Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 27, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 27, 2016

Amazing how 10 minutes of show can be stretched out into a whole hour! Summer is with Maggie, doing therapy, Victor being his usual ornery self. Brady & Theresa arrive, all happy to be announcing August 15th as the date set for their wedding. Victor makes his snarky insults at the happy couple, reminding brady of how Theresa put his father into a coma, and blamed him. The usual "she has changed" is bandied about. Theresa mentions her parents not being involved, she wants to plan without her mom's "help". They leave. Summer comes out, more therapy, then gets Maggie to stand up. Victor comes in, has a fit, throws Summer out.

Maggie just falls apart. She is furious at Victor, who has been treating Brady, Theresa & Summer so badly. He makes excuses. she is crying, yells at him to just leave, let her be alone.

In the square, Brady & Theresa are doing some wedding planning and joking around. She has invitations made up that Brady thinks look like for a royal wedding, not a small affair. She mentions 300 people, he has a fit, she is joking. Summer comes rushing along, Brady jumps up, Summer looks upset, Theresa snarks, Summer leaves, Brady scolds, Theresa claims she was wrong, but still uneasy with the "connection" between Summer & Brady. He reassures her, kiss, kiss.

Victor has gone to the Pub, whines to Caroline, who has no sympathy. He is a cranky old man, he says he is not cranky. Says Maggie thinks he is upset over what Deimos did, that is not is the threats to his family. He made a mistake with Deimos, was too soft. He learned his lesson, kill the snake before it strikes, referring to Jeannie T., infuriating Caroline. She scolds, he says he would not harm, just neutralize.

At Chloe's, Nicole is glad to hear from Chloe, has so much to tell her, Chloe does as well. She realizes Deimos came in, disconnects, pretends it is something to do with Parker. Nicole tries calling back, cannot get through. Deimos knows she was talking to Nicole, understands, wants to talk. Chloe says he called her, she drove out, found him badly hurt, bruised, brought him to her home, nursed him back to health, they make love, and only then does he reveal he was in love with another woman, her best friend, Nicole. Deimos confesses he was obsessed with a woman who looked exactly like a woman he was in love with years ago, the only woman he had ever loved. He realizes all that stuff he did, taking Victor's home & assets, being involved with was all related to his past. He wants to live now, in the present, and being here with her, meeting Parker, he felt he could have a good life.

Her phone rings, it is Nicole. He says answer it, talk to her. Chloe does, Nicole is so glad she answers, tells her all that happened. Chloe is repeating some of what Nik is saying, alerting Deimos to the fact he is believed to be murdered, and Nicole is being blamed.

When Chloe hangs up finally, she tells Deimos how Kate is saying she & Deimos were married, and claiming she saw Nicole push Deimos into the river. Chloe says Deimos has to let Nicole know he is o.k. He agrees with her, she is right.

Summer is in her room, pounding at the door. She opens to find this woman, calling her Cindy. She tries to shut the door, wrong room, but the woman pushes her way in, is Janet Bernard, Clark's sister, cannot find him. He had Summer's name, and address in Salem, Janet wants to know if he came there. Nope, have not seen him in years. Don't know why he would have my address written down, but if he came to Salem, I have not seen him. Now, leave. Janet does.

And goes straight over to Black Patch, telling John she wants them to find her missing brother. Well, that is what they do.

And then there is Andre with the very skeptical Kate in the park. Sorry, but they seem to have the same conversation using different words throughout several scenes. He wants to be her friend. her ally, as she seems to not have any. He guesses that she is responsible for Deimos's demise, is really scared, is hungry, offers to cook a meal, which she thinks means he will try to poison her.

At the Kmansion, they are sitting at a candle lit table, wine glasses, she isn't eating, still wondering what he wants. More beating around the bush, talking in circles. He claims to be stony broke really hands out a large crock of honey covered slime. He says he didn't kill his father, loved him very much. She didn't, yes, did at one time, but he set her up. The upshot at the end of these scenes, she is having a room prepared for him upstairs.
Thank you for saving me the time off watching this drivel. The only thing Deimos can do now to redeem himself is bring down Kate and redeem Nicole from this nightmare. Then he is to walk away from Nicole. Kate needs to be punished long term. No slap on the wrist for filling a false police report, oh yeah and attempted murder. I am sick and tired of her "let them eat cake" and I am a strong woman who has fought for everything. What? Is she running for President? Puhleezzz! Off with her head.
I thought I heard Theresa say something about inviting the Obamas. I thought that was funny.

Has Kate lost her blue chunk?

So Demios is over Nicole and all about Chloe now? I will believe it when I see it. Though it would be nice for him to save Nicole and then be with Chloe to help redeem him and have a nice family for Parker. Nicole still needs a new man.

I think Kate and Andre will end up in that bed in the room she is having prepared for him. It will be exciting if Andre has Kate's back and they go toe to toe up against Demios and if Demios is actually paired with Chloe, Kate will just love that.
Summer: All I can say is I felt like we've been served a big heaping serving of ":WHO THE HECK CARES?" and I honestly can not eat another bite. After all it is summertime and I've got to watch my figure ya know?

Kate and Andre: It's too bad I don't have DVR so I could fast forward those scenes. Although when Andre told Kate he has a "special set of skills" I did chuckle and think okay somebody is clearly a big fan of Taken. LOL

Deimos: It occurred to that he is actually the second guy that Kate had a role in throwing in the river after being hit in the head. The first guy of being being one Nicholas Fallon of course. And much like the ill-fated Mr. Fallon Deimos is claiming to have seen the light and wants to put the past behind him. Is he any more on the level then Nick was? Time will tell.

My favorite exchange of the day:

Theresa: My mom's not getting anywhere near planning the wedding. I want to be sane when I walk down the aisle.
Victor: In that case may I suggest electro-shock therapy?
I liked the scenes with Janet confronting the psycho mermaid, Summer; and later going to see John.
Agree. The psycho mermaid should take Victor's advice and "just go, and don't come back." After all, with John Black and Black Patch Investigations now on the on the case of the missing Clark Bernard, all her dirty secrets are sure to come to light. Elsewhere, it's been revealed that Andre can whip up a gourmet meal. Who knew? Maybe, he should give up his dirty DiMera ways and open a restaurant. After all, "Andre's" would be a good name for a new Salem eatery. (There's a 1981 film entitled "My Dinner with Andre.") And if both Aiden and Kate crash and burn, he could hire them as a waitress and a busboy.
I thought I heard Theresa say something about inviting the Obamas. I thought that was funny.
Actually it's pretty cool if you invite the president to your wedding. We did that back in 2006 and received a very nice card from President and First Lady Bush. I mean, it's basically a "form letter" type of thing wishing us well in our marriage, but still a nice keepsake. I framed it and it still sits out on the console table in our living room. :)

Well, I FF'd quite a bit of today but I'm glad that Chloe and Nicole finally spoke and that Deimos knows the details of what Kate has done. I hope he goes after Kate with the vengeance of 1000 swords and I'm not even that big of a Deimos fan. LOL. I just want to see Nicole vindicated and Kate go down in flames.
He guesses that she is responsible for Deimos's demise, is really scared, is hungry, offers to cook a meal, which she thinks means he will try to poison her.
I generally have no use for Kate but I actually am interested in her and André - mainly because I want to see whether the scorpion or the snake will win.

I love Deimos/Chloe/Nicole and I'm liking the idea of Black Patch exposing the Psycho Mermaid.

Jeannie T/Victor/Brady/Maggie - I don't even care but the change in direction is still giving me whiplash.
Theresa: My mom's not getting anywhere near planning the wedding. I want to be sane when I walk down the aisle.
Victor: In that case may I suggest electro-shock therapy?
I loved that snark but nothing else. And I'm sick of the Kim-bashing, and it proves to me Jeannie T hasn't changed.

I'm not sure that I'd have recognised Alla Korot (Janet; ex-Jenna, Another World) if I hadn't seen spoilers indicating her arrival. I was kinda hoping Summer and Clark were pulling another scam, but that may not be the case. (Though, if Clark did fake his death to scam somebody, he'd probably not tell his sister.)
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed the stuff with Deimos, Nicole and Chloe too. Did the bump on his head
change him? I noticed he hasn't shaved probably because Chloe doesn't have
razor he can use.

So, Brady and Theresa set a wedding date. August 15. It must be the week the
show is back on after the Olympics

If Andre is a snake, is Kate a mongoose :)

Too bad Maggie wasn't so mad she got up and walked out on her own.

It's going to be interesting to see if Black Patch can find out anything about Clark
and what happened to him.
I'm guessing the wedding may end up being the Olympic cliffhanger. Way too many reassurances from Brady that everything will be ok.

Could they have had Kate and Andre start airing at 1:55pm and have the same twisted conversation and have aired John for the entire show instead? And what the heck was that weird holster he was wearing? I actually was expecting Kate and Andre to have more chemistry than they did. I hope he double crosses her.

At least Caroline remembered Jeannie T is her granddaughter. So far this month she's remembered Shawn and Jeannie T. Maybe Arianna will be next?
It was great to see the changed Deimos! Now I can look forward to the restoration of Victor's wealth, the booting of Kate from his mansion, and Deimos' pleading guilty to extortion, aggravated assault (Sonny/Maggie) and the pollution of the Salem River. :drunk: