Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Jan. 19, 2017


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Sep 15, 2013
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This one was a bit painful to watch.

Gabi and Abby argue about being in Eduardo's office. Gabi tries to get Abby to leave. Both know something is wrong with guys. They start listening through the vent.

Dario, Chad and Sonny are still talking at TBD. They want to solve the problem before it becomes a war. Dario is the outsider and wants to know why he should trust them. Sonny says he and Chad are friends but they are competitors too. They talk about the older generation and about how the 3 of them need to take charge to broker peace. Dario’s dad got the product and brought it into the country. Chad says Eduardo stole it from Andre. Sonny found out about the microchips in the purses through Paul’s investigation. Gabi understands about the purse now. The “product” is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. What do they do with the product? None of them trust one another.

Dario says GDR is not sharing Orwell. If they are not splitting profits, it goes to whoever owns the rights. They argue over who owns the rights. Dario mentions Myron and how he will get it up and running in a month. Titan also has a great R & D team. Dario says when you steal something it’s not yours. Sonny tells Dario threats don’t help. Sonny says Andre destroyed a $100 million ship. Chad says it was Andre and not him. Sonny says it impacted the bottom line. Dario went into business with Titan because they trusted him then Deimos stole the technology and Sonny says he didn’t know his father was a killer. Dario defends Eduardo. Chad is angry, says Sonny just made it personal and goes.

Kate is at HTS park and leaves a message for Chad about the meeting. Enter Eduardo. He needs to speak to her. Kate says why so he can accuse her of stealing some more? Ed says it was a terrible mistake and he should have believed her. He should have never accused her of lying. Kate says “Sorry” doesn’t cut it. She tries to leave and he stops her. He is begging her to forgive him. She says he can’t undo what he did. She was instructed to steal back what he stole from Andre and she claims she didn’t do it on account of their special relationship. Eduardo says he is a fool.

Kate says he made a choice, threw it away and took the money. He says it wasn’t about the money. He is always getting rejected. She thought they were good together. He says they can get past this. She says they are done. More back and forth about how great their relationship was. She says it was coming. They are competitors and the war over new technology caused it. They have no trust and no chance. She walks away. Later, Kate is sitting in HTS clearly distracted. Eduardo stares from a distance and goes. She watches.

At the KMansion, Nicole is on the phone postponing the wedding planner meeting and Brady is on the laptop. She is going to see Chloe and Holly instead. Brady says Chloe is very lucky to be alive because of Nicole. She is glad she was there for them. Deimos lurks in the background as they discuss Nicole missing Daniel everyday. What they had was once in a lifetime and she needs to find a way to live without him. She is embracing life again. Planning the wedding is bringing back a lot of memories. She is worried about setting a wedding date. Nicole and Daniel were supposed to be married on Valentine’s Day and he died on New Year's Eve. She thinks holidays are cursed. Brady encourages her and says it’s just a date. Enter Deimos.

He asks Nicole to elope today. He offers the Titan jet and Brady says it’s having an engine overhaul. Deimos will get another jet. Nicole should name her destination. She defers to Brady and he leaves. Nicole wants to know where this is coming from and he says he doesn’t want to wait. Don’t worry about a wedding party—they’ll have a bash and 2nd ceremony when they return. Nicole is too excited about planning the wedding. Deimos wants to know if she is concerned about the wedding or becoming his wife. He wants to have dinner at Top of the Rock in Chicago tonight. Nicole will confirm later. She goes to see Chloe.

Deimos calls someone about wanting the “thing” today. He asks if the key he is being offered will make the technology work. Brady shows Deimos some financials. He is concerned whereas Deimos isn't. He is working on something that will put Titan on top for decades. He won’t tell Brady about it yet. Tells him to work on Chloe instead. Use his past relationship to get her to open up. Deimos tells her to do it for Nicole. Brady agrees and asks what happens if Chloe agrees to tell the truth? He asks if he would raise Daniel’s baby? Nicole loved Daniel more than him. Deimos says Daniel is dead and is not coming back. No reason to be threatened. Brady goes.

Abby and Gabi leave Eduardo’s office before they are caught. They go to HTS park and decide to work together to figure out how to solve this thing. Gabi suggests they destroy the device so the guys would have nothing to fight over. High 5's and smiles all around.

Dario is now with Myron. He will pay Myron triple to make the technology work. In the interim, he is taking care of Deimos.

Sonny is now with Deimos at the KMansion. He tells him about the meeting with Chad and Dario and Deimos is furious. He tells Sonny nothing they agreed to will be valid. Sonny says they didn’t agree on anything and tells him the ship is sabotaged. Dario is out for blood and Chad says it’s personal. Deimos says losers threaten and whine but in the end they have the Orwell. Sonny thinks they need Myron. Deimos says no they don’t the key is on it’s way. He shows Sonny a document and Sonny smiles.

Chloe is with Holly. She knows Nicole is her mommy but she feels like she is hers too. She will do whatever she needs to protect her. Nicole comes in. Chloe is being prepped for release. Nicole will drive her wherever she wants to go. She bought a carseat. Crying baby sounds even though Holly is not crying. Chloe mentions Deimos threatening to kill Andre and tries to convince Nicole to call off the wedding.

Nicole tries to blow it off and brings up Daniel again. She knows Deimos isn’t Daniel but she loves him. Chloe asks what if she told Nicole a part of Daniel can still be with Nicole? Nicole mentions Parker and Brady’s heart. Chloe asks if Daniel would want her to marry a killer. Nicole defends Deimos and bashes Andre instead. Chloe can’t believe the excuses. Deimos is not comparable to Daniel. Chloe persists in trying to get them to break up. She thinks there are other people Nicole would love more than Deimos. Nicole is confused and says she will marry Deimos.

Chloe says they can’t be friends anymore. Nicole wants to know why Deimos is such a big deal. Chloe will never let Deimos near Holly. Nicole offers to visit alone and Chloe says that will never happen. Nicole is too weak and will bring him along. Nicole is upset and Chloe is firm. She will rent a car and drive back to Chicago. There is no middle ground. Nicole says good-bye to Holly. Both women are crying. Nicole tells Chloe she will always be her friend and goes.

Nicole is next at Brady’s Pub looking at the baby’s photo. She calls Deimos and says she is picking up take out and wants to show him a reception location. Then they will cuddle by the fire. Dario comes in and invites her to the movies. She declines. He says she has plans with Deimos. He tells her she should stay away from Deimos. Nicole wishes people would stop telling her that. Again she defends Deimos. He tells her to stay away from Deimos tonight and leaves. Nicole realizes he isn’t joking and goes.

Kate is at the DiMansion with Chad. She is telling him about Eduardo. Chad is encouraging her to get back together. Kate wants to focus on getting back the technology.

Deimos is in HTS listening to Nicole’s voice mail. He smiles.

Dario is outside Brady’s Pub on the phone with someone putting a hit out on Deimos.

Brady comes to see a now fully dressed Chloe. She tries to blow him off but he insists they talk now. He asks if Holly is Nicole’s baby? END.

Today's episode was written by David Cherrill.
I can see by the lack of the comments that folks agree with me about my assessment of this episode :).

If I weren't writing the summary, I would have fast forwarded this and only watched the Chloe stuff. Lots of repetition and talking in circles.

The microchip story would probably be a lot more interesting with Philip instead of Sonny. Dario is too new for me to care and I still don't get how he became a villain. Chad and Sonny are trying to be grey characters it seems but it just doesn't work for them. So, I'd almost rather see the older generation go head to head.

Liked the Chloe stuff today. I think it's totally believable that she would be protective of Holly now.

I have no words for Nicole. She's got 2 very different people, 3 if you count Brady, telling her to stay away from Deimos yet she continues to defend him.

Abby and Gabi were pop ups today but they got more airtime than Shawn did yesterday.
Thanks, Heather. Another sort of flat ending for the end of the week, it seems.

Have to say the 3 guys sitting round the table seemed like they were trying to emulate the various mob leaders in the GodFather. Accusations flying, short tempers, threats, & nothing solved......but someone orders a hit. Wonder if Dario tells Eduardo what he did. Talk about "trust". Egads.

Yep, once again Chloe is on the verge of spilling it all to Nicole, but the name Deimos pops up, effectively shutting off Chloe's words. Grrrrr.
Since I'm a rebel I'm going to buck the trend that seems to be growing and say I actually liked the episode.

I absolutely love the idea of Gabi and Abigail working together but I'm not sure destroying the "Orwell" is the best idea. If this thing is really worth billions the way everybody keeps saying I don't imagine anybody is going to be thanking them for it. I adore both these ladies but I really think they need to some more brainstorming.

I found the meeting interesting in that I think Chad and Sonny would had more luck if they had met with Eduardo instead of Dario. I really wish they wouldn't go this direction with Dario. And I started to wonder if I have been watching a different "Days of Our Lives." I wondered this because Dario got angry when Sonny referred to Eduardo as an "assassin." On the version of the show I've been watching Dario was constantly going onto his siblings that they couldn't trust Eduardo or let him into their lives because he was an assassin. Now he's ordering hits as easily as if he was Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in Scarface. :*sigh*

*Insert gratuitous Star Wars reference* I'm not sure I like Sonny being an apprentice to Emperor Palpatine er I mean Deimos. *end of reference* Seriously everything about Deimos should be repulsive to Sonny. I hope he finds his way back to the light side sooner rather then later.
Once again, the writers don't do their homework. Top of the Rock is in NYC. The Signature Room on the 95th is in the Hancock Building in Chicago. Just saying.
Am sure the writers don't want to mention real places in specific cities....Chicago has several restaurants with fabulous views of the city, located downtown. One is Roof at the Wit...yes, located up on the roof, 27th floor. Cite' is located on 70th floor of Lake Point Tower.

No free publicity....heck if they did, Salem would have a McDonalds, Pizza Hut and maybe a
This one was a bit painful to watch.
Was it ever. The theme seemed to be pointless conversations that made things worse.

Sonny-Chad-Slimy Jr.: Two ambitious businessmen call a conference with a thieving thug and end up shouting at each other.

Slimy Sr.-Kate: A thief/racketeer/retired assassin tries to win back the woman from whose company he stole potentially valuable technology and gets blown off. It could have been worse. She could have offered him a brownie.

Nicole-Chloe: Poor, kindly Nicole pays a visit to clueless Chloe and Baby Holly, and then gets drummed out of the diva's social circle. Even Sami would be gagging over this one.

Deimos-Brady: The Kiriakis family thief-in-charge and its leading well-meaning dolt talk over the Chloe-Nicole situation, resulting in Brady asking the diva a question that nobody expects her to answer honestly. Should the viewers believe in miracles?

Abby-Gabi: Two people who are totally out of the loop eventually plan to destroy technology that neither of their families currently possess? Will they now go poking around the K-mansion with a hammer?. If caught, the least of their worries would be catching snark from Victor.
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Did anyone catch the anvils dropping about Daniel? Brady was saying something to Deimos about being involved with Nicole, with Holly as her daughter. He talked about how Daniel's dead, so he'd never have to worry about any competition with Holly's father.
Thanks, Heather. It wasn't the best episode.

I was hoping for peaceful negotiations with the three. Too bad they
couldn't decide to split the profit of Orwell three ways.

Chloe needs to Google drive in theaters. There are over 300 left.
Three in my state and one in my town :)

Deimos better watch out when he talks about Daniel that way. Maggie
will be very upset.
Thanks for the summary. I liked the episode too. I do enjoy the concept of Gabi and Abigail teaming up, even if their plans aren't necessarily the wisest. As for the chip storyline, not horrible but it seemed to be kind of filler today.

I'm beyond frustrated with the character of Chloe (seems to be a trend since 2011). That said, these were easily the best scenes of the episode. I can actually understand Nicole defending Deimos. She's so tired of either getting beat down by men who love her but always screw up (EJ, Eric), or losing the person she loves (Daniel). It's only natural that she'd be tired of being alone and want to move on and believe the best in her man. Not saying I think she should be with Deimos, but I get where she's coming from.
Once again, the writers don't do their homework. Top of the Rock is in NYC. The Signature Room on the 95th is in the Hancock Building in Chicago. Just saying.

Yes I did catch this. I have no idea if there is a Top of Rock there but the NBC building in downtown Chicago looks exactly like 30 Rockefeller Plaza in NYC. Maybe they are identical inside as well. It is one of the tallest buildings in the city.

Did anyone catch the anvils dropping about Daniel? Brady was saying something to Deimos about being involved with Nicole, with Holly as her daughter. He talked about how Daniel's dead, so he'd never have to worry about any competition with Holly's father.

Sadly I did. And I'm crossing fingers and toes that they weren't true, especially now that Eric is back. That said, WAY too much of this episode focused on Daniel. Brady, Nicole, Chloe all worshipping him. ENOUGH! And I'm sorry but Nicole and Daniel were not some epic love story.

I agree with DaysD that Nicole is only with Deimos as a consolation prize. Total rebound in my opinion. I don't think she really loves him.
Thank you so much for watching this. I'm back in the States now and this sounds like one that I'm thankful to have missed. I don't care for grey Sonny nor Chad. Deimos is now useless to me, his motivations change on a dime and it's sickening. And Kate/Eduardo were not a great relationship. And it's hard to feel sorry for Kate, the repeat attempted-murdering backstabber just because this one time she didn't do the slimiest available thing.
I thought it was more of an anvil in that Daniel wouldn't be Holly's father, and Eric would be. Thus, Deimos would have to deal with Holly's father being in the picture.

The writers had to have had some plan in the works when they wrote the line for the nurse saying she was tied up with "some drunk" on the day of the fertility appointment.