Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 13, 2015


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

At the police station, Sami & Lucas sit with Hope, she wants to know why Chad killed her son. Lucas is still upset, crying, but Sami is still being very stoic. She just doesn't understand why her son was murdered. Rafe comes in, promises they will catch the killer. Sami gets up, they hug, he offers condolences, asks about the kids, she left them back in CA, thanks Rafe for the letters he sends them. Seems Sami has returned for the l year anniversary of EJ's death, then wants to see Will, who is in the morgue. Hope takes Sami & Lucas.

She pulls the sheet back, she mentions trying to remember a happy time for Will with his parents while on the plane, and could not think of one. Lucas is in tears, but remembers when they taught Will to dance, he was happy. Sami talks of how they made so many mistakes, screwed up so many times, Lucas says he knows they loved him, and he loved them. Sami says goodnight to her boy, sleep well, Daddy & I will keep the tigers at bay.

Later, she & Lucas are talking, he asks what he can do for her, then asks what is wrong with her, she has not shed a tear. She reminds him they are putting their son in the ground tomorrow, and have lots to do. He figures he will stay with his mother tonight, and crying, promises to make a list of all the happy times they had with Will, that there were lots. He leaves.

Meanwhile Marlena is with Rafe, talking over the case of the necktie killer, and lhow she has gone over her notes, talked with other forensic psychiatrists, and Chad just doesn't fit as the killer. She notes how kind he was to Sami's kids, who adored him, how he took them places, and sort of whispers to Rafe about Chad saving her life when Stefano tried to kill her. Rafe is taken aback, but no, she never told anyone, just decided to drop it, but Chad took a great risk, but saved her.

Marlena wants Sami to come home with her, she does, then realizes John is staying there now (John says a trial basis). Sami is going to leave, stay at the Pub, Marlena & John insist she stay, she does. After they have something to eat, Sami decides to go to bed, going to be a busy day tomorrow. She goes to her room, John notes Sami is not o.k. Marlena agrees, says it will take a while before it will sink in. John says, and then, it will be worse.

Aiden is going over some things in his office, but thinking a lot, gets a message that someone wants to see him NOW. Aiden shows up at DiMansion, where Andre' awaits, talks of the debt Aiden owes, and rather than time payments, can clear it all off at once. Just get them everything the police have on Chad. Aiden refuses, it's a crime, the cops would nail him. Andre' thinks not, Aiden now claims he would be in the DiMera pocket forever. Andre' gives him 24 hrs.

Later, in his office, Aiden contemplates, he just cannot be beholden to the DiMeras. He picks up a file, then a clip board that says insurance policy. He looks at a picture of Hope, shakes his head, no, no, no.

Abby talks a bit with Gabi in the park, trying to calm her, as Gabi tells her all about finding Will, not knowing what she is going to do now, except she is staying with Rafe, but when packing up Ari's things, she just threw stuff in a bag, forgot the pj's. She now has to go to the police station. They hug.

At Ben's apt., Chad is yelling at him, it was you, wasn't it? I thought it was your father, but he was in custody when Will was killed. You did it, Will was not only my friend but yours as well. why. Ben is denying, calling Chad crazy. Chad is yelling for Abby, wants her to hear this, says he will take her away from here, so she won't ever be hurt. Ben starts calling the police, Chad jumps him, and the battle is on! Punches thrown, Ben tossing Chad all over the place. Chad weakly is getting up, fighting keeps on, faces are bleeding, until Ben finally slams Chad knocking him out, then begins choking him. He hears a key at the door, and quickly pretends to be knocked out as Abby comes in. He tells her it was Chad, he attacked him. She sees Chad, but Ben urges her to call the cops. She does, also asking for an ambulance, people are injured, and she says Chad DiMera is there.

Rafe & Hope arrive with the cops, Rafe getting Ben's story, who claims Chad broke in through the window, attacked him, has always been jealous of him & Abby, even going so far as to say he talked of Serena & Paige, Abby was to be next. Hope has been looking around, the medics are taking out the gurney with unconscious Chad on it, Rafe says "necktie"?. She says not a trace anywhere.
They want to look around the apartment some more, but are gone when Abby tries to talk Ben into going to the hospital, he refuses. She is trying to clean off his face from the blood, he remembers nearly killing Chad, wants to go out for some air, clear his head. He leaves.

At the hospital, Kayla is finishing up a check up on Chad, who has a bandage across his eye. She comes out, Rafe mentions Chad attacked Ben, but Kayla says that may be, but Ben did a number on Chad. Fractured his skull, Chad is in a coma. Rafe wants to talk with him when he wakes up. Kayla says "IF he wakes up.

Ben is in the park, sits on a bench, face all cleaned up, cracks open a beer he has in a brown paper bag, takes a swig.

Abby looks through the window blinds at the unconscious Chad.

And in the dark bedroom, Sami sits, staring.
I can't believe how much better the show is now. It feels like the old Days is back and I actually watched the whole FF at all!!!! They have good writing now and having the vets back on the show again....just makes it so much better!!! I just hope that Sami won't go after John and Marlena, but deal with Will's death as an adult. She did good today.
Well, yesterday's episode was better but still pretty good today. I'm sure we're still going to have weeks before it comes out about Ben but I hope it's not dragged out too much longer. I can't even stand to see him on my screen anymore. The actor is doing a great job but I find the character absolutely revolting and just want to get on with the next part of the story. Poor Chad. I hope he's not in a coma for long. I need him to wake up and tell everyone the truth! He better not have amnesia!!!! Abby needs to really search her heart and cling to that faith that there's no way Chad could have done these horrible things.

I know Sami is numb and holding all her emotions in but I'm actually ready for her to burst because I just can't take this stoic act much longer. I know people grieve differently but I loved when Lucas was like, "what is wrong with you? why aren't you crying?" I did however get choked up when they were in the morgue and she told her baby to sleep well, mommy and daddy are here and won't let the tigers get you. Oh my... :cry:

We better see Roman, Kate, and Eric tomorrow. :angry:

So is Aiden considering killing Hope for her life insurance policy once they're married so he can pay his debt to the DiMera's?? :confused:
If Chad wakes up, or when Chad wakes up, it is going to be his word against Ben's as to what happened. And right now, all that evidence is stacked against Chad. It WAS weird when Chad was barely able to get up, and Ben is yelling at him...."you break into my house? You break into my house?"

Wonder just who Abby will believe now. ????
You'd think Sami would've made mention of losing Grace and now Will.

Like Sparx said, I get the whole stoic thing, but that's just not Sami. When Grace died, she was a mess; same with EJ.
How many loved ones can you lose, before becoming numb? When she snaps--she is gonna snap big time!
You'd think Sami would've made mention of losing Grace and now Will.

Marlena and Rafe had a non-verbal communication when Marlena mentioned losing a child. I think Rafe walked away tearfully. But yes I would have preferred to have seen Sami and Rafe bonding over it.

We better see Roman, Kate, and Eric tomorrow. :angry:
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:and I really need to SEE Carrie and Austin too. Surprise me Days!! I did enjoy John being a father figure to her today but I needed to see Roman doing that.

What was the purpose of Sami coming to Salem for the 1 year anniversary of EJ's death? Wasn't he cremated?
LOVE that Rafe is in touch with Sami and the kids! And their hug:love::love::love:

Will we actually get to see where Rafe and Gabi are living?

Aiden: Oh my. So I guess he doesn't really love Hope after all.

Well played Ben well played. I'm glad Rafe seems to be on to him.

Really liked Sami's dress. I also like that Hope is finally dressed like a female police detective.
Forgot to add, it was funny that Sami knew about Serena being killed and had spoken to Will about his voice mail yet didn't know about Paige or that John lives with her mother:rolleyes:

I also liked that it wasn't the Sami Show all episode. She was integrated the same way as everyone else.
I was happy to see Sami being nice to John and not starting her usual ranting at him.
I was very glad about this too. With all the regressing Sami's character did especially in 2012/ 2013 I was glad they decided to nix that. In my mind Sami made peace starting in late 2006 and into 2007/2008. So there was no need for the future mentioned regression that was done by the writers at that time.
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I thought the scenes in the park (sigh) with Abigail comforting Gabi were very nice. I thought the way she wiped the tear running down Gabi's cheek. I couldn't help think that Abigail probably should have talked to her mom before suggesting that Gabi stay there, even if "Jennifer would love having her." I suppose it's possible that Jen suggested that Abigail mention it in the one-sided phone conversation we saw yesterday. But I can understand why Gabi might not be comfortable with that idea and I half expected Abigail to say something like: "Come on Gabi it will be totally fine I mean you were married t--oh yeah." LOL

I understand why people need to see more then a stoic Sami. But I actually get the way grief can overload you. At the reception after my mom's funeral I started talking to my best friend about a computer game and he looked at me stunned and said, "You really want to talk about this now?" My point is when it gets overwhelming it can make you act in uncharacteristic ways. I am sure she'll burst before too long.

Now on to Ben and Chad, the funny thing is that the psycho scion of the Southern slimeball (how's that for a nifty bit of word play?) actually did kind of tell the truth; Chad hit him first. There whole fight made me think of the first battle Batman and Bane in The Dark Knight Returns where the Caped Crusader went into battle with a foe whose brutality he wasn't ready for and ended up getting his back broken like Chad got his skull cracked. So what I think Chad clearly needs to do when he regains consciousness is flee to the monastery of a sect of warrior-monks in the Himalayas and hone his hand-to-hand combat skills like Bruce Wayne did. And then he needs to... oh, wait my geekiness is showing, darn it.
Truly the characters involved in Will's life are giving a great show with grieving. However, I may get grief for what I am about to say. I believe it was from all of the Guy Wilson complaints from various sites that brought about the demise of Will, because now many are saying Will shouldn't have been killed off. Since he was fired I was hoping for a recast possibly later by Chandler Massey.

Yes I felt Sami was too unemotional.
Pity poor Chad. In addition to his other problems, he has the bad DiMera habit of starting fights that he can't win. At least, with the EJ-Rafe Town Square brawl, the detective knew when to stop. Chad is lucky the psychopath didn't beat him to death. As for Sami's stoic behavior, her pent-up emotions are not a good thing. When she finally erupts, she'll shake Salem to its foundations. Finally, how low can Aiden go, thinking about the insurance payout for Hope's death? He's another one for whom moving to Salem was the start of the road to perdition.
Andre' obviously has no idea that Chad has been so injured and in the hospital. Isn't going to do much good to take any evidence on chad........tell me ...what do they have besides that little flower? I mean Paige said she saw him drunk stumbling out of the club, Paige is dead. Clyde says he saw Clyde near Paige's dorm. He is in jail in Florida.

Anyway, with the way Stefano has eyes and ears everywhere. it is surprising that the DiMera household did not know of Chad going to Ben's, or that he is now in the hospital with a fractured skull.
Thanks for the summary. Gee, I am really wondering why Kate, Eric, and Roman weren't on today!? It's upsetting. In other events, Sami's return is being handled well. Really, really raw and emotional scenes today, just as yesterday, and great acting. I'm liking Robert Scott Wilson's (Ben) performance, but the character is despicable. I hope the reveal doesn't take too long. And poor Chad. I can't believe so many people suspect that he's the killer. After Will died and there was no necktie at the scene with Ben, red flags should've gone up that it was someone else.

I don't care for the Aiden storyline. Talk about boring.
Everyone griefs in their own way. I don't think it has hit Sami yet Will is gone.

I cried when Lucas and Sami were with Will and they talked about if he
had a happy childhood. Later, Lucas said he would make a list.

Interesting to learn they found out where the ties came from
and bought
under a DiMera name.

Since a tie wasn't found in the apartment, Hope and Rafe weren't
sure to believe Ben's story. I'm glad both of them were thinking.

I'm glad Sami's kids were mentioned and why they weren't there.
We found out they've been writing Rafe the whole time.

I wondered if Aiden was thinking about changing the name of the beneficiary
of life insurance before he marries Hope.

We have to hope when Chad wakes up he won't have the next Salem sickness
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The fight scene between Ben and Chad was EPIC! The music and everything. I never in my 20 some years seen soaps had I ever seen such a successfully staged fight scene. Bravo to both Ben and Chad they did a amazing job acting making it seem very realistic. The fight was well rehearsed I was impressed.

Sami is going through the shock stage in Will's death......but I think she boiling inside and stewing in so much hatred right now. It seems like Sami is more angry then sad. With EJ she was a emotional wreck. With Will however Sami was solemnly quiet.....the kiss on Will's forehead seemed just not like Sami, I think Sami is about to lose it soon I feel.