering him. He wants to talk to Sonny, is important. Sonny doesn't have time. Make time, this is very important. Victor now talks about not realizing that "The Edge of the Square" was going to hurt Sonny's business, was never his intention. Sonny blows up. He doesn't care about the clubs, nor the finances, nor any of it. He has more on his mind. Vic tries to get him to say, but Sonny says it is private. Victor figures it must be Will, but Sonny is already hurrying off. He is in the park area, gets the message from Will about running a bit late. He shoves the phone back in his pocket, takes a few steps, when a hooded figure comes up behind him, hand over his mouth, but we hear Sonny's muffled cries of pain.
It was interesting today, however ,Derrick sure did pour it on. He was making it sound like there was an ongoing affair between Will and Paul, when we know there was that one night only. I am sure Derrick did not know Will was doing an interview of Paul, but since he saw Will taking off the ring... We see Sonny begin piecing the puzzle together.
Oh wow, I was heartbroken for Sonny today at his realization that Will has been cheating on him with Paul. The way he turned his back to Derrick and he was trying to fight back the tears. And then how short he was with Victor. Powerful acting by Freddie Smith (Sonny) today! I liked the scenes with Paul coming out to his mother and grandfather too. In some ways it was nice to have Will there as a shoulder to lean on afterward but it rubbed me the wrong way how Will listened in to the entire conversation. Thought that was pretty rude.

The cutesy scenes between Daniel and Jennifer were gag-worthy. However, I wasn't totally turned off by the Jennifer/Nicole scenes so that's a vast improvement of Jennifer's character. Although I'm having a hard time figuring out if Jen is sincere or just nosy. Perhaps a bit of both. I'm really getting sick of people telling Nicole how SHE feels about Eric. Enough of that already. I wish I could care one iota about the Serena/Eric storyline but I just don't. The only thing that could save it is if Serena really hurts Eric and Nicole is proven right. But I'm sure the writers would still somehow turn it around on Nicole and make it her fault.

I'm glad that Lucas is there for Adrienne but can they just stay friends please? I have a feeling she's going to need him in a big way once word about Sonny gets back to them. Justin better get his butt back to Salem ASAP!!
I agree with your post, Sparkster!

Jennifer telling Daniel they can be best friends was truly gag worthy! I also did not like the Nicole and Melanie scene. I truly hope that in the end Nicole will finally be proven right.

All I could say to myself was "OH Sonny!!!" Heartbreaking for sure - you could see it in his face - more kudos to the actor! I also felt a little weird about Will in the background of Paul's phone call.
Sparkster said Oh wow, I was heartbroken for Sonny today at his realization that Will has been cheating on him with Paul.

Will has not been cheating. He cheated once! They make it sound like they are having sex all the time which is not true, but only one time
It's a shame Sonny didn't have a tough-as-nails Kiriakis to protect him in the park:

Sparkster said Oh wow, I was heartbroken for Sonny today at his realization that Will has been cheating on him with Paul.

Will has not been cheating. He cheated once! They make it sound like they are having sex all the time which is not true, but only one time
While that may be true to us viewers, Sonny doesn't know that. Based on what Derrick told him and his own piecing together of things why wouldn't he believe that Will was having an affair?
Will had sex with Paul. Will continues to be alone with Paul in Paul's room, when they could meet in his office if they needed to talk. Will has not told his spouse. Therefore, to me, YES Will is STILL cheating on Sony and is having an affair. I thought it was creepy and very wrong of Will to stand and listen to Paul's call (unless Paul had ask him to, if so I missed that part).

I would love to list all of Melanie's past "mistakes" to her and rub them in her witchy face.
And just recently, Melanie was pursued by casino thugs for the money she had won, not totally above board, and Nicole saved her hide. But then, Daniel has a boo boo so Melanie will conveniently forget that favor, so she can go pat daddy on the back, and sympathize with a woman she has known less time than she knows Nicole.
I thought today was great with Paul coming out to his mom. I was hoping she was gonna say she already knew but I thought it would be nicer, not that she still wanted him to keep it a secret. I'm glad his grandfather was supportive. I almost expected grandpa to say "you are very brave. I wish I could have been." It seems farfetched to me that Derrick didn't know Will and Sonny were married. Salem, a small town and I'm sure it was big news when they married last year. Maybe Derrick's new to town?

And I am so looking forward to Serena sticking it to Eric. Gotta agree, I don't think she's interested in Eric at all but she might have to sleep with him to get that elephant. Wonder what's in it?

And what's it been, a week that Clyde has been getting snowed on? I really thought Sonny was gonna trip over him today but then he got attacked.
Sparkster said Oh wow, I was heartbroken for Sonny today at his realization that Will has been cheating on him with Paul.

Will has not been cheating. He cheated once! They make it sound like they are having sex all the time which is not true, but only one time

Nope, they had sex at least TWICE. It may have happened the same day, but that was TWO volitional violations of Will's marriage vows. And let's not forget that he returned for a third round during the interminable interview process. And obviously, Derrick knows nothing about the ridiculous article, so he was not "pouring it on" with Sonny.

macgyverswife I agree. I'm from a Salem-esque town in the Midwest, probably a little bigger than "Salem" is, and yeah - hard to believe that Derrick wouldn't know (at least through the grapevine) about Will & Sonny, unless they have almost no gay community in the area. (Though we know that's not true, since they have at least one, probably two, gay bars.) But it's even harder to swallow that Sonny proposed to someone else once and never told Will about it.

Elsewhere, Will was an absolute creeper listening to Paul, and ick - just pair these two together already and stop with the inappropriate touching in Paul's hotel room. (If they hadn't already had two rounds of sex, it would not have bothered me, though.)

Of course Sonny gets stabbed before he can confront Will. Just as expected. Never mind that it would have been more dramatic for him to confront Will, they tear off separately, then Sonny gets stabbed. (Or better yet, Will gets stabbed, and Sonny realises that he loves him and doesn't want to lose him, and then they start to work toward forgiveness. Instead I fear we'll have mopey Will, an amnesiac Sonny who can't be upset...hope I'm wrong but not holding my breath!!)

Melanie, please leave Salem and/or die, quickly. I want Nicole to dance on your grave. The piling-on of Nicole makes it painfully obvious that she'll be right about Ms Mason...eventually...and that nobody will give her the credit she deserves.

I can't decide which is worse - Victor's having been a drug lord all of this time, despite his cosy marriage to the Widow Horton, or the fact that the only thing Days can deem fit to copy from GH is its propensity for violence-filled crime stories. :sick:
I enjoyed the Dan and Jen scenes. I'm glad they are still friends.

I thought Serena's first dress was interesting. It was skin tight and
the pattern reminded me of a snake, is she one? We, also, found out
Eric and Serena bought elephants at the same time. Did Eric get the
one she was suppose to get by mistake?

Lucas and Adrienne. why oh why?

I enjoyed the scenes with Paul and his family. I wasn't surprised
Paul's mom knew already. I'm glad his grandfather is proud of him.

We finally get confirmation the name of nightclub, Edge of the
Square. I wish Victor had come up a better name :)

There's a phrase about being "stabbed in the back". It means you
did something to harm someone or betray someone. Is that
what Will did to Sonny with Paul? And later Sonny gets stabbed.
Ugh and ugh.
Jen and Dr. Dan pinky swearing to be 'best friends'.
Nicole pleading to Nurse Mel and Dr. Dan for understanding.
Sonny knifed.

I did enjoy Paul 'coming out' to his family over the phone. But the rest was just...yeah.
Just saw the show---WOW! Really good!
I'm glad that Lucas & Adrienne have been getting airtime, and their scenes today were great. Good performances. But I still just want them to be friends. I'm also tired of everyone bashing Nicole, but the Jennifer scenes with her (and even with Daniel) were great. I'd love for these two women to put the past behind them and be friends. And I really hope that Nicole was serious and honest about being over Eric. I think she is, but one can never be sure on this show.

The Paul scenes were great. While I'm a bit put off by the fact that Will eavesdropped, I'm glad he was there to comfort Paul, and they have a lot of chemistry. Still, I'm upset at what he did. Especially now that poor Sonny knows the truth. How heartbreaking. I have to give credit to Freddie Smith (Sonny) for doing a splendid job (as always) with the acting today. Can't wait to see what happens next--who will find Sonny in the park?
I just thought of one upside to all this Serena silliness is when someone says the inevitable line *probably Eric* "Serena. we need to talk about the elephant in the room" he will literally be talking about an actual elephant. That will be a nice twist on an old figure of speech. :)

On a slightly more serious note what I would really like to see is Eric crawling to Nicole on his hands and knees prostrating before her and saying "Nicole you were absolutely right there is something completely off with Serena." I know there will be a blizzard in Hades before that ever happens but a man can dream right?

The Paul/Will/Sonny scenes were the best part of the show today. I'm so glad they avoided the tired old cliche of the older conservative family member rejecting the gay relative they once purported to love so much. The irony of the scenes was that Paul's grandfather seemed more accepting then his mother did. But maybe that was just because like Paul she was just worried about how her father would take the news. I agree that Will listening in on the conversation was creepy and inappropriate but hey this is Will so what are you gonna do?

I'm surprised Sonny found out relatively quickly. Now a reasonable argument could be made that a month is still too long and I would agree but considering how this is a genre that tends to let secrets about infidelity drag on indefinetly I think we got off lucky.

Since Sonny was stabbed and not hit on the head I don't see any reason why he would have amnesia when he regains consciousness. Of course that won't stop the writers from coming with a most likely ridiculous reason if they choose to go that route. But I'm crossing my fingers and toes that they don't do that. I'm hoping for Sonny to make a quick recovery so we can get to the fallout as soon as possible.
Gotta hand it to Serena. She saved the show a lot of time and money now that they don't have to assemble the lodge set. I don't think Serena wants to "be with" Eric. She wants to get her hands on something in Eric's bedroom, but it ain't Eric.
Ain't that the truth. The sanctimonious sourpuss decides to succumb to sin and instead of Ted's "bluebird" in his love nest, he's got just another conniving Salem vulture. Elsewhere, it was another cringe-worthy day of the writers doing their best to make Nicole look pathetic. First, she's shown begging for favors from a professional three-year-old, and then it's off to Dr. Feely-Gropey's apartment for another round of rejection. Finally, assuming that it was a Clyde thug who attacked Sonny, once again the Poplar Bluff pervert has shown himself to be truly low class. Anyone who's seen the Godfather movies knows that mobsters don't attack members of rival families who are "not in the business." Even Tony Soprano would be appalled by this attack on Victor's nephew.