Days of Our Lives - Mon., Jan. 23, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, January 23, 2017

Steve lies asleep in the darkened room, his eyes fly open when he hears the door open, quietly as it is. He reaches over, grabs his gun, jumps up, yelling for the person to freeze, there is a scream. LOL, lights on, tis Kayla, who has come to check on him, when she heard he was shot. Awwww, his sweetness flew 3000 miles, dropped everything, just to check on him. Of course, Some lovey dovey conversation, Steve has a bandage on his upper arm, they tease and laugh a bit, kiss, she pushes him towards the bed. Laughter.

Later, lots of giggling from under the sheets, both appear to have lost their clothes, lol. Talk of not finding Stefano yet, ISA dropping their aid in another 24 hrs., Kayla wanting to get up and start looking now, Steve reminding it is middle of night, let's get a good night's sleep, first thing in morning start looking. But Kayla is not tired. That's o.k., Steve knows how to fix that. LOL Smoochhhh.

Meanwhile, Rafe sits having coffee at some outdoor cafe, (yes folks, middle of January, middle of winter, in Prague, but outdoors they are). Carrie comes along, sees him, sits down, she could not sleep. They engage in a rather long, uninteresting conversation, as she asks how he & Hope hooked up, he catches her up, he is worried about her, Carrie figures if she sent the e-mail, she is o.k. Being Hope, she has planned every last detail, so the e-mail is probably legit. In the course of the conversation, she mentions her baby by name, Noah, he does mention Bo, who died, but asked him to look out for Hope.

Brady is with Chloe, questioning her about Nicole being mother of Holly. Chloe denies, and denies, Brady is firm, he knows, mentions Deimos, Chloe thinks Brady should not be pals with him, he is dangerous. Eventually, Brady manages to get Chloe to tell him all. He chastises her for not telling Nicole, but Chloe said she tried so many times, but then Nicole would go on and on about Deimos, and Chloe just could not fail Daniel, and allow Deimos to be part of bringing up Holly. Brady says it is not Chloe's call, reminding her that Nicole would not let any harm come to her child in any way.

Nicole is pacing, trying to reach Deimos to no avail, remembering how Dario tried to warn her. Dario is in the park, talking to his hit man, who has Deimos in sight, and is ready. Dario warns weapons, just snap his neck and leave. Quick, fast, simple. Deimos sits in the square, on the phone talking to broker to sell some stock, then ordering money transferred to some account. The man who has the "key" to the microchips arrives, gives Deimos an envelope, gets one with money in return, plus a promise that if this works, healthy addition to his bank account. That guy leaves, along comes Justin (these are foiling the hit man's attempts to do in Deimos).

Nicole has gotten hold of Deimos's assistant, learns of meeting in square. Justin has sat down, warning Deimos about the war he started. Deimos is defending it, talking of the technology they now have, the Hernandez clan could not even begin to handle it. They argue, rather nicely, Justin if firm, Deimos adamant. Justin gets a call, leaves the table. The hit man makes his move, coming up behind Deimos. Along comes Nicole, sees the guy, as she hurries along. She grabs what appears to be an ordinary table knife (but later looks like a steak knife) and as the man is about to grab Deimos, she swings at him, evidently stabbing him, the guy goes down, blood pooling.

Justin & Deimos are rushing as she stares at the fallen man, they are asking what is wrong with her, why would she do that. She seems in shock, but sputters out about the man trying to kill Deimos, as Justin calls 911. Paramedics and cops arrive, they go down to the station. Deimos calls Brady, telling him to get to P.D. NOW.

Nicole gives her statement to the cops, including the warning she got from Dario. Deimos learns the man is in surgery, goes to the hospital, Justin stays, but then gets called to meet with the D.A. Now Dario has been pacing, wondering why he has not heard from his hit man, hears the sirens, thinks the deed is done, smiles. But he goes to the square as the ambulance is leaving, sees Deimos hugging Nicole. Later, he calls Nicole, who is very angry with him, knows he hired the hit man, she hangs up on him, after calling him a couple choice names.

Eric comes in to check on Hope, who seems asleep, but is unconscious, running a high fever. The infection has gotten worse, he leaves to get more supplies, returns with some antibiotics he got from the lady "next door" who is a nurse, and whose mother has pneumonia.

Hope has a hallucination about Rafe coming in, telling her they got Stefano, brought him back to Salem, before a judge, he confessed, she is free now. Come with him back home. He reaches out his hand, she weakly reaches out hers, but cannot reach, and then.....his hand is gone, he is gone, her hand is reaching to empty air.

Eric is back, she calls him Rafe once, but then is asking "who are you", smiling as she says she is kidding. Her fever has broken, Eric explains about giving her a shot, something he learned while in Africa. She is weak, but tells him what a good man he is, he saved her life a second time now. Asks why he began drinking, he just mutters a few words....something about "like others have done...a broken heart". She figures those who love him will be so happy to see him again. He starts to leave the room, doesn't want any more questions, or talk about his family or Nicole.

Back at the police station, Brady comes in, with Chloe, who has the baby. He wants to know what is going on, Nicole explains, Chloe about has a fit that she resorted to violence to help Deimos, has sunk to his level. They leave the room, but then, Brady returns, telling Nicole she has to be strong, fight all this, not only for herself, but for her baby. She looks, what baby? He looks to the doorway, there stands Chloe, holding the baby, apparently not too happy with what Brady just said.
Chloe thinks Brady should not be pals with [Deimos], he is dangerous.
There she goes playing God again. When did Chloe become so discerning about human behavior? Yes, I know Deimos is dangerous, but Chloe needs to give Brady (and Nicole) credit for having some sense.

Brady says it is not Chloe's call, reminding her that Nicole would not let any harm come to her child in any way.
Chloe should not even have to be reminded of this. Even dense Brady knows it.

They probably will rerun the very last scene tomorrow,
And, in true Soap Opera tradition, it will be totally different...or Nicole will not have heard Brady.
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Mostly good with some boring today.

I liked that we got an actual love scene with Steve and Kayla and not just the aftermath. I don't think we've seen them in bed since Steve's return in August 2015.

I enjoyed the Chloe and Brady scenes. The actors have chemistry and play off each other well. As characters, they know how to press each other's buttons. More please.

Carrie and Rafe: Yes it was a boring, repetitive conversation however, it was still better than anything I've seen with Rafe and Hope. I was glad Rafe asked Carrie about her life too as the conversation was very one sided. That said, I hope Austin interrupts them and is upset about it.
Was it just me or did the size of the book Rafe was reading get larger as the episode went on?:rotfl:

The Nicole bit with stabbing the hitman is so stupid. And conveniently Justin was right there.:rolleyes: Chloe already had enough concern with her concerns about Deimos. And really, was Dario really necessary in any of this? He is just as useless as Deimos. The story is just fine with Nicole, Brady and Chloe.

I'm already tired of the Eric and Hope stuff. Let's move this along now.

I thought it was good that Prague was the middle of the night while it was late afternoon/evening in Salem. Hopefully they keep remembering the time difference.
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I hope you are right, KathyLu. Neither Brady nor Nicole has a very good track record when it comes to having any sense while romantically involved with someone who manipulates them. I know Chloe needs to give Nicole her baby, and I've always wanted so much for Nicole to have a baby of her own, but I have to admit the enjoyment of it is lacking for me because of her involvement with Deimos.
Oh, Nicole stabbing the hit man reminded me of Sami (oh, how I hate to be reminded of Sami) accused of killing a man in Rafe's room, when he was in a coma (or something like that). How original. :rolleyes::sarcasm:

Seriously, Nicole could have yelled, anything but this crap ! Again, surprise, surprise : cheap, stupid drama ! Not entertaining at all ! :angry::beat:

By the way, would Nicole be allowed to keep her phone, and actually answer Dario's call ? While being questioned ? And then, be left alone so many times ? All right, once more, great research, there, writers !:sarcasm:

Last note. Eric : LOSE THE MARTYR FACE ! :beat: I want to root for your return, man, but come on. Help me here !
I am glad to see Eric back with his edgy new look. I hope he is able to forgive himself and start being the inspiring man he used to be.

I like that Nicole is featured so much but I miss Jennifer and Maggie. Wouldn't it be fun to see Jennifer matched up with an arrogant but handsome reporter? The old days when she and Jack were doing the TV talk show are still among my favorite scenes. So funny and entertaining and they solved mysteries too!

Today was interesting with Rafe and Carrie talking. I really like Rafe and Hope together. I want their relationship to grow so we have a strong, committed couple and detective team on Days. Kayla and Steve are stabilizing. Yay!

I have already written NBC about renewing Days for the coming years. I don't know about other people, but I am tired of talk shows.
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Nicole saved the day too soon. She should have waited until the man had
his hands around Deimos' neck. And if you think about it, why would he
kill someone that way in public?

I laughed when Justin told Nicole it's winter and that's why he was wearing
gloves. I need to watch closer and see if that's true in Salem.

We finally know the name of Austin and Carrie's son. Noah.

Lucky for Hope, Eric knew the woman next door had antibiotics there and
he could steal them.

Will Nicole finally find out the truth about Holly tomorrow or will we have
to wait a few more days?? Stay tuned.
Note that Carrie referred to Noah as a little boy and not a baby. Though I suppose that's accurate since she was pregnant in 2012. I could still see them SORASing him a bit though.

The Nicole thing reminded me of Sami and Bernardi as well.
Just a few comments.

"Doctor" Eric: The Salem Sourpuss better hope that his patient doesn't die during do-it-yourself medical care. If it happened, his already low popularity ratings among Salemites for causing the death of St. Daniel would reach historic depths.

Carrie: Was Princess Hag at the cafe to discuss the Stefano hunt with Rafe or has she reverted to form: leaving her husband sleeping in bed while she searches for the object of her lustful thoughts?

Deimos: This guy is the master of euphemisms, calling his theft of the magic microchips an "acquisition."

Justin: It's time to roll out the Sami Brady defense; Yes, my client killed a man, but she was protecting a friend from a deadly threat.

Dario: This loser really shouldn't hire killers who are so obviously thugs (like himself). He'd have been better off hiring somebody who looked like the Dancing Lady and then supplying her with a small pistol that fires poison pellets.