Days of Our Lives - Mon. Mar. 14, 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 14, 2016

To give credit where credit is definitely due, the actor, Tobin Bell, who is portraying Yo Ling is absolutely fabulous! His scenes with John, which take up a great deal of the show today, are outstanding, and bring out the best in John, as well.
Kayla, Steve & Joey are at the Pub, with Joe arguing about his dad taking the fall for him. His parents assure him this is best, not to worry, they are handling everything, it will all be o.k. Kayla has him clear the table & go help gramma in the kitchen, talks with Steve a bit. He leaves to meet up with attorney Belle. Joey talks with mom a bit, bemoaning letting Dad take the fall for him, Kayla assures him it is o.k., she has to get back to work.

At the hospital, Rafe is telling an upset Gabi what happened, she is thankful he is o.k., Marlena comes rushing up, learns Eduardo is the one shot, where is John. Rafe doesn't know, The Agency took him. Fynn comes out, it was a clean shot, Eduardo came thru it all fine, lost a lot of blood, but will be o.k. Rafe has to see him, goes in, thanks Eduardo for taking the bullet meant for him, wants all the info on the Agency, they took John. Ed doesn't have much, his contacts were always different, he never met the higher ups, their headquarters were no where and everywhere

Steve meets Belle in her office in the square, they sit as she looks at the shrine pics, can see Ava was a disturbed woman, and along with the blackmail, figures she can talk Justin out of prosecuting. Fat chance, as when she sees him, shows the pics, Justin figures he can get around it all, can even show premeditation. Steve went outside the law, did not call cops when Kayla was kidnapped, Ava's harrassment could have been stopped with a restraining order, Steve has been in trouble before, no dice.

Back at the hospital, Kayla has told Steve about John being taken, they have learned what Justin said, Marlena & Rafe both join them, Rafe wanting to know whatever John ever told Marlena about Winterthorne Academy. Steve insists John is his partner, and he is going to help, despite Kayla's warning about him being on bail.
Gabi goes in to see Eduardo, has ARianna, so he can see she is safe. Ari plays with his ring a bit, puts it back on his finger. Gabi says Ed has lots of explaining to do, but they have plenty of time now.

An upset Joey walks in the park, runs into Jade, who can see he is upset. She knows his father was charged with killing that woman, but Joey's conscience gets the better of him, he admits he did it, not his dad. Tells her the whole story. She thinks he is lucky his dad would take the blame, her father would let her rot in prison. Joey says he just cannot let his dad take the blame for something he did.

And over to John, chained to the pole, coming to, Yo Ling hobbling with his can into the room, where he answers a lot of John's questions. Really good scenes. He makes some sort of tea he got from Nepal, but John refuses to drink it, eventually passing out. YoLing throws a bucket of water on him to revive him. He begins his tale, was thought dead in Korea, but managed to summon all his strength, and get into the mountains of China (???) where he met up with these men who taught him martial arts. He took the name Yo LIng, means Phantom in Chinese, and managed to join all these disjointed, disillusioned people into one cohesive organization, known as the Phantom agency. He refers to the U.S. (who he says abandoned him) as United States of Amnesia, United States of Aggression, talks of the 38th Parallel, and what happened there. He talks of having toppled various leaders all over the world, leaders who evidently did not follow his way of thinking. John scoffs at his use of the word aggression, look at what he has done, is doing. He talks of the man Timothy Ribichaux, who was kind, charitable, what happened to him. Yo Ling talks of YO Ling who makes a difference. John snaps "so did Stalin", Yo respons back with a list of others, Malcom X, Mandela, Zapata, Crazy Horse...all made a difference, but died too young.

He says it took him a while to track John down after his mother abandoned him, learned from the orphanage about the adoption by the Alamaines, paid them a huge sum for John, promising to enroll him in the prestigeous Winterthorne Academy. John proved at the outset he would be a "chosen one", so was specially trained, was to follow in his father's footsteps. John refers to being brainwashed, Yo says educated, John says no, indoctrinated. They go back & forth. John was on verge of having his own brigade, 250 men, when Petrov betrayed Yo, taking John, and giving him to Stefano.

He talks of learning eastern medicine which helped him treat his men in the field, but then he developed Topits, learned Bo Brady had found someone working on it. Yo doesn't intend to leave so young as those others, so hired someone to get the info from Bo. John angrily yells that he is responsible for Bo's death. Collateral damage, says Yo.Even the taking of Marlena & Ari.
But now he also has developed a very serious blood disease, needs fresh, healthy blood, and that is where John comes in. He warns that John could die, but at least he would have the satisfaction of knowing he died for the good of the planet and mankind.
Sorry, I could not remember all of the coversation between John & Yo LIng....but it sure were good scenes.
And Shawn appeared, (because of of the snipers being shot, who had a phantom tattoo) and also JJ has a short scene with Gabi, who thanks him for all he did, reminds him of his sister's wedding today, and says she never realized how much she depended on him
I would have to agree with ya, KL. What a disappointment for John to learn that the man he thought to be a war hero, is instead responsible for death & destruction, and is actually intent on ruling the entire world, no matter the cost, or who gets hurt. A man who would sacrifice his son to perhaps save his own life.

Contrast that with Steve, who is taking the blame for a crime his son committed, in order to spare him, or Jack, who died saving his daughter, or John, who offered to donate his own heart to save Brady, so Eric could have Daniel's, or Bo, who took the torture, & refused to give information that might end up costing his mother her life.
Thank you for paraphrasing John and Yo Ling's scenes. I couldn't understand the chronology as I watched it live.

I also originally thought Yo Ling was Drake Hogestyn (John) in make-up. Same eyes, nose, similar height and voice. Great casting.

edited to add actor's last name and character name - please remember not everyone knows the real names of the actors - JS
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Pity poor John. He'd have been better off as Santo DiMera's son. Old Man Robichaud is nuttier than the proverbial fruitcake, wanting John to give his life so his decrepit self can carry on his utterly insane life "mission." If there's a battle between bacteria and Old Man Robichaud, any sensible person is backing the germs. As for Yo-Yo's backstory, it's utterly crazy. People are supposed to believe that his critically wounded and decidedly American self made it all the way through North Korea and over the Chinese border in the middle of a war and then was somehow overlooked by Mao Tse-tung's security forces for decades. This is almost as absurd as his fractured history of the Korean War, which omitted the fact that U.S. troops entered the North only after North Korea troops invaded the South and almost overran it. Elsewhere, poor judgment was on display as usual. The loving Johnson family were discussing Little Joey killing Ava right n the middle of the Pub, and then the troubled teen unwisely confessed to Jade, a semi-stranger. if her mouth is as big as Jeannie T.'s, everyone in town will know the truth by tomorrow morning. Surprising, one Salemite was making perfect sense. Justin was spot on about the how the photos of Ava's sick Steve shrine didn't support a case for self-defense.
Yo-Yo's story about why he came to Salem is utterly crazy. Could there be a saner reason?
  • He's tired of his current look and wants to get a haircut at Salem Supercuts;
  • He thinks Pub chowder will rejuvenate him;
  • He thinks he's another one of Maggie's long-lost relatives;
  • He's heard about the great blueberry muffins sold by Martha's Muffins;
  • He wants to relax at a Smith Island cabin;
  • He wants Dr. Fynn to perform a miracle procedure that will eliminate all his deadly bacterial;
  • He wants to listen in on the juicy gossip in the Town Square;
  • He wants some tips from Victor on how to be a well-dressed older man;
  • He wants to confess his huge list of sins to Father Louis.
Thank you, Poirot, for the summary.

I must say, I like this storyline with Yo Ling, John, Eduardo, and this phantom alliance thing. A bit violent for my taste, but still, I enjoy it. Although I had trouble understanding the dialogue, today. While the actors playing Yo Ling/Tim Robichaud and John, did a great job, the fact that they whispered, or talked with their teeth clenched, was hard to follow. As everybody knows by now, English is my second language and, while I think I'm pretty good, today was especially difficult. I couldn't understand some of the lines. I got most of the dialogue, though, but not all of it. Anyway, again, I still liked it.

I also like that Joey won't let Steve take the blame for his crime. Bravo ! Plus, Joey better confess soon, as today, Belle looked like a total idiot/novice, with no experience at all, in front of Justin.

Anyway, aside from that, I also like that Steve will be in on the action soon, and many characters now interact. Marlena and JJ, JJ and Rafe, Steve, Eduardo (again, great addition to the show), Gabi, Arianna (how cute were these scenes in Eduardo's hospital room ?), so great. Now this is Days of our Lives.

Too bad tomorrow, we'll probably be stuck with Summer and the whole crazy and boring storyline involving her, Brady, Theresa, and even Nicole, who used to be my favorite character. Oh, well...
John and Yo Ling: This played out SO much better then I thought it would. Yo Ling's dialogue made me think of a 1970s Roger Moore era James Bond villain; as he did what they called in The Incredibles "monologuing". Which is when a villain has the hero at his mercy and instead of finishing him off he talks and talks. But the thing is Tobin Bell (Yo Ling) totally sold it in my opinion and made it work. I said in another thread that this story sounded goofy to me but goofy is not necessarily a bad thing if it's entertaining as well and I thought this was. This probably won't go on lists for the best soap stories of all time but now I have hope at least for a fun ride.

Joey and Jade: I don't know about this one folks. The fact that she was so blase about having this guy she has known for all about what a week and a half confess to murder suggests to me she may not be the most stable of young ladies. Could Joey have met his own version of Ava?

The hospital scenes: This was the best part of what overall was a darn good show. I liked the little moments like seeing Gabi and JJ playing with Ari in the background as Rafe and Marlena talked. I got a good chuckle out of Kayla "volunteering" to perform surgery for Justin LOL. Then of course we had the little scene between Gabi and JJ :love::love::love:. And the last scene with Eduardo, Gabi and Ari was very sweet as well. I may be in the minority but I love the Hernandez family.
Kind of like the Yo Ling history lesson. Hope they delve more into this. I don't want to see him reformed and become an "upscale" (do they have any left?) citizen of Salem but I have a feeling John is going to "summon all his strength" and kill his father, after a life-long search.
I think John would rather have Satan for a father :)

How did Steve know about the Alliance? Maybe Eduardo told
and John told all his friends..and I forgot.

Belle is a ding a ling, she has no idea what is going on with her
mom and dad. I wonder if Shawn will tell her.

I'm glad we saw the pub, but having a conversation there about who
really killed Ava not a good idea.

Cute scene with Ari and Eduardo.

There were some great lines in today's show. Belle to Steve about
Ava "She didn't just live in crazy town. She was mayor of crazy town"

If we're in the United States of Amnesia, is Salem the capital LOL

A lot of people, have asked if Drake Hogestyn (John) played the father
role too. I wonder if Tobin Bell (Yo Ling) watched old scenes of John.