Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 20, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, November 20, 2017

Replay of Sami arriving to the empty room in Susan’s house, followed by the arrival of Susan & Will. Susan tries to immediate leave but Sami stops her. She implores Will to listen to her, but he says to listen to him, then goes on about Susan being his mother, etc. Desperate Sami pulls out her phone, which contains a lot of pictures, which she begins showing Will, Susan denying all the while. She has pic of him & Sonny being married, with Marlena, his grandmother, who married them, of Lucas, Sami & Will as a family, and even one of real EJ. Susan is trying to pull away to leave, Sami is pulling his other side, Will breaks loose of the both, says I just can’t, I have to go to work, and bolts.

At the cop shop, Rafe arrives to find a rather angry and upset Hope. Theo has been shot, is in a coma, may die, Abe is very overwrought, Rafe was not there to help. She actually is ticked he went to Memphis to help Sami, when she needed him there. Rafe talks of having been married to Sami, Will was his stepson, and he is glad he was there to help prove Sami was right, Will is alive. They go round and round, back and forth, (low key) but eventually all is o.k., so Hope says. When Rafe leaves, tho, she doesn’t look like a happy camper.

John & Marlena are trying to figure out just how they can get Susan to admit she is lying, and convince Will he is not EJ DiMera. They finally decide perhaps Susan’s ex, Edmund, might help, Marlena calls him, but no dice. He is still upset for the breakup with Susan, only says how devastated she was when EJ died. John wonders if there might be something in Marlena’s old files from when she treated Susan that would help, but Marlena thinks that would be unethical. They toss around a few ideas, then John hits on something he feels just might work.

Sonny has come into the bar, face to face with Paul, but is looking for Will. Paul stops him from leaving, Sonny doesn’t have time to talk, they do anyway, with Sonny filling Paul in on Will thinking he is EJ, Susan’s machinations, how Will doesn’t remember his own mother. And, of course, Will walks in. He wonders who Paul is, another person talked into trying to convince him he is someone else. Paul is hesitant, but introduces himself, mentioning he is Sonny’s fiancé. Will laughs, first Sonny is his husband, now has a fiancé? Sonny explains about it was after Will was gone, again brings up Arianna, but Will is drawing a blank.

The filler scenes today are Justin & Adrienne, who are talking of Sonny’s problems, Will, Paul being so hurt, scared, etc. Justin convinces her that they stay out of it, just be there for Sonny, whatever he decides, then support him. Adrienne agrees, kissing, Adrienne wants him, he reminds her she wanted to go slow, but she needs him now. His jacket comes off, the bed just a few steps away, later we visit afterglow, happiness, talk of the ups and downs of finally realizing they belong together, and off for round 2.

Sami is alone with Susan, trying to be understanding about her losing a son. She knows the pain, went thru it, so undertstands. She talks of how disappointed EJ would be to see what she is doing, how he talked of what a good mother she was, how hard Stefano was on him, but how much he loved his mother. Susan is lapping it all up, murmuring how she tried to teach his right from wrong, he was a good little boy. Sami is pleading with her to stop talking about Will being her son, he is Sami’s son. EJ is gone, but will always live in Susan’s heart. Susan runs out, no, no, she has to find her boy. Sami pleads to EJ, if he is watching over her, to help her, make his whacko mother stop all this….or, she swears, she will kill her. Sami leaves.

Back at the bar, Will is not having any of what Sonny is saying, then Marlena walks in. He recognizes her from the picture Sami showed him, says I supposed now you are gonna tell me you are my grandmother. Sami said we were very close. Yes, Marlena replies, we were. She mentions being Susan’s therapist, and how hard she took it when her son died. Susan comes rushing in, babbling to Will about not believing anything these people are saying. Everyone is starting to talk at once…..but then John arrives…….he thinks he can get this all cleared up once and for all. He has someone who will be telling the truth. And in comes Roger! Susan is happy to see him, he will confirm all she has been saying, tell them all, tell them this my son, EJ.

Roger walks up and stands in front of her…, hon, I am sorry, I just cannot do that. Not anymore.
Oh, yeah, Sonny mentions Will getting shot the day Arianna was born, talks of the scar he has, pointing out the spot. Will shoves his pants a bit down by his hip, and there it is. Marlena confirms Will being shot that night.
:clap:John & Roger get a big hand for possibly putting an end to the endless, annoying Sami & Susan show.

:confused: Will actually still has a scar from when he was shot? This is truly a Salem first.

:sick: Sami and Susan have had the same old conversation over and over and over again. How much more of this could the viewers have endured? By the way, how many of them wished they could have shut up Sami the way that Susan did -- with a big slap?

:angry:Rafe gets low grades for his rush to judgment in the JJ case. Fortunately, he now seems to have seen the error of his ways.

:angry:Big Boy Sonny is continuing insensitive treatment of poor Paul. After John gets through with the Sami situation, he ought to have a few words with the self-important Big Boy.

:sick: Adrienne gets a few points for thinking about Paul's situation, but apparently has banished poor, long-suffering Lucas from her thoughts. The only break he's gotten lately is that he hasn't had to listen to Sami's screeching.
Once again, I'm surprised (and happy) at the mention of Salem history, with John and Marlena talking about how Susan worked with Kristen and Stefano to pass off baby EJ as John's son.
I was torn on this. It expands on the illogic of the show's over-SORAS-ing of EJ, who was John's fake son but older than Will. Pretty much this whole story is built on too many shady retcons and character reboots to work for me at all.


I wanted a Susan visit. I wanted Will back. Now I want nothing because this was one of the biggest letdowns of the show's past 6 years.
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Thanks, Poirot.

Maybe Will has a scar now because he's no longer living in Salem :)

I laughed when Sami told Will he was born after EJ. At one time, Will was
older than EJ.

I thought it was odd John and Marlena talked at the police station. They should
have had a hotel room like Justin/Adrienne had.

At the end of the show, I kept looking at the man in the background staring
at the odd group of people after Roger came in.
I must say today was a really good episode overall. I been a bit behind but from reading last week's summaries it seemed a bit of a snooze fest. Today was good though. Lots of past connections with Susan's past being thrown out, Marlena being her therapist and Sami being as "mean, mean, mean" as "Kris-tan".

It's interesting because for the while, I thought the writers rewrote Susan's character. But today Sami and Marlena are both showing to the audience that Susan is just completely nuts and it seems almost they are feeling sorry for her. I guess it makes sense. Susan already was a bit on the challenged side so to speak and after losing EJ, she should be put in Bayview.

The show was THIS close to almost revealing the flawed SORASing of EJ. When Sami mentioned about Will falling on his bike, Sami had said she was there not Susan because Susan was busy with her son. Right there I was like, are the writers really admitting this!? But then Sami added right after "It's because my son wasn't even born when you were with yours.". Good quick cover up, I wonder if it was coincidence or poking fun intentionally.

"But you weren't there" once again Hope is sounding like a broken record and how many times did she say that to Bo not that long ago. Get over it Rafe was trying to help his step son, think Hope is jealous of Sami and always will be. I don't blame Sonny for treating Paul badly, he did lie to him and almost went off not saying anything.
Probably the best episode I've seen in 3 weeks

Hope being jealous of Sami is a great beat to play but should have been played a long time ago. That's the type of thing that should have been plaguing Hope and Rafe's relationship all along. Nonetheless, I thought the scenes were good today. I did NOT like Hope being angry at Rafe for not being in Salem. First off, he went to Memphis before Theo was shot and came back immediately to tell Gabi about Will. He wasn't lingering with Sami. Second, Hope IS the Commissioner. Why does she need her fiancé there to help her do her job?

I lost about 5 minutes of John/Marlena due to a news break so I think I missed the Edmund stuff and the comment about John thinking EJ was his son.

Susan and Sami were funny together.

Adrienne and Justin felt rushed and forced. I hate that Lucas is now an afterthought.

LOVED John referring to Will as "our grandson".

Will and Marlena reunion was absolute perfection.
When Sami mentioned about Will falling on his bike,

Pretty sure this was referring to EJ and not Will because Sami's next line was that Will wasn't even born yet. So there is the retcon since we know Will was actually born before EJ.

Also way too many mentions of EJ today. Anvil-like if you ask me.
Second, Hope IS the Commissioner. Why does she need her fiancé there to help her do her job?
My major issue with today as well. Instead of being a strong murderess, she broke down.

And who knew Rafe still had a reputation?
Maybe Will has a scar now because he's no longer living in Salem :)
Adrienne and Justin felt rushed and forced. I hate that Lucas is now an afterthought.
Hear, hear. Adrienne is essentially ruined for me. They can float back to Dubai. Speaking of afterthoughts, has anyone thought to tell Alexander that his bio mother is dead?
LOVED John referring to Will as "our grandson".

Will and Marlena reunion was absolute perfection.
I have a lot of problems with this overall story but these were standout moments. :love:
Also way too many mentions of EJ today. Anvil-like if you ask me.
Speaking of afterthoughts, has anyone thought to tell Alexander that his bio mother is dead?

Justin called him from the Pub right after they got the news

My major issue with today as well. Instead of being a strong murderess, she broke down.

This has been going on since she got the Commissioner job. Constantly asking Rafe, JJ/Lani or Abe for their input before making a decision. I'm not crazy about Hope having this job but it's also not a good way for the show to portray a woman in a traditionally male dominant role.
I had to laugh when Hope said she was worried about Rafe's reputation helping Sami with Will but she didn't worry so much she asked him to help her hide a dead body!! I do not like these 2 together and I would hope Rafe is tired of her stuff. "I'm sorry you felt like I abandoned you" "I didn't just feel that way, that's what you did". Oh please! And Rafe, JJ flipped out again!!! JJ is a cop that was doing a job. He didn't flip out and just start randomly firing his gun!! Frustrates me.

Sonny is driving me crazy. Oh my god, Paul knew for like 2 hours before he told you. Ok maybe more than 2 hours but not long anyway. I could see if it was a month or something but as soon as Paul was able to process that Will was alive he told. And apparently he had every right to be worried since Sonny is all "Will, you're my husband, I love you, we had a life. Oh this Paul guy, yeah he was nothing."
Thanks for the summary. One of the best episodes so far this Sweeps period. The Marlena-Will reunion is great, and I also like how John and Marlena were used in today's episode---real substance, instead of filler scenes.

Glad it looks like Hope & Rafe might break up. Never liked them together. He needs to get back with Sami. Also, I'm irritated with Sami & Susan's scenes and how Sonny is acting towards Paul.

Why were Justin and Adrienne even in this episode?