Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sep 15, 2016


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Western Wisconsin
In the Square, Kate reads a report on the three escapees, on the town tablet. She looks up and sees Clyde in a crowd.

At the police station, Hope, Rafe, JJ, and Abe go over the case. Intel thinks Clyde's headed to Poplar Bluff; Rafe states Jordan has not and does not want to talk to Clyde. JJ and Hope talk about whether or not Orpheus is smart. Abe worries about what to tell the public; however, he feels that the public at large is not in danger since Orpheus and Xander have specific targets in mind. Rafe and Hope are included, since they worked to collar Weston. The cops plan to get word out to the targets; Kate calls, frantic. Later, JJ flashes back to surprising Gabi in the park, and dancing at Club Belle. Abe snaps him out of the reverie, asks JJ to go to Chad DiMera, feeling Thomas may be one of Clyde's targets.

At the DiMansion, Gabi arrives with clothes for Chad. He decides to change shirts in front of her. Later, they clear the air about "what happened before" and Gabi is thankful for Chad's part in keeping her secrets, because it brought her Ari. Chad picks a purple tie because Abby liked him in purple. They are joking as she gives him the tie; JJ enters, wondering why Gabi's here. Gabi informs him that she's Chad's image consultant; she hasn't told him because it's been crazy busy. Chad figures out that JJ is concerned that Clyde is headed to Salem, realises he needs to protect Thomas, whom Adrienne has taken out. JJ and Gabi leave; Chad calls Adrienne and asks her to bring Thomas back ASAP.

At Club TBD, Claire, Joey, Ciara, and Theo talk about how their classes are long and boring. Claire is resolved not to return. They are annoyed by the news alerts that keep ringing their phones. Theo defends Claire's ability to be a brain surgeon despite her desire to be a singer. Flashbacks to Ciara telling Theo he's not her type. Later, Ciara is eating fries; Joey is highlighting in his book. Ciara confesses she's no longer Thomas's nanny, and Joey says that Jade is visiting her ailing grandmother. Theo thinks it will be a good year. Claire disagrees. Later, Joey is taking a break from studying and he notes that Claire's YouTube page is on fire; her new videos are popular. Abe arrives, wanting to take them home. This is the first they are hearing of the hostage situation. He tells them John was shot. Later, Claire has spoken with John on the phone, no need to visit. Abe wants nobody alone or out after Dark. Claire lets the rest of the group go, but Abe orders her home no less than an hour from now, will even send a cop back to check. Claire takes pictures of herself.

At Shady Hills, Aiden is talking to an administrator guy, who says Chase is doing better. Chase is morose; today should have been his first day at Salem U. Aiden wants Chase transferred today to Portland, to see his old therapist. Aiden's arranged it with the judge; the doc is angry. He asks if Aiden's considered Chase's feelings. Chase will be happy to return to his old therapist in Portland, but worries that Aiden's plan to stay in Salem is just a way to get rid of him and win back Hope. Aiden believes that he'll win Hope back and move to Portland with her. She won't have a choice; Chase figures out that Hope is going to blackmail her when Aiden says he's going to share some information he has with her. Aiden tries to play it off. Aiden tells Chase he can make this all happen, all happy in Portland.

Kate talks to Rafe and Hope about seeing Clyde. They ask her for details, she has none; she actually mentions she's responsible for bringing Clyde to town. They return her to Martin House, think that André will keep any mortal away, but he's out of town. She resolves to hire her own security even though they're placing a squad car at her home. Kate flashes back to boinking Clyde, then calls Chad to warn him about Clyde. She hears a bump upstairs. Chad offers to come over, Kate refuses. Her security's on the way, and she has Rafe on speed dial. They bid each other stay safe. Later, she's locked everything up but Clyde has found his way in. Kate orders him out; Clyde pulls a gun on her. Chad is entering the house.

In the Square, Rafe and Hope talk over the situation; Hope suggests that Aiden needs to be checked in on because he helped put Clyde away. They also talk about Aiden's hope to reopen the Stefano case.

Gabi and JJ have some pizza at the Pub; Gabi is impressed that JJ can text without looking. JJ doesn't like the idea of Gabi working for a dangerous DiMera. Gabi says she's paid to shop, this is her dream job; meanwhile, JJ is a cop. JJ feels that Chad's being a DiMera will put her in danger because of all the DiMera enemies. He tries to lay the blame for Ben's serial killing spree at Chad's feet, Gabi's not biting. He lost his sister to the DiMeras, he doesn't want to lose her, too. She asks if he'd reconsider being a cop; no, he says. He points out that she's fine with her cop brother, Gabi says that's different, JJ's...she trails off. He gets beeped, has to leave. They're okay though; kiss.

Back at the station, Hope and Rafe prepare for a long night.
Didn't we all know that Aiden would blackmail Hope with his "information"? Will she let Rafe in on it if it happens, or will the poor guy just be hung out to dry? Or, can we just get rid of Aiden altogether???
So Aiden is planning on blackmailing Hope into staying with him? Why that brilliant!! I think if he were really smart he would confer with Nick and get some pointers on how to proceed with this surefire .... oh wait, he can't talk to Nick can he? Well, actually I suppose he could but he would have to either use a Ouija board or conduct a seance. Well it is getting close to Halloween so I suppose either of those things could be worth a try.

Gabi and JJ: I'm going to have put on my amateur armchair couples therapist hat on to get to the bottom of this one. On close examination of the scenes in the Pub I think what we have here *as the corrupt warden (played by Strother Martin) says to Paul Newman in the classic film Cool Hand Luke* is "a failure to communicate." I think all these kids need is some distraction free time to sit down and they will be able to iron out the snags their relationship has seemed to have run into by simply giving them a good old-fashioned hashing out.

Communication is a key factor in real-life relationships but doesn't make for the most compelling TV-watching experience. So while I have doubt these two can clear this hurdle I'm hoping they will do it sooner rather then later.

As far as the Gabi and Chad scenes go they were light and fun I thought. But I can hear some people saying to themselves "Even Troy42 has to admit by now they're going there." Well all I can say to this is "Nope, sorry folks."

See, I've been known to make mules shake their heads in exasperation when I walk by their corrals. It's rumored that in the new edition of the Oxford dictionary when you look up the word "Obstinate" you just see my picture with no further explanation. In other words I'm sticking to my guns. LOL

I will say however that under a different set of circumstances I could see myself being up for a Chad/Gabi/JJ triangle. But alas, those are not the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Thanks for the summary. An OK show. The teens today were awkward filler. I get that Claire was told not to visit by John, but if that were my grandpa, I'd go anyway! I also realized one of the wonderful things about episodes earlier this week was the absence of Rafe/Hope/Aiden/Chase. Can Aiden just get killed off, along with his rapist son, by Clyde or one of the other villains?

It was nice seeing Gabi with JJ and Chad today. I also enjoyed Kate/Clyde, which I've eagerly been awaiting.
I wish if the writers need more people they would not bring back these disgusting people that should be under the jail. I can't stand Chase. He is such a pathetic rapist. And Aiden, I hope he gets caught in the next cross fire.
Just a few questions.

Why is professional slacker Joey taking college physics? Based on his Salem High record, he ought to be in some remedial courses.

So Claire was all set to quit Salem U. after only one day. Are other students like that? If so, does Salem U. keep records of its first-day attrition rate?

If Teen Ciara likes bad boys, she might want to check out somebody really bad -- Xander? Sure, he's a little older, but so was Chad. Hope certainly wouldn't approve, but wouldn't that be part of the fun?

How can the unholy trio move so easily around Salem without being spotted by anyone but their intended victims? Have the good citizens of Salem never heard the maxim: "If you see something, say something?"

Will the hapless Mr. Brown of Shady Hills institute a "no Salemites" policy? Things seemed to be fine at his mental hospital until it started admitting dysfunctional Salemites.

Is Ghost Stefano watching over Gabi's efforts to upgrade Chad's style? If so, he's sure to approve. The mighty Phoenix may have been below par in the ethics department, but almost always dressed well.
I'm really hoping that Mr Quan and Ms Higley are not going there but are trying to trick us into thinking they are. I need something more brilliant than another quadrangle.

Oh I totally agree with you. That's pretty much the whole point of my little spiel in case it wasn't clear. LOL

I mean it does look that way but something tells me that is will be a case where looks do indeed prove to be deceiving *keeping fingers and toes crossed.*
So well today in my opinion was just a okay episode. Can't expect everything to hit the ball park but advancing regardless.

Okay so Gabi and Chad. Yes I have went out there posting and saying I felt hints of something potentially that could go further the past week. However after today's episode I actually don't think so. There is such a thing as TOO much on one subject to get our minds there and my mind was there before the obvious of today's episode. Now I totally feel they are pushing us to think something will happen and it won't no.

Now the teen scene needs some major work, was definitely yawning there. I can honestly say those teen scenes was more filling than what's in a hamburger patty from McDonald's.
This episode was a bit of a letdown compared to the action of the previous episodes. I FF'd through much of the teen scene with their nonsense talk about starting their first day of college. Blah, boring.

I liked the JJ/Gabi scenes. I can understand JJ being leery of Gabi working for Chad but I think it was just the rawness of his sister's death and perhaps a twinge of jealousy causing these feelings. I'm glad Gabi stood her ground and called him out about having a "dangerous" job. Ha. I had to laugh when she was chiding him for texting and responded to him #blessed. LOL.

Is it terrible that I was kinda wishing Clyde would just kill Kate?
LOL, thoughts exactly on those teens. O.K. I understand, they have to have air time, they really have no story together, thank goodness, but among that 4some, Theo was the smartest, and with the most common sense. Yes, I have heard teens carrying on like that........but what the heck is Joey doing taking physics,he skipped the last of school, and prior, had run away for some time from his previous one, yet for some reason managed a diploma.Claire promised her mom to go to college for one year, but is talking quitting after one day? Entirely too much filler with them all.

JasonD......thank you for the summary, am sure you were expecting & hoping for a lot more than we got today. WHERE did these escapees get the guns?? How did Clyde get into the Martin House through those locked doors? Clyde wanders the square still wearing his prison garb, no one notices? As Dr. Baker said, if you see something, say something. Well, Kate did, not that it helped much.
And then, Kate had her phone in her hand, said 911 was on speed dial, but could not press it when she she saw Clyde IN HER HOUSE? Instead she says "get out of my house"? And how did Clyde know this is where kate is living now?

Don't misunderstand me, I love the havoc being wreaked on Salem by even the THOUGHT of the revenge seeking rogues stalking their victims, but doing more scaring than scarring.
Thanks, Jason.

JS, I wondered about Chase's hair too.

Aiden needs to check himself into Shady Hills if thinks Hope would move to Oregon with him.

Jordan's name was mentioned today.

I thought the college students remarks were interesting. Claire couldn't understand why the
professor was upset with the phones ringing. Aren't you supposed to show respect when you're
with others and have your phone on silent?

Interesting to see all the Salem cops at the police station. With all the extra help, I hope the
Salem PD will catch someone. They have three chances.
Thank you Kat, for reminding me. You are absolutely RIGHT! It is extremely rude and disruptive to have your phones on when in class, restaurants, church. One of those spoiled brats even said something to the effect that they could not turn phones off anyway. HUH? Since when?
Is it terrible that I was kinda wishing Clyde would just kill Kate?
We're terrible together Sparx.
That's pretty much the whole point of my little spiel in case it wasn't clear.
I figured. My only addition was that I hope the writers are giving us something better. :)
One of those spoiled brats even said something to the effect that they could not turn phones off anyway.
I was going to comment on this, but I just couldn't find the words. There's nothing more annoying than kids texting/checking phones while giving a lecture.