Days of Our Lives - Thurs. 12/14/17

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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Brady threatens Eve to sign over her shares of Basic Black or he'll take the folder to the new police commissioner. Brady asks if she's interested in the contents of the folder and says he can just read the juicy parts first, while Eve says she'll makes herself a drink (as Brady notes it's not even 11:00 am). She's savoring her drink while Brady looks mighty thirsty.

Brady says he found that Eve had a nasty habit of swindling old men for money, even using fake names, such as Chelsea from Springfield and Blair from Pennsylvania. (funny inside joke, as the actress played Chelsea on Guiding Light, set in Springfield, and Blair on One Life To Live, set in Pennsylvania). Brady says she tried the same thing on his ol' Uncle Deimos.

Eve goes through the folder and asks how he found it all. Brady says she's good but not that good, victim #3, Gerald, sued her in court. She said they settled out of court and the case was sealed, so he can't use it against her in court. Eve tells Brady to keep digging all the way to China, while she keeps doing her thing with Basic Black. She says he looks so disappointed and offers him a drink to lift his spirits.

He says he's been sober for weeks. Eve mentions having some of Kentucky's finest bourbon. Brady keeps saying he's not interested. Oh, but Eve saw him take a drink not too long ago, and while she doesn't care, his sponsor Maggie will, and his boss, Victor, will. Or is it Sonny he answers to??

Brady says grandpa knows he's had a drink or two. Well, Eve says, looks like neither one has dirt on the other. She'll go back to running Basic Black and Brady will go back to whatever he does when he's not drinking. She tells him to examine who he's really angry with and that she's not holding him back. That honor goes to his dear ol' grand-daddy. Brady tells her it's no use to try and get him to turn on Victor. She says Victor is playing Sonny and Brady against each other. Says that Victor has turned a blind eye to his drinking because he knows he's going to turn over the reins to Sonny.

Brady keeps defending Victor, while Eve says Vic uses Brady to do his dirty work. She says Brady seems stressed and she'll leave her drink there in case he feels the urge, while she takes the folder with her. Says it'll be a nice trip down memory lane, and leaves.

Hope and Rafe are talking about Ciara taking the motorcycle, about how Ciara is grounded. Rafe tells Hope to turn around, there's Ciara. Hope points out she took away the keys, but Ciara says she had an extra set. Ciara is full of attitude and Rafe shuts down the conversation, tells Ciara they can have a chat about the law and her mother.

Ciara smart mouths Rafe to slap the cuffs on her. Hope tells her to stop, but Rafe says he'd like to talk with Ciara, so Hope leaves. Ciara thinks she can get Rafe on her side, but clearly he's not, tells her she's not going anywhere (she gets on the motorcycle) He tries to talk sense into Ciara, who keeps at it with the attitude. Rafe says that once she gets her motorcycle license, he'll be there to support her and takes her keys. She says he'll never be the man her dad was. Hope comes in with "Ciara Alice" as she storms off. Rafe hands the keys to Hope, who then hands them back (as she goes after Ciara) so he can ride the motorcycle back home (in his nice suit?? Sure)

Sonny goes to Will, tells him he's not giving up on him. Will reminds Sonny they were legally separated. Will asks what about Sonny's fiance, Paul? Sonny goes on about loving Will and not giving up, while Will says you can't force love and attraction. Sonny asks if Will is talking about his kiss with Paul.

Sonny says that Paul said Will kissed him, and asks why. Will said he wanted to kiss Paul. Sonny is questioning why he did it, but Will keeps saying he was attracted to Paul (who answered the door in a towel). Sonny asks Will if he has feelings for Paul. Will says maybe he does. He says he's not in love with Paul but he is attracted to him.

Sonny wants to talk about "us", while Will insists there is no "us" and brings up the legal separation papers (which he had a copy of). Will tells Sonny he's been really nice to him, but he wants to be gay and single after 2 years of being in the closet while with Susan. He wants to explore his options. He apologizes for hurting Sonny, but doesn't want hard feelings and extends his hand for a handshake. Sonny takes Will's hand to shake, but then pulls him into a kiss.

Sonny and Will then smile at each other, Sonny saying he feels the connection, the attraction, right? Will's kind of like "ehhhhhhh". (I've seen him show more enthusiasm for Caroline's clam chowder) Sonny asks why he's fighting the feeling. Will then shows Sonny the journal Sami brought over and suggested he start writing again, picking up his story where he left off. Sonny thinks that's a good idea. Will talks about how he wrecked their marriage by cheating and that if they picked up where they left off, he and Sonny aren't destined for being together.

Sonny says he's made mistakes, while Will says not as big as his mistakes. Sonny says none of that matters, he wants to start over. Will is surprised and asks if he'd be willing to take it slow? Sonny says absolutely. Will asks what is step #1 and Sonny says to move into the K-mansion, in separate rooms. But they'll figure it out together. Will seems to contemplate it. Sonny knows it's a leap of faith, but Will would've asked him to leave already if he wasn't considering it. Will says he made peace with Sami, so he'll do the same for Sonny. He'll move into the K-mansion (won't Victor love that??), but he's not promising anything. He asks for Sonny's help in figuring out what comes next.

Sami comes into the pub to see Roman and Eric with presents. Roman shows her a plate of Christmas cookies that Caroline just sent. The twins joke about Sami eating more than Eric when they were 6. Sami tells them she's there to say goodbye. Roman asks why she can't stay through Christmas, but she says she has to get back to the kids, who miss her. She tells Roman she already misses him. He says he's going in the back to make a sandwich for her so the twins can visit for a few minutes. Sami says it was just so they wouldn't see him cry.

Eric says he'll keep an eye on Will, and that makes Sami happy. Sami tells Eric his new year resolution is to move on from Nicole. He denies he's stuck on her, while Sami is cheerleading him about what a great guy he is and a catch for any woman. The twins hug as Roman joins them. He made her sandwich and put it in a brown bag for her trip. Hugs and kisses between Roman and Sami, as she asks him to look after Will, too. And we get an early Christmas miracle: Eric smiles.

Ciara now storms into the pub and Eric asks what he can do to help. She asks to borrow his car. No, he doesn't think that's a good idea. Fine, she says, buy his favorite cousin a drink. He hands her a drink and she's excited until she sees it's club soda. She's now whining about how Hope is overprotective, while Eric points out Hope lost Zack in an accident. But Ciara counters with she rode all the time in Hong Kong and she's safe about it. He asks if her attitude is about what happened with Theo. No one cares, boo-hoo. Eric tells her it's not true and offers to take her somewhere. She says forget it and leaves, after thanking him for the drink.
Part 2:

Rafe is now getting ready to get on the motorcycle as Sami comes strolling by, asks if it's Uncle Bo's bike. Rafe explains how he confiscated it from Ciara. Sami says she's proud of her little rebel cousin. Rafe's talking about how Ciara's "acting out" and Sami bristles, saying no one says that about boys, just girls. Uncle Bo was a rebel as a young guy and no one said that about him. But she says Ciara has potential and Rafe asks if Sami's passing the torch. They talk about Sami leaving and she says she didn't expect to end up in bed with Rafe, but is glad it worked out. He said they almost got caught with the ring being stuck on Sami's finger. Hope noticed Sami's weird behavior, but he thinks she's forgotten, and he's just glad the ring is back on Hope's finger.

Sami is happy for Rafe. She says she doesn't regret going to bed with Rafe, it was just one night. He feels like he should tell Hope. Sami wants to know why?? It won't help and it'll break Hope's heart. It was a one time thing and no one needs to know. (that's it, talk about your secret romp on a park bench for anyone to overhear; Sami literally says they slept together, out loud, 3 or 4 times)

Salem won't be the same without her, he says. She says tell her something she doesn't already know, and they hug. She accomplished a lot while there, threatened John and Paul with a shovel, held a mad scientist at gunpoint, tussling with Susan and brought her son back to life. Rafe reminds her of a few more things. He says she'll be back when the time is right. She replies that Salem is her home.

Hope is now talking with Shawn-Douglas (at the Scooby gang loft) about Ciara's behavior in Hong Kong. Just petty stuff, being late for curfew, issues with her boss, but if she had been really bad, he and Belle would've reached out to Hope. They talk about what they can do to help Ciara (and talk about how she's worked up over Theo). Hope thanks Shawn-D for his support. They hug and he asks about how things are going with Rafe. She tells him they're back on track. Shows him the ring is back on her finger. They're getting married as soon as they can. Shawn says he's really happy. She wishes Ciara can be happy. Hope leaves, saying she wants to try and catch up with Ciara.

Sami and Rafe are winding down their conversation. He tells Sami she left off her biggest accomplishment while home. Sami knows he means helping him reunite with Hope. She knows he really loves Hope. He says if Hope ever found out they slept together, she'd never forgive him. Sami will take it to the grave. See ya later, Blue Eyes, he says. They hug/kiss and Sami leaves. Camera pulls back. Ooops, Little Miss Ciara Alice was behind the bushes and heard it all. (with tears in her eyes) To quote Homer Simpson: D'oh! :eek:
The folks in the office were tied up with a holiday luncheon, so I figured I deserved the break, too, and typed up the summary. LOL

I thought it was a decent show, especially the ending with Ciara overhearing that Sami and Rafe had sex. Rafe's goose has just been cooked.
I was pleased to hear Brady say Eve was Blair in Pennsylvania. I watched OLTL for many years. It was bittersweet.
I loved that too!!!

Ugh Ciara. Why do they have to come back so nasty? I think I will like the actress in the role when they let her not be so mean. I see blackmail in the future now that she overheard Rafe and Sami. Though she did look genuinely upset. Like she knows it will hurt her mom. What did Hope do with the motorcycle when she took the keys from Ciara?

I cannot believe Will is going to move into the KMansion. That's not taking it slow. Not gonna be gay and single, Will!!
And I did the same for Chelsea in Springfield, (GL) which I watched for a lot of years, until it went off the air. That is where I knew Kassie DePaiva (Eve) from, and honestly, I thought when they hired her as Eve, it was because she could sing. Duh, to me, no one gets to sing on Days anymore, unless it is a song they wrote themselves.

Thanks, JS, good job. Glad you were able to take advantage of the company's party. :)
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What did Hope do with the motorcycle when she took the keys from Ciara?
Today? Rafe took the keys from Ciara, handed them Hope, who handed them back to him as she ran off after Ciara. He was going to ride the bike back home. That's when Sami came along and they had their little chat.
Today was actually a pretty good episode I felt. It was nice to see just families interacting today. Sami saying her goodbyes and her scenes with Rafe were excellent. It was kind of odd too see Rafe with Bo's bike however. Though Rafe's scenes with Ciara were also great! Ciara is definitely turning into another Sami 2.0 and I think that was hinted as well by Sami herself. Pretty interesting Sami pointed out that people only say that girls only "act out" when they are being rebellious and no one says anything about boys.

The scenes following with Shawn and Hope were also well done. It was nice to see the two talking about how Ciara had said to Claire she would ruin her life. Though I did find it odd that Ciara has a curfew for someone who is, what, almost 20 years old now?

As for Sonny and Will, I am happy for them, however it does feel very forced. Sonny's eagerness comes off as desperation and speaking from a guy's perspective, that can be a huge turn off. I can see why Will is taken aback when some guy who is a complete stranger to him, professing his heart like a love sick puppy. It was nice Will mentioning he was barely coming out of the closet and he wanted to experiment. Very true. Overall everything was well done today.
No originally. I don't remember seeing that Hope had someone take it back to the garage. I only saw her take keys from Ciara.
It was never shown or mentioned how it got back to Hope's house.

Watch it turn out today's last scene was a red herring and Ciara didn't hear anything, that she was too busy crying and having her own little pity party.
:confused: Brady: Why is he giving up so easily? Even in Salem, how many people would want to do business with a company headed by a gold-digging swindler? As for Eve, she's overplaying a weak hand. Brady really should show her a picture of the glowering Xander and ask her if she'd like to meet him in a dark alley.

:confused: Rafe & Sami: They don't seem to have learned anything from living in Salem all these years. Instead of the small park where the shrubs have ears, their tryst should have been discussed in a whisper in a sound-proof room.

:confused: Sami: She thinks that Eric is a good catch? What woman wouldn't want a perpetually-gloomy man whose biggest "accomplishment" was being the unwilling participant in a sex tape that was shown at a wedding, and who can't make much money running the underfunded Horton Center.:sarcasm:

:sick: Ciara: Where does the rude, nasty Teen Ciara 2 get off telling poor Rafe that he'll never be the man her father was? If Rafe wanted to be unkind, he'd say something like: "Yes, I haven't committed nearly enough felonies. Nor have I had an affair with Carly Manning."
Thanks JS.

And thanks for the tidbit about the names Eve used when she took old men's money.

I'm glad Sami saw Roman and Eric before she left Salem. Too bad she saw Rafe too.

Interesting how Brady's plan to get rid of Eve didn't work at all.

A nice surprise to see Ciara at the end listening to Sami and Rafe. Maybe this is why the park
has a new private location.

Since Will is moving into the mansion, maybe Brady should ask his brother Paul move in too :)
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I'm all for a Carly return! But let's keep her old nemesis Vivian far, far away, unless they avoid each other (like old frenemies who are afraid the other will try to sell them Plexus or Avon or Norwex if they stick around in the same room too long). When will this board forgive Carly for the terrible writing she received? LOL
LOL, agreed, she had terrible story. Always wondered how the Bo/Hope devotees never faulted Bo for either Carly or Billie, and still feel he was her soul mate, perfect husband, father, etc.

When I began watching Days, Bo was played by another actor, and Hope was not on the show at all. So, I don't see them the way many do. Carly never bothered me, but I did feel the story that went with that polka dot bra was awful. LOL