Days of Our Lives-Thursday, July 9, 2015


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Dec 30, 2012
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Replay of yesterday with Chad and Zoe in the clearing outside of the Square, and Abigail overhears Zoe say that Chad invited her to make Abby jealous. Zoe says she doesn't like to be used, and starts to leave, then Chad tells her that he hired her to be editor of Sonix, not his shrink. Back and forth between the two about Ben and Abigail. Chad assures her that Theo is just used to hanging out with Chad and Abigail, doesn't wanna disappoint him, Abigail is his past, but Zoe doesn't believe him and leaves. Chad walks off and Abby goes to get her sunglasses.

Brady and the nanny are in Tate's room. He's holding his son after he woke for a nap, chit-chat with the nanny, and Theresa is peeking through the cracked door. She walks in, thought her tablet was in this room, asks Hayley to look for her tablet, but Hayley reminds her that she isn't her maid. Theresa is mad, but Brady says she is following his instructions, takes Theresa aside to "straighten her out". Theresa and Brady argue, Brady says he will not have her using their child to get to her, why hasn't she found a bigger place for herself, more arguing. Theresa goes back upstairs where Hayley is with the baby, lets Hayley know she didn't appreciate her attitude. Hayley lets Theresa know that she makes herself look bad. Theresa makes a snide remark about the "hired help", and Hayley takes the baby to get a bottle. Theresa gets upset at noticing a new smoke detector and storms out. John is downstairs (see below first) meeting Tate with Brady and Hayley in the room. Theresa listens in, says she found he tablet and is headed to work, but outside the door, mentions having to come up with a plan. John is updating Brady about the Xander case, lets Brady know about Justin and Kate hiring Paul. Brady will be glad to get more time to spend with Paul, chat about Derrick and make jokes. John is leaving, but says he doesn't like Theresa living in this house, understands Brady's motives, but encourages him to get her out of there ASAP.

Ben is talking to Abe and John, wondering if Theo wants to swim, but he is waiting for Uncle Chad and Abigail. Ben mentions seeing Paul over in a different direction, and John goes to find him. Ben starts talking to Theo about tubing. Zoe and Chad arrive at the park, introductions to Ben, Zoe sees her friend Phoebe with a "new boy toy" and goes to see her. Small, awkward chit-chat between Chad and Ben. Abigail arrives behind them. She comes up and asks where Zoe and Theo are. Zoe comes back and kisses Chad, Abby is uncomfortable, then Abe and Theo arrive. Chad takes Theo to the water, Abe leaves, abigail thanks Ben for doing this and joins them as Ben stays in the park, looking on. Zoe and Abby are out of the water, Zoe notices that Abby looks ill, Abby thinks it's just the hot weather, awkward talk about Ben and Chad before Zoe goes to get everyone hot dogs from a vendor, and Abby looks sick at the thought of eating them. Ben and Chad are drying off and chatting when Zoe brings hot dogs over, asks Abby to hold Theo's for a minute, she looks uneasy. Small talk between everyone, Ben and Abigail take off, Theo forgot to give Ben his watch, Chad will return it. Theo and Abe leave, Zoe and Chad talk about how solid Ben and Abigail are.

Adrienne is looking for Sonny at the club, is about to text him when Lucas shows up and hears that she wants to tell Sonny that she and Justin are divorcing. The two of them sit down, Lucas is wondering why Adrienne hasn't told Sonny, she says she didn't tell anyone, Lucas is surprised that Adrienne is so upset. Adrienne explains how Justin was the one who filed, he began cheating and then used her affair with Lucas as a "green light to bail" on her. Adrienne knows how Lucas has been through this, Lucas wonders where she stands on them, but then deduces from her silence that today isn't the right time to talk about it. Adrienne is grateful for Lucas' patience, but Lucas wonders why he hasn't seen her, asks if she doesn't want the divorce. Adrienne says it doesn't matter, but Lucas disagrees. Adrienne says that no matter what, it's happening, this time is different than before: it's final. But Adrienne says she doesn't want to make Lucas to feel obligated, which confuses him. She doesn't want him to blame himself for this or to rush into a commitment, doesn't think they're in a place to do so. He takes her hands, says whatever they have is just beginning, who knows how far it will go? But he's fine with that. Adrienne is crying but smiling.

Sonny sees Derrick and Paul flirting as they come out of the lake, Will smirks. Paul suddenly sees Sonny and Will sitting with Arianna. Paul and Derrick come up and say hey to Will and Sonny just as John happens upon them. Paul introduces Derrick to John, saying "this is my dad", and John says "That's a fact!" (LOL). John is surprised that Sonny and Will made it after all, small talk about Sonny and Paul being good at beach volleyball, Will watches Arianna as Sonny and Derrick go play. John pulls Paul aside, asks if everything is OK, Paul says it is, didn't know that Will and Sonny would be here. Talk shifts to Derrick, John seems to approve, Paul is laughing. He explains how he's just friends with Derrick, talk of how he's glad John accepts him, Tori is fine with him being in Salem. Paul asks how John and Marlena are doing, he says they're fine. John has to run, will give Tate a kiss for him and let Brady know that Paul wants to spend more time with him (see above).

Derrick and Sonny make it to another part of the park, Derrick apologizes for everything before, but Sonny thinks there's nothing to apologize for. Derrick hopes their marriage works out, they seem great, he talks of it's amazing that they have a kid. Paul comes up to Will, Will is glad to hear about Paul and Derrick's bonding, Paul assures Will that they're just friends. Will pushes them being together, Paul wonders what scares Will so much. Will claims he isn't scared, but is calling it how he sees it. Will keeps pushing, Paul asks if Will told Sonny that he brought him here to see Derrick and Paul together. Will denies it, but Paul knows better. Some arguing, Paul says that Will is only pushing Sonny away by using desperate antics to keep them together. Will gets mad, Sonny and Derrick return, talk of Sonny crushing Derrick, but they pick up on the tension. Will says everything's fine. Derrick suggests the four of them do dinner sometime, but Paul wants to leave and get some lunch. They go on their way, Sonny asks what's going on. Will claims that he was trying to be friendly and Paul got defensive about Derrick. Sonny says Derrick told him they're just friends, Will turns it around on him, saying that Sonny was wondering the same thing he was. Sonny gets a call from Adrienne, who wants to talk to him at the club. Sonny leaves, Will goes to Arianna, says this day didn't go like daddy hoped it would.

At work, Theresa complains to Anne about Hayley, Anne inquires more, wonders if Hayley is after him, yada yada. Theresa wonders if her plan will work, and then Anne asks what plan she has in mind. Anne is critical of Theresa endangering Tate to get Brady, but Theresa denies this, just needs Brady to see her as a good mother. Anne has a idea: Theresa ACTUALLY becomes a good mother (LOL). More talk of Hayley, Theresa thinks the new smoke detector is a nanny cam, claims to have seen this stuff before. Anne thinks there might not be a surveillance camera in the new smoke detector, or maybe that this was Victor's fault and Brady doesn't know. Theresa comes up with a new idea. Theresa wants Anne's help, thinks they can take care of "Mary Poppins" today.

Abigail is at the apartments, thinks she has the flu, then realizes she might be late. She checks the calendar on her phone, starts saying "no, no, no, it's impossible". Ben asks what she means, opens the door when Chad knocks. Abigail looks nervous.
A decent episode. It was great seeing Abe and John get a decent amount of screen time!! And John's classic one-liner. I enjoyed his scenes with the baby and Brady.

Will and his insufferable cousin Theresa need to go back to LA. Otherwise, I enjoyed all the guys today, and especially Derrick!! Anne was also a hoot.

Abigail is pregnant...who didn't see THAT coming!? In the meantime, I like the character of Zoe and hopes that she is developed more.

Adrienne & Lucas are boring.
I would agree, YPG...except Brady's never hit anyone with a poker or schemed to make it look like their child is in jeopardy to win attention. Even Anne is starting to show signs that she knows Theresa has a loose screw.

Paul laid it on the line for Will. I wish he'd wrap the line around Will's neck and pull really hard. Unfortunately, he's too nice. I wish he'd tell both Will and Sonny that he'd rather eat the bark off a tree than deal with EITHER of them again at this point.

So glad Paul now has a friend in Derrick, so he'll at least have someone to hang out with and get to know the rest of Salem for a while...until he runs screaming out of town when he discovers how nuts the rest of the joint is :rolleyes:
YPG, I have to disagree. Brady's obviously made plenty of mistakes, but Theresa is in a league of her own only matched by the likes of Sami or Kate (or possibly Nicole, from the old days). Furthermore, her using Tate as a pawn to get rid of Hayley and get Brady in bed is as pathetic as it is crazy. Even Brady wouldn't do such a thing.
Sounds like John is the glue that holds this episode together, LOL. And once again the writers acknowledge they SHOULD be writing about him and Marlena, but just aren't going to. Oy vey!

Still has an hour to air here, we might be out, but if we're in it seems like a good episode to catch part of. Especially the scenes with Anne.

Will is a moron. Jeannie T is pathetic, and Brady is a dunce. I can only imagine what kind of trouble Tater Tot will wreak when he's a teen next year. :wink:

Abby/Ben/Chad bla bla bla. It's been about 6 days in Salem since the Chad/Abby tryst and she's already showing signs of pregnancy? Yeesh.
Theresa gets snippey because the nanny simply states the truth - she isn't Theresa's maid. And how can she honestly be upset about how everyone is freezing her out at the mansion. She knew how Brady and his family felt about her before she started to weasel herself an invite to move in. Was she expecting family singalongs in the living room with Victor singing lead?

I continue to like Paul and John scenes.

Will is an idiot! His big smile while Paul is introducing Derrick was so out of place. Why are the four of them acting as if Paul and Will hadn't slept together. Everything about those scenes with the four guys was nonsensical. There should have been tension and avoidance from Sonny, Paul, and Derrick.
I think I finally realize what the problem is with the Will story. The writers wanted to make him just like his mother but since it has been years sinse Sami had to chase a man or scheme to get one, the writers never added that so Will just looks like a self absorbed idiot. Sonny actually wants Will, no matter what. It would be like Sami scheming to get Rafe while he was at home taking care of her kids. Stupid and pointless

Baby Tate's family drama depends on too many stupid variables and a lot of pretending on the viewers part to work. When did Brady do anything that would make Theresa think he is worthy of her love? Why does she allow such disrespect from everyone? She does realize she could buy 2 tickets and threaten to move/actually move so she can get some power? Why isn't she on maternity leave? Even adopting parents qualify for that. Why does Brady keep acting like he is doing whats best for Tate by creating a tense environment? He moved Theresa in, she could have stayed at her place or he could have gotten her a new one. Why does he need the nanny there if he is not leaving? Why does he send Tate away whenever Theresa leaves the house? I already dislike the nanny. Tate was not needed for another triangle

What the heck is up with Adrienne? Why is she crying about her failed marriage in front of her mistress (do they call the guys something different?). I could understand her being mad that Justin had the nerve to serve her with papers since he cheated first but it seems she didn't want to end things. I can't wait for Lucas to be out of this story because he just sat there looking like a fool. She told him it didn't matter if she wanted her marriage to end but I beg to differ. It does matter if you are already talking about commitments with someone else. But the woman wouldn't even move out of the Kiriakis mansion on her own, he should have known something was up then. I think most of us thought this story was leading up to something big but it seems like it was just to make everyone look bad.

Theo seems to warm up to people pretty fast, Abby. But she should know that since he warmed up pretty quickly to her, Chad, Ben, Cameron, etc. In the preview for the last scene with Abby and the gang I thought she had a pregnancy test in her hand when she turned around. Has it even been a full week in Salem time since she slept with both men?

There should have been cameras in the mansion a long time ago. I am also tired of Brady's breast on full display through his tight shirts.
Paul hit the nail on the head today when he referred to Will's behavior as "desperate antics." He might also have added that every time the brat boy opens his mouth he makes a fool of himself. Another person who really should change her act is, who else, Jeannie T. If she really wants to win back Brady, she ought to cool her jets, forget any idiotic plots, act motherly, and go with the flow. After all, her goal is not unobtainable. How many times did Sami screech at EJ and say that she hated him? She even shot him in the head, but in the end she returned to the "loving" arms of her darling smoochy-moochy. Finally, as others have mentioned it was good to see John and Abe get some real screen time. (It would have spoiled the picnic, but would have made for a fine moment, if they had found Clyde's body in the lake.)
I'm fairly certain the purpose of a nanny is so that you have a trusted caregiver to take care of your child while you're away at work, running errands, cleaning the house, etc. If Theresa and/or Brady are always around why aren't they taking care of the baby? That's what you do when you're a parent with a newborn. You hold him, feed him, change him, put him down for naps, play with him, bathe him....I just don't get this story at all. And I thought Theresa was going to take a maternity leave. I know they have her scheming to get back with Brady and are making her out to be all about the money (which she is) but if she really wanted to get back in his good graces she should just concentrate on being a good mother instead of pretending to be one like Anne told her.

The looks on Abigail's face when they were talking about hotdogs were hilarious. Although, I feel like this was so inconsistent. Why did she have that huge picnic basket full of food and then Zoe went and got hotdogs? Made no sense. I was laughing when she was wondering if her cycle was late and she looked at her calendar. LOL. Oh Abby.....
Dear Abby, these days there's an app for that. There's an app for everything! Salem time I think its been maybe 3-4 days? I stopped counting.

Brady sold the nanny as being 'help' for Theresa to learn how to care for Tate, but since a) the nanny does everything and b) Brady keeps pushing Theresa away from the house I don't see how its helpful to have her. And Theresa's not on maternity leave because Brady insisted she go back to work. The whole thing is stupid - if they just had Theresa and Brady work TOGETHER to learn how to care for Tate TOGETHER they'd organically become closer. But no, we have to have schemes instead. :rolleyes:
I am SHOCKED that Will's plan-to accomplish... something?- didn't work out the way he thought it would. I mean this is Will Horton we're talking about here, for pete's sake. I mean this is a master of meticulous planning to every last detail and every variable met and countered with a contingency beforehand. This is a master of manipulation on a Machivaillian level that is almost unheard of... Oh, wait, wait we're talking about Will Horton from "Days of Our Lives" here, right?

Heh, you know what happened I was getting him confused with Professor Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes. I'm sure that's a perfectly understandable mistake that anybody familiar with both characters would make right? I mean it's nothing to be embarrassed about right? We've all done it at one time or another. Right guys? :wink:

Um, right guys? *crickets chirp*
The strange thing about the nanny is how comfortable she seems to be including herself in the nasty family drama. Did they pick her up in some back alley? Wouldn't a wealthy family hire a nanny that was trained not to encourage this kind of behavior because it is bad for the baby? Under a better set of writers that actually knew what they were doing, they wouldn't have a nanny behave this way unless she was after something

I like John better when he is with anyone other than Brady.
Theresa is playing Brady and he knows it. He originally offered her a huge house, plenty of money to hire help, etc. etc. She refused, bringing up CA......though she never intended to go there.
She HAS signed an agreement that she will not leave Salem for a year, and that they each have designated times with the baby, in which the other will not interfere.

And, yes, in my opinion, Theresa IS treating Hayley as if she is her personal maid. But Hayley was not hired by Theresa, has strict instructions from Brady, and is following them. Theresa is living there in the mansion, has made no effort to find a larger apartment. Brady has told her, once she gets a larger place, Hayley will be there, helping Theresa with the baby during the time she has Tate with her. .
She knows she is not all that welcome, so why constantly cause trouble? Why not at least attempt to show everyone there she understands the rules, is following them. And the only reason she went back to work (and does so very little there anyway) is because Brady (& Maggie, I think) wanted her to understand that she was not going to lay around being waited on hand & foot by the help.
And while Brady is wealthy enough to afford a nanny.....there are many working parents who put their children in Day Care. Yes, even they have to work during the day. So it is not different. And in that case, the parent doesn't see the child all day. The child is fed, napped, diapers changed or taken to bathroom, etc. by the caregivers there. Whereas, with Tate, both parents get to hold him, play with him, talk to him, sing to him, etc.
Theresa may want Brady but she has yet to do anything to cause any trouble in that house. She asked the nanny to move her stuff and was quickly put in her place. She asked not to work and was quickly put in her place. She asked the nanny to find her tablet and was quickly put in her place. Those things may be annoying but none of them actually cause problems and Brady seems to be intentionally trying to make it hard for her to be around Tate. His time seems to mostly be the nanny's time so why does it bother him if Theresa wants to spend a few moments with her son?

Why is he approving the nanny's disrespect to his child's mother? The one he didn't have to move in in the first place? Will the nanny behave this way when she is living with just Theresa and the baby? Most maternity leaves are paid so there is no reason Theresa couldn't get off for a few months to bond with her new baby. Brady just wants to be a jerk because he can't sleep with troll Jonas anymore and I hope Tate is sorased next year and gives him hell for it.

Brady isn't just disrespecting Theresa he is also disrespecting the nanny for putting her in that position. And if Brady wasn't so lazy he could find Theresa a bigger place then he could stop acting like she's a burden forced on him.

Another complaint I have about this story is that they keep having Anne tell Theresa to be a better mother without showing her be a bad one or Brady being a good father. He literally holds the baby for a while then gives it back to the nanny. Is that all it takes? If so then Theresa must be mother of the year for giving up some bone marrow.
Sorry, I disagree. Telling the nanny to unpack her luggage was uncalled for. And what the blazes is Theresa's tablet doing in the nursery? She has continually given orders to the nanny which have nothing to do with the baby, but as I said......the nanny has strict orders from Brady. He hired her, i s paying her, already told his dad and Granfather Vic that he knows Theresa is trying to play him, (she is) and he is aware of it, won't let it happen.
Theresa can get her maternity leave when she get her bigger place, has to settle in, and can have Tate with her 24/7.
The nanny is a trained professional, and I am guessing was already warned what might happen. She was ready.
She is not being professional. It is not her place to spar with either parent of the child she is taking care of and that should have been something she learned and expressed to Brady. Whatever warning she received about Theresa wanting to be a family with her child's father should be of no concern of hers. Tate is Theresa's son so it shouldn't be strange for any of her things to be in there. Theresa may want to play Brady but she hasn't actually done anything since moving in that he could call "playing him". He has been the only one causing trouble and playing games. Had he left Theresa in her apartment he wouldn't have to be the nasty jerk he is being now.
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