Days of Our Lives - Fri., Nov. 3, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, November 3, 2017

Interesting show.....but.........well, Justin & Adrienne have a long drawn out conversation about her choosing him, while he was hoping against hope, how they both love each other, belong together, she is sorry Lucas had to be hurt, but she warns him she almost died, life is short, there will be no do overs, breakups, getting back together, etc. This time, they will get it right.

Lucas is drowning his sorrows, and spots who he thinks Will, bartending. Actually, unpacking bottles of booze. Setting them behind the bar. He gets up, talks to the fellow, who perhaps is unable to hear, as there is no reaction, doesn't even turn around. Paul comes in, Lucas is telling him, but now the bartender has disappeared, & Lucas figures he was imagining it was Will. They sit, have a long talk about Sonny, Will, Paul, with Lucas finishing off his bottle, wanting more. Paul tries to get him to stop, no dice, Lucas decides to go across the street, and continue his pity party. He is gone, Paul is seated, looks up, and is startled, the bartender has returned. Is that Will?

Theo comes to DiMansion looking for Kate, who isn't there. Chad comes down, Theo asks him to have a game of chess. Chad can tell Theo seems nervous. Abby has gone to the cop shop, and quits her job. Hope is understanding, they have a nice few moments together. Kate is putting out fires with Mr. Shin, then trying to figure out who is undermining her within DiMera company. She returns home, spots Theo, knows why he is there, he quickly takes off. Chad notes how Theo seemed nervous. She talks to Chad about perhaps it being Andre causing the problems, she will get to the bottom. She leaves, Abby returns, they jabber about Sonny, Will, Theo, etc. She is glad all went o.k. with her quitting her job. Kate meanwhile goes to see Theo, who lets her know he thinks he has found proof that Andre is the culprit behind the sabotage.

And over to Susan holding the shotgun on mouthy Sami, John & Marlena. Susan denies knowing anything, but it slowly all gets spilled out. She was devastated when EJ died, blamed Sami for it, wanted revenge. She came to Memphis, because that is where the king's music was, bought the house. Made the room for her EJ, so she could comfort herself with memories of him. Somewhere along the way, her & Wilhem crossed paths, became friends. Eventually she wanted to exact revenge on Sami, who took her son, so she would take Sami's. Yes, Ben Weston got to him first, she says she was there. She was so angry that Ben stole that from her.

So, she called Wilhelm, asked him to use his reactivation stuff on Will. She wanted him brought back to life, so she could kill him herself. They went to the morgue, Wilhelm (Rolf) injected Will.

Sami anxiously says so.....Will is alive. No, replies Susan. He isn't, it did not work.
This time, they will get it right.
He'll do a better job of hiding his next mistress. She will, too.
So, she called Wilhelm, asked him to use his reactivation stuff on Will. She wanted him brought back to life, so she could kill him herself.
OK - a few things -
1. I definitely was not expecting this.
2. This doesn't seem like something Susan would do - there better be a twist, because...
3. Ron's already destroyed two doppelgängers since taking over the show fully less than 3 months ago. Susan had a heart and wouldn't have killed Will.

I could see Kristen wanting to kill Will to get revenge on Marlena, though.
She was devasted when EJ died
So devastated that her marriage to Edmund disintegrated.
That part was weird......that her marriage crumbled when EJ died...heck, she was living in England. Then there was how much he liked fried baloney sandwiches, but denied liking them to Sami.

Ugh to more "my son" and "love of my life". Gosh, I wish someone could shut her up. Go ahead, shoot me, she sticks her face practically in the barrel of the gun.

I also hated hearing that Susan and Edmund are no longer together.

Cool framing by the director in the scene where Paul and Lucas are talking in the bar. When Lucas is sitting down and Paul is standing (at first) there is a framed picture of a baseball field right behind Paul's shoulder.
I hated how Susan acted with John and Marlena, considering she really liked both of them.
Hear, hear. That's what makes me think it's not really Susan, but that the plot is thicker than it seems now. Kristen impersonated Susan in the past, so she would have her mannerisms down (like saying, "johnblack" and "drmarlenaevans" as if they were one word, LOL).
I also hated hearing that Susan and Edmund are no longer together.
Me too. I'm really, really hoping it's Kristen pretending to be Susan for this additional reason. Though the death of a child (even as an adult) can break up a marriage; it's easy (if this is really Susan) to imagine her going over the edge and Edmund not being able to deal with the crazy scheme.

But again, I hope it's Kristen pretending to be Susan.
A decent show with a good cliffhanger. Kind of off that Adrienne was just bawling about her breakup with Lucas and is now ready to get back together with Justin.

Susan seems way out of character and even more loopy than usual. Not really liking it.
I would have loved to have seen Jennifer and the Spectator a bit more involved in the Will story. She could have chased down the lead and been there for her brother. Please someone, anyone, FIND WILL already!

I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I'm still disappointed that Justin and Adrienne are getting back together. Like I said, I was hoping for a Justin and Eve pairing. Unfortunately, since it's been said she will be tied romantically to someone already on canvas I have to think it's going to be Brady. Just NO. Who else is there? Roman? He's doomed to die alone. The show will have him a bachelor forever. Would be odd for him to date Shane's daughter. Lucas? Nah.

The only company Lucas needs is AA and some friends/family. Eric? Seems like they are going to push him and Jen together over time. The show seems to be really lacking men in their mid to late 40's and early 50's.

Sorry, I veered off topic. Was a decent show. A little bit of Susan goes a LONG way. I've had my dose.
Sami: When she was subjecting Susan to her standard high-volume screeching routine, how many viewers wished that Ms. Banks would pull the trigger on the shotgun?

Adrienne: She was engaged to poor Lucas, and then one kiss with her ex-husband sent her flying back to the former cheater's arms. Do the words "fickle" or "flighty" come to mind here, not to mention "bad judgment."

John & Marlena: They deserve an award for keeping their collective cool while trapped in a room with screechy Sami and batty Susan.

EJ: If memory serves it was Sami's fault that he was killed. Her crazed revenge for his tryst with Abigail had deprived him of his usual sources of income so he went back to drug dealing, which led to the fatal encounter with Clyde and his hired thug.

Susan: She was right that Sami is mean, mean, mean, but right now, Ms. Banks is crazy, crazy, crazy.
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I was hoping for a Justin and Eve pairing
Maybe she can be 2018's Elsa.
EJ: If memory serves it was Sami's fault that he was killed. Her crazed revenge for his tryst with Abigail had deprived him of his usual sources of income so he went back to drug dealing, which led to the fatal encounter with Clyde and his hired thug.
Susan doesn't know how right she is.

I openly wondered on Twitter what Sami's endgame was for EJ. She thinks he's alive (or, hopefully, thought) and in hiding for the last THREE YEARS!?!?!?!? From whom is he hiding? Chad? André (who was presumed dead when EJ was killed and didn't resurface for a year)? He left her clues but hasn't shown himself? What about those precious "children" whom he "cared" about? What is she thinking?

On the other hand, it kept her out of's hoping she still thinks he's alive (but that he really isn't, LOL) and she leaves our screens forever.
I hate when legacy characters are killed off, but I can make an exception for Sami.

EJ's supposed scavenger hunt for Sami to follow made no sense. IF he had been alive, she'd have found him after the initial contact. Once Stefano was dead (until Patch and Shane made it seem like he's still alive), there was nothing to stop EJ (if he had been alive) from openly contacting Sami and living happily ever after.
I was waiting for some replies. Yes, I feel Susan honestly is completely out of character. I doubt she would have Rolf or Stefano's number on call after the last time she was in Salem calling them vampires. Yes, Susan Banks put on the stereotypical gun totting hillbilly from the south act really well, but Susan wasn't as courageous. Maybe EJ's death changed her, or changed someone else to become her. I personally don't think that is really Susan. My speculation, even more so after this episode. All out of character.

More EJ and Sami yay. Not, just was glad for Susan Banks shenanigans.

I also wouldn't mind if "Elsa" made it to town and hooked up with Lucas. Be a real twist.

I can see why Susan hated Sami so much and was nice to finally hear her call Sami "MEAN, MEAN, MEAN". But I don't know, I'm not convinced.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I'm still mad at Adrienne picking Justin over Lucas and why. "You saved me"

How come Chad can't see Kate is lying to him?

I guess Abby wasn't the best employee. Hope seemed happy the temp could be
hired full time.

I kept wondering if Susan lied about Will being dead (since we saw him at the end)
What if the resurrection stuff worked and she's calling Will, EJ.
Cool framing by the director in the scene where Paul and Lucas are talking in the bar. When Lucas is sitting down and Paul is standing (at first) there is a framed picture of a baseball field right behind Paul's shoulder.
Yes, but it's a picture of Wrigley Field. Why would they have that in Memphis?
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