Days of Our Lives - Tues., July 21, 2015


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Eric is packing in his apartment. Marlena enters, asks him what's going on. He's starting over. Marlena tells him that his memories of Serena will fade, and there will be someone else. He thinks about his steamy time with Nicole, says that's not going to happen. They talk about Eric's trust issues because of how Serena and Nicole betrayed him, as he continues to flashback. She just wants to see him happy. There's a knock at the door as Marlena's leaving; it's Serena. Marlena is briefly confrontational, Eric says he can handle Serena. Marlena leaves. Eric demands to know what she wants. (Earlier, Serena had been staring wistfully out her hotel window, flashing back to overhearing Nicole & Eric talk about their secret.) She claims she's donating a picture he gave her to an art show, and came to return something he gave her. He rages, tells her he's getting rid of everything that reminds him of Africa, of you! Serena thinks this is a mistake, Eric tells her to GO. Whatever Nicole said the other day goes double for him. Serena wants to know what really happened between Eric & Nicole.

Nicole arrives at Dan's apartment, says, "Honey, I'm home!" She enjoys being at home, realises Dan's not there, checks her messages. Sees the drawer, remembers that Dan told her not to go in there. Takes a peek while Daniel secretly watches. It's a "Welcome Home Nicole" picture Parker drew (and faxed from Chicago? LOL). Kiss, kiss. She admires how he's cleaned up (he's honestly unrecognisable) as they talk about her surprise, which was NOT the picture. They are heading to a lunch date, she has to wait for her surprise.

At Club TBD, in Sonny's office, Will and Sonny talk about Justin and Adrienne's divorce. Will says some marriages just end in divorce, doesn't mean couples don't love each other. It could happen to us, Will says. Sonny's taken aback; Will talks about his therapy, how he was disrespectful to Paul. Will admires how Paul's taking things slowly. Sonny asks if that's what Will wished he had done, Will negates this, is glad he married Sonny, wants them to be married forever. But considering their parents' numerous marriages, divorce is a possibility. Sonny takes Will's hand and says they'll take it one day at a time, together.

In the park, replay of Clyde researching Abby's prescription. He realises Abby's pregnant, and is muttering to himself when Ben appears and asks what's up. Clyde deflects, Ben talks about his rivalry with Chad during the basketball game. Ben boasts about roughing up Chad; Clyde asks if things are OK with him & Abby. Ben vehemently states that everything's great. Clyde realises Ben doesn't know Abby's pregnant. He talks out loud in the bushy clearing, flashes back to Ben talking about overhearing Chad/Abby, realises Abby doesn't know "who the daddy is."

Repeat of Rafe and Hope talking in front of Club TBD about Ben, Rafe wonders why Hope's suspicions are up. Aiden comes over, asks how it went with Abigail. She tells him things are fine, they quibble, Rafe interrupts, tells them he got Ciara an umpire gig. Rafe looks at Hope and Aiden oddly as they talk about Ciara and Chase. Later, Hope thanks Rafe for the save, he says he sensed his "partner" needed backup, asks what's going on with Abigail. Hope flashes back to her talk with Abby. "You may be able to fool Aiden, but I know you, Hope," Rafe says. Hope's taken aback. Rafe dials it back, Hope admits there's more, but she can't talk about it. Rafe accepts it, apologises for his remark about Aiden, they're crazy about each other. But if he knew Hope the way Rafe does, he'd be even crazier about her.

Repeat of Chad telling Arianna about his daughter, Grace. (Arianna is repeating what Chad says, it's too cute for words.) Chad lamenting that Grace would be a first grader now, and that he'd be a great dad. Abby hears all this, then gives herself away as she tries to leave. Chad updates her on how he came to be watching Ari, asks if she's OK. She abruptly tells him she's fine. He hands Ari to her, touches Abby's elbow gently, they exchange looks. He makes an art comment that takes Abby off guard, they talk about Grace (Chad's been thinking about her a lot lately), he keeps trying to get her to open up. Snip and snipe. Abby says, "It's clear how you feel," Chad says she can't know the truth. Before she can get him to unpack that, Will arrives to pick up Ari, and Chad leaves. Will drags her to his apartment.

Sonny is in his office (in another new shirt), Chad arrives on the pretense of talking business, Sonny wants to talk about Abigail. Chad evades, Sonny persists. They go round and round, Sonny wants to know why Chad something so mean that Abby would be so angry at him. Wonders what he did, was it before Chad left town, or since he came back. Chad says he did what he did because he's a DiMera, Sonny doesn't buy this. Chad says he did what he did because he could, and leaves.

At Will/Sonny's, Will has put Ari to bed, tries to get to the bottom of what was happening between Abby and Chad. She talks about the "truth" he mentioned, figures it's just more of Chad's games. What will you do if Chad's the father, Will asks. She's not having an abortion, she states, she'll leave the country. Live in Europe. Nobody will know (besides Hope & Will). Will's sure that Hope will tell Jen if Abby skips the country, but Abby says she needs to keep it a secret and WILL needs to help her. Will points out the Hortons outnumber the DiMeras, they're strong and will protect her. Abby laments that the problem is bigger than Chad/the DiMeras, she's worried about Ben and her inability to commit to a relationship. Will comforts her, says Ben could still be the father. Abby says then everything would be fine, and Will wonders what Abby would be running away from. Will thinks it's wrong, no matter how Abby feels about Chad, not to tell him about his child, especially after how Chad lost Grace. Abby continues to insist that she's not in love with Chad (but not very convincingly).

Meanwhile, Clyde is still hanging out in the bushes, "Ewe search"-ing paternity tests, finds out they need to wait to 8 weeks, which is pretty soon. Flashes back to overhearing Chad and Stefano's conversations. The last thing Ben wants is to let all that money slip through his fingers, even if his girlfriend is "a DiMera whore."

Daniel and Nicole are having lunch in a brand-new restaurant (I guess his alleged "Mom's" two restaurants were booked? LOL). [Yes, there's dialogue stating this is a new location.] They caress as he talks about how he wanted this to be special. He has a surprise hidden in the bread basket for her. It's bread, Nicole hams it up while eating it, while Daniel looks uncomfortable. Tells her things can't go on like this, let's cut to the chase, get this over with, can't stand it any longer. Nicole stalls for a second, Daniel pulls out a ring, drops to one knee, and asks her to marry him.
Can we please have a scene where (for whatever reason) Rory, Anne, and Arianna share some screen time? I need to see Anne giving one of her crazy speeches and Arianna trying to copy it while Rory makes goofy faces at her. LOL

Pretty good episode today. I'm no Daniel fan but he actually looked human and like a doctor today. But why did he not enjoy a meal at either one of Maggie's restaurants? Were the set decorators just too lazy to look up how those sets looked? (Kudos though for them not having the proposal in the Square though!)

Serena and Eric seem like they're filler.

I'm actually liking Rafe and Hope, although I know it's a dead-end, because these writers passionately hate Rafe. And how weird was it that Aiden was on for maybe 3 minutes?

Can we pitch in and get Clyde a flunkie (where is Jeremiah, anyway?) so he's not talking to himself in the bushes? OK, he's a creepy rapist druglord, but the ick factor is multiplied immensely by the fact that he's lurking in the bushes to do his dirty business.

I have actually liked how the topic of Abby's pregnancy has been handled re: abortion. Days usually handles the matter pretty clumsily, or as a cheap story point. Abby's made her decision no matter who the daddy is. That being said, I'd like her to raise this baby alone OR failing that, be with the non-father. Why? Because I could only like Chad/Abby if Ben is rootable. So far the writers have shown us either "Chad is a jerk and Ben is nice" or "Ben is a hothead/psycho and Chad is tormented." Ish. Is it that much to ask that we get TWO rootable guys in a triangle? (From these writers, yes...that was a rhetorical question.)

I seriously need to know why Sonny can't keep his shirt on for more than a few scenes. The only person allowed to change his shirt that much is Derrick, and only if we're allowed to watch. LOL
Loved everything today except for the Eric/Serena nonsense. Enough already.

Who wants to bet there is no pot o' gold waiting for Abby? I think Stefano made up that land inheritance story for Clyde's listening pleasure just to give him a reason to be interested in keeping Ben with Abby. It will be interesting to see where this leads.

I hope Nicole only agrees to marry Daniel if he promises to shave and comb his hair every day. :love:
Thanks for the summary. A decent episode.

Rafe/Hope: :sick: And why was Aiden barely on? Same with Marlena.
Daniel/Nicole--meh. Wake me up when this is over
I'm glad Abigail was able to admit that she can't commit to a relationship.:rotfl: But her skipping town and going to Europe? Lordy, what a dumb plan. And I'm surprised that bratty, conniving Will was trying to talk her into doing the right thing!

Chad's scenes with Arianna were touching. I'm just really waiting for the day he tells Abigail the truth and they can get together.

Eric and Serena are so boring! Why is it that the writers feel that us viewers want to constantly see Eric yelling at someone, or Serena whining? It's just annoying as heck!

Sonny needs to stop always bothering Chad about Abigail. And Clyde needs to leave Salem, like yesterday.
Ari was adorable. I just melted when she was repeating words that Chad said, but in the proper tense. Like when he was talking about Grace, saying "I lost her", little Ari said "you lost her". And she repeated "sweetheart". Just precious :)
Can we please have a scene where (for whatever reason) Rory, Anne, and Arianna share some screen time? I need to see Anne giving one of her crazy speeches and Arianna trying to copy it while Rory makes goofy faces at her. LOL
:clap:I'll one up ya Jason and propose the show drop all current storylines and just show those three for the remaining 20-ish episodes before new material hits. :rotfl:
Will points out the Hortons outnumber the DiMeras, they're strong and will protect her.
Let's see 2 (Chad, Stefano) against 6 (Lucas, Jennifer, Hope, JJ, Abby, Will). I'll still take the Dimeras in all of their watered-down glory :rotfl:

Ahhhh, but cryin', you forgot one Horton. The most powerful person in Salem: Ciara.

Stefano would flee Salem again if he had to go up against her. :rotfl:
Oh, wow, Daniel really looked terrific.
Have a feeling that these shows are being re-edited, so that parts were maybe supposed to be in another episode.
Missed part of the show due to an inhouse failure of the sattelite receiver (unbeknownst to me, a plug had somehow become undone, and took me quite a while to figure how why the thing would not turn on. LOL)
Nicole looked absolutely smashing today, hair, dress, makeup...flawless.

Uh, oh, did Rafe really say that to Hope? He mentioned how Hope & Aiden were so crazy about each other, She said something "despite Aiden not knowing her as well as Rafe did," and Rafe then said "if he did, he'd be even crazier about you". Hmmmm!!!!

Amazing how sneaky, creepy spy Clyde, is able to figure it all out, just from seeing a prescription for pre-natal vitamins.
Yep, I had to rewind to check what he said. It was garbled and when I heard it clearly, a definite "HUH!!!?" moment.

Forgot to mention that Abby was talking about her failure to commit (which, let's face it, is a new twist for her under these hacks) with Will, who is currently King Sleazo Cheater of Salem (though it seems the writers want us to FORGET that).

:clap:I'll one up ya Jason and propose the show drop all current storylines and just show those three for the remaining 20-ish episodes before new material hits. :rotfl:

OK, let's throw in some scenes of Shirtless Derrick playing Frisbee while Victor makes snide comments about Clyde, and it's a deal. :)

And WHY does Abby think running to the stronghold of the DiMera family...Europe...will help her? How about picking ANY other continent on the planet? Australia...maybe Fiji? What about South America...or heck, go hide in the Yukon. Oy with this story!!

LOL Cryin. I assumed Will meant all over the world, there are more Hortons than DiMeras. But who knows with these writers. I did actually like the Will/Abby scenes. It helps me to remember WHY I like Will.
I really liked the scenes with Chad/Arianna/Abby. Little Ari is just too adorable! I think it's wonderful that the actresses who play her interact so well with the other actors. So cute how she was repeating what Chad was saying. I hate to give Will credit for anything but he actually gave some good advice to Abigail about keeping the truth from Chad if he turns out to be the father. He's absolutely right. I know she's not thinking too clearly right now but running away is not the answer. Too many people know that she's pregnant so that plan would never work.
Gee, that proposal was just soooooo romantic. Oh, oops, let me insert :sarcasm: here. I will say though, both Nicole and Daniel looked absolutely fabulous. Daniel looked super handsome all cleaned up, shaven, hair combed, and in a suit. I was like, who is that? He's pretty hot! LOL.

The rest of the show was filler for me. So was that comment from Rafe to Hope about knowing her and being crazy about her what was alluded to in the summer preview from a couple months ago from Corday? I was wondering when that was going to happen. I'm guessing this will be short lived and then completely forgotten. Not sure why they would even go there at this point.
OK I'm going to refrain from commenting on the Nicole & Daniel scenes today because... well you know LOL, but there's one thing I have to mention because it was so funny to me. I was sure for a second that he'd put her ring in the bread basket but wouldn't that be just like Daniel Jonas, sliding Nicole some bread with a ring in it. :rotfl:
Well, Sparks, I definitely agree about the proposal being just the WORST prelude. The guy gets all cleaned up, dressed up, finds this most romantic new restaurant (which reminded me of that Chicago club back a few years ago), then does a super tease about bread, and then says, "can't do this anymore"......which he has said to Nicole a dozen times before throwing her to the wolves, and there she is, about to cry because he doing it she thinks.
How could the idiot use those same words, and......shame on him for not putting the ring box in the bread basket.
That baby has to be Chad's. The juiciest possibilities are if the baby is a Dimera. I fully expect Ben and Clyde to disappear at some point, leaving behind a baby makes no sense. Plus, at some point, Stefano will find out that Clyde killed EJ, right? Death sentence. He's not softening like Victor.